AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPING EUMETNET AGREEMENT FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF THE ECONOMIC INTEREST GROUPING EUMETNET between the following National Meteorological Services (NMS): 1. NMS Austria, Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, a governmental research organisation, established by imperial decree on 23 July 1851 which has been amended by the research organization law Forschungsorganisationsgesetz BGBL Nr. 341/1981, represented by its Director Dr. Fritz Neuwirth, having its registered office at Hohe Warte 38, A-1190, Vienna, Austria; 2. NMS Belgium, Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium, service of the State with separated management, created by Royal decree on 21 December 1986, with VAT number BE0349.294.822, represented by its Director-General, Dr Henri Malcorps, having its registered office at Ringlaan 3 , 1180 Brussels, Belgium; 3. NMS Denmark, Danish Meteorological Institute (Danmarks Meteorologiske Institut), a state institution created by parliament decision in December 1989, with identification number 1815 9104, represented by its Director General, dr. Peter Aakjær, having its registered office at Lyngbyvej 100, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark; 4. NMS Finland, Finnish Meteorological Institute (Ilmatieteen laitos), an institute created by the law of the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Laki ilmatieteen laitoksesta 22.12.1967/585, with VAT number FI02446647, represented by Director General, Prof. Petteri Taalas, having its registered office at Erik Palménin aukio 1, FI - 00560 Helsinki, Finland; 5. NMS Germany, Deutscher Wetterdienst, a public-law institution with partial legal capacity under the department of the Federal Ministry of Transport, Building and Urban Affairs, set up by the Law of the Deutscher Wetterdienst of 10 September 1998, last amended by Article 10 of the Gesetz zur Errichtung eines Bundesaufsichtsamtes für Flugsicherung und zur Änderung und Anpassung weiterer Vorschriften of 29 July 2009, with VAT number DE221793973, 2 represented by President Wolfgang Kusch, having its registered office at Frankfurter Strasse 135, 63067 Offenbach, Germany; 6. NMS Greece, Hellenic National Meteorological Service, service of the State under the Ministry of Defence, established by Law 5258 on 8 August 1931 and operating under Law 2292 of 15 February 1995 and Presidential Decree 161 of 3 July 1997, represented by its Director Lieutenant General (HAF) Odysseas Galanopoulos, having its registered office at El.Venizelou 14, 16777 Helliniko, Athens, Greece; 7. NMS Hungary, Hungarian Meteorological Service, an independent central institution under the guidance of the Minister of Environment and Water, latest Governmental Decree no.277/2005. (XII. 20.), with identification number 15311760241, represented by its President, Dr. László Bozó, having its registered office at H-1024 Budapest, Kitaibel Pál utca 1., Hungary; 8. NMS Iceland, Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO), a State institution created by parliament decision 11.6.2008, with identification number 99733, represented by its Director General, Dr. Árni Snorrason, having its registered office at Bustadavegur 9, IS-150 Reykjavik, Iceland, 9. NMS Ireland, Met Éireann - The Irish Meteorological Service, A Line Division of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, established by the Meteorological Services (Re-distribution of Public Services) Order, 1936, under the provisions of the Ministers and Secretaries Act, 1924, and transferred to the Department of the Environment and Local Government by Statutory Instrument No. 303 of 2002, represented by its Director Mr. Declan Murphy, having its registered office at Met Éireann, Glasnevin Hill, Dublin 9 Ireland. 10. NMS Italy, Stato Maggiore Aeronautica Militare - Ufficio Generale Spazio Aereo e Meteorologia (USAM), established by Royal Decree (RD) n. 64 dated 24.1.1923 followed by RD n. 496 dated 2.4.1925, with identification number 05824830961, represented by Mr Massimo Capaldo the Head of the Meteorological Department 3 of USAM as delegated explicitly by the Minister of Defence having its registered office at Viale dell'Università 4 - 00198 Rome – Italy; 11. NMS Latvia, Latvian Environment, Geology and Meteorology Centre, established pursuant to Order of Cabinet of Ministers (Nr. 448, 01. 07. 