St. Lawrence O'toole & Sacred Heart Parishes

St. Lawrence O'toole & Sacred Heart Parishes

march 22, 2020 fourth sunday of lent slst. lawrence o’toole & sacred heart parishes &sh Mass schedule St. Lawrence Saturday Vigil 5:30, 7:30pm (Spanish) Sunday 8:00, 9:30, 11:00am, 12:30, 5:30pm (Youth Mass) Monday-Friday 8:30am Saturday 9:00am Sacred Heart Saturday Vigil 4:00pm Sunday 10:30am St. Lawrence Cemetery Plots and cremation niches are available for purchase. 'IQIXIV]SJ½GI\ call to schedule an appointment. 31 Prospect Street Brewster, NY 10509 845-279-2021 414 Haviland Drive Patterson, NY 12563 845-279-4832 Livestream of Mass at 9:30 am Sunday Instagram: stlawrenceotoole_brewsterny Facebook: St. Lawrence O’Toole Twitter: St. Lawrence O’Toole Church power of prayer dedications Please keep these special intentions in your prayers this week Sacred Heart The Sanctuary Candle is dedicated for Salvatore Della Mar 23 For all the health care professionals Cava At the request of Carmen Catalanotto Mar 24 For the safety of all those in Brewster & Patterson St. Lawrence O’Toole The Pascal Candle is dedicated for Mar 25 Our parishes faith grows deeper and Elizabeta Novosel closer to Christ At the request of her son Gabe The Blessed Mother Candle is dedicated for Mar 26 Intentions of those in the Discipleship Retreat Marco Broadway At the request of the Strilowich Family Mar 27 Increase in adorers for adoration ___________________________________________ Mar 28 Intentions of Fr. Richard Gill pray for Mar 29 For all our religious educations Please remember our brothers and sisters in the students studing at home. Lord who have asked for prayers: ___________________________________________ 0DULO\Q6TXHRƕ-RDQ4XLQQƕ0LFKDHOHQH.DPLQƕ-LOO0RXQ- GURXNDVƕ0LFKDHO7D\ORUƕ/DUU\7RELQƕ -RDQ9HVH\6R¿D/D- readings for sunday 5RFFDƕ9LFWDOLQR*DU]Dƕ+DQRUD&DPSEHOOƕ5\DQ0F0DKRQ ƕ(OHDQRU-HQVHQƕ6KHLOD5LFKLHƕ-HVVLFD)LW]SDWULFNƕ5RVH First Reading: First Samuel 16: 1b, 6-7, 10-13a 0DUDJQLƕ3HJJ\&XQQLQJKDPƕ9LOPD*MXUDMƕ'DYLG:HOGRQƕ %DUEDUD+DQVEXU\:HOGRQƕ-RVHSK-7LHUQH\ƕ3DWULFLD6WRQH Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 23: 1-3a, 3b-4, 5, 6 ƕ'HQLVH.XUW]ƕ5RVHDQQ%OXPƕ&KXFN)R[ƕ)UDQN &DURO 9DFFDUHOOLƕ-RKQ (ODLQH6WHLQKDUGWƕ1LQD5LFFLDUGLƕ0DU\ Second Reading: Ephesians 5: 8-14. Thompson ƕ5HEHFFD+DUULV0RUHLUDƕ0DULH$P\ƕ)UHGG\ /\RQVƕ-HQQLIHU*ULHYHVƕ'RWW\/DKPƕ0DULD0LGGOHWRQƕ Gospel: John 9: 1-41. /DZUHQFH,D]]HWWL6Uƕ0DUN/DSKDPƕ:LOOLDP)DOORQƕ:DOWHU *DUHFKWƕ6U0DULH0XUSK\ Names will remain on the Prayer List for 90 days and then will be transferred to the prayer list in the Adoration Chapel.7RDGGQDPHVWRRUUHPRYHQDPHVIURP WKH3UD\HU/LVWSOHDVHHPDLO6/276+2I¿FH#JPDLOFRP This is the wonderful truth, my dear friends: the Word, which FIGEQI¾IWLX[SXLSYWERH years ago, is present today in the Eucharist,” --St. John Paul II Keep him company for an hour Adore him where ever you are 2 March 22, 2020 while we’re at it our vision Create a parish of missionary disciples whose personal relationship with Jesus Christ inspires others into a life-changing relationship with Him. Dear Friends, +RZWKHZRUOGKDVWXUQHGXSVLGHGRZQLQMXVWDIHZZHHNV %XWKHUHDW6W/DZUHQFHDQG6DFUHG+HDUWZH¶UHORRNLQJIRUFUHDWLYHQHZZD\VWRPLQLVWHUWRSHRSOH