GIVE BLOOD TO BLOOD BANK OF HAWAII ON JULY 8-12 AT MAIN DISPENSARY VC!. VI. No. 2i U. S. MARINE CORPS AIR STATION, KANEOHE BAY, T. H. Friday, July 5, 1957 IL of Hawaii Evening Credit Classes Brigade Parade & Review To Be Offered at K-Bay in September Evening credit courses will be conducted at K-Bay this September To Honor Brig. Gen. Masters the University of Hawaii, according to Joint Brigade- Station Bulle- by A former commander of the 4th . tin 1560 published Monday. The classrooms in Bldg. 267 will be used Marines will be reviewing officer for these courses. Courses to be offered include +he following three- tomorrow for a ceremonial parade semester hour courses: English 101, Composition Principles and Prac- tice of Composition; History 110, and review by the 7,000-man 1st Introduction to American History; troduction to Study of Man, In- Marine Brigade. He is Brig. Gen. Mathematics 149. Intermediate Al- troduction to the Study of So- James M. Masters Sr., now serv- gebra: and Business 160. Elemen- ciety and General Psychology. ing as FMFPac liaison officer on the atry Business Law. Attendance at these classes will staff of Commander in Chief, Pa- If there are enough applica- be open to all active. retired and cific Fleet. tions submitted for the above reserve military personnel and their Personnel of participating units courses, the following three-hour dependents and all civil service em- are encouraged to invite friends and courses may be offered depen- ployees of the Armed Services. dependents to witness the cere- dent upon the number of per- Registration will be held mony which begins at 10 a.m. on sons who indicate they would at- in the office the regimental parade field. tend them. They include: Public Station Education during Speaking. Introduction to Gov- the week of Sept. 3-7. Active mili- Col. John H. Earle. Brigade chief ernment. Economic Geography, tary students will to required to of staff, will be commanding offi- Business English, Business Calcu- present their share of the tuition cer of troops and ('apt. C. J. lations. Plane Trigonometry. In- fee And their authority for tuition Schneeman has been designated assistance at the time of registra- parade adjutant. --- tion. 'Marine Corps Order 1560.1A provides for the partial payment of The Brigade Drum and Bugle tuition fees for military personnel Corps and MB. Pearl Harbor band Tentative Zones will provide music. I who attend accredited educational i institutions. The tuition fee is $8.50 IN CERFkAONIES conducted Monday, July I, at Camp H. M. Smith, The parade and review will not per semester hour. Other students Lt. Gen. Edwin A. Pollock, CG, FMFPac, left, presents Brig. Gen. include a fly-by For Promotions a-ill be required to pay the full James M. Masters Sr. with a personal flag upon his promotion to that Gen. Masters, who was pro- tuition fee. Brig. rank. Gen. Masters is liaison officer on the staff of CinCPacizit. To- moted to that rank July 1, will Entrance examinations to the I morrow at 10 a.m., he will be reviewing officer for a 1st Marine Bri- leave July 16 for duty with Fleet University of Hawaii are tentative- To Lt, Coll Set gade ceremonial parade and review on the regimental parade field. Marine Force, Atlantic. in Nor- lv planned on-station for 7 p.m., folk, Va. A selection board to recommend of- esday. Aug. 27. ficers on active the 4th Marines duty with the reg- New students, for on-campus He served with ular establishment Operation `Tradewinds' in Shanghai. for promotion or on-station classes, will be re- for the first time to the 1937-1939. At Kaneohe grade of lieutenant colonel quired to (I) Present transcript China from is scheduled to convene at Head- Bay in August, 1955. he became com- cuarters. of 12 semester hours of credit `C' Co., 7th Engr. Bn. Leaves Today 4th Marines Marine Corps. on Monday, from another accredited Univer- manding officer of the July 22. according in capacity until to Marine Corps sity or College; (2) Pass the en- nd served that Bulletin 1404. assignment in June. trance examination and, (a) Pre- For Kauai; Will Erect Base Camp his present Officers eligible for considera- sent high school transcripts 1956. tion are: showing successful completion of Company "C," 7th Engineer Battalion, of the I st Marine Brigade A veteran of many years with the Gen. Masters it Majors other than those des- high school or ibl average score will leave today for the Barking Sands area of Kauai to establish a Fleet Marine Force, of 45 level decorations. includ- ignated for Limited Duty with on the High School Base Camp in preparation for the amphibious assault by the entire holds several GED test with no score under ing the Navy Cross. Legion of Merit date of rank of June 1. 