Forty-fifth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia World Health Organization Rcgional Office for Sourh-East Asia Kc\\, Dclhi. lndia Novcmhcr ICY)? Final Report and Minutes Forty-fifth Session of the WHO Regional Committee for South-East Asia Katlzmandu, 7-13 September 1992 World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia New Delhi, India November 1992 CONTENTS Page SECTION I - REPORT OF THE REGIONAL COMMIlTEE Introduction ........................................... ... ................................... 1 Part 1 -Resolutions 3 SEA/RC45/RI Time and Place of Forty-sixth and Forty-seventh Sessions . ... .......... 3 SEA/RC45/R2 Selection of a Topic for Technical Discussions . 3 SENRC45m3 Report of the Regional Director for the Period 1 July 1Y)l - 30 June 1992.. 3 SEA/RC45/R4 Proposed Programme Budget for 1994-1995 . 4 SEA/RC45/R5 Balance and Relevance in Human Resources for Health for HFAnOOO . 4 SEA/RC45/R6 Malaria Cnntrol . 5 SEA/RC/45/R7 Leprosy Elimination 6 SEA/RC45/R8 AIDS 7 SEA/RC45/R9 Resolu 7 Port 11 - Discussions on the Keport of the Regional Director for 1991-92 . 8 Part 111 - Discussions on the Report of the Sub-cammiltee on Programme Budget .... 15 Part N - Discussions on Other Matters 17 I. Review of the Draft Provisional Agenda of the Ninety-first Session of the Executive Board and of the Forty-sixth World Health Assembly ...... .. 17 2. Technical Discuss~onson Balance and Relevance in Human Resources for Health for IIFAiZV2000 17 3. Consideration of the Recommendations of CCPDM on the Report of the Working Group on WIIO Programme Management in South-East Asia . 19 4. Progress Report on the Formulation of the Ninth General Programme of Work.. 20 5. Malaria Control - Ministerial Conference on Malaria 21 6. Leprosy Elimination 2 1 7. AIDS . 22 8. Health and Environment 23 9. WIIO Special Programme for Kesearch and Training in Tropical Diseases ... ........... 23 10. WHO Special Programme for Re Training in Human Reproduction 23 11. Management Advkary Committee (MAC) of the Action Programme on Essential Drugs .................................................................................... .24 12. Consideration of Resolutions of Regional Interest Adopted by the World Health Assembly and the Executive Board ................................. .. ................ .24 13. Time and Place of Forthcoming Wins of the Regional Committee.. ......................25 14. Selection of a Subject for the Technical Discussions at the Forty-sixth Session of the Regional Committee.. .....................................................................25 Annexes I. List of Participants 3. Report of the Sub-committee on Programme Budget Relevance in Human Resources for Health for HFAR000 ...................................38 5. Report of the Twenty-second Meeting of the Consultative Committee for Programme Development and Management 9 6. List of Official Documents ................................................................ .58 SECTION 11 - MINUTES OF THE SESSION 1. First Meeting, 7 Seplember 1992, 9.00 am 2. Second Meeting, 7 September 1992, 2.30 pm 3. Third Meeting. 8 September 1992. 9.00 am 4. Fourth Meeting, 10 September 1992, 9.00 am .............................................. ,123 5. Fifth Meeting, 10 September 1992, 2.30 pm 37 6. Sixth Meeting, 13 September 1992, 9.00 am 49 SECTION I l~"ginally issued as Draft Final Repon of the Forty-fifth Sesrion of the WHO Regional Commiltcc for South-East Asia (document SEAlRC45LI5, dated 12 September 1992) INTRODUCTION HE forty-fifth session of the Regional Committee for South-East Asia was held in TKathmandu, Nepal, from7 to 1)September 1992. It wasattended by the representatives of the eleven Member States of the Region. In addition, representatives from UNICEF, eight nongovernmental organizations having official relations with WHO, and observers from two voluntary agencies attended the meeting. The session was opened by H.E. Dr Abdul Sattar Yoosuf (Maldives), the outgoing Chairman of the forty-fourth session. His Excellency Dr Ram Baran Yadav, Minister of State for Health, His Majesty's Government of Nepal, inaugurated the meeting. A Sub-committee on Credentials, consisting of representatives from Bangladesh, DPR Korea and Mongolia, was constituted. The representative of Mongolia was elected Chairman of the Sub-committee which held two meetings and presented its reports (SEAiRC4St22 Rcv.1 and Add.l), based on which the Regional Committee recognized the validity of the credentials presented by all the representatives. The Regional Committee elected the following office-bearers: Chairman .. Mr Mukunda Shumsher Thapa (Nepal) Vice-Chairman .. Dr A.K. Mukherjee (India) The Committee reviewed the draft provisional agenda of the ninety-first session of the Executivc Board and of