ate i0mir4»ai»r &»tifno Bftalb AvaragaiMly i Par the Maath oC M io . 19M pe loiigv eart garbaga to tlw gave aaougb watarmalona tot all EniarfMtey Doetan pfoparty, but today will start to tha voungstars oC’Camp for UM ■"k. 6 , ^ P irn ’s Dump damp.Ill tha new location. Oub Members Sundajr’s dinner. 4bout Towii eCtbaAadlt Physicians of tha toanchaa- Naur Damp ’Two motherleas e h ll d r a n , MALE'S SELF SERVE Tharadayt nttto chaaga la taaa- I e ( OlnolaMsas perature. tar Medical Association who liocalion Fixed ‘‘Ilie new dump to located a con- Guests at Camp brooght to tha attanUon of tha H i t Oridnal In N ew H iifisn d ! t m t b » CMOki of Avtry atmt win reapond to emergency ■idarabla diatanea waat of the Ol- club mambara, wqra permitted to Himneheeter^A City of ViUago^Charm Ann ftynn at Omtar atreet calls tomorrow afternoon are cott street antranea to tha old filter stay two waeka loogM' at camp ■ •. ■ after tha ease waa braught to the uw naM Inc « two-waak vacaUon Doctors D. C. Y. Moore and Moriarty* to Allow vJJse bed property. ’The land to the Kiwanians Muke Annual A N D H e a l t h M A R K E T h M I RItw , Maaa., aa guaata of Mortimer Morlarty. south and the west of the beds waa attention of the mambara. IndlTt- y o l ^je^ n o T239 lOlaaatdei ae Pagt 14) y MANCHESTER, CONN., ,W EDNESDAV,^LY 10,1940 (SIXTEEN PAGES) PRICE THKER CENT^ >1 NM cU BnlUTan of that dty. Dnr- ■Of Section of the OW cleared last fall, winter and this Pilgrimage to Salvation ual mambara of tha club made ‘ . toe thalr aUy {Here they will vtalt spring by men working on a WPA fiifnancial donations for this pur- Army Site at Coventry. poae. '■ kba>Attnrouii(!Une ahora reaorta. Boys and glrlh who have enter­ Dump ^or 90 Days. huhicane ciearanoa project and in Yfed. " horning Specials so doing they have opened a Me­ FInda Toong Arftot lAra. BiJdgat'McOluakey of 37 ed the bicycle contest sponsored Mra! Arkett aaid that aha had H.OC GiD>^Stani|M Given With Cash Bales.., by the Tall Cedars of Lebanon, StarUng today no more garbage llon that will take cafe of the Ths annual pUfrimata o f the M im atreet anil her two daugh* town’s need for a dump for many discovered a likely artist or car­ ■* ia>^- juica and Tbereaa, have re- and who’ have not yet applied for is to be dtspoeed 'o f at the Broad Manchester Klwnnto CSuh to the toonist In the Maneheator group their tickets, may do so any hlgbt years to come. There is already a nilabary's lenwd after apendlng the' paat street dump. This decision waa hard, oiled road built into the Nathan Hale Comp at - Coventry and aaid that hia art should be en- y this week between 7:30 and 8:30 Lake last, night, where. 50 boys couragfed. Drawings of the' local week la Boaton. at the Masonic Temple.; At the reached yesterday afternoon fol­ property and' there Is ampls time 24</i-Lb. Bag 9 5 C . lowing a conference between Mor­ from now until the fall to build and glrla of Manchester have been lad were shown the Kiwanir Club Flour- British contest meeting last night the ■ N ' Jamaa H. Schaub, the day driver larty Brothers and town officials. spending the post two weeks -os membera. boys and girls were served frank­ whatever additional roads, as will ' Camp counsellors at Camp at boaa hoiise No. 3 of the South Moriarty Brothers recently pur­ be necessary to get' nearer to the guests of the club, was a revela­ MaiiCheder Fire department hse furters and soda. tion to many of the members. Nathan Hale presented a play and y,-Lb. Pkg. ^ 9 c chased 40 acres of land on the -section where the dumping of gave an exhibition of gymnastlca, ^Marshmallows jtkaan apreadlng good cheer among north of Middle Tvimplke, west, Major and Mrs. Arkett tit the Sal­ Ma frlenda whq are at present shut '” on the Weekly Morbidity Re­ garbage will continue. The change sang songs and gen e^ Iy enter­ Benrdolegr's and on both the east and west Will be welcomed by residents Uv-. vation Army met the Klwanfima . In the hosplUl by sending bouquets port of tht State Department of 1^ they arrived at camp and a tur- tained the member guests. Tha of flowers which he raised himself, Health one case of Measles was aides of Broad street. Ing In the area around Broad and counsellors of the camp are from Selectmen Notified khy supper, was'served them at 2-L>^ Jar 2 5 . C tor. Schaub Is interested in horti- ascribed to Manchester. Center streeta and also thoM who the regular rates for luncheon Springfield College. ^ •> Peanut