Manufacturers Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added 3COM 3M 7-Zip 11/13/2013 Aaron Bishell 11/13/2013 AASHTO ABISource Access Data 10/25/2013 Acer ACL ACRO Software Inc Acronis ACS Gov Systems ACT Actiontec Active PDF ActiveState ActivIdentity 11/13/2013 Adaptec Adaptive ADC Kentrox ADI ADIC ADIX Adkins Resource Adobe ADT ADTRAN Advanced Dynamics Advanced Toolware Advantage Software AE Tools Agfa AGILENT AHCCCS 11/13/2013 Ahead Ai Squared, Inc. 11/13/2013 Aladdin Alera Technologies Alex Feinman 11/13/2013 Alex Sirota 11/13/2013 ALIEN Allegro Allison Transmission Alltel AlphaSmart Altec Lansing Altiris Altova Altronix AMC AMD Amdahl Page 1 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added America Online American Business American Cybernetics American Dynamics 11/13/2013 AMX (Formerly ProCon) Analog Devices 11/13/2013 Analytical Software Andover Andrew Antony Lewis 11/13/2013 ANYDoc AOL AOpen AP Technology Apache APC Apex Apple Applian Technologies Appligent Aptana ArcSoft, Inc. 11/13/2013 Artifex Software Inc 11/13/2013 ASAP 11/13/2013 Ascential Software ASG Ask.com 11/13/2013 Aspose AST Astaro AT&T ATI Technologies 11/13/2013 Atlassian Attachmate Audacity AuthenTec 11/13/2013 Auto Enginuity Autodesk AutoIt Team 11/13/2013 Avantstar Avaya Aventail Avenza Systems Inc Averatec Avery Dennison AVG Technologies Avistar Avocent Axosoft Bamboo Banner Blue Barracuda BarScan Bay Networks Page 2 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Bay Systems BEA System BEE-Line Software Belarc Belkin Bell & Howell Bendata BENQ BEST Best Software Bestway Beta Systems Big Bang Binary Research INTL Bitstream Black Box Blackbaud Blackberry Blue Coat Blue Lance Blue Sky Software BMC BNA Software BoardMaker Bombich BorderWare Borland BOS Bosanova Boxlight BrailleNote BrightStor Broadcom 11/13/2013 Brocade Broderbund Brother Buffalo Bull Burst Technologies Business Objects BuySpeed C/CON C4I Cabletron CACE Technologies 11/13/2013 Caere Canneverbe Limited Canon Captaris Cardscan CaseSoft Casio Castelle Castlewood Page 3 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Catalyst Caterpillar ccollomb 11/13/2013 CDI Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Cerulean CETE Software Chaparral Checkpoint CHENGDU YIWO Tech Development Chicago Soft Chrome Chrysler Cingular CISCO CITRIX Claredi Claris ClaroRead CLC Clearone 11/13/2013 CLH ClickTracks Cloudmark CNET CodeSmith Tools Cognos Corporation Command Technology Compal Compaq Compellent ComponentOne Componentotone Compucom Computer Associates Computhink CompuWare ComSlicen Concord Construction Book ContentWatch Inc. Contexo Media 11/13/2013 Convar Deutschland GmbH 11/13/2013 Convert COPIA Core FTP Corel Corex Technologies Cornerstone Corning Coupons.com Inc 11/13/2013 Covansys Cradlepoint Creative Labs Page 4 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Creative Research CrimeNtel Crosstec CRYPTOCard Crystal Decisions CT Summation Ctr for Medicare/Medicaid Svc CTX Cummins CutePDF Cvision Technologies CyberGuard Cyberlink CyberPatrol Cybex DAMEWARE Danka Dantz Data Dynamics Data Watch Datachem Dataflight Software Dataintro Software Datamax DataPac Datastream DataViz Datum Inc DAZ 3D dBase Inc DCA DCC Dell DeLorme