News Clipping Files News Clipping File Title File Number Abkhazi Gardens (Victoria, B.C.) 3029 Abkhazi, Margaret, Princess 8029 Academy Close (Victoria, B.C.) 3090 Access to information 9892 Accidents 3287 Actors 3281 Adam, James, 1832-1939 3447 Adams, Daniel (family) 7859 Adaskin, Murray 6825 Adey, Muriel, Rev. 6826 Admirals Road (Esquimalt, B.C.) 2268 Advertising 45 Affordable housing 8836 Agnew, Kathleen 3453 Agricultural organizations 1989 Agriculture 1474 Air mail service 90 Air travel 2457 Airports 1573 Airshows 1856 Albert Avenue (Victoria, B.C.) 2269 Alder Street (Victoria, B.C.) 9689 Alexander, Charles, 1824-1913 (family) 6828 Alexander, Fred 6827 Alexander, Verna Irene, 1906-2007 9122 Alexander-Haslam, Patty (family) 6997 Alexis, Johnny 7832 Allen, William, 1925-2000 7802 Alleys 1947 Alting, Margaretha 6829 Amalgamation (Municipal government) 150 Amelia Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2270 Anderson, Alexander Caulfield 6830 Anderson, Elijah Howe, 1841-1928 6831 Andrews, Gerald Smedley 6832 Angela College (Victoria, B.C.) 2130 Anglican Communion 2084 Angus, James 7825 Angus, Ronald M. 7656 Animal rights organizations 9710 Animals 2664 Anscomb, Herbert, 1892-1972 (family) 3484 Anti-German riots, Victoria, B.C., 1915 1848 Antique stores 441 Apartment buildings 1592 City of Victoria Archives News Clipping Files Appliance stores 2239 Arbutus Road (Victoria, B.C.) 2271 Archaeology 1497 Archery 2189 Architects 1499 Architecture 1509 Architecture--Details 3044 Archivists 8961 Ardesier Road (Victoria, B.C.) 2272 Argyle, Thomas (family) 7796 Arion Male Voice Choir 1019 Armouries 3124 Arnold, Marjoriem, 1930-2010 9726 Arsens, Paul and Artie 6833 Art 1515 Art deco (Architecture) 3099 Art galleries 1516 Art Gallery of Greater Victoria 1517 Art--Exhibitions 1876 Arthur Currie Lane (Victoria, B.C.) 2853 Artists 1520 Arts and Crafts (Architecture) 3100 Arts organizations 1966 Ash, John, Dr. 7818 Ashburnham, Doreen 7657 Ashe, Ned 6834 Ashnola (Victoria, B.C.) 1593 Astronomers 3047 Auchterlonie, Curly 6836 Auction houses 8776 Austin, Henry Martin, 1880-1944 7974 Austin, John Joel 7856 Automobile Racing 2191 Automobiles 2467 Avalon Road (Victoria, B.C.) 2273 Aylard, George 7669 B.C. Summer Games (2000 : Victoria, B.C.) 1865 Baden-Powell, Robert, Col. 6838 Badminton (Game) 9684 Bagpipers 9981 Baillie, David Main, Dr. (family) 5838 Bains, Satvinder, 1960-2009 9396 Baker, Edgar Crow, 1845-1920 (family) 9834 Baker, James 6839 Bakeries 2240 Balcom, Graeme Sterling, 1934-2010 9836 City of Victoria Archives News Clipping Files Balderson, Edward G. 7724 Balmoral Road (Victoria, B.C.) 2274 Bamberton (B.C.) 2495 Bamford, Evelyn 7804 Bancroft, Hubert Howe 6840 Bands (Music) 2804 Banfield Park (Victoria, B.C.) 2055 Banfield, Charles Frederick, 1878-1959 3523 Bank House (Victoria, B.C.) 1594 Banks 1574 Barbers 3078 Barker (family) 7962 Barker, Amelia Cumerbach Fair 6841 Barker, William, 1817-1894 6842 Barlow, Samuel 6843 Barnard, Francis Jones (family) 6844 Barnard, Francis Stillman, Sir (family) 3533 Barnard, George Henry (family) 7922 Barnes, Arthur 9015 Barnes, Daphne, 1910-2004 8112 Barnes, Emery 7723 Barns 1595 Barnswell, James (family) 6845 Barraclough, Jack 6846 Barrett, Samuel (family) 6847 Bars (Drinking establishments) 2702 Baseball 2192 Basketball 