1951 and Brigade early next month. Embarking in LST, USS Lafayette County, 35. with Combat "V," and the Bronze earlier and a will Port Allen the engineers plus medical section land at tomorrow, Medal. Personnel who will need tran- unload t'neu- equipment and es- Star (21 those majors designated for scripts are urged to write their Limited Duty through Major tablish the Base Camp at Bonham high school for them immediately. Field. Tames K. HABILIS 010033 as listed Air They should be sent to College of Camp Commander will be Capt. Boasts n page 199 Combined Lineal List 'Two K-Bay Officers Brigade General Studies. University of Ha- George L. Armitage, commanding .f Jan. 1. 1957. waii, Honolulu T. H. officer of the engineer company. Tentative promotion zone for of- Students are required to pay He plans to authorize normal lib- High Re-Up Rate : ers other than those designated for their own text books which Boosted to Lt. Col, erty for the 170 personnel until the : 'r Limited Duty terminates with will be obtained for them by the Lt. Col. Jay W Hubbard, CO. operation commences; at which For Fiscal Year James A. P. BINFIELD 020251 Station Education Officer. time the engineers will join in the ESMC.,'. Tentative promotion zone for VMF1-232. and Lt. Col. Frederick "The proof of the pudding is in Station and Brigade personnel C. Dodson, MCAS communications tactical assault. :najors designated for Limited Duty !will continue to be authorized tui- Although Operation "Trade- the eating." so the saying goes, and -Prmiruates with James K. HARRIS. officer, v.ere promoted to that the 1st Marine Brigade now has tion sasistance for more advanced rank recently. winds" win be a realistic com- The Bulletin does not apply to and specialized courses offered at bat exercise, advance prepara- the proof of the success of its reen- last Friday morn- program. After a 12-month the Marine Corps Reserve. I the University of Hawaii campus. In a ceremony tion of several bridges and some listment ing, Lt. Col. Dodson was presented road improvements is necessary effort, more than a full strength with his silver leaves by Col. Jack to avoid possible damage by ma- infantry battalion has been retained R. Cram, commanding officer of neuvering troops in the Kekaha in the Marine Corps at a net sav- the Air Station. Lt. Col. Dodson is area. ings to the government of nearly a veteran of World War El and First full-scale assault by the $3.000.000. Korea, and holds the Bronze Star air-ground team since it was re- During the past fiscal year Medal. designated as the Brigade last which ended Sunday, the Brigade Lt. Col. Hubbard was promoted year. Operation "Tradewinds" will has retained an impressive 1,179 Monday morning with Col. Elmer be highlighted by employment of fully trained Marines. Each month T. Dorsey, commanding officer, the latest vertical envelopment tac- the Marine Corps reenlistment MAG-13. and Lt. Col. H. A. York, tics. A larger number of helicop- goal has been exceeded by a wide Group executive officer, pinning on ters than ever before available to margin with Brigade percentages the new leaves. the let Marine Brigade will be running from 50 to 77 per cent. Lt. Col. Hubbard. a decorated utilized. Major contributor to the record veteran of World War II and Ko- has been the 4th Marine-... served with both the in- rea. has Believed to have the highest re- fantry and aviation. His decora- Proficiency Exams Dis- enlistment rate of any major unit tions include the Silver Star, Testing Dates Set Bri- Flying Cross. Commen- in the Corps, the 1st Marine tinguished Semi-annual basic training profi- exceeded of reenlisting dation Medal with Combat "V", gade its goal "iency examinations will be admin- enough men for an infantry battal- Air Medal witli three clusters. and istered to personnel of Headquarters the Purple Heart. ion by actually reaching the equiv- and Headquarters Squadron during alent of the enlisted complements the period July 15 through 26 at the of a battalion and a helicopter Give Blood! Enlisted Club, according to Station squadron. Bulletin 1510. officer The Blooe Bank of Hawaii will The schedule for examination is The reenlistment credits record to command- operate in Ward "A" of the main as follows: Staff NCO's, July 15 the outstanding A and she is the reioring on pro- REAL QUEEN!-She's Barbara Moody, dispensary for five days starting through 18: sergeants. July 22-23: ing officers' emphasis the Barbara holds gram. the hard work of reenlistment -laity at the current Navy Relief Rodeo. Rodeo Queen Monday. July G. K-Bay personnel corporals. July, 24: corporals and :ourt at Furlong Field on Nimitz Highway.
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