Butter suiture amd It. is he who cares for On taking over the property latejjive neir Middle turnpike, west. meetings. Members of the club were treat­ tha gardens around hose house No. " Fine warm weather the past last month Moriarty Brothers and Broad street, coming at a time During the dinner Major Arkett ed to a model airplane meet, this three days has been of great served notice on the town that when the warm weather seems to spoke about the fine group of being one of the camp projects Everbest Grap^. Jism f benefit to vegetable gardens in this they would no longer allow the use Increase the unpleasant odor that children from Mahcheater and the under trained supervtoora. Pritea Burton Wesley Loomis who Is seetaon. Practically no growth of the land for dumping of gar­ comes from the dump. were given the children for the benefits each one had derived 2-Lb. Jer \ vlaiting his aunt and uncle, Dr. was recorded during .lune in the bage. The selectmen asked for the from their two weeks stay at the plane remaining longest in the *StrRtoliner' Finishes Record Hop to New York and Mrs. Willard B. Walters of case of many crops, but the change use of the dump until another plot lake camp. Major Arkett Introduc­ air. Grandmother's Pore Waahingtoh. D. C., accompanied now is ideal. could be selected. Since then, dif­ Church Entrance ed hia Vlfe as the camp director The attendance prize, donated F ive tham to the Blue . Grass region of ferent places owned by the town and Mrs. Arkett outlined the work by Clifford R. Burr, wae won by Britain Asserts^out ^ Kentucky and saw the ftmous Miss Alice Meacham has jfllned have been considered. Land to the done during the summer for the Dr. Earl E. Story. Fruit Syrupt Pint 17e toraea, "Man o’ War” and "War the office staff of the J. W. Hale rear of the filter beds of the old Being Beautified children. The Manchester boys and girls Admiral." The party also visited Corporation. sanitary sewer system off Olcott No Homeelckneas will return to town Wednesday Ih More Sought Now the birthplace of Abraham Lin­ street has been selected. '"Not one Manchester child had cars of club members. An equal coln and Uie home made famous as Mrs. Charles Krob. of 88 Linden Moriarty Brothers have Insisted A wrought iron railing of Gothic been affected with homesickness number of children ^from other Fresh Siring Bean$2 Lba. 15c Of Naval F o^ Swift; tlie inspiration of the song, "My that the town make arrangements sections will arrive at- camp on street and Mrs. William Anderson, design is being installed at the during the past two weeks, she ' . • y ' ' I Old Kentiicky Home." Mrs. Wai- of 40 Hemlock atreet and her son to take care of the disposal of the front entrance of the Emanuel said, and this year's group was Wednesday, Mra. Arkett stated. tem will be remembered aa Miss Douglas, returned home last eve­ garbage in some other section aa Lutheran church and at the stair­ said to be one of the best ever For Defense Fund MUdred Lbomls. M.H.S., ' ning after spending last week at soon as possible. One reason for way on the north side of the church sent to Coventry. Woferiwelons 59c 65c the Krob cottage at Andover Lake. purchasing the land, was to do leading to the vestry. The work is Speaking of the fine work done . The W.C.T.U. pictjic for mem- AUCB COfRAN away with the displeasing odors being done by James Kilpatrick of by individual meihbers Mrs. Ar­ (Known As |»sen ABoe) Roosevelt Urges Author- Bees Cause Interrupted Reveals Losses bars and friends take place- at Edward Paradise of 868 Park on Broad atreet. Charter Oak street. kett said that Kiwanlana were the farm of the state president In SPIRITUAL MEDIUM HEALTH MARKET Service On Phone Line street, Hartford, will appear In Contract Signed The new railings, which add quick to respond to her appeal for Seventh Daughter of a Seventh Sen lERtion by Cohgress of ' Boyth Windsor, Mrs. Louis St. court tomorrow morning on a ■yesterday afternoon Moriarty much to the exterior appearance of aid in several instances where Born With a VHL i Additional < IH,848,- Newington, July 10.— I Oatr -Burr, Station 42, tomorrow charge of violation of rules of the Brothers signed a contract with the church, are set in the concrete quick aid was needed. Some of Readings Dally 9 A M. to 9 P.^9i. Honeycomb Tripe Lb. 18c More * Damage to I(ai- Paper Will'Carry No .Admiral Signals No Cas­ at 10:80.
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