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FOOD FOOD PREP PREP LOADING DOCK / SERVICE LOADING DOCK / TRUCK ACCESS TRUCK ACCESS LOADING DOCK / SERVICE TRUCK ACCESS UP UP SEATING UP UP MAIN ENTRANCE MAIN ENTRANCE EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY SEATING SLIDING DOORS SLIDING DOORS SLIDING DOORS SLIDING DOORS SLIDING DOORS 20' 20' 30' 30' 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' One 20' 40' Second DOF Miniature Art Racket U.S. FEC Froggy’s NXT Liben Group Rocky Inflatable Buzzpark Maclan Bodolo China Wattman Aquaventronics Inflatable Moonwalk JumpOrange Star Studios ELI Jaclean, Inc. Falcon's Builders Fog Capture Corporation Mountain Depot Inc./I- Oyun Corporation Amusement Xiaofeixia World Inc USA Robotics Constructio DEPOT- Parklari Equipment Group Huale Play 20' Creative n PLAY Ekipmanlari Co., Ltd. Superior 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Inflatables Guangzhou 5491 891 1691 1891 2091 2691 3091 3291 3491 3891 4091 4291 4491 5191 5291 30' 30' Group 30' 30' 30' 30' 20' TUV River Johns DHS Roger IMEX Guang Shan 20' Family Human Nord side 40' on 40' Sector s Model zhou ghai SimWay Store 1089 1390 1890 2291 2790 3390 3890 3990 4090 4290 4390 AB 4690 4890 5190 5590 RESTAURANT Touch The Photo Trams Online Capitol 30' 20' 20' 40' Designs 20' KumbaK Wood Eco TapSnap Clark Zoom Storetech 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Bomar Soft Playground Pacific Surf Scapes Inc. Internationa DreamCraft Guangzhou Desig Shanghai Oceaneering Finish Patter Backyard X- Blowe Games 889 Flying 1889 1989 Yidong 2789 2890 3089 3189 3289 3389 3489 3589 3689 4189 4489 5189 5289 Attractions LTD. Entertainment 30' 70' Animation Amusement Next To Go 30' Technology 20' Equipment SenS 20' Signs Mark Silly China Motor World 30' Global Bung 20' GAA Systems IACPOS Tool King 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Generation American Co. Ltd. Dynamic Co.,Ltd. Tropical Palm Trees ource Guangzhou & Robin Farm Asso Plush Event eeSup Aoqi 1088 Motion 2687 2788 NINED 3288 3388 3488 3588 3888 4088 4188 4288 4388 Wibit 5188 5288 Inflatables Wave Digital Ltd. Limited 20' 30' Rides 20' 20' Technology 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Sports The VR CAVU Machines 40' GmbH 40' 40' LUC Co.Ltd. Huadong Euclideon Mirror Oak Island ICOMBAT Ridewerks 40' 40' 40' Schult Milco, Inc. Urethanes, Entertainme Entertainme Mazes Creative Tork GmbH Garage Designwerks 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' Inc. nt nt International i2K Shanghai QiQu Fun Co. Equipment 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' BungeeSup 886 1086 1386 1686 1886 2086 2286 2686 2886 3086 3286 3486 3686 3886 4086 4286 4486 4686 4786 4886 5186 5286 5486 5586 5886 Citigra FIRST-TIME EXHIBITOR PAVILION KITCHEN ph 185 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 60' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 30' 20' 20' 30' Pro-Games KOCCA D3D SAINT-FUN Winterland Inc. / Convergenc Daniels Dongyang Golf Pro Okebox/Kar VRstudios GOOEST Zoom Galaxy Galaxy East eInflatables Triaxe S.C. Cinema INTERNATI LEDgen Lighting Polin Waterparks e, LLC Wood FIBRART Lefunland Delivered aoke Media MEDIA Adventures Zero America Inflatables Scoot ONAL CO., Recreation TECHNOLO ATM Manufacturi MAT - Movie Power America Land, Inc. Marine Sonoco Spectra Chrome