DesignerFreeSolutions Deskshare DIGI Digi International DirectSoft Inc Dirk Paehl DISCMAKERS Diskeeper Distinct D-Link DLT Solutions Documentum DocuWare Dominey Design Inc. dotPDN LLC 11/13/2013 Dropbox Inc. 11/13/2013 DSI DT Research Dymo eAccleration Page 5 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added East Penn Mfg Eclectic Concepts Ecliptic Technology eCopy e-DMZ Security EDS EEYE Digital Security EFI eFront Media eHelp Eiki Elaborate Bytes AG 11/13/2013 Element 5 Elixir Technologies Corp. Eltrax Emachines Embarcadero Technologies, Inc 11/13/2013 EMC Emule project 11/13/2013 ENHANCE TECHNOLOGY Enterasys Enviro Visions Envision eProject Epson Equitrac 11/13/2013 Eric Lawrence 11/13/2013 Eric Lawrence 11/13/2013 Ericcson Ericom Software ES-Computing 11/13/2013 ESRI Eteam ETwin Event Software Everest Software Exabyte Exadel Exclaimer Limited Executive Software Executone ExLibris Extensis Extreme Networks Extron Ezenia F5 NETWORKS Fair Isaac FairPoint Technologies Famatech Fetch Softworks FileMaker FileNet FileZilla Page 6 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added First Data Bank First International Flaming Pear Fluke Fog Creek Folio Ford Systems Fore Foresight Fortinet Fortis Free Software Foundation, Inc 11/13/2013 Freedom Scientific FreeMind FrontRange F-Secure FTP Voyager Fujitsu FutureSoft GAGEtrak Garmin, LTD. 11/13/2013 Gateway GBS Geeknet, Inc 11/13/2013 GeoMetrix Gestetner GFI Mail Essentials GhostScript 11/13/2013 Gimp Global Marketing Partners Global Storage Global Support Software GlobalCerts GlobalScape Glorylogic 11/13/2013 GNOME Project 11/13/2013 Golden Software Google GoToMyPC GRAPHTEC Great Quality Greenview Data GreenWare Grisoft Groupmail 10/25/2013 Guardian Guardian Edge Technologies Guidance Software Gwava HandSpring Harbinger Knowledge Products Harvard Graphics Hedman 11/13/2013 Heidi Computers Ltd. 11/13/2013 Page 7 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Helios Software Solutions 11/13/2013 HID Global Hitachi Honeywell HostBridge HP HP-Mercury Interacive Group HR Direct HRWorX HTC Corp Hudson Software Human Concepts Hummingbird Huw Millington 11/13/2013 Hyena Hyland i2 Company I2 Products IAE Solutions Ianix IBM ID Card ID Edge 11/13/2013 IDEA Courier Identicard Systems IDM Computer Software IGage Ignite Realtime 11/13/2013 Igor Pavlov 11/13/2013 Ikon iLinc ImageWare Systems Imanami IMSI Inax Inbit inData Indexing Research Info Map InFocus Infor Informatica 11/13/2013 Information Mapping InfoSoft Infragistics Infrant Technologies Ingenix Inkscape 11/13/2013 Inmagic Innotek GmbH 11/13/2013 Innovation Data Processing Insight InstallShield Integrated Device Technology (IDT) 11/13/2013 Page 8 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Intel Intelex Intellisync IntelliWare Systems, Inc Inter Tech Intergraph Intermec Inter-Tel InterVideo Inc. 11/13/2013 Intime Corp Intuit IOGEAR Iomega IPFW IPSwitch Irfan Skiljan 11/13/2013 IRIS Ironkey ISM IsoBuster 11/13/2013 Ithaca ITouch iTripoli ITT Courier Iwatsu J&B Software Jam Software Jamar Technologies JASC Software JasperSoft Corporation 11/13/2013 JBoss Group, LLC. 11/13/2013 Jim Sloane JMP Johnson Controls Jonathan Bennett 11/13/2013 Jornada JRB Software Juniper Kaplan