--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 368 V. v. Tschusi und K. v, Dalla-Torre. 4· Hinmdo rustica und Hirundo urbica, Gal!inula por- rana. Mit Bericht des Leuchtthurm - Assistenten von Zaglava auf Cherso vom g. April 1885 erhielt ich 3 3 todte Rauch· schwalben, eine Hausschwalbe und eine Gallinula porr_ana. 5. Alauda arvensis, Dandalus rubecula und Sturn us vul- IV. Report on Birds in Danmark, r886. garis. Mit Bericht vom Leuchtthurm-Assistenten A. 0 mer o auf Compiled by Punta d' Ostro vom rg. October r885 erhielt ich zehn Alauda arvensis, einen Dandalus rubecula und einen Strlrnus vulgaris, Oluf Winge. welche Vogel am Zuge in der Nacht vom 18. auf r 9· October, (With a Map-Plate I.) gegen 3 Uhr morgens, bei leichtem Regen am Leuchtthurme anstiessen. Observations have been communicated by: A.: H. Arctander, physician, Storehedinge, Stevns, 6. Sturnus vulgaris. Mit Bericht des Assistenten von Gollo~ Sjalland. Observations in Stevns. metto . bei Grado ddo. 2. Mi.irz r886 flogen urn Mitternacht F.: A. H. Faber, cand. pharm. Notes from Viborg r Uhr an die Laterne zwei Staare an, deren Schnabel gebogen and surroundings, within three or four (Danish) miles from und gespalten waren. the town. Species from Viborg 88. - Also some notes from Hafenagentie Grado, 2, Marz r886. visits to Mors, where the observer lived during r 884 and 188S*). Der J\Iandatar flir Istrien: Hs.: P. Hersch end, possessor of Herschendsga ve, Dr. L. K Moser. S. E. of Skanderborg So, Jylland. K.: Th. N. Krabbe, stud. me d. Chiefly observations from the island of Amager, especially the coasts and the northern part close to Kjobenhavn, with the fortification territory. - Also some notes from Thy, north-western Jylland, taken from end of July to about September rst. W.: the compiler of this report. Notes from Kjobenhavn. For general remarks see Report 18S 5. Area of observation still smaller than last year, and excursions beyond imme- ciiate surroundings fewer; number of species observed there- fore only g3 **). '*) Mr. Faber has published his observations in Mars in a separate pamphlet, nMors6's Fugle«, ·Viborg, r887. **) Besides those mentioned in text, the following: Circus aet·ugi- nosus, Syrnium aluco, Corvus corax, Pica caudata, Ficus major, Ficus medius, Sitta europaea (s. str.), Certhia jamiliaris, Poecile palustl"is, Parus majo1·, Pants coeruleus, Sylvia nisoria, 1lfiliaria europaea, Passe1· r domesticus, Passe1· montanus, Coccothraustes vulgaris, Carduelis elegans, C_ygnus olor, Anas boschas, Lants marinus, Lants m·gentatus, Larus canus, Stana jluviatilis. 0 rnis IV. 3. 24 ~I 370 Oluf Winge. IV. Report on Birds in Danmark, 1886. 371 Some notes from various sources, indicated in each case, have been added by the compiler. List of Lights and Keepers. I. North Sea, Skagerak, and Limfjord. In the last Report were stated the preliminary results of the endeavours of Prof. L i.i t ken to utilize the opportuni- 1. Esbjerg L. H. Two, white, fixed; 3d class*); height ties for observations on birds afforded by lighthouses and of light above water 84 and 40 feet. - Reske. light-vessels. In r 886 it was ordered by the Government, 2. Blaavands Huk L. H. (building r 886). that birds killed on striking the lights should be sent to 3. Horns Rev L. V. White flash every half minute; the Zoological Museum of Kjobenhavn (in some cases only height 3o feet. Fog syren, 3 blasts quickly every 2 minutes. samples, in other only parts of the birds), date and weather - N. Kromann. being noted; the necessary means for postage etc. were 4. Bovbjerg L. H. White, fixed; r st class; height granted. Lightkeepers were also asked for such other in- rg6 feet. - E. Ra sm uss en. formation on birds as they might be able to give. The 5. Thyboron Kanal L._ V. Red, fixed; height 3o feet. scheme began to work on May r st. - N. Nielsen. Clear nights being very common during the time of 6. Lodbjerg L. H. White, double flash every 20 se- passage not very many birds carne to the lights. From conds; 1st class; height r55 feet.-]. L. Winslow. 24 stations (out of 63) were received 469 specimens (entire 7. Hanstholm L. H. White flash every half minute; or in parts) of 37 species (identified by the compiler). - 2d class; height 212 feet.