DQGNHHSSHRSOHWXQHGLQWR*RGZRUNLQJLQWKHLUOLYHVLQWKHPLGVWRIWKHFULVLV+HUHDUHVRPHZD\V \RXFDQSOXJLQHYHQLIZHDUHQ¶WKDYLQJSXEOLF0DVVHV 1. The Safety Squad:H¶UHUHFUXLWLQJYROXQWHHUVWRZRUNWKHSKRQHVFDOOLQJSDULVKLRQHUVDQG checking especially on the elderly, those alone, and those with medical conditions that make WKHPYXOQHUDEOHWRWKHYLUXV:H¶UHRIIHULQJWRKHOSJHWVXSSOLHVWRHQFRXUDJHWKHPWRSUD\ ZLWKWKHPWRVHQGVRPHRQHWREULQJ+RO\&RPPXQLRQ,I\RXFDQKHOSRUZRXOGOLNHDFDOO check it out on 2. Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament – It is still going on around the clock. You can stop in to the 'LYLQH0HUF\$GRUDWLRQ&KDSHODW6W/DZUHQFH7KHFKXUFKHVDUHRSHQIRUSUD\HU$WWLPHVOLNH WKLVZHQHHGLWPRUHWKDQHYHU 3. Holy Mass SundayDPLVOLYHVWUHDPHGHYHU\ZHHN& Pray the Prayer of Spiritual CommunionWKDWLVLQWKHER[EHORZ 4. ConfessionsHYHU\0RQGD\IURPSPWRSPDW6W/DZUHQFH*HWWR&RQIHVVLRQ GXULQJ/HQW 5. Stations of the CrossOLYHVWUHDPHGDWSPHYHU\)ULGD\LQ/HQW&KHFNLWRXWDW 6. Daily Mass±,¶PSUD\LQJHVSHFLDOO\IRUDOORXUSDULVKLRQHUVDWP\SULYDWH0DVVDPGDLO\WKDW the plague will spare all our parishioners and their families. 7. Our Youth Ministry and Religious Education SHRSOHDUHUHDFKLQJRXWRQOLQHWRHYHU\RQHLQ SPIRITUAL COMMUNION PRAYER their ministries. My Jesus, I believe that You are present $QGUHPHPEHULWLVVWLOO/HQW«ZHVKRXOGFRQWLQXH in the Most Holy Sacrament. ZLWKRXUSUD\HUIDVWLQJDQGVDFUL¿FHV I love You above all things, and I desire to receive You into my soul. God bless, Since I cannot at this moment receive You sacramentally, come at least spiritually into my heart. Fr. Richard Gill I embrace You as if You were already there and unite myself wholly to You. Never permit me to be separated from You. Amen. 3 confessions/st. lawrence save the date-golf outing 7KH6DFUHG+HDUW*ROI2XWLQJLVRQ0RQGD\-XQHQG TQTQ Shot-Gun start is at 1 pm. Contact Judy McDermott for more March 23 Fr. Gill information at [email protected]. _______________________________________ ________________________________________March 30 Fr. Gill sacraments scholarship 7KH6W/DZUHQFH2¶7RROH&DWKROLF'DXJKWHUVDUHRIIHULQJD BAPTISM%DSWLVPVDUHVFKHGXOHGIRUWKH¿UVW6XQGD\RI college scholarship of $400 to a senior who is a parishioner WKHPRQWKDW30DW6W/DZUHQFH6SDQLVK%DSWLVPV RI6W/DZUHQFH2¶7RROHSDULVK7KHDSSOLFDQWWRZULWHD are scheduled for the fourth Sunday of the month word essay on what it means to be a Catholic. The essay and DW30&RQWDFW,UHQH:HVWLQDW application, to be submitted by April 1, 2020. For questions and to get an application contact Mary Thomson 845-279- 6949. MARRIAGE&DOOWKH3DULVK2I¿FHWRDUUDQJHDQDSSRLQW- _______________________________________ PHQW3ODQVVKRXOGEHPDGHDPLQLPXPRIVL[PRQWKVLQ DGYDQFH pray for our men and ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Please call the Parish 2I¿FHDQ\WLPHVRPHRQHLVVHULRXVO\LOODWKRPHRULQ women serving <RXDUHLQYLWHGWRVHQGLQQDPHVRIRXUSDULVKLRQHUVZKRDUHSDUW the hospital. RIRXUPLOLWDU\:HZLOOEHSUD\LQJIRUWKHP CONFESSION: 86$UP\ &KULVWRSKHU0RQWHIHUDQWH$QGUHZ1RFH 0RQGD\V«««««««30St. Lawrence %UDQGRQ9LOOHJDV(YDQ%UDG\0LFKDHO7LIIDQ\ 6DWXUGD\V««««««30Sacred Heart (OYLQ*DU]D 861DY\ .