Karamasoft 11/13/2013 Kayak KeenCut Kent-Moore Kentrox Kenwood Keyhole Keypass 11/13/2013 Kingston Kintera Kisco Kiwi Kodak Kofax Konica Page 9 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Kookaburra Studios KoolToolz KPMG LaCie Landmark Lanier Laplink LaserSoft Imaging Lason Lavasoft Layton Lazworld Leap Software Learning Company LearnKey Legal Solutions Legato Systems Leica GeoSystems Lenovo Lernout & Hauspie Levit & James Inc. LexisNexis LEXMARK LG Liebert LIGHTNING UK 11/13/2013 Linksys Lite-On Communications Livescribe, Inc 11/13/2013 LizardTech LockLizard 11/13/2013 LockLizard Limited 11/13/2013 Logical Solutions Logitech Lotus Lucent Lumen LXI LXR Macintosh Macromedia Madge Networks MagicISO Inc. 11/13/2013 Magnetic Forensics 10/25/2013 Mail Merge Toolkit Malwarebytes Corporation 11/13/2013 Mannesmann Mapinfo MapTech Maricor Martin Prikryl 11/13/2013 Matrix Max Secure Software Maximus Page 10 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Maxtor MBC Software McAfee McGraw Hill McKinney Media Form Melco Mentor Engineering Merak Mercury Interactive Group Meridian Norstar Merlin Merrill Messaging Arch Metrologic Metso Automation MGC MHC Software MHS Micom Micro Systems Microage MicroFocus MicroInvention Ltd 11/13/2013 Micron MicroPro Microsoft Micro-Star International Microtek Mimosa Mindleaders Minolta Minuteman Mitchell Mitsubishi Modsoft Moore Business Forms Morrison Soft Design Morse Watchman Motorola Mountbatten Mozilla MPC Computers MSN Communications MTX MultiTech Systems Munis Murata MX Logic MySQL AB National Geographics National Inst of Fire Mgmt NaturalSoft 11/13/2013 Navision Page 11 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Navistor nCircle NCR NEC Nemetschek Nero AG Net 2000 Ltd NetApp Netgear Inc NetIQ NetManage NetObjects Netscape 11/13/2013 NetScout Netsoft Network Associates Network General Network Solutions Neuralog New World Systems Nexic NextiraOne NICE NICE Systems NicoMak Nikon Niksun Nitro PDF, Inc. 11/13/2013 NNA Noguska Nokia Norstar Nortel Northern Telecomm Norton Norton-Lambert NOS Microsystems Ltd 11/13/2013 Notepad++ Team 11/13/2013 Nova Development Novell NSI NTRU Cryptosystems 11/13/2013 Nuance Nullsoft Numara NUnit 11/13/2013 NupSoft NuSphere Nvidia Corporation 11/13/2013 OCE OCLC OCS Octel OfficeWork Page 12 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Okidata Olympus Omtool, LTD. 11/13/2013 OnBase ONEAC Onix Networking Online Media Technologies Ltd. 11/13/2013 Onyx Open Office.org Open Text Openlink Software OpenSource OpenSSL Project 11/13/2013 openSUSE Opentech Opera Software ASA 11/13/2013 OPM Opscan Optiquest Optoma Opttech Oracle Orbacom OS Objectif Securite SA 11/13/2013 Other Overland Data Pacemark Paint.net Team 11/13/2013 Palm PANAFAX Panasonic Panduit PAR Paraben 10/25/2013 Paraclete Paradyne Paragon Passmark 10/25/2013 Pastime Patchlink Pathlore Patrick M. Kolla 11/13/2013 Patton & Patton PayTrain PC-Doctor PDF Complete pdfforge 11/13/2013 PEAC Aristatek Peachtree Pearson Pelco Perception Perceptive Software Peregrine Page 13 of 20 Manufacturers Manufacturer Name Date Added Periphonics Periscope Holdings Pervasive Software PGP Phillips PhotoMeister PhotoModeler
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