ZOBODAT - www.zobodat.at Zoologisch-Botanische Datenbank/Zoological-Botanical Database Digitale Literatur/Digital Literature Zeitschrift/Journal: Spixiana, Zeitschrift für Zoologie Jahr/Year: 2011 Band/Volume: 034 Autor(en)/Author(s): Neumann Dirk Artikel/Article: Type Catalogue of the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München. Part II: Fish types inventoried after 25 April 1944 (Pisces) 231-286 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de SPIXIANA 34 2 231-286 München, Dezember 2011 ISSN 0341-8391 Type Catalogue of the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoologische Staatssammlung München. Part II: Fish types inventoried after 25 April 1944 (Pisces) Dirk Neumann Neumann, D. 2011. Type Catalogue of the Ichthyological Collection of the Zoo- logische Staatssammlung München. Part II: Fish types inventoried after 25 April 1944 (Pisces). Spixiana 34 (2): 233-288. Part I of the ichthyological type catalogue of the ZSM (Neumann 2006) reviewed the historic “Old Collection”, of which types were apparently lost in the Second World War. Part II refers to type material physically available in ZSM, including historic types saved and re-inventoried. Rebuilding the ichthyological collection after the war, Otto Schindler received with the so-called “Kähsbauer Donations” historic fish specimens from the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NMW). Among them are types from the Natterer and Thayer expeditions to Brazil, from the Hase- man expeditions to South America and from Steindachner’s late Brazil expedition in 1903. As far as possible, exchanged specimens were critically reviewed, traced to original lots and compared with NMW acquisition entries for unambiguous identification. Additional historic type material was recovered from the “Zoologi- sche Präparatesammlung der Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München” (ZPLMU), i. e. the illustrated syntype of Loricaria rostrata from the Spix Collection and syntypes from the Sagami Bay collected by Haberer and Doflein (i. e. Ditrema temmincki var. jordani and Leptocephalus lacrymatus). The use of the two museum abbreviations “ZSM/LIPI” and “ZSM/CMK” for type material established during the curatorship of M. Kottelat at ZSM is clarified; material published with either abbreviation was neither intended for final deposition nor is available in ZSM. The whereabouts of material published as “ZSM” by Kottelat are discussed. Presently, the ZSM ichthyological collection contains 1735 type specimens: 53 holotypes, 28 syntypes, 4 neotypes, 2 lectotypes, 24 paralectotypes and 1624 paratypes of 166 nominal species representing 12 families. A total of 541 type specimens (36 holo- types and 505 syntypes) representing 51 families was lost during World War II. Since 1993, 24 holotypes, 5 neotypes and 11 paratypes are missing from the collec- tion. The fate of the ZSM types of Chromidotilatpia bosumtwensis Paulo, 1979 needs further research. Dirk Neumann, Zoologische Staatssammlung München, Münchhausenstr. 21, 81247 München, Germany; e-mail: [email protected] 231 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de Introduction Historic material exchanged to ZSM after World War II. From the old historic collection only 300 lots survived the war. Most lots contain single specimens, which The Kähsbauer Donations from the were evidently on display in the Natural History Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NMW) Cabinet dating back to Siebold’s curatorship. They had been separated from the scientific collection In his efforts to re-build the ZSM ichthyological in the early 20th century for the public part of the collection after the war, Schindler received historic museum and were apparently evacuated separately fish specimens from the Vienna and Stockholm col- from the cabinet of natural curiosities during World lections. The majority of the historic specimens War II (Kraft & Huber 1992). Few other specimens available in ZSM today were part of the so-called were likely saved because they were loaned to other “Kähsbauer Donations”, which Schindler received museums and returned after the war. However, from the Naturhistorisches Museum Wien (NMW). many of these historic specimens lost their data be- Kähsbauer, during his ichthyological curatorship cause they were either shipped or returned without of NMW, distributed and donated to collections documentation and / or original labels, or because throughout Europe historic material of the NMW their original lot numbers could not be re-identified collection including type material. Two smaller since pre-war ZSM-inventories were also destroyed. collections of NMW material with 58 and 57 lots Otto Schindler, who became the first curator of were transferred to Munich in 1952; an additional the