2193 Bastion Square (Victoria, B.C.) 2275 Bastion Theatre Company 59 Bate, Clifford Jack, 1918-2010 9824 Bate, John 7618 Bate, Orville "Herb", 1924-2010 9814 Batey, Alan H., 1918-2009 9489 Battery Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2276 Baur, Tony, 1954-2010 9699 Bawlf, Samuel 6849 Bay Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2277 Bayer, Mary Elizabeth 6850 Bayley, Charles Alfred 7861 Bays 3002 Beach Drive (Oak Bay, B.C.) 2278 Beacon Hill Park 2056 Beacon Hill Park Story Pole (Victoria, B.C.) 3026 Beacon Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2899 Beaconsfield Inn (Victoria, B.C.) 2654 City of Victoria Archives News Clipping Files Beattie, Philip R., Rev. 6851 Beauty contests 9009 Beauty shops 9688 Beaven, Robert, 1836-1920 7658 Bechtel, Andrew 6858 Bed and breakfast accommodations 2971 Beekeeping 1475 Beesley, John Alan, 1927-2009 9389 Begbie Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2279 Begbie, Matthew Baillie, Sir, 1819-1894 6852 Begg, Alexander, 1825-1905 8109 Begg, Alexander, 1839-1897 8110 Behnsen, Harry 6853 Beketov, Nicholas 6854 Belfry Theatre Company 60 Bell ringing 2867 Bell, Gordon 7817 Belleville Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2280 Bellevue Street (Saanich, B.C.) 2854 Belmont Avenue (Victoria, B.C.) 2281 Belmont Avenue United Church (Victoria, B.C.) 1623 Belmont Building (Victoria, B.C.) 1596 Bennett, William Andrews Cecil, 1900-1979 6856 Bentinck Island (B.C.) 1537 Berryman, Carol, 1936-2007 9123 Bertucci, Nicholas 6857 Bicycle lanes 10023 Bicycling 3251 Bindloss, Harold 6859 Birch, Arthur Nonus 6860 Birch-Jones, Sonia, 1921-2009 9353 Birthday Candle (Neon) 1962 (Victoria, B.C.) 1541 Bissett, James 6861 Black, Wesley 7800 Blacks 1843 Blacksmiths 3120 Blackwood Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2282 Blakeney, Fred 6864 Bland, James William 6863 Blanshard Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2283 Blanshard, Richard, Sir 6865 Blenkinsop, George (family) 7782 Blinkhorn, Thomas 6867 Bloomfield, Henry 6868 Bloomfield, Philip Pierce (family) 7619 Blue, Denis 7841 City of Victoria Archives News Clipping Files Board games 435 Board of Trade 2018 Board of Trade Building (Victoria, B.C.) 1618 Boating 3143 Bocking, Margaret Ethel, 1919-2009 9517 Bodwell, Ernest Vining (family) 6869 Boggs, Beaumont Thomas Frederick William, 1864-1943 (family) 6870 Bolen, Mel 7977 Bone, William Henry, 1855-1946 6872 Bong, Ko John 9342 Book stores 2241 Bookbinders 633 Boot, Jesse, 1850-1945 6873 Bootlegging 2573 Borde, August (family) 6875 Boscowitz, Joseph (family) 6876 Bossi (family) 6877 Bostock, Hewitt, 1864-1930 6878 Bosustow, Steve 6879 Botterell, Mary Elizabeth, 1918-2000 7830 Boukina, Lioudmila 7748 Boulton, Basil Cartwright, Dr., 1928-2008 9218 Bovey, Patricia 6880 Bowcott, Frederick Gordon 7726 Bowker Creek (Victoria, B.C.) 8704 Bowker, John Sylvester, 1821-1898 (family) 6881 Bowling 2195 Bowser, William John 6882 Boxing 2196 Boy Scouts 715 Brackman Island (B.C.) 1547 Braide, Davida 6886 Bray, William 6883 Breakwaters 1950 Brethour, Samuel (family) 6884 Brewin, Gretchen 2981 Brewing industry 107 Brice, Susan 6887 Brick trade 108 Bridges 1553 Briggs, Alfred Penner (family) 7798 British 1844 British Columbia Archives 9902 British Columbia Aviation Museum 