.! .1 i! !i. ... / V i i| \ nil 's (_ ( !| I I ( I M W h-.| Iitstrntnents, singtHg highlight College third annual PRISM concert expels first- By Craig Rice Staff Writer carjn@uvan'ise.edu year student The college hosted a gala event in Oteear G>in]]asium on March 1 over weapons to bonor the Center for the Arts. "PRISM," is a fund-raising din• From Staff Reports ner in its third year that celebrates the bard woric of U Va-Wise students A 23-year-old UVa-Wise first-year student has been and perfonning organizations in the expelled from campus for violating the ctdlege's weapons visual aits, theatre, and music. This policy was the first year that the event was On Feb. 29, campus police found three Breaims in the hosted on the UVa-Wise Campus. vehicle of Steven Daniel Barber, of Gate aty, Va. and a The evening featured perfor• former resident c^ Culbertson Hall. mances from the U\'a-\Vise QM- Barber appealed his expulsion on March 10. The cert Choir, Qarinet Choir, Highland expulsion was ui^d earlier this week. Chorale, Wise Guys and the Con• No criminal charges have been filed against Barber cert Band. They played numbers because DO crimes have been commilteed, said Gary Juban, from Mozart to West Side Story. the college's vice chancellw for administtalioa Many members of the faculty and Violations of campus policies are handled by the Fbolasby.CiBig'Rice community were oa band college's judicial sy^m. Abov«: Members of the UVafWIse Concert Gholr practice befwe "1 think PRISM is being very The college's investigation was sparked a wtitiog ttieiPrlem concert on March 1. Below: Members pf thaiHIghland well received by the conununity," assignment Barber submitted for Ms creative writing class. Corale slng during the college's thlrdiannual PRISM concert held see?iista,page5 Barber's fiist-person short story included rdierences to IntheGreear Gymnasium. gtms, drugs, suicide, the shooting at Virginia TtA and a writing course faculty, member named "Mr. Christopher." The story was turned over to campus authorities on Feb. 29 by the course instructor, ChrisloplKT ScaUa, an assistant professor of English. Scalia said he read the story the night before, consulted withifaculty memben the following mondnf and turned tbe story oveTvto campus admbdtlinian.. "I've taught other creative writing classes in other places," Scalia said. "I've never had to deal with aaylUng like this before." Barber told the Bristol Herald Courier on Maich 10 that "I never intended for him [the creaUve wiitliig professor] to feel threatened by it I never intended for the students to feel Ihfcateoed." Late last week, Juhan said that he did not think Barber's stoty vidated any college pcdicy. According to Barber's own account of the events posted to an <nline discossioniboaid, be was appfoeched: by campus police as he left a class oo ftb. 29J At that time, campus police searched'him for possible weapoos and asked fm permissioa to search his donu roon: Police also asked for permisstoa to seaich hia vehicle. He said he gave them penmssioa In the car, police foondithree guns. Bttrbersaidhe'vrasaskedibypcdiceif beknewdnt having the weapms oo campus was a vicdatioa of campus policies. He toM them he didtknow tUs was the case. He also toid police, "I also can make a pretty good case that the scfaod pcdicy is illegal." Sandra Richard• Accoidihg to the Student Handbo(4c "Weapons must repairs son, a professor be checked in to the UVa^Wise GanqMs Pdlice hnmediately of education; celr upon arrival to [the] cdlege." ebrates Dr. Seuss^ Barber said be was interviewed by. a college ooonselor, to a local crisis counselor and then taken td a>niental>bealth By Rdd'Salomcmsky birthday on Mondayi facility where he spent three days. SportsEdttor March 3 In the Oreep Oh March 6, Barber had an adntfadstrative hearing on iair7q@avawise:edu ar Gymnasium. The catnpus — which is when be found out he was expelled eveht was hosted Up to that point. Barber bad been bannediftom campus Workers have nearly compleied by the Southwest and Was not allowed back on campus without ametcat repairs todte roof ol CantrellHall Virginia Education fioin campus police, Juban said. Jaidn said that Barber tint was dnnaged by heavy winds was also not allowed to attend Us classes. two weeks ago. Association and: the The incident sparked rumors across campus — .Brett LAwsoo. director of din• Department of Edu• including the existence of a "hit list" in the student's ing services, estimated that the cation. Ridiardson Cuibertsm Hall nxm Juban said that rumor was unbue. lenovatkMS would cost around said she estimated "There's a lot of rumors going around," said Steve $15;000)uid would lake from two 210 children attend• McCoy, chief of campus police. Things really did toUureeweekSitoflnish. ed tile event—the not happen the way they [some