THEVOICE for America’s Libraries ISSN 1084-4694 VOLUME 20, ISSUE 1 FEBRUARY 2019 United for Libraries and ALA e-Learning to present Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion workshop for Trustees and library directors April 30 United for Libraries and ALA e- of participants Learning will present “Equity, Diver- in corporate, sity, Inclusion: What Library Trustees government, Need to Know,” an online workshop, higher educa- on Tues., April 30, 10 to 11 a.m. East- tion, nonprofit, IN THIS ISSUE ern Time and 4 to 5 p.m. Eastern Time. healthcare, and The workshop will be presented live faith commu- President’s Message 2 twice, in two identical sessions, and nity settings. A News & Notes 3 the recording will be made available to seasoned con- Around ALA 6 those to register. sultant, Anne Equity, diversity, and inclusion works with Framework for Foundations 8 Anne Phibbs, PhD, founder (EDI) impacts all communities and all small and large and president of Strategic Tools for Trustees 10 aspects of librarianship. Library Boards organizations Diversity Initiatives, will Focus on Friends 12 of Trustees have an important role in on a variety give a basic introduction supporting EDI and related initiatives. of diversity to EDI during an online Friends on Campus 13 In this workshop, Anne Phibbs, PhD, and inclusion workshop on April 30, State Friends Spotlight 14 Founder and President of Strategic needs, includ- and discuss what library trustees and boards need Good Ideas from the Network 17 Diversity Initiatives, will give a basic ing diver- introduction to EDI, and discuss what sity audits, to know about EDI. Book Club Central 20 library trustees and boards need to diversity plans, Book Club Choices 21 know about EDI. customized training, and leadership Corporate Sponsors & Board of Directors 23 This workshop will help trustees development. Anne earned her PhD in and library directors understand how Philosophy and Feminist Studies from Books for Babies 24 to incorporate EDI into policy devel- the University of Minnesota. opment, strategic planning, funding ADVOCACY RESOURCES initiatives, board development, and Learning Outcomes more. Anne will present a variety of in- Learn about ALA’s new collection After participating in this event, teractive scenarios in which EDI issues of resources to help your advocacy you will: efforts. are a factor, with time for Q&A and page 6 discussion. • Understand the importance of EDI Anne Phibbs, PhD, is the founder in the library and community DONOR RECOGNITION and president of Strategic Diversity • Learn how to implement EDI Initiatives. Anne brings more than 25 principles in policy development, Tompkins County (N.Y.) Library years of experience helping organiza- strategic planning, funding, board Foundation created a unique donor tions, including libraries and library recognition installation for its 21st development, and other areas rel- associations, advance their equity, evant to library boards of trustees. Century Library Campaign. diversity, and inclusion goals. She is page 8 • Be able to contribute to EDI work adept at assessing an organization’s in the library and beyond. strengths and challenges and tailoring THE DIRECTOR SEARCH her approach to its context, culture, The American Library Association Find out how to create an effective and goals. With extensive experi- has made equity, diversity, and inclu- library director job description. ence in training, teaching, curriculum sion (EDI) one of the four directions page 10 development, and training of train- in its strategic plan, in recognition that ers, Anne has delivered hundreds of workshops and classes for thousands continued on page 13 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 [email protected] 1 President’s Message Sleepless in Seattle at Midwinter I will be hon- need to continue to share other’s stories The E’s of Libraries and the new re- est. Since the ALA on how they use The E’s of Libraries as design of our ALA programming and Midwinter Meet- a tool. This keeps me sleepless. Institute recently held in Seattle. It is ing in Seattle, I ALA as a a whole is doing great in my nature to want to help, and I be- have not been at re-examining effectiveness and ef- lieve that this is a characteristic shared sleeping well. ficiency when it comes to organization. by many of you. The road that is being Please do not At the Midwinter Meeting, I attended a forged will be challenging, but I see misunderstand working session lead by ALA’s Steering a bright future for us as we work to — my insomnia Committee of Effectiveness (SCOE). make a stronger United. Now, I rest. after traveling Reviewing and questioning the current back from Seattle, Skip Dye, United for structure is good for any large associa- which was atypi- Libraries President tion to do, but it is very difficult. Unit- cally dry and sun- ed’s voice is at the table in these discus- The United for ny, was not out of concern for a poorly sions, contributing ideas, suggestions attended show (in fact, attendance