ichthyological section after the war in 1949, con- 196 lots reached Munich apparently in April 1953. tributed much to the rebuilding of the ichthyological These donations mainly include loricariids, pime- collection in ZSM. He properly revised the remains lodids and cichlids as well as some characids. of the collection, and inventoried and identified They were collected by Steindachner during the lots with insufficient data as “Alte Sammlung” [Old Thayer and Hassler expeditions to Brazil, are from Collection] with a new post-war numbering ranging Steindachner’s late expedition to Brazil in 1903, or from ZSM 1 to roughly ZSM 330. Only a few lots of are from material collected by Haseman during his the historic pre-war collection retained data that al- expedition to the Rio Negro and upper course of lowed proper re-identification; or, because Schindler the Rio Branco, and by the Natterer brothers in the had already worked as an assistant in the collection in Amazon from 1817-1835. After 1870 Steindachner 1939, he restored/assigned information of single lots assisted Agassiz for two years in the curation of fishes he knew from pre-war times (i. e. syntypes of Arges of the Thayer expedition at Cambridge. He returned theresiae, Pimelodella yuncensis and Mochocus brevis). to Vienna in 1872 with numerous duplicates from the Type material of species described prior or during Thayer expedition, then part of his private collection the war from specimens Schindler collected (i. e. that he donated to NMW in 1874. Consequently, the Pyrrhulina macrolepis, Cheirodon kriegi and Sternarchus years 1874 or 1875 on many NMW-labels from the paranaensis) were apparently secured by Schindler in Kähsbauer Donations refer to the acquisition year his private collection and subsequently inventoried in NMW and not to the actual year of collection; after the war. the information “donation Steindachner” on ZSM In addition to Schindler’s restored information lots refers exclusively to NMW material exchanged on historic type lots in the early 1950s, it was possible post-war, which Steindachner originally donated to trace and restore further data and type material in to NMW. the course of the GBIF project (Global Biodiversity While the 1952 translocation was filed by Schind- Information Facility) in 2005. Based on the informa- ler in a list of exchanged NMW material, the 1953 tion of single collections and persons in the chronicle material was not listed in this way. Usually, Schind- of Balss (1926), a type search in July 2005 in the ZSM ler included original/transcribed NMW labels in and the ZPLMU collections revealed additional his- the ZSM lots, but approximately 70 lots are without toric types which were previously considered lost. original NMW numbers. During a visit to NMW in 2001 (D. Neumann), it was possible to identify corresponding original NMW lots and to restore missing or inappropriate information at ZSM, which allowed unambiguous identification of additional syntypes hidden in the ZSM collection. However, it cannot be excluded that further (syn)types are hidden in the ZSM collection, because it was not possible to restore the data of all ZSM lots. This holds especially true for material collected and described 232 ©Zoologische Staatssammlung München/Verlag Friedrich Pfeil; download www.pfeil-verlag.de by Steindachner, since he often based his descrip- was in close contact with Rendahl regarding possible tions on all available specimens without explicitly exchanges of South German freshwater fishes for fixing single specimens as holotypes, thus making duplicates from the NRM collection, which would all of them simultaneous syntypes (Art. 73.2 ICZN). support his efforts in rebuilding the fish collection ZSM specimens originally collected, described, or in Munich. According to available correspondence, are by indication of the location and the year likely Rendahl seemed very interested in obtaining sam- to be collected by Steindachner during the Thayer, ples of Central European freshwater fishes (e. g. Hassler or his late Brazil expedition, are identified especially material of Carassius carassius from the as potential syntypes as long as they cannot be type locality in Pomerania, which was then in the definitely excluded as non-types. To avoid further former Soviet occupation zone). Schindler managed confusion regarding the whereabouts of this mate- to assemble 18 specimens (NRM 46026) that he ap- rial, it was agreed that the “Kähsbauer Donations” parently hand carried to Stockholm in July 1950. are to be retained in ZSM as a permanent exchange Further exchanges that were explicitly requested (Mikschi, written comm. 2001). by Rendahl are Misgurnus fossilis (NRM 10340-43) Vice versa, it is evident that there
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