LTD Equipment GYDAQING Loksak ng Co. Ltd. 184 Merchant 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Deltrain SA Shock Ltd. Co. Ltd. Thermosafe EZ 284 684 1884 2984 3284 3484 3984 4084 4284 4484 4584 4684 4784 5484 5684 Street 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' Europ 20' Tramp geckobrands Caster Sweet LASE 20' Shenz Group Cheng Libert Cossi Inflata COOLERS 183 MCube Interactive 40' 40' 40' ean oline Town World RTAG Street Curling Guangzhou hen on du y o bleOff Navita 383 RISE 1883 2683 2883 2983 3083 3283 3383 3583 3883 Haimao 4383 4483 4583 5483 5583 5683 r Animation IRIS Imagi DATO Laser Adolp Laser Technology Prom Zigon Active 182 Company igus Inc. 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Vickerman Life Floor Guangzhou Constructio Zhuang Lun Ltd., ne R Inc. Amm h war otex g Nature 282 882 1082 1982 2882 2982 3082 3182 Company 3582 3882 3982 4082 4482 4582 4682 4782 4882 Restroom 30' 30' 30' YL Manufacture Maker Look Jinda 74' Western Train Yard Inflatable Haining Anvio 30' Shubert 30' Inntopia Datas Replic Atlas Appet Oneai Do Do Guan e- Strolle Porta Ticketing Solutions 181 Florida Seating 20' 80' 40' 80' 80' 80' 20' 20' 20' 80' 20' 20' 20' 80' Partymachi Guangzhou Inc. pan a Chairs ize l FX Paper gzhou virtual r Pocke True American Mount Simtec 381 2781 2881 2981 3081 3181 3281 3381 3481 3581 3881 3981 4281 Fun Light 4481 4681 4781 5481 5581 5681 5881 30' 30' 30' EB ain Inc. Classics, Inc. Amusements Systems WOW 20' IAAPI D&D Tanriy Hytorc IDEA Your 1602 Velos Labor ECO Obero ITI royal See Escalera Flash Swea Boun Qile Company 180 American Cold River Mining 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Alpha, Inc. Gloworks Imports, Imagination Corporation Entertainme GmbH Techn a MAN, Mapp Group olutio Finder Middl n3 Manuf Rising Sover Ticket Cash kers, ceabo Inflata 280 380 680 880 980 1880 1980 2680 2780 2880 2980 3080 3180 3280 3380 3480 3580 3880 3980 4080 4280 4380 4480 4580 4680 4780 5680 5880 30' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Shanghai Theme Kern 40' Seaside InCord HSI Lifeguard Zhongshan B-AIR Supernova Hehao Builders Studios & Casual Play Immersive Pro Europe Power 4879 Fabrications THK USA Technology Philippines, Mardi Gras Furniture Park Amusement Thrill Media Mobaro Builders 3679 Meritech Co. Ltd. Inc. World America, Equipment Americas Xtrematic NECA Fin Fun 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Magic Mug Holograms A RICAMBI DGL Group NORDITALI Aqua Case/ Devin Olson 278 478 678 878 1078 1378 1878 2078 2278 2678 2878 2978 3078 3178 3278 3478 3578 3878 3978 4078 4278 4378 4478 4678 4778 5178 5478 5678 5978 30' Happy Unknown 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 30' 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 30' 20' 20' 30' MEDIAFRO Zhejiang Pale Night Commercial Dynamic Tree-Mendous Zero Beijing Breeze Great Coasters ITEC L3DFX Xtrem Gordon's Sandy Waterplay Dreampark Bears Creative Soaring DanKen N-Flatables Bounce Happy Beijing Hi- Jump, NT Qilong Productions Silk Attractions Ltd. Aerial Adventures Latency Water Creative International, Inc. Entertainme Aventures / Action Creek Solutions International Playground Works Eagle i2K Cutting Edge Time Techinflatables Co., Amusement International VR Design nt Treetop Products Mining Corp s Theme Inflatables Jump, Ltd. Inc. EMERGENCY EXIT ONLY Equipment Technology Quest Factory 30' 30' Co. Ltd. 