was and raising concerns which directly Libraries office has a at its highest in a number of years), or affect us. ALA membership has seen because no one attended our United growth directly from United’s member- new address. Please for Libraries Institute: Trustees, Friends ship. More and more of our member- and Foundations, held at the modern ship is seeing the benefits of our train- update your records: Seattle Central Public Library (record- ing and other support materials. As breaking numbers, again). The ALA an organization, we need to continue Midwinter Meeting was a wonderful to listen to the needs of our members, United for Libraries gathering. I strongly believe that this particularly around fundraising and year’s Midwinter positively showcased advocacy. This keeps me sleepless. 600 Eagleview Blvd. United for Libraries and the strides the United’s mission and our role in board and our staff have made in such advocacy training continues to be need- Suite 300 a short time. ed. The balance between support for Then, why did I leave Seattle sleep- Trustees, advocates, Friends, and Foun- Exton, PA 19341 less? dation members and directly engaging We are on the road to creating a legislative issues is one that troubles common language in communication. me. When do we serve and when do My previous President’s Messages we lead? As funding pressures continue have been about my strong belief in a to be present, United’s role becomes The Voice for America’s Libraries is central list of ideas that resonates in more important. Within our ALA divi- published by United for Libraries: those library naysayers to mitigate the sional world, United is unique, as our The Association of Library Trustees, perception vs. reality gap. The E’s of membership is mainly non-librarians Advocates, Friends and Foundations, Libraries is the tool I go to, and one in comparison to other divisions. Our a division of the American Library that I feel can best harness and connect membership works to raise funds and Association (ALA). a relatable, shared value: libraries are ensure that our libraries are fiscally essential. At the United for Libraries sound. Not only do we have a respon- For membership information, call Institute, Paula Miller, director of the sibility to strategize and lend support (800) 545-2433, ext. 2161, email Baltimore County (Md.) Public Li- to help our membership lead but we [email protected], or visit www.ala.org/ brary, talked about how utilizing The need to help direct advocacy initiatives, united. E’s of Libraries focused their advocacy especially when funding for libraries is planning. The audience reaction was concerned. This keeps me sleepless. Send editorial contributions, articles, positive and energetic, with questions Together we are stronger. There is newsletters and news releases about how to adopt and practice, as much work to do and we continue to attention The Voice to [email protected]. I say, “singing from the same song- move forward in training and engag- book.” What surprised Paula was that ing with members to learn from their The Voice is a copyrighted publication it was the first that anyone there had needs. It excites me to see the forward and cannot be photocopied and heard about The E’s of Libraries. We momentum that we are achieving with distributed. 2 www.ala.org/united 1-800-545-2433, ext. 2161 [email protected] News & Notes United for Libraries Board Member Ned Davis selected to contribute to ALA’s Intellectual Freedom Blog United for Libraries is proud to of members. The blog can be found at Intellectual announce that the ALA Office for In- www.oif.ala.org/oif. Freedom Award tellectual Freedom (OIF) has chosen In 2019, the Intellectual Freedom in recognition of board member Ned Davis as a 2019 Blog will provide updates on trending his effort to make Intellectual Freedom Blog contributor. news about book challenges, intriguing connections, clear The Intellectual Freedom Blog’s interviews with authors and librarians, obstacles and purpose is to educate and encourage and authoritative content from a broad find resources discussions about intellectual freedom range of library fields. The ALA Office allowing the principles and promote the value of for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) looks for- library to host Ned Davis libraries, librarians, and professional ward to inviting Ned to share thought- lively discussions, membership in the American Library provoking, original content about a core big thoughts, di- Association (ALA). The blog is value of the librarian profession. verse stories, colorful people and ideas managed and edited by staff of ALA’s Ned Davis has been Executive that stretch boundaries. Office for Intellectual Freedom (OIF) Director of the Friends & Foundation For additional resources on intel- to raise awareness of time-sensitive of the Rochester Public Library since lectual freedom, visit ALA’s Office for news, issues in the field, upcoming 2010.
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