the Forty-sixth World Health Assembly (SEAtRC45t15). It established a Sub-committee on Programme Budget consisting of representatives from all Member States, and adopted its terms of reference (SENRC4514). Under the chairmanship of Dr Nyoman Kumara Rai (Indonesia), the Sub-committee held three meetings and submitted a report (SENRC45123), which was endorsed by the Regional Committee. The Committee elected Dr Somsak Chunharas (Thailand) as Chairman of the Technical Discussions on "Balance and relevance in human resources for health for HFN2000", and adopted the agenda for these discussions (SENRC4515 and Add.1). The conclusions and recommendations arising out of these discussions, which were held on 8 and 9 September 1992 (SENRC45/24), were presented to the Regional Committee, which endorsed the recommendations and adopted a resolution (SEAIRC45IRS). The Director-General of WHO, Dr Hiroshi Nakajima, addressed the session on the concluding day. A Drafting Sub-committee consisting of representatives from India, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal and Sri Lanka was formed. After deliberations in six plenary sessions, the Regional Committee adopted nine resolutions, wbich have been issued separately in the resolution series, and are incorporated in Part I of this report. The Regional Committee nominated: (1) India to the Management Committee of the Global Programme on AIDS for three years from 1 January 1993, (2) Nepal to the Joint Coordinating Board of the WHO Special Programme of Research and Training in Tropical Diseases for three years from 1January 1993, and (3) India to the Policy and Coordination Committee of the WHO Special Programme for Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction for three years from 1 January 1993. Bhutan was renominated to the Management Advisory Committee of the Action Programme on Essential Drugs for three years from 1January 1993. The Committee decided to hold its forty-sixth session in the Regional Office in 1993, and noted with appreciation the offer of the Government of Mongolia to host the forty-seventh session in Mongolia in 1994. The Committee decided to holdTechnical Discussions on the subject of "Community Action for Health" during its forty-sixth session in 1993. Part I of the report contains the resolutions adopted by the Committee. Parts 11, 111 and IV of the report are devoted to summaries of Committee's discussions on important matters. REPORT OPlHB PORT(-RFIH ReOlONhLCOMM~@ Part I RESOLUTIONS HE following nine resolutions were adopted by the Regional Committee (the references Ttothe 'Handbm*. are to the Handbook ofReso~and Decisions of che WHO Regional Comn~ineeforSouth-EartRria, Volume 2, Eleventh edition, 1976-1991, and its supplements): SENRC45lRl TIME AND PLACE OF FORTY-SIXTH AND FORTY-SEVENTH SESSIONS The Regional Committee, Recalling its resolution SEAIRC44lR4. 1. CONFIRMS its earlier decision to hold its fortysixth session at the Regional Office in New Delhi in September 1993; 2. THANKS the Government of Mongolia for renewing its invitation to host the forty-seventh session in Mongolia in 1994, and 3. DECIDES to hold the forty-seventh session in Mongolia in 1994. Handbook 1.2.1 Sith Meeting, 13 September 1992 Page 3 SEAIRC45IMin.6 SENRC45lR2 SELECTION OF A TOPIC FOR TECHNICAL DISCUSSIONS The Regional Committee, 1. DECIDES to hold technical discussions on the subject of "Community Action for Health during its forty-sixth session in 1993, and 2. REQUESTS the Regional Director to take appropriate steps to arrange for these discussions and to place this item on the agenda of the forty-sixth session. Handbook 1.2.2 Sixth Meeting. 13 September 1992 Page 5 SEAIRC45/Min.6 SENRC451R3 REPORT OF THE REGIONAL DIRECTOR FOR THE PERIOD 1 JULY 1991 - 30 JUNE 1992 The Regional Committee, Having reviewed and discussed the report of the Regional Director containing highlights of the work of WHO in the South-East Asia Region for the period 1 July 1991 to M June 1992 (document SEARC4512 and Corr.l), 1. NOTES with satisfaction the progress made during this period in the implementation of WHO'S programme of collaborative activities in the Region, and 2. CONGRATULATES the Regional Director and his staff on bringing out a short and lucid report on the programmes and activities in the Region, in accordance with the decision of the forty-fourth session of the Regional Committee. Handbook 9 Sixth Meeting, 13 September 19'Z Page 48 SEAlRC4SIMin.6 SEAIRC45JR4 PROPOSED PROGRAMME BUDGET FOR 1994-1995 The Regional Committee, Having considered the Proposed Programme Budget for 1994-1995 (document SEAIRC4513) and the report of the Sub-committee on Programme Budget (document SEA/RC45/23), 1. APPROVES the report of the Sub-committee on Programme Budget;
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