December 2, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1757 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS IN RECOGNITION OF CAMDEN, AR- has earned his sixth Sprint Cup championship, Judge Allen’s service to children and fami- KANSAS’S AEROJET further securing his spot in racing history. lies does not stop in the courtroom. Judge ROCKETDYNE EMPLOYEES North Carolina’s Eighth Congressional Dis- Allen serves on the Michigan Committee on trict is home to many of NASCAR’s greatest Juvenile Justice, a 15 member committee fo- HON. TOM COTTON teams and, without a doubt, some of cused on implementing and improving effec- OF ARKANSAS NASCAR’s biggest fans. The Charlotte Motor tive juvenile justice policies and programs. Speedway, one of the premiere tracks where She is also an active member of the Michigan IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES NASCAR races, sits in my hometown of Con- Probate Judges Association, serving as the Monday, December 2, 2013 cord, North Carolina. Chair of the Juvenile and Adoption Committee, Mr. COTTON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Jimmie Johnson, his No. 48 Lowes team, and Juvenile Issues Committee. recognize the nearly 525 employees at Aerojet and Hendrick Motorsports skillfully clinched Judge Dorene Allen’s many successes, con- Rocketdyne’s Camden, Arkansas, production the Sprint Cup title, swiftly leaving other teams tinued dedication to public service, and ongo- facility and their upcoming achievement of the in the rearview mirror. But more than a cham- ing commitment to the families of the State of milestone shipment of their 2,000th PAC–3 pion driver, Jimmie uses his platform as one Michigan distinguish her as a deserving recipi- Solid Rocket Motor and 400,000th PAC–3 Alti- of the best drivers in NASCAR history to as- ent of the Daniel J. Wright Lifetime Achieve- tude Control Motor to Lockheed Martin and sist those in need. From public education to ment Award. On behalf of the Fourth Congres- the United States Army. disaster relief efforts and rebuilding homes, he sional District of Michigan, I extend my con- Aerojet Rocketdyne is a world-recognized has raised more than $5.6 million to better the gratulations to Judge Allen upon receiving this aerospace and defense leader principally serv- lives of our children and families across the high honor, thank her for her contributions to ing the missile, space propulsion, and arma- nation. our community and state, and wish her contin- ments markets. This most significant milestone The impact Jimmie has had on our local ued success in all her future endeavors. will be commemorated with a celebration cere- communities is undeniable, and we are grate- f mony held in Camden, Arkansas, on Thurs- ful for his commitment to help those in need. day, December 5, 2013. I am proud to represent Jimmie Johnson, WINNER OF THE 1ST ANNUAL HIS- The PAC–3 missile, powered by Aerojet Hendrick Motorsports as well as NASCAR, PANIC HERITAGE MONTH ESSAY Rocketdyne propulsion, is a high velocity inter- and we are thankful for the success this CONTEST FOR THE 27TH CON- ceptor that defeats incoming targets by direct, championship team brings to our state. GRESSIONAL DISTRICT OF TEXAS body-to-body impact. The ‘‘hit-to-kill’’ PAC–3 f missile is the world’s most advanced, capable, and powerful terminal air defense missile, and TRIBUTE TO JUDGE DORENE HON. BLAKE FARENTHOLD ALLEN when deployed in a Patriot battery, signifi- OF TEXAS cantly increases the Patriot system’s fire- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES power. It is capable of defeating the entire HON. DAVE CAMP Monday, December 2, 2013 threat of tactical ballistic missiles (TBMs), OF MICHIGAN cruise missiles, and aircraft. One hundred per- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Mr. FARENTHOLD. Mr. Speaker, Hispanic Heritage makes a great influence in my life cent effective in Operation Iraqi Freedom, the Monday, December 2, 2013 PAC–3 missile is a quantum leap ahead of because it is a way of life. This culture is any other air defense missile when it comes to Mr. CAMP. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to pay deeply important to me because it represents the ability to protect the warfighter. tribute to Midland County Probate and Family who I am, how I live my life, and how I view Since 1998, Aerojet Rocketdyne has manu- Court Judge Dorene Allen in recognition of her the world. All these characteristics form part of factured the PAC–3 SRM and ACM rocket receiving the Daniel J. Wright Lifetime my life and personality, which I love, and lead motors at its Camden facility. The PAC–3 Achievement Award, presented on November me to proudly say that I am honored to be rocket motors are a noteworthy element of 26, 2013. This honor is extended to those with Hispanic. Aerojet Rocketdyne’s