- Chr. Heering. On the morning of May 14th many birds had arrived at 8. Hirtshals L. H. White, fixed, flashing up every Kjobenbavn, both fresh species and fresh individuals of 2 minutes; r st class; height r82 feet. Fog syren, at r 20 feet others; late in the previous evening I beard Actitis h._ypo- from tower; 2 blasts quickly every 2 minutes. - E. T. B. leucus passing overhead; the night was dark and rainy, with Jensen. a strong easterly wind. I therefore had expected something I I. Kattegat. from the lights; but only a few birds were sent or noted, 9. Skagen L. H. White, fixed; r st class; height 140 the night being however one of the very few in May when feet.- M. G. Poulsen. any birds struck the lights. - In autumn by far the most 10. Skagens Rev L. V. Red flash every half minute; birds came to the lights in two periods, the first being height 3o feet. Fog syren, ooe blast eVery 2 miniltes. - September 3oth to October 2d, the next October r8th to ].G. Steinmann. 2Sth, more especially 21st to 24th. There was a marked 11. Hirtsholm L. H. ·white flash. every half minute; movement of a few species at the close of December. 6th class; height 42 feet. - W. S c h u It z. 12. Nordre Ron L. H. White So seconds, red 1 o seconds; A feature of the year was the exceptionally long and 3cl class; height 5o feet. Fog syren, at 40 feet from tower; continuous (though not very hard) frost, with considerable 3 blasts quickly every 2 minutes.- A. Kruse. snow, lasting to about March 2oth and greatly delaying 13. Laso Trindel L. V. White flash every 3o seconds; the arrival of the earliest migrants. On March 21st thaw height 3o feet. Fog syren, 2 blasts quickly every 2 minutes. set in at Kjobenbavn, but no real passage was felt till 24th, - ]. Poulsen. when it was very marked. The species that habitually come near this date or a little later were not at all delayed. *) The lanterns of light-vesseL; Jo not enter into this classification. 24* 372 -~!_~nge. Fo 14. Laso Rende L. V. Wh=---- -- - -----------------_ IV. Report on Birds in Danmark, 1886. 373 g horn, 2 blasts quickly .' fixed; height 3o feet 15 E every mmute L · . gense L. H. Two wh't . - . Lauritzen 31. Kronborg Castle. White 2 5 seconds, red 5 seconds; 20 and 53 feet. - C F L ' r e, fixed; 4th class. h . h. 16 · · aug. , erg t 3d class, smallest size; height I I 7 feet. Fog horn, one blast . R:obbergrunden L V . Fog horn . Whrte, fixed. h . h every minute. - G j 6 r up. ' one blast every m · ' erg t 3o feet· 32. Trekroner L. H. White, fixed, flashing up every . l7. Anholts R:nob L. ~nute. ~ V. T. Schnipp. ' minute; 4th class; height 63 feet; two accessory lights, red, mmute; height 3o feet F . Whrte, double flash ever 2 minutes. - M D . b og syren, 3 blasts quickly y fixed, 4th class. Fog horn, one blast every 35 seconds, - 18 · yre org. every R. E. Heuser. · Anholt L H W . I st cl · h · · · hJte flash 33. Provesten L. H. Two, red, fixed; 6th class; height ass' erght do feet, - J C t . every 20 seconds: 32 and 42 feet. - H: .(a p p e. 19. Hesse16 L H : Jrrstransen. L. I I 5 feet. - A. G S. Whrte, fixed; 2d class. h . h 34. Nordre Rose H. White, fixed, red flash every 20 · a X tor ph. , erg t half minute; 3d class; height 44 feet. Fog signals from · Spotsbjerg L H . 6th class. h . h . Whrte flash eve h passing vessels are answered by a fog born. - C. A. S. 21 ' erg t 120 feet · - L h ry alf minute· Orum. 3o . Schultz's Grund L V e m . ' 35. Dragor L. H. Two, red, fixed; 3d class; height feet. - H. S v are r . Two, white, fixed; height 3o and 6o feet. -B. R. Leth. 22. Fornas L H. Wh. 4th class,· height 6~· f . rte flash every h If 36. Drogden L. V. White flash every 20 seconds; 23 1 eet. - J 0 B.. a minute· height 3o feet. Fog horn, one blast every minute, - R. Hjelm L H Wh· · · ovrng. ' · · · rte fi d Gomm es en. mmute; 2.~ .class; height r6o fe;t. ~ ' flashing up every 37. Stevns L. H. White flash every half minute; Abeltoft Vig L. T . Henningsen. , 24. H ~·I. 2d class; height zo3 feet. - B. Rosen. hergiJt I Or and 36 f • "'-O, whrte, fixed. 3d 1 ~ eet. - H p M .. ' c ass; 2o. Sletterhage L H onsted. W.' IV. Store Belt, etc. 52 feet. -- A N i el . bite, fixed; 6th class. h . h · sen. , erg t 26. Thuno L H Wh· 38. Refsnas L. H. White, fixed; 4th class; height J p · · Ite fixed· 5th 77 feet. - P. C. Jensen. - .. Mynster. , ' ' c1 ass; height g8 feet. 27. Sejr6 L H nrh· 39. Roms6 L. H. Red, fixed; 5th class; height So feet. h · h · · · n Jte flash F. Andersen. erg t roo feet. - H J. SI . every 2 minutes; 3d class. 28 . '0 w ' 40. Halskov L. H. White, fixed; 6th class; height . · Vestborg L. H vVb· .
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