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The cap CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED saicin response is competitively inhibited (and thereby APPLICATIONS antagonized) by another capsaicin analog, capsazepine, and is also inhibited by the non-selective cation channel blocker This application claims priority to U.S. Provisional Appli ruthenium red, which binds to VR with no more than moder cation 60/823,258, filed Aug. 23, 2006, which is hereby incor ate affinity (typically with a K value of no lower than 140 porated by reference in its entirety. uM). FIELD OF THE INVENTION 10 Rat and human vanilloid receptors have been cloned from dorsal root ganglion cells. The first type of Vanilloid receptor This invention relates generally to 2-phenoxy pyrimidi to be identified is known as vanilloid receptor type 1 (VR1), none analogues that have useful pharmacological properties. and the terms “VR1 and “capsaicin receptor are used inter The invention further relates to the use of such compounds for changeably herein to refer to rat and/or human receptors of treating conditions related to capsaicin receptor activation, 15 this type, as well as mammalian homologues. The role of VR1 for identifying other agents that bind to capsaicin receptor, in pain sensation has been confirmed using mice lacking this and as probes for the detection and localization of capsaicin receptor, which exhibit no vanilloid-evoked pain behavior receptors. and impaired responses to heat and inflammation. VR1 is a nonselective cation channel with a threshold for opening that BACKGROUND OF THE INVENTION is lowered in response to elevated temperatures, low pH, and capsaicin receptor agonists. Opening of the capsaicin recep Pain perception, or nociception, is mediated by the periph tor channel is generally followed by the release of inflamma eral terminals of a group of specialized sensory neurons, tory peptides from neurons expressing the receptor and other termed “nociceptors. A wide variety of physical and chemi nearby neurons, increasing the pain response. After initial cal stimuli induce activation of Such neurons in mammals, 25 leading to recognition of a potentially harmful stimulus. Inap activation by capsaicin, the capsaicin receptor undergoes a propriate or excessive activation of nociceptors, however, can rapid desensitization via phosphorylation by cAMP-depen result in debilitating acute or chronic pain. dent protein kinase. Neuropathic pain involves pain signal transmission in the Because of their ability to desensitize nociceptors in absence of stimulus, and typically results from damage to the 30 peripheral tissues, VR1 agonist Vanilloid compounds have nervous system. In most instances, such pain is thought to been used as topical anesthetics. However, agonist applica occur because of sensitization in the peripheral and central tion may itself cause burning pain, which limits this thera nervous systems following initial damage to the peripheral peutic use. Recently, it has been reported that VR1 antago system (e.g., via direct injury or systemic disease). Neuro nists, including certain nonvanilloid compounds, are also pathic pain is typically burning, shooting and unrelenting in 35 useful for the treatment of pain (see, e.g., PCT International its intensity and can sometimes be more debilitating that the Application Publication Numbers WO 02/08221, WO initial injury or disease process that induced it. 03/062209, WO 04/054582, WO 04/055003, WO 04/055004, Existing treatments for neuropathic pain are largely inef WO 04/056774, WO 05/007646, WO 05/007648, WO fective. Opiates, such as morphine, are potent analgesics, but 05/007652, WO 05/009977, WO 05/009980, WO 05/009982, their usefulness is limited because of adverse side effects, 40 Such as physical addictiveness and withdrawal properties, as WO 05/049601, WO 05/049613, WO 06/122200 and WO well as respiratory depression, mood changes, and decreased 06/120481).
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