NOTICE UNDER SECTION 7B(9)(c) OF THE GAS ACT 1986 OF THE GRANT OF A GAS SUPPLY LICENCE Pursuant to section 7B(9)(c) of the Gas Act 1986 ("the Act"), the Gas and Electricity Markets Authority ("the Authority") hereby gives notice that on 18 January 2007 a gas supply licence was granted under section 7A(l)(a) of the Act to London Borough of Camden whose principal office is situated at Town Hall, Judd Street, London, WClH 9LP, Great Britain, authorising the supply to premises specified in Appendix 1, gas which has been conveyed through pipes to those premises. A copy of this licence is available from the Ofgem Library, 9 Millbank, London, SWIP 3GE (020 7901 7003) or by email at [email protected]. 18 January 2007 of the Authority Appendix 1 Site Site address Meter serial number Aldenharn House Aldenharn Street. NW1 1PR HI71156 Arnpthill Square Estate Arnpthill Square NW1 G9877 Bucklebury Stanhope Street NW1 3LB 8009970 Carnden High Street 80 Flat 80 Camden High Street NWl OLT 3663931 Carnden High Street 80 80 Flat 1 Carnden High Street NW1 OLT 260439 Camden High Street 80 80 Flat 3 Carnden High Street NW1 OLT 3706997 Carnden Road No.79 79 Carnden Road NW1 SEX CD34807 Cecil Rhodes House Goldington Street NW1 1UG 901 152 Churchway House Churchway NW1 CD35186 Clarendon House Werrington Street NW1 1PL Cd32707 Clarendon House Werrington Street NW1 1PL CD32620 Cobden House Arlington Road NW1 7LL CD32762 Cobden House Arlington Road NW1 7LL 8005486 College Place Estate Plender Street NW1 34449353 College Place Estate Plender Street NW1 8000894 College Place Estate 80002719 College Place Estate 8000891 Coopers Lane Estate Pancras Road NW1 CD35192 Crowndale Centre 218 Eversholt Street NW1 3581954 Crowndale Centre 218 Eversholt Street NW1 6201215 Crowndale Centre 218 Eversholt Street NW1 37143 Crowndale Centre 218 Eversholt Street NW1 9882601 Curnock Street Estate Carnden Street NW1 OLY 924757 Drurnrnond Street No.1 l9A 119a Drurnrnond Street NW1 2HL 195257 Euston Street No.58 58 Euston Street NW1 2ES 703703 Euston Street No.82 82 Euston Street NW1 2HA 5.03834E+I 1 Euston Street No.82 82 Euston Street NW1 2HA 28116 Exrnouth Mews Exrnouth mews NW1 2HT 39756165 Exrnouth Mews Exrnouth Mews NW1 2HT 6192057 Fihroy Park 10 Fihroy Park N6 6HU 8505108 Fitzroy Park 10 Fitzroy Park N6 6HU 741 1631 Foundry Mewsflolrners Sq Estate) Foundry Mews NW1 2PR 6205502 Foundry Mews(To1mers Sq Estate) Foundry Mews NW1 2PR CD34798 Foundry Mews(Tolmers Sq Estate) Foundry Mews NW1 2PR 3510495 George Mews George Mews NW2 2EU 803910 George Mews George Mews NW2 2EU 6131446 Gladwin House Cranleigh Street NW1 1PJ 682497 Gloucester Avenue No.41 41 Gloucester Avenue NW1 7BA 48205598 Hopkinsons Place Fitzroy rd NW18TP 41 05032 Hopkinsons Place Fitzroy rd NW18TP 6180573 Kingston Carnden St NW1OLE 22440 kingston Carnden St NWlOLE 736144 Mayfold Oakley Sq NWIINX E4537 Mayfold 93 Oakley Sq NWIINY 801475 Monica Shaw Court 31 Purchese St NW1 IEY CD35987 Monica Shaw Court 31 Purchese St NW1 IEY 901151 Morland hse Cranleigh st NW1IDN 976345 Newlands Harrington St NW13SJ 8005840 Norbiton Camden St NWIOGL 601802 Norbiton Carnden St NW1OGL 68241 Oakley sq 53 Oakley sq 53 NW11NJ 286030 Oakley sq 57 Oakley sq 57 NW11NJ Oakshott Crt Polygon rd NW11SS Platt str est Platt StNW11RN Somers Close 19-29c 