Volume 9 - Issue 29 / May 2020 347 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.34069/AI/2020.29.05.39 The native language learning in the General education system of the Russian Federation Изучение родного языка в системе общего образования Российской Федерации El aprendizaje de la lengua materna en el sistema de educación general de la Federación Rusa A aprendizagem de línguas nativas no sistema de ensino geral da Federação Russa Received: April 2, 2020 Accepted: May 5, 2020 Written by: Anna Maltseva (Corresponding author)161 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-4347-5586 https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=593978 Elena Shnyreva162 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3642-5011 https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=639961 Elena Evreinova163 https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0595-8819 https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=413439 Irina Avvakumova164 https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3114-5267 https://elibrary.ru/author_items.asp?authorid=825424 Abstract Аннотация In view of the urgency of preserving linguistic Учитывая актуальность сохранения языкового diversity in the world, the authors consider the разнообразия в мире, авторы рассматривают current state of native languages of the peoples современное состояние родных языков народов of the Russian Federation in the system of Российской Федерации в системе общего General education. The relevance of the research образования. Актуальность исследования is confirmed by the analysis of publications подтверждается проведенным в работе carried out in the work. There is a controversy in анализом публикаций. В стране идет спор о the country about whether native languages том, должны ли родные языки быть включены should be included in the main educational в основную образовательную программу и program and whether it should be mandatory to должно ли их изучение быть обязательным. study them. The study revealed negative trends Проведенное исследование выявило associated with a decrease in the interest of негативные тенденции, связанные со students and their parents in learning their native снижением интереса учащихся и их родителей languages, a decrease in the number of classes к изучению родных языков, уменьшением and the number of students who master the main количества занятий и количества учеников, educational program in their native language, осваивающих основную образовательную choose it as an independent subject for study. The программу на родном языке, выбирающих его paper presents proposals aimed at popularizing в качестве самостоятельного предмета для the study of native languages in the General изучения. В статье представлены предложения, education system, which is the basis for their направленные на популяризацию изучения preservation and development. родных языков в системе общего образования, 161 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Director of Lurye Scientific and Methodological Center for Higher School Innovative Activity, Tver State University, Tver, Russian Federation. 162 Department of management organization in engineering, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation. 163 Candidate of Economic Sciences, Department of Finance and Credit, State University of Management, Moscow, Russian Federation. 164 Senior Lecturer, Department of Foreign Languages N3, Plekhanov Russian University of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation. http:// www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307 Maltseva, A., Shnyreva, E., Evreinova, E., Avvakumova, I. / Volume 9 - Issue 29: 347-358 / May, 2020 348 Keywords: native language, general educational что является основой их сохранения и subject, education on the native language, развития. language situation, republic of the Russian Federation. Ключевые слова: родной язык, общеобразовательный предмет, образование на родном языке, языковая ситуация, республика Российской Федерации. Resumen En vista de la urgencia de preservar la diversidad lingüística en el mundo, los autores consideran el estado actual de las lenguas nativas de los pueblos de la Federación de Rusia en el sistema de educación general. La relevancia de la investigación se confirma por el análisis de las publicaciones llevadas a cabo en el trabajo. Existe una controversia en el país sobre si las lenguas nativas deben incluirse en el programa educativo principal y si debería ser obligatorio estudiarlas. El estudio reveló tendencias negativas asociadas con una disminución en el interés de los estudiantes y sus padres en aprender sus idiomas nativos, una disminución en el número de clases y el número de estudiantes que dominan el programa educativo principal en su lengua materna, lo eligen como un tema independiente para estudiar. El trabajo presenta propuestas destinadas a popularizar el estudio de las lenguas nativas en el sistema educativo general, que es la base para su preservación y desarrollo. Palabras clave: lengua materna; asignatura educativa general; educación sobre la lengua materna; situación lingüística; República de la Federación Rusa. Resumo Tendo em vista a urgência de preservar a diversidade linguística no mundo, os autores consideram o estado atual das línguas nativas dos povos da Federação Russa no sistema de educação geral. A relevância da pesquisa é confirmada pela análise das publicações realizadas no trabalho. Há uma controvérsia no país sobre se as línguas nativas devem ser incluídas no programa educacional principal e se deve ser obrigatório estudá-las. O estudo revelou tendências negativas associadas a uma diminuição do interesse dos estudantes e seus pais em aprender suas línguas nativas, uma diminuição no número de aulas e o número de alunos que dominam o principal programa educacional em sua língua nativa, escolhê-lo como um assunto independente para estudo. O documento apresenta propostas destinadas a popularizar o estudo das línguas nativas no sistema de educação geral, que é a base para sua preservação e desenvolvimento. Palavras-chave: língua nativa; assunto educacional geral; educação sobre a língua nativa; situação linguística; República da Federação Russa. Introduction Language is one of the most important elements non-native languages in the general education of spiritual culture; it distinguishes one nation system (Chuprov, 2013). from another and allows its bearer to relate itself to a particular ethnic group (Kryazhkov, 2007). In recent years, Russian society widely discussed the need to reform the education system in order If some languages disappear today from the face to strengthen the national component. A national of the earth, then a particle of our world is school is not conceivable without teaching in the irretrievably lost. The loss of even “small" native language. The native language is the most languages is an irreparable loss, because its important asset of the people, the main condition originality shows how diverse human thinking for the existence of an ethnic group, a means of can be (Morozova, 2011). knowing its history, centuries-old customs and traditions (Vikulova, 2015). The issue of native language proficiency and awareness of its social value has the great applied The issues of preserving and studying native importance both in the practice of children’s languages in the education system are relevant family education and in teaching the native and both in Russia and abroad, as evidenced by the publications (Martynova, 2019; Soto, 1993). www.amazoniainvestiga.info ISSN 2322 - 6307 Volume 9 - Issue 29 / May 2020 349 Haynes (2007) writes about the importance of the Russian Federation (https://docs.edu.gov.ru) linguistic aspects in the implementation of school was made to determine the existing problems in curricula. Cardenas (1984) and Weihua Yu the field of native languages of the nations of the (2011) pay great attention to bilingual education, Russian Federation within the framework of which is advisable in the case of active general education. dissemination of a non-native language in various fields. The data of Form No. OO-1 “Information about the organization providing training for Topical issues of expanding school education in educational programs for primary, basic general, English, that in many areas crowds out national secondary general education” for 2016-2017 languages are separately highlighted (Gök, 2008; both in the whole country and in the context of Saidjalalova & Karimova, 2019; Kavaliauskienė separate regions were used for the analysis. et al., 2010). Results In the context of growing federalism and differentiated language policy in the regions of At the end of 2017, the number of pupils in the Russian Federation, the feasibility of Russian schools amounted to more than 15 comprehensive studies of the modern state of million people. In addition to the Russian learning native languages and learning them is language, as an independent subject in schools, increasing. The analysis of indicators allows us 10.6% of pupils study their native language - this to draw conclusions about the availability of the is almost 1.6 million people. Another 75 educational system for teaching native thousand people study their native language languages, which is normatively enshrined in optionally or in study groups. federal law, and the degree of its actual implementation. Studying linguistic differentiation, it should be noted that most pupils (98.5%) are taught only in The expansion of the presence of the Russian the state language of the Russian Federation - language as the country’s state language and Russian language. The remaining 1.5% of pupils English language as the language of interethnic (228 thousand people) study in their
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