Dr. Andrew S.C Rice CV resumido en español Prof. Dr. Andrew Rice, es profesor de investigación en dolor del Imperial College of Londres, donde es un activo investigador y clínico. s consultor honorario de "edicina del Dolor en el #ospital Chelsea y $estminster, en Londres. s miem%ro del equipo multidisciplinario de dolor, donde ofrece asesoría clínica a pacientes &ue sufren de dolor neuropático, en particular, neuralgia post(herp)tica, #I* y trauma de nervio perif)rico. +u investigación se concentra en esas patologías. ,iene m's de -.. pu%licaciones y forma parte de comit)s editoriales de la /i%lioteca P0%lica de Ciencia ")dica y Dolor. s el editor del texto de 2 volúmenes3 4,ext%oo5 of Clinical Pain "anagement”, 7da dición 8actual). #a formado parte de diferentes comisiones e:ecutivas de la IA+P y actualmente, es el Presidente del grupo de interés en dolor neuropático 8;euPsig9. Biography Andrew +.C. Rice is Professor of Pain Researc! at Imperial College London, where he is active in researc! and clinical medicine. #e is an #onorary Consultant in Pain "edicine at the Chelsea and $estminster #ospital, London. #ere, as a mem%er of a comprehensive multi(disciplinary pain management team, he provides a clinical service for patients suffering from neuropathic pain; in particular peripheral nerve injury, postherpetic neuralgia and #I* infection. #e received his medical degree from the +t. "ary=s #ospital "edical +chool 8>niversity of London) in -?@7 and his researc! doctorate from the +t. ,homas= #ospital "edical +chool 8>"D+, >niversity of London) in -??-. #e underwent his specialist clinical training mainly in Axford and at +t ,homas= #ospital. #is researc! programme focuses on neuropathic pain and covers %ot! laboratory and clinical research. #e is particularly interested in neuropathic pain in the context of infectious disease 8#I* and herpes Boster) and peripheral nerve trauma. ,hroug! collaboration wit! Prof. Diana Loc5wood at the London +chool of #ygiene and ,ropical "edicine, and colleagues in India and thiopia, he is elucidating leprosy(associated neuropathic pain. #e a Principal Investigator of the $ellcome ,rust funded London Pain Consortium of whic! he was Administrative Director 7..@(-7 8www.lpc.ac.u59. #e is the academic lead for the animal models work pac5age on the > Innovative "edicines Initiative grant 4 >RAPAI;”. #e is also the lin5person %etween >RAPAI; and the Cood and Drugs Administration 8>+A9 Critical Pat! Initiative3 Analgesic Clinical ,rial ,ranslation, Innovations, Apportunities and ;etworks 8AC,,IA;9. +ince 7..D he has held a num%er of positions on the xecutive Committee of the International Association for the +tudy of Pain +pecial Interest Eroup on ;europathic Pain 8;euP+IE9 and is currently Chair 8www.neupsig.org9. #e has served on the /ritis! Pain +ociety Council 87..F(G9, was a mem%er of the Counding /oard of the Caculty of Pain "edicine at the Royal College of Anaesthetists and was a Regional Advisor for the Caculty 87..F(?9. At Imperial College he led the "/ /+H PhD programme from its inception until 7.-7 and sits on the +teering Eroup and "anagement /oard for the Centre for Integrative "ammalian Physiology I Pharmacology. #e is an authour of more than -.. scientific pu%lications and sits on the editorial %oards of Pain and Pu%lic Li%rary of +cienceJ"edicine. #e conceived and is lead editor of the four volume 4,ext%oo5 of Clinical Pain "anagement”, now in its second edition. #e was the "ichael Cousins lecturer at the Australian and ;ew Kealand College of Anaesthetists in 7..?< Covino Lecturer at #arvard >niversity in 7..@< a plenary lecturer at the -.t! $orld Congress of Pain and was the Patric5 D. $all Professor at the Royal College of Anaesthetists in -??@. In 7.-., the ;europathy ,rust recognised his contri%utions to patients %y the award of the Dawn Ind "emorial Chalice. .
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