19 British Columbia Historical Federation 9983 British Columbia Land and Investment Agency 1567 City of Victoria Archives News Clipping Files British Columbia Pioneer Reunion, Victoria, B.C., 1916 9701 British Columbia. Legislative Assembly 99 British Columbia--Centennial celebrations, etc. 1958 9788 British Columbia--Centennial celebrations, etc. 1971 9785 Broad Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2284 Broadcasting 1751 Brotchie, William, Capt., 1799-1859 6888 Broughton Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2285 Brown Bros. (firm) 2815 Brown, Audrey 7760 Brown, Edna 9506 Brown, Herbert Percival Rideout, 1919-2003 8553 Brown, Ronald Nelson, 1913-1997 7620 Bruce, R. Randolph, 1861-1942 6891 Bryant, John Wilson 6892 Brydon, Thomas Anderson, d. 1920 3682 Buchan, Natalie 10005 Buckman, Samuel W., Capt. 6893 Budd, Art 6894 Builders 9345 Building names 10006 Buildings 1571 Bull, Josiah, 1896-1965 (family) 6940 Bullen, Annie Amelia, 1863-1956 6941 Bullen, Cecilia Mary, 1889-1873 7924 Bunster, Arthur 6896 Burdett Avenue (Victoria, B.C.) 2286 Burdett-Coutts, Angela Georgina, Baroness, 1814-1906 6943 Burkmar, Hugh, 1934-2007 9125 Burleith (Victoria, B.C.) 9695 Burnaby, Robert, 1828-1878 6944 Burnes House (Victoria, B.C.) 1575 Burnes, W.J. 6945 Burnett, Phillip 9411 Burns Club of Victoria 8863 Burnside Gorge (Victoria, B.C.) 37 Burnside Road (Victoria, B.C.) 2287 Burton, Pierre 8078 Bus garages 3199 Buses 2468 Business 1699 Business organizations 2016 Butchart Gardens (Central Saanich, B.C.) 2575 Butchart, Robert Pim, 1857-1943 6946 Butcher shops 2848 Butler, Claude (family) 6947 City of Victoria Archives News Clipping Files Butler, George Stephen (family) 6948 Butlin, Ron 9781 Butt, John 6949 Buxton, Percy (family) 6950 Byrnes, George 6951 Cabbage Island (B.C.) 1703 Cadboro Bay Road (Saanich, B.C.) 3109 Cadborosaurus 2786 Cafferky, Michael, 1958-2009 9341 Cairns 139 Calder, Alexander 6953 Calder, Frank, 1915-2006 9104 Caledonia Avenue (Victoria, B.C.) 2288 Cameron, Agnes Deans, 1863-1912 (family) 6954 Cameron, David, 1804-1872 6955 Cameron, James Oscar (family) 3720 Camosun Club 2036 Camosun Street (Victoria, B.C.) 2855 Campbell, Alex, Sr. 8023 Campbell, Duncan E. (family) 6958 Campbell, Francis Henry 7763 Campbell, Samuel, Dr. 6957 Campbell, Walter 6959 Canada Day 2601 Canada. Canadian Armed Forces. Naden Band 2742 Canada. Canadian Army 2692 Canada. Canadian Army. Canadian Women's Army Corps 2929 Canada. Canadian Army. Field Regiment, 88th (Victoria Fusiliers) 2736 Canada. Canadian Army. Field Reginment, 5th 129 Canada. Canadian Army. Princess Patricia's Canadian Light Infantry 2739 Canada. Canadian Forces Base (Esquimalt, B.C.) 9792 Canada. Royal Canadian Air Force 2691 Canada. Royal Canadian Navy 134 Canada--Armed Forces 291 Canada--Armed Forces--Women 135 Canada--Centennial celebrations, etc. 1962 9784 Canada--History--Confederation, 1867 1756 Canadian Coast Guard 2155 Canadian Corps of Commissionaires 132 Canadian Institute for the Blind (CNIB) 9028 Canadian National Railway (CNR) 887 Canadian Pacific Railway Steamship Terminal (Victoria, B.C.) 9808 Canadiana Costume Society 2027 Canoe racing 2608 Capital Regional District 1709 Capital Regional Hospital Board 2643 City of
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