1-29 Purchese st NW11RW Regents Park DN Regents Park DN Auguster st NW1 Regents Park DN Regents Park DN Auguster st NW1 Walton Regents Park est Walton 48-50 Longford St NW13PE Rothay hse Rothay hse Albany St NW14DH Seymour hse Seymour hse Tavistock PI Seymour hse Seymour hse Tavistock PI Seymour hse Seymour hse Tavistock PI Sharpleshall st 11-17 Sharpleshall st 11-17 NWl8YN Somers Close 7/15 Sth West Somers Close 7/15 Sth West NW11RT St Pancras crt St Pancras Cemetary St Pancras Cemetary High Rd N29AG St Pancras Cemetary St Pancras Cemetary High Rd N29AG Starcross st 11-20 Starcross Str NW12HR Starcross st 11-20 Starcross Str NW12HR Wolcot Hse Wolcot Hse Aldenham St NWllPP Woodhall Regents Park est Woodhall Robert St NW13JD Woodhall Regents Park est Woodhall Robert St NW13JD York Hse York Hse Plender St NWlODS York Hse York Hse Plender St NWlODS Camden Town Hall Judd Street WC1 Town Hall Extension Town Hall Extension Alpha Court 15-22 Raglan Street NW5 3BX Ashdown Crescent Queens Crescent NW5 Aspen Hse Maitland Park Rd Bacton Lismore Circus NW5 4QF Bassett Street 6-10 Bassett Street NW5 4PG Bassett Street 6-10 Bassett Street NW5 4PG Belmont Street 13-29 13 Belmont Street NW1 8HJ Belmont Street 13-29 13 Belmont Street NW18HJ Castlehaven Road Estate Castlehaven Road NW1 8PL Castlehaven Road Estate Castlehaven Road NW1 8PL Cayford House Lawn Road NW5 2XG Charlie Ratchford Centre Belmont Street NW1 8HF Cressfield Close Cressfield Close NW5 4BN Cressfield Close Cressy Road Nos.3-5 Nos.3-5 Cressy Road NW3 2ND Denton Malden Crescent NW1 8BL Denton Malden Crescent NW1 8BL Denton Malden Crescent NW1 8BL Dunboyne Dunboyne Road NW3 2W Hardington Belmont Street NW1 8HN Hardington Belmont Street NW1 8HN Harmood Street Estate Harmood Street NWI 8DY Harmood Street Estate Harmood Street NW1 8DY Harmood Street Estate Harmood Street NW1 8DY Haverstock Hill No.176 176 Haverstock Hill NW5 2AL Haverstock Hill No.186 186 Haverstock Hill Heybridgemidford Castle Road NW1 8TD Heybridgemidford Castle Road NW1 8TD Heybridgemidford Castle Road NWl 8TD lsokon Fleet rd est Lawn rd NW32XD 3823885 Kiln place est Kiln Place NW54AJ 80070325 Leybourne str Hawley rd NW18BX 8004921 Leybourne str Hawley rd NW18BX 8012368 Malden rd / Rhyl str 60 Malden rd NW54DA 491 81 1 Mansfield rd 17 Mansfield rd 17 NW3 50129105 Parkhill rd 13-15 Parkhill rd NW32YH 822149 Queens Cresent 104a Queens Cresent 104a NW54DU 2681 16 Queens Cresent 205-207 Queens Cresent 205-207 NW54DP 63186 Queens Cresent 73-75 75-73 Queens cresent NW54ES 4776945 Savernake rd 78 Savernake rd 78 NW32JA 115430 Silverbirch Walk Maitland Park rd Silverbirch Walk Maitland Park rd NW32HH 8005566 Southampton rd Southampton rd NW54JR 606382 Southampton rd Southampton rd NW54JR 4819226 St Pancras Hostel 41 Holmes rd NW5 CD401222s St Pancras Hostel 41 Holmes rd NW5 CD51312 St Silas Str Boiler room Malden rd below HeadcornI block St Silas Str Boiler room NW5 76194 Una hse Una hse Pince of wales rd NW53lA 6494650 Una hse Pince of wales rd Una hse Pince of wales rd NW53lA 4324650 Waxharn&Ludham Waxham&Ludham Mansfield rd NW32JJ CD33923 Waxham&Ludham Waxham&Ludham Mansfield rd NW32JJ CD29071 Wellesley rd 115 Gospel oak DHO 115 Wellesley rd NW54PA 8001649 Wellesley rd 113a Gospel oak DHO 115 Wellesley rd NW54PA 366354 Wellesley