\OH6WDQOH\0DWW/HVWUDQJH.HYLQ5'XII\ ADORATION OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT: &RQQRU32¶5RXUNH 0RQGD\)ULGD\«««KRXUVGDLO\St. Lawrence 860DULQHV 6DP.DSODQ0LFKDHO0RQWL$OH[$OLDM +RO\+RXURI3UDLVH :RUVKLSUG0RQGD\30 0LFKDHO/LJXRUL U.S. Air Force James Friedlander, Christopher Pragoff, To sign up for an hour of adoration go to Michael DeSandra _______________________________________ DEVOTIONS TO OUR LADY: 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\«« $05RVDU\St. Lawrence divine mercy chaplet live 0RQGD\ 7XHVGD\« 305RVDU\St. Lawrence (YHU\GD\RQWKH6W/DZUHQFH)DFHERRNSDJH&HFLOLDZLOOEH 6DWXUGD\$00LUDFXORXV0HGDO1RYHQDSt. Lawrence VD\LQJWKH'LYLQH0HUF\&KDSOHW/RRNIRULW 0RQGD\6DWXUGD\««$05RVDU\Sacred Heart 7XHVGD\««««««305RVDU\Sacred Heart ________________________________________ safety squad ONLINE GIVING It’s simple and easy and takes about a minute. You can back in at any time and change your amounts. Go to or 2. Click Make a Donation 3. Click Recurring Donation Once you’ve added your account information, donations will automatically deduct from your account. 4 HOLINESS SERIES- EVERY MONDAY IN LENT Seasons Confessions of Praise 4pm-8:30 pm Alpha Midweek March 23, 7pm Personal Holiness and Solid Formation of Our Conscience LIVE STREAMED MARCH 23 st lawrence o’toole Your Cardinal’s Appeal gift will help give a home to retired priests. St. Lawrence +SEP 4PIHKIH 4EMH 4IVGIRXEKISJKSEP Assistance for A HOME FOR RETIRED PRIESTS Needy Parishes St. John Vianney Center is the archdiocese’s $10,000,000 Sacred Heart home for our retired priests. They live in community, celebrate daily Mass, and share $20 results coming soon Pastoral, Charitable & million in a variety of activities on the bank of the Administrative Support Hudson River. The facilities are designed $6,000,000 for those with limited mobility and feature Funding for Parish Schools $2,000,000 a 13-bed enhanced care unit for those Formation of New Priests requiring specialized medical assistance $1,000,000 A Home for Retired Priests and end of life care. $1,000,000 “Charity, bye which God and neighbor are loved - is the most perfect friendship.” 5 St. Roch (1295-1327) embarked on a pilgrimage to Rome ZKHQKHZDVEHJJLQJDOOWKHZD\:KHQKHDUULYHGLQ,WDO\ KHGLVFRYHUHGDFRXQWU\UDYDJHGE\WKHSODJXH5RFKVHWDERXW caring for the sick strangers he came upon (often curing them PLUDFXORXVO\ XQWLOKHKLPVHOIFRQWUDFWHGWKHGLVHDVH.QRZLQJ nobody, Roch dragged himself to the forest to die, but a local GRJEURXJKWKLPIRRGDQGOLFNHGKLVZRXQGVXQWLO5RFKUHFRY- ered. St. Charles Borromeo (1538-1584) was a cardinal when IDPLQHDQGSODJXHVWUXFN0LODQ7KRXJKPRVWQREOHVÀHGWKH FLW\&DUGLQDO%RUURPHRRUJDQL]HGWKHUHOLJLRXVZKRUHPDLQHG WRIHHGDQGFDUHIRUWKHKXQJU\DQGVLFN7KH\IHGRYHU people a day, the bill largely footed by the Cardinal, who went LQWRSHUVRQDOGHEWWRIHHGWKHKXQJU\+HDOVRSHUVRQDOO\YLVLWHG WKRVHVXIIHULQJIURPSODJXHDQGEDWKHGWKHLUVRUHVKDYLQJ¿UVW written his will and prepared himself for death. But the good &DUGLQDOZDVVSDUHGOLYLQJDQRWKHUVL[\HDUVDIWHUZKDWZRXOG XLIWIWEMRXWORS[½VWX HYHQWXDOO\EHFDOOHG³WKH3ODJXHRI6W&KDUOHV´ hand about surviving St. Henry Morse (1595-1645) was born an English Protestant EXWEHFDPHD-HVXLWSULHVWDQGUHWXUQHGWR(QJODQGWRVHUYH

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