SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS: DIAGNOSTIC DIFFICULTIES AND SIMPLE TREATMENT Joel I. Hamburger Northland Thyroid Laboratory, Southfield, Michigan Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) constitutes 0.8% produce the systemic manifestations of hyperthyroid of referrals to Northland Thyroid Laboratory ism, usually mild. and is one tenth as common as hyperthyroidism. The laboratory abnormalities are readily under The peak age is 30—SOyears, and women pre standable in terms of the underlying pathophysiology. dominated by a factor of 4.5. Two thirds of the As a consequence of the diffuse inflammation, the patients presented in typical fashion with a thyroidal uptake of radioactive iodine (RAI) is im painful tender goiter, but for one third the paired (1—9). The discharge of thyroid hormone presentation was atypical in that there was no elevates serum thyroxine values (ST4) (1—9). The pain, the principal complaint in most cases erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) is elevated being painless goiter, thyroid nodule, or fea as a nonspecific response to inflammation (1—9), and tures of hyperthyroidism. Elevated erythrocyte occasionally there is an increase in the white blood sedimentation rates were found in all typical cell count (WBC) as well (3,6—9). patients and in 11 of 14 atypical patients. As the disease progresses the local and systemic Serum thyroxine iodide values were elevated in features decline until full recovery is realized, usually two thirds of the patients, typical and atypi within 2—4months. In some instances there is a cal. The radioactive iodine uptake was sub temporary hypothyroid phase (2,3) which rarely nornwl for all and responded subnormally to may prove permanent (10) . Lesser degrees of func thyroid-stimulating hormone for 24 of 27 pa tional impairment may be less rare. tients. Diagnosis of SAT is further supported The possibilities for different presentations of SAT by spontaneous resolution of complaints, goi can be anticipated if one considers the implications ter (nodule), and abnormal laboratory val of the protracted course of the illness, as well as van ues. Failure to consider the possibility of SAT ations in severity and extent of involvement, patient in the absence of neck pain may lead to errone perceptivity, and the time lapse between onset of ous diagnosis and improper therapy. Treatment illness and consultation with the physician. When with simple analgesics is satisfactory for most SAT presents without many of its cardinal features SAT patients. Evidence for permanent func there may be diagnostic difficulties. Although failure tional impairment was demonstrated for four to diagnose an acute, self-limited disorder may not patients. be serious per se, the potential for incorrect alterna tive diagnoses leading to unnecessary or improper therapy, is an important concern. Therefore, a prim Subacute thyroiditis (SAT) presumably results cipal objective of this paper is an analysis of ex from viral infection of the thyroid gland, causing an perience with SAT, emphasizing the recognition of acute exudative process which gradually regresses, the atypical presentation. Three particularly instruc eventuating generally in complete recovery. The hail tive patients will be reported in brief. mark of the acute phase of SAT is a painful, tender A secondary objective is to offer support for the goiter, the characteristic local manifestations of the inflammatory process (1—3). Accompanying sys temic manifestations of inflammation include low Received Oct. 24, 1972; revision accepted Aug. 31, 1973. For reprints contact: Joel I. Hamburger, Northland Thy grade fever, sweats, and malaise. Discharge of stored roid Laboratory, 20905 Greenfleld, Suite 300, Southfield, thyroid hormone by this inflammatory process may Mich.48075. Volume 15, Number 2 81 HAMBURGER recommendation of simple analgesics and reassur ance as the treatment of choice for most patients with TABLEOF62PATIENTSWITHSUBACUTETHYROIDITIS1. AGE AND SEX SAT (1—3,11—13). Age (years) Men Women Total METHODS 2004420—2908830—394182240—49391250—59471160—69055Total115162 A review of the records of 62 SAT patients re ferred to the Northland Thyroid Laboratory con stitutes the basis for this report. Historical data and physical findings were recorded on all patients. White blood counts (WBC) and erythrocyte sedimentation rates (ESR) were frequently performed. The serum thyroxine iodide concentration (ST ,) was deter mined by the competitive protein-binding method TABLE 2. BY62SATCOMPLAINTS REPORTED (Abbott Laboratory kit), normal range (Northland PATIENTS Thyroid Laboratory) 3.0—6.5 ,@g%, expressed as iodide. For patients receiving estrogens or other Neckpain40Ear radiation13Migratingor iaw medications which might alter binding globulin con other8Goiter from