rd EPH 1 1 Wellesley rd NW5 6185660 Wellesley rd EPH 1 1 Wellesley rd NW5 3823845 Wendling CHP site Wendling CHP site Southampton rd NW54HU 76526 Abbey Low Rise Blocks Abbey Road NW8 OAY CD40874 Acol Road numbers 6-8 Acol Road, NW6 3AA 6503629 16 Acol Road Children's Home 16 Acol Road NW6 3AA CD23929 Alexandra House Maitland Park Road 8004991 Alexandra Road Estate Abbey Road 954711 Beaumont Walk Adelaide Road 32455 Belsize Avenue No.15 15 Belsize Avenue NW3 34522 Belsize Avenue No.15 15 Belsize Avenue NW3 3765451 Belsize Grove No.24 24 Belsize Grove NW3 4HL 8509477 Belsize Library Antrim Grove NW3 8508745 Belsize Square No.10 10 Belsize Square NW3 4HT 8513255 Branch Hill House Elderly Peoples Home. Branch Hill NW3 7LS 6219428 Casterbridge & Snowman Abbey Road NW6 4DP E8668 Chalcotts Estate Bray Towers, Fellows Road NW3 43241 10 Chalcotts Estate Bray Towers, Fellows Road NW3 6239143 Chalcotts Estate Bray Towers, Fellows Road NW3 4324081 Chalcotts Estate Bray Towers, Fellows Road NW3 6239140 Chalcotts Estate Bray Towers, Fellows Road NW3 3599619 Chalwtts Estate Burnham Towers, Fellows Road NW3 4324459 Chalcotts Estate Burnham Towers. Fellows Road NW3 3599667 Chalcotts Estate Burnham Towers. Fellows Road NW3 3599641 Chalcotts Estate Burnham Towers. Fellows Road NW3 4324423 Chalcotts Estate Burnham Towers. Fellows Road NW3 318007 Chalcotts Estate Dorney Towers, Fellows Road NW3 4324429 Chalwtts Estate Dorney Towers. Fellows Road NW3 6244525 Chalcotts Estate Dorney Towers, Fellows Road NW3 2333098 Chalcotts Estate Dorney Towers, Fellows Road NW3 6244530 Chalcotts Estate Taplow Towers, Fellows Road NW3 4324463 Chalcotts Estate Taplow Towers. Fellows Road NW3 Chalcotts Estate Taplow Towers. Fellows Road NW3 Chalcotts Estate Taplow Towers. Fellows Road NW3 Chalcotts Estate Taplow Towers. Fellows Road NW3 Compayne Gardens No.26 26 Compayne Gardens NW6 3DD Constable House Adelaide Road NW3 3QU Constable House Adelaide Road NW3 3QU Daleham Gardens No.31 31 Daleham Gardens NW3 5BU Daleham Gardens No.3la 31a Daleham Gardens NW3 5BU Dorney Domey Towers. Fellows Road NW3 Ellerton House 30 Mill Lane EM1 Day Centre 5 Netherwood street Emminster 135 Abbey Road NW6 4DL Emminster 135 Abbey Road NW6 4DL Emminster 135 Abbey Road NW6 4DL Fawley Road No.8 8 Fawley Road NW6 1SH Field Court Fitzjohns Avenue Field Court Fitzjohn's Avenue Finchley Road No.177 177 Finchley Road NW3 6LB Finchley Road No.337 337 Finchley Road NW3 6BP Fitzjohns Avenue No.50 50 Fitzjohns Avenue NW3 5LT Fitzjohns Avenue No.9 9 Fitzjohns Avenue NW3 5JY Gascony Avenue No.18 18 Gascony Avenue NW6 4NA Goldhurst Terrace No.194 194 Goldhurst Terrace NW6 3HN Harben Road Est(Campden House) Harben Road NW6 Henderson Court 102 Fitzjohns Avenue NW3 7LX Heysham HPU Heysham Lane NW3 7LX Hilltop rd (5n) day centre Hilltop Rd NW62QA Hilltop rd (5n) day centre Hilltop Rd NW62QA Hilltop rd (5P) day centre Hilltop Rd NW62QA Holmesdale Kilburn Vale Est Kilburn vale NW64QU Johnsonhse Adelaide rd NW32PS Kilburn library Cotteigh rd NW62NL Kilburn library Cotteigh rd NW62NL King henrys Rd 79-87 King Henrys Rd NW33QU Kingsgate rd 61 Kingsgate rd NW64TD Kingsgate rd Linstead street Linstead st NW62HA Kingsgate rd (1-3-5-7) Kingsgate rd NW64TD Kingsgate rd est.
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