frUU-KSDAY EVENING, S 12, , EPTEMBEE 1901. THE MINNEAPOLIS JOUKNAL. 3 the Cleveland police. "What Detective o'iLoughlln told th« local officers has stirred up things here ; and a new and invigorated 'policy of investigation will LIEUT. DABNEY, OF WASHINGTON, be carried on forthwith looking toward ADVANCETOWARDRECOVERY ABHORRENT the thorough sifting of all the stories to OBJECT SAYS: the effect that Cleveland was the scene of much of the plotting by the anarchists. By far the most sensational thing, how- ever,' accomplished • by the Buffalo man was the securing of affidavits concerning Not an Unfavorable Symptom in the President's "Pe=ru=na is a Substantial Tonic." the statements which Emma Goldman made in her inflammatory speech which Lieutenant Dabney's experience with IS LEON . Peruna exactly coincides with the experi- CZOLGOSZ she delivered here on May which 5 and Is Case Developed in the Night. said to have started Czolgosz on his des- ence of others. Peruna has, proved es- perate yes- pecially a favorite in military circles, be- course. The affidavits secured It is prompt action, terday by O'Loughlin will'figure prom- cause in Its lasting in its cures and never-falling In effective- inently in the preliminary hearing of ness. Emma Goldman. They consist of state- Buffalo, N. V., Sept. 12.—1t is believed words, we heard faintly but distinctly, Dirty, ments from members of the local detec- the ball has now become encysted in the portion of the Lord's Prayer. * Deputy Clerk Anderson of California Unkempt and Thoroughly Despicable, tive force and from several citizens who muscles of the president's back. Dr. " 'Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done,' heard Goldman's speech. All of the" day Mann, speaking in regard to this, said were the words we heard as he passed into Mr. Andree Anderson, Deputy County was spent by the two officers in hunting he knew a man who lived for years unconsciousness from which he might Clerk, Loulsabesbro Co., Cal., ex-Pott- the President's Assailant Passes Long down persons who had attended the now with a bullet in the muscles of his never emerge." master, Burnett, Cal.. writes: famous -lecture. Some of the affidavits heart. "No one seeing me to-day would think contain sensational matter, it is said, al- The attention of the physicians is now, "FREE SOCIETY" that I was at death's door a few years though they were spirited away and no therefore, mainly directed to tTfe care ago with pulmonary troubles. I had fre- Hours in His Dungeon. inkling given of their contents. and treatment of the wound caused by the Platform Thereof Famishes Incriin- quent bleeding from the lungs, my stom- incision made in the abdomen above the inntine Evidence. ach was out of order and when I came navel, operation was performed. PINKERTON PERPLEXED where the Sept. *&emtl&^ here for my health no one thought I would wound is progressing satisfactorily. Buffalo, 12.—The Courier Bays this This morning: Superintendent now recover. Mybrother in tfce East had been He passed on the road Bull has Albert J. Dabney, very Points Does Not Understand—An- Another milestone to his of instructions Lieutenant U. S. V., cured of a hard cold on the lungs recovery was yesterday in possession the code writes from Washington, by using archism Farreacbing-. the discontinuance imparted to the selected assassin, Czol- D. C. as fol- Peruna and he wrote me and ad- by the doctors of the figures showing res- lows: vised me to try it. I had little faith but Sun \u25a0 gosz. He Believes That the •Kite York Special Service piration variations in their official bul- , thought give President Is Dead and Is The platferm of the Free Society was "After the use oftwo bottles of I would it a trial. I noticed New York, Sept. 12.— there is one man letins. Pa- a change in my appetite the very first now and also added to the cumulative evidence of ruaa Iam fully convinced in this country who knows a lot about an- The president breathes deeply conspiracy yesterday. that it I*a week and found that Isoon began to sleep archists and ways normally, the addition of respira- the anarchistic This good remedy and I conscientiously their it is William A. and the document binds its members together to can well. Gradually I began to feel better Guarded Carefully Lest He May At- Pinkerton, tion record the bulletin was recommend your anyone Recovery head of the Pinkerton Detect- to considered work for the destruction of the existing medicine to and took on flesh. was slow ive Bureau. Mr. Pinkerton" is not san- valueless. The president's pulse v.as who i» in need ofa