students] said tbey . iCantiell HaU sufTered exten• largest turnout In the happened" sive damage cm Feb. 17, as strong eventshlstory. Juhan said that studenU in the creative writing cbst gusts caused the dn oo the roof of were warned 1^ Scalia that if they saw Baiter 00 canqms, the buUdbig to fly off, leaving the school's dhiing aiea exposed. Pboto by Kale Baldwin aetVletfaaB,ptge2 5e«CantteU,piige2 INDEX SENIOR JoKGE LABOY DC RELEASED A NEW RAMI PA0B4 WORE THE NtflMBER FULL-LENGTH MOVIE HEAOUNENEWS (» somoMORE BILLY BASED ON ONE OF THEIR CMmaBvuBiMBoMS Fox DURING THE CAVS MOST FAMOUS COMIC PAoa2 DOUBLBHEADER SPUT BOOKS. READ THE RE• NewscoNT. PAM « Mows, MuStt* MOM m MARCH 2. SEE THE VIEW AND RATING ON PAOBS PAMS PAGE 5. STORY ON PAGE 6. OPIMONSECIMN Spoina LEnemtomeEoniOR "NAsw FROM THE CHUP SBATI* PiMER OF Tia VMm Career Development hosts Students discuss affirmative Why Paintball Are Democrats What cartoon Career Fair for students action, race in Race Debate Should Be a Sport making it too easy character would By Julie Kaye Sboitt college, especially with graduation quickly ByAlUe Robinson "The to|rics were well-organized, but StafTWriter approachh^ StafTWriter controversial," said sophomore Samuel [email protected] "I think the fair is extremely beneficial agi^@uvawise.edu Sarfo. "I think people were taking every• on Campus for Republicans? you like to be? and offem our students an qipoitunity to thing loo personally, and that they were say• By Amanda Piper ByBricVanover TunaniHuck The Oaieer Fair 'OS will be held practice their ndworking skills while com• Students of varying ages, ethnicities, ing things that they thought others wanted Ophuon Editor Wednesday, Maicb 19 from 12 p.m. to 3 municating with emplt^ers," Kathy EUdns, genders and pcditical affiliations shared to hear, not what they thought" Freshmen To be quite honest with all readers, I didta't feel strong• etv3n9uvawise.edu p.m. in Oiecar Gymnasium. assistant director of career development, their opinions last Thursday, Feb. 28, on The questions were first posed to pan- History ly about this issue untU the Feb. 8,2008 (Vol 59. No. 16) The career fair will allow students from said in an e-mail. "The obvious benefit is one (rf' the most controversial four-letter- ehsts and then the floor was opened up for editioo of the Highland CavaUer came out with the student Change is a powerful tool. It can bring harmony or all majots to see what em|doyen in their offering students an oppoitunily to find em• words hi America-race. the studem body to speak. **Road Runner. Cause I'lii opinion question. "What sport would you like to see the it can bring terror. But more, importantly, it can never be preferred field have to offer and more im- ployment after graduation or an internship The Race Debate, held on the fifth floor Belachew said that the panel was most• a nmner and he's really college officially adoptr cootn^ted. pntantly, what employen are locking foi that will give them necessary experience of tbe Slemp Student Cfentn, was jdntly ly made upof vdwtfeers. smart getting away from Tbe 2008 presidential election is an election based on in potential employees. for their career ptanning." hosted by the Multi-Cultural Alliance, the "The whole purpose of the panel was While there were a few sports mentioned (mostly con• ventional), one sport 1 did not see was pointbalL change and I'm afraid ifs about to make people just a bit that coyote all the Ume." "The career fair will give students the Pre-registration for the fair was held Black Student Union, tbe office of Housing not to change peoples' minds or lo ctm- Baintball is normally put off as a dangerous or unpopu• too uncrairortaUe. qtportunity to speak with em|doyers face- Feh 29. However, students still have the and Residence Life and the Young Demo• vince each other what is right or wrong," lar sport Many schools decide against pabitball for fear of Let's face it, change scares people. to-face" Mallory Mullins. coordinator of opportunity to register for the fair online by cratic Socialists. she said. "It was to discuss these issues and students getting injured, or hick of interest or other schoob The pnMem with that is it makes this year's Republi• career recruitmeitt, said in an e-maiL going k> the Center for Student Develop• TMI panelists answered questions on exchange ideas and to give each other a Stephen Orange to compete against can candidate John McCain's job just a little too easy. Ba• Mullins said employers who attend the ment website. ^ issues while audience members also new perspective." Senior However, neither —————^— sically, all be has to do from now until the election is offend fair provide infonnatiaa atom their com• "Our career fair was a huge success Ust voicedithelr opinions.
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