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Company 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Inc. N-Flatables eInflatables 30' 30' 30' 875 1675 1875 2075 2675 2875 3075 3275 3675 30' 4075 4475 4675 4875 5475 30' Cutting Edge 50' Beau Reser Zigon Bloolo McCo R&R TUFF 20' 30' 20' 40' 40' 40' dry ve 40' g City op urt Enter Coat Glimmer Vertical Inflatable 274 474 674 2074 2174 2874 2974 3074 3174 3274 3874 Body Art Depot Inc./I- 5974 HEC Berk Reality DEPOT- Fisher Rabbit Adrian Unique RAMPF 20' 20' 20' Studios 20' 20' Cowboy Rama Drape Break NCP HaulzAll Niceberg PLAY Worldwide Reynolds Water Ski Advanced 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 60' 20' 20' 60' 20' Group, Inc. Guangzhou Shows, Inc. Qylur Pricetag USA ker & Kings Laserforce scape Coati Concession Aluvii Intelligent Technologie International Software Aisle 4800/5100 Aisle 2200/2600 Aisle 4500/4600 1673 1773 1873 1973 2673 2773 3173 3273 3373 3873 3973 4073 4173 Aisle 4100/4200 4473 1073 1373 2273 Aisle 3300/3400 8270 Aisle 2100/2200 Aisle 2700/2800 Aisle 3100/3200 Aisle 3700/3800 Aisle 3900/4000 Aisle 4300/4400 Aisle 4700/4800 Aisle 1900/2000 Aisle 3500/3600 Aisle 5500/5600 Aisle 2900/3000 Systems, s Nets Aisle 5200/5400 Aisle 1700/1800 Aisle 5800/5900 UNO Smart Aisle 1500/1600 Inc. 30' Aisle 1100/1300 VR 20' Brown Intern 30' 40' Monkeys, Digonex Unlimited, 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 80' 80' Aisle 900/1000 Inc. Aisle 700/800 er Fence by MediaMation, Inc. Designmast Aisle 100/200 Aisle 300/400 Aisle 500/600 Coast FORREC Entert ationa, LLC 272 472 672 872 2072 2172 2272 2872 2972 3672 3872 4172 4672 30' Mack 30' Happy Inc Otto Plus Birket Doron Visual 20' 30' Inpark 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' Beijin Sterlin Kolmax- Best 30' 40' Soft Stuff Magazine Precision Pool Safe Creations 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 60' 60' Engineerin Rides Internation 80' 80' Redbone Products, Tiny Towne Weigl Controls Jump, g LifeFormati JRA (Jack Rouse Terrain, Inc. AUTOGRAP Simworx Trading Inc. Ideas gRisk Carniv Evoqua Amusement Eye Candy 671 771 ons Associates) 1671 1771 1871 1971 H Limited 3071 3171 3271 3371 3471 Extremas, 3871 3971 4071 4171 4271 Water Devices & Happy FOLIAGES GmbH & S.A. de C.V. Technologie Mfg. LLC Inc. 70' Inflatables 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' s GmbH KCC Alcorn 40' Advanced TECHNIFEX Co. KG 40' Robot Haaga Aerophile Family Gatemaster Laser-Blast 40' Jump, UP Roto Entertainme McBride, Animations, Costumes Sweepers/Bi S.A.S Systems, 30' 30' 30' 30' 30' Fun Corp. 30' 30' nt Design Inc. LLC USA/Creatio ssell Inc. Inc. 50' ns JCT 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 40' 40' Eye Candy Artistic 2269 Inflatables 20' 269 469 669 869 1069 1369 1669 1869 2069 2669 2869 3069 3269 3469 3669 3869 4069 4269 4469 4669 4869 5169 5469 5669 5969 Contractors 169 20' 8050 8150 8250 8350 8450 8550 8551 THEMING AND HI-TECH PAVILION ENTRANCE TO OUTDOOR AREA OUTDOOR INFLATABLE EXHIBITS 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 30' 20' 20' 20' 40' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 20' 30' 40' 30' 40' UK Cloward Weber Electrosonic nWave Themed Gilderfluke VEQTOR Bruce D.

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