substantial tonic for was so far gone, but after seven guine slightly in social order and continues: I when discussing the probability of accelerated the afternoon, but privileged Itis also a vary cure ca- months' steady use of Peruna I was my change was not and "As in former times no class effective tor to unearthing a plot to kill the president. the deemed material relinquished tyranny, J. own self once more. tempt Kill Himself. his temperature remained practically sta- ever its no more can tarrh"~ALßßßT DABNEY. He said: we take it for granted that the capitalists now am The anarchists don't plot. They are not tionary at 100.6 from daylight until dark. It is rare indeed that two bottles of "I weigh 173 pounds, in fln» persons of improvement were of the present day will forego their priv- Perima is sufficient to anyone health and spirits and have been a well of action. They sit around and>,some- The evidences the authority com- convince years, body says somebody ought president's keen of the juice ileges and their without that Peruna is a good remedy. man for two thanks to Peruna. that to be put out relish beef punction. It is therefore self-evident that Once in of the way. One of the group announces that given him during the nightand the increase the household Peruna generally stays. "It certainly saved me from an un- Hmw Bpmolml he from one the fight of prelatorian against the upper More than one-half our are timely grave."—Andree Anderson. YorkSun Sarvfom ginning to turn up at the back of his neck. is going to do the deed, and when he does in his allowance to three tea- and the middle be of a ills due to it, nobody is more surprised spoonfuls and also the fact that the wound classes must vio- catarrh. By catarrh is not simply Stephen R. Buffalo, Sept. 12.—Nobody outside of Czolgosz made one request for a comb. It than the very lent character and that mere wage con- meant United States Senator Mal- was him, men who suggested his act. I say, is becoming "more healthy." catarrh of the nose or head, lory, Florida, a recent official circles sees Assassin Czolgosz, but denied and since then he has dis- will explained flicts can never lead to the goal. but catarrh from in letter played' though, that if there was a plot Chicago Dr. Mcßurney that the slight of the lungs, stomach, in fact, every Pensacola, Fla., says the it is be even a more not the slightest interest in his the "Force, the only remedy. organ written from said he has grown to personal appearance. police will dig it out. They are closer to irritation found still remaining should of the body. following: pass away "We know therefore that the ruling disgusting object than when he was first As he appears now, there are not very the anarchists than any policemen in tho within the next twenty-four Almost every disease begins at first country hours. class will not voluntarily relinquish its "/hay used your excellent remedy, locked up with his face battered and his many men who would be particularly de- and'have been ever since the Hay- prerogatives and will make no conces- with a catarrhal condition of some lighted to meet Czolgosz in by- market riot. If Chief O'Neill says he has President Lonesome. mucous A few of Pe- Peruna, and can recommend it, both clothes torn and bloody. He has not been a lonely sions to us. Under these circumstances membrane. doses way at night. There is a good deal the information leading him to believe that there The president continues in excellent runa in the beginning is sure to prevent cov- of was a plot, there is only one remedy left—force aa a tonic amd a safe catarrh remedy. permitted to shave and his face is animal in his make-up. The police say he there is something to It. spirits but he confessed to one of the at- platform simple as much sickness. " There are two points "Our is and divided ered with a growth of scraggy beard that has the phrenological characteristics com- about the shooting of tendants that he was getting lone- follows: Peruna acts as a tonic because pro- If you do not derive prompt and satis- mon President McKinley interest me. some. He he in it Perona, is not an ornament. It is said that he has to criminals of a low and degraded that One- requested that be placed "First—Destruction of existing class duces healthy mucous mejnbranes in the factory results from the use of class. is, where is the man who shook hands with another bed. A depression had in write at once to Hartman, giving face nor even an formed domination through inexorable revolution stomach and digestive organs.
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