industry-leading tactical the most distinguished careers in serving Hispanic Heritage Month means celebrating propulsion portfolio produced in Camden, gen- Michigan’s children and families. Judge Allen’s our heritage by sharing stories and informing erating significant employment opportunities passion for improving the lives of children and others of our traditions and customs, while for the area. strengthening families in my hometown of Mid- honoring where we came from. As we share On the occasion of this milestone, I am land and across the state of Michigan makes stories about the traditional Christmas posa- proud to recognize the dedicated, hardworking her more than deserving of this award. das, Dı´a de los Muertos celebrations, and the employees of Aerojet Rocketdyne in Camden Graduating with a Bachelor of Arts from the famous Grito de Independencia, we let others and their achievements so far. These Arkan- University of Michigan, and a Juris Doctor know more about our lives and at the same sans are working hard to ensure our men and from the Michigan State University Detroit Col- time spread our culture. women in uniform have the resources they lege of Law, Judge Allen began helping chil- As a Hispanic, I have strict, conservative need to carry out their missions effectively and dren as a private practice attorney handling parents who have made me the person I am quickly, and they deserve our sincere appre- probate and family law cases. In 2001, Judge today. I have inherited ideas such as being re- ciation. Allen was first elected to the Midland County spectful to our elders, the willingness to work, f Probate Court. attending church, dedicating myself to help Throughout her time on the bench, Judge others, and above all being a strong person IN HONOR OF JIMMIE JOHNSON Allen has focused her courtroom on success- who overcomes obstacles I may face; these AND THE NO. 48 LOWES TEAM ful outcomes for our community’s youth, and are important Hispanic characteristics that worked to strengthen all families. Her out- have been enforced to me by my parents and HON. RICHARD HUDSON standing efforts have resulted in the use of a grandparents. All this has helped me during OF NORTH CAROLINA multi-systemic therapy program, which has my lifetime and will continue to lead me in the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES helped to significantly reduce the county’s ju- correct path as I aspire for my life goals. I venile delinquency rate. Additionally, Judge Al- have many goals for my future, and my big- Monday, December 2, 2013 len’s involvement was instrumental in estab- gest dream is to one day become a physician Mr. HUDSON. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to lishing Midland County’s Baby Court, a assistant and make a difference in people’s honor and congratulate Jimmie Johnson for ground-breaking collaborative effort to stop the lives by helping those in need. My parents winning the 2013 NASCAR Sprint Cup Series neglect and abuse of infants and toddlers, have taught me to use perseverance and Championship. With this achievement, Jimmie while keeping families united. never stop fighting for what I want because I ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Mar 15 2010 03:08 Dec 03, 2013 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K02DE8.001 E02DEPT1 jbell on DSK7SPTVN1PROD with REMARKS E1758 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks December 2, 2013 can reach anything I put my mind to, and I service of Florida’s youth on National School mental in securing the USDA loan that helped know that with their advice and my hard dedi- Spirit Day. In 2009, Varsity Brands designated build the Humboldt Open Door Clinic in cation I can get very far in life. Hispanics are the second Friday of October as National Arcata—the first fully functional health center people who never give up when it comes to School Spirit Day to showcase the differences in the Open Door system. Neal Sanders con- accomplishing their life goals and will face cheerleaders and dancers make in their tinues to share his time, talent and commit- sacrifices and have dedication to reach their schools and communities—as mentors, com- ment as an active board member and leader goals and persuade others to do the same. munity service leaders, and positive role mod- in health care access for all residents of the Hispanic Heritage may fade away in families els. north coast. who move to live in the United States and Varsity Brands, which holds the Universal adopt another culture. As a Hispanic, I con- Cheerleading Association’s (UCA’s) National Mr. Speaker, Neal Ingall Sanders’ dedica- sider it my duty to make sure that my heritage Championships and the International All Star tion to serving his community, and specifically is not forgotten.
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