2009), with VAT number LV 50103237791, represented by its Chairman of the Board, Dr Andris Leitass, having its registered office at 165 Maskavas Str. Riga, LV-1019 Latvia; 12. NMS Luxembourg, Service météorologique de Luxembourg, service of the State of the “Administration de la navigation aérienne”, pursuant to the law of 21 December 2007, represented by its “chef de service”, Mr. Claude Alesch, delegate of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg via letter of the PR of Luxembourg to OMM from 11 November 2003, having its registered office at 4, route de Trêves L-2632 Luxembourg; 13. NMS Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Meteorological Institute (Koninklijk Nederlands Meteorologisch Instituut), a governmental Agency under the Ministry of Transport, Public Works and Water Management, established by Royal Decree on 31 January 1854, with VAT number NL003214412B14, represented by its Director-General, Dr. Frits J.J. Brouwer, having its registered office at Wilhelminalaan 10, NL-3732 GK De Bilt, The Netherlands; 14. NMS Norway, Norwegian Meteorological Institute (Meteorologisk institutt), a governmental institution, which is part of the Norwegian Government. of which the status and mandate is defined by Royal Decree dated 9 December 2005, with VAT number NO33507704, represented by its Director General, Professor Anton Eliassen, having its registered office at P.O. Box 43 Blindern, Niels Henrik Abels vei 40, N-0313 Oslo; 15. NMS Poland, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, a R&D institution established on the basis of the Decree No. 338/72 of 30 December 1972 issued by the Council of Ministers, registered under number 0000062756 and with tax identification number 525 000 88 09, represented by Professor 4 Mieczysław S. Ostojski, Director General, having its registered office at ul. Podleśna 61, 01-673 Warsaw, Poland; 16. NMS Portugal, Instituto de Meteorologia, I.P., a state administrative public institution created by the DL No 157/2007 of the 27th April 2007, with identification number 6000 122 39, represented by its President, Adérito Vicente Serrão, domiciled at Rua C ao Aeroporto de Lisboa, 1749-077 Lisboa, Portugal; 17. NMS Serbia, Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, a specialized institution established as per the Law on Ministries (“Official Gazette of RS”, No.19/2004 and 84/2004), with tax identification number 102217008 represented by its Director, Mr. Milan Dacić, having its registered office at Kneza Viseslava 66, 11030 Belgrade; 18. NMS Slovenia, Environmental Agency of the Republic of Slovenia (Agencija Republike Slovenije za okolje), a body of the Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning created by the Act amending the Organization and Competence of Ministries Act, Ur.l. RS, num. 30/2001, 26th of April 2001, represented by Dr Klemen Bergant, Director of Meteorological Office, having its registered office at Vojkova 1B, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia; 19. NMS Spain, Agencia Estatal de Meteorología, a state Agency under Royal Decree 186 / 2008 of 8th February published in the State Official Bulletin (BOE) of 14 February 2008, with identification number Q-2801668-A, represented by its President, Mr. Francisco Cadarso González, having its registered office at Leonardo Prieto Castro, 8, 28040 Madrid, Spain; 20. NMS Sweden, the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute, a government Agency created through Ordinance SFS 1918:903 given 29th October 1918, with VAT number SE202100069601, represented by its Director General Mrs. Lena Häll Eriksson, having its registered office at SE-601 76 Norrköping, Sweden; 5 21. NMS United Kingdom, Met Office, government Trading Fund created in 1996 under Statutory Instrument Ref No SI1996/774, with VAT number UK888 8053 62, represented by its Chief Executive Officer John Hirst, having its registered office at FitzRoy Road, Exeter, EX1 3PB. Hereinafter referred to individually as “Founding Member” and collectively as “Founding Members”; Unless stated otherwise herein, capitalized terms shall have the meaning as set forth in Annex 1 of this Agreement. 6 PREAMBLE RECALLING that EUMETNET has been put in place in 1996 as an association without legal personality with as primary mission to help cooperation and collaboration among its members and to represent them externally on a collective basis, particularly when communicating with European organizations, especially the European Union (EU) and the European Commission (EC); NOTING the strengthening of links within the European Union, the creation of the European Economic Area and the contributions the NMS are making to environment management and monitoring of climate change, thus contributing to sustainable development; NOTING that for the last few years, EUMETNET has been exploring to establish a transformation of the existing association into a body with legal personality separate from its members with a view to being able to present project proposals and to sign contracts or agreements in its own name with third parties including the EC or other European bodies to the collective benefit of its members; WISHING to bring to all users of meteorological services in Europe the best available quality of service through the most efficient and effective management of the
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