one side to the centrations, a free thyroxine index was calculated swelling30Weightor neck using values for the ST, determination and the tn loss22Palpitotion20Heat iodothyronine resin uptake (Abbott Laboratory kit) intolerance19Malaise18Fever as previously described (14). A 24-hr radioactive iodine uptake value ( RAI) sweats17Tremor11Scantyor night was obtained for all patients. Standard methodology menses7Loose was used with the technical controls outlined in de bowels7Insomnia3 tail elsewhere ( 14 ) . TSH testing was done after a preliminary RAI by administering 5 units intra muscularly (Thytropar, Armour Laboratories) , a tracer capsule 8—10hr later, and counting 12—15hr symptoms which were commonly reported were not afterwards. A normal response in our laboratory is included for they are just as common with other thy an increment of at least 10% over the baseline value roid disorders, and indeed in patients without thyroid (confirmed by a study of 9 1 patients either taking disease. Symptoms other than local pain and swell thyroid hormone without evidence of thyroid disease ing result from the systemic responses to inflamma or euthyroid with marginally low baseline RAT val tion or the discharge of thyroid hormone. Distinc ues). tion between these two processes was often difficult. In the case reports ST , values in some instances For example, tachycardia, palpitation, sensation of were performed elsewhere. If the normal ranges vary warmth, sweating, and insomnia could result from from those cited above, they will be given. either or both processes. For most patients the sys temic manifestations of SAT were mild, and were RESULTS overshadowed by the local findings. More than one SAT is an uncommon disease. During a 2-year third of the patients were unaware of any thyroid period between 1970 and 1972, 5,254 patients with abnormality until it was called to their attention, thyroid disease were seen at the Northland Thyroid including eight patients who acknowledged tender Laboratory. Forty-two had SAT, for an incidence ness for the first time when the thyroid was palpated of 0.8% . During the same period there were 428 by the author. patients with hyperthyroidism for a ratio of 10 to 1. Table 3 lists the predominant considerations which Woolner reported 8 patients with Graves' disease for led to thyroid consultation. The majority of patients every one with SAT (15). were referred for either neck pain, goiter, or both. There is general agreement that most patients with The firm-to-hard nature of thyroid tissue involved SAT are between 30 and 50 years of age (5,6,11), with SAT raised the index of suspicion for cancer with women outnumbering men by 5 to 1 (5,16). when apparently solitary nodules were found. Lab Table 1 indicates that our data are consistent with oratory data frequently proved confusing to the fam these earlier observations. ily physician, particularly the apparent discrepancy Table 2 reveals the relative frequency of the more of an elevated ST, with a subnormal RAT, even prominent complaints elicited by history from SAT though local findings were the dominant considera patients. Nervousness, fatigue, and certain other tion in the referral. The patient with hair loss had an 82 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SUBACUTE THYROIDITIS obtained in more than three fourths of the typical TABLE 3. PRINCIPAL FINDING PRECIPITATING patients but less than half of the atypical group. For REQUESTFOR THYROID CONSULTATION both groups evidence of systemic involvement on Neckpain40Painless physical examination (e.g., tachycardia, tremor, ele goiter12Thyroid vated temperature, hyperreflexia, excessive perspira nodule4Suspected hyperthyroidism3Hair tion) was less common than by history, suggesting value1Confusionloss, unexpected high5T that by the time the patients were seen in consulta with laboratory data tion the disease was already subsiding in some in Atrial fibrillation with goiter1 1 stances. An elevated white blood count was found in only 13 of 32 patients studied. However, the ESR was TABLE 4. PHYSICAL FIN ON over 30 mm/hr in 38 of 41 patients and was 23, THYROIDFirm-to-hardEXAMINATION OF THEDINGS 26, and 28 mm/hr in the remaining 3. An elevated consistency56Tenderness48Diffuse ESR was an important finding for atypical patients. Elevated ST, values were found in 37 of 58 patients. enlargement34Unilateral For many, the magnitude of the elevation was rather enlargement15Solitary nodule5Multinodular4No modest; hence the discrepancy between the frequency of elevated ST., values and the relative infrequency thyroid enlargement appreciated4 of physical findings of hyperthyroidism was more apparent than real. ST., ordered by her physician to rule out hypothy RAI values were subnormal for all patients roidism.
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