19 55 KALDRON Kaldron Yearbook Staff EDITOR-IN-CH IEF, V A L D IM A R C. SANDBERG Associate Editor ............ Harvey V. Hefley Business M anager............ William Regan Photography E ditor ...............Helen Botsai Art E d it o r .................Marcia R. Lambrecht Copy Editor .............................Shirley Merts Make-up E ditor .................Richard Powers Advertising Manager . Lorraine Kalfayon Circulation Manager .... Carolyn Tuttle Faculty Advisor ............ Carl F. Heeschen the KALDRON 1955 allegheny college meadville, Pennsylvania As the Senior closes another door in the process of learning the realization that many new doors are still to be opened faces him. His thoughts are mingled with the mem­ ories of the past and the expectations and plans for the future. Soon he will test the value o f the knowl­ edge he has acquired during the past four years. It is now m ore than ever before aware that he must begin to decide how he will cope with the situation and problems of a rapidly changing world. May the new doors that he opens possess the same happiness that has followed him SENIORS throughout his c»ay at Allegheny. mmm jS t I a ' •> ' M ' r IV A • XlV - t ' u . 1 % V »Aj » ■ — T a H I 4 S ^ r IDA ABBEY ALMA ALT CHRISTIAN R. AMOROSO Niagara Falls, New York . Biology Butler, Pennsylvania . Education E rie, Pennsylvania . Chem istry . Theta Upsilon . Boots and . K appa Delta Epsilon . Allegheny Phi Kappa Psi . Football . Singers . Orchesis. B lock A. ROBERTA G. AMY ANSEL C. ANDERSON M. ROBERT ANDREWS Meadville, Pennsylvania . Sociology North Warren, Pennsylvania . Physics Bradford, Pennsylvania . Economics . Alpha G am m a Delta . Orchesis . Alpha Chi Rlio. Sigm a A lpha Epsilon . Inter­ . P sychology Club. fraternity Singers . Band. CHARLES THEODORE ARLENE M. ASAN Ro b e r t McDo n a l d GEORGE V. BARSDATE NANCY BEERE JOHN BIEKARCK ARTHER Sewiekley, Pennsylvania . Secondary BAILEY Education . Alpha X i Delta . M eadville, Pennsylvania . Geology Smethport, Pennsylvania . Educa­ Warren, Pennsylvania . Economics Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio . History . Delta Tau Deltu . President Pan-Hellenic . Senate. Blairsville, Pennsylvania . Pre- . Theta Chi . Fraternity officer. tion . K appa Delta Epsilon . Phi Della Theia . Commander; Theology . Outing Club . Della Debate . Philo-Frunklin. I.F.C. Executive Committee A.U.C. Arnold Air Society . Chairman, Tau Delta . Thoburn Club. Arnold Air Society. Military Ball. JOHN N. BAIR MARY JANE BARNES BRUCE A. BARRON Vandergrift, Pennsylvania . Eco­ Oil City, Pennsylvania . Secondary Sunnyside, Long Island, New York . WILLIAM MEARL BISHOP NANCY BORDEN ROBERT MORSE BORLAND nomies . Phi Gamma Delta . Education . President of Kappa Science . C am pus, managing editor Karns City, Pennsylvania . Chemistry 'allinadge, Ohio . Elementary Edu- New Castle, Pennsylvania . Eco­ Arnold Air Society, Executive officer Alpha Theta . Phi Bela Phi . H onor System Com m ittee. Basketball, Captain . Baseball ation . Alpha Chi Omega . nom ics . Sigma Alpha Epsilon . Collegians. Kappa Delta Epsilon. unior Cabinet . Social Committee Intram urals . Band. Phi Gamma Della . Phi Kappa Psi, Vice-President. JEANETTE CARLINO JULIE CAULKINS HELEN BOTSAI JOAN BOUVIER CHARLES W . BOWSER, JR. WILLIAM JOHN BURNS Bradford, Pennsylvania . Economies Bound Brook, New Jersey . Second­ Hollis, Long Island, New York . Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . Political Wellesley, Massachusetts . Economics Oakmonl, Pennsylvania . History . Allegheny Undergraduate Council, ary Education . Alpha Chi Omega Sociology . Phi Gam m a M u , , . Science . President of Women's Ath­ . Alpha Chi Omega . Secretary of . Phi K appa Psi . Allegheny Under­ President . Intcrfratcrnily Council, . Variety Show , . Playshop. Psychology Club, letic Association 1953 . Chairman of Allegheny Undergraduate Council . graduate Council Band chairman . President . Sigm a Alpha Epsilon, May Day Weekend 1954 . Photog­ Fund Drive. Football. raphy Editor of Kaldron 1 9 5 5 . President. V # f A , JOAN BREMMER GAIL BRINKMAN BARBARA JOAN BROWN LELLA A. CHASE ANN CLARK ANN D. CLARK Riverside, Illinois . English . Boden, Pennsylvania . Sociology Arlington, Virginia . Economies . Snyder, New York . Alpha Chi Omega Erie, Pennsylvania . Alpha Gamma Lc Roy, New York . , . Biology . • President of Kappa Kappa Gamma . Alpha Xi Delta . Student-Faculty Alpha Gamma Della . Treasurer of . Bools and Saddles President Delta . Senior Cabinet . A. W. S. Alpha Chi Omega . Phi Beta Phi Senior Court 1954-55 . President of Relations Committee . Band. Allegheny Undergraduate Council . of Terrapin. Terrapin. Cwens. Terrapin 1954 . Junior Advisor 1 9 5 3 -5 4 . Allegheny has led us through the halls of learning so that we might further our intellectual achievements. RICHARD I. COHEN BETTY J. COLVIN MARIAN L. COOLEY WILLIAM J. DALE CARL DANIELSON Lynbrook, Long Island . Biology MARY JANE CURRY Clenshaw, Pennsylvania . Alpha Xi Flemington, New Jersey . Elementary Erie, Pennsylvania . Pre-Law . , . Butler, Pennsylvania . Pre-Med . , . Phi K appa Psi . Baseball , . Delta . Band . Playshop. Brockway, Pennsylvania . Psychology Education . , Kappa Della Epsilon President of Phi Gamma Delta . Captain Golf team . Phi Kappa Psi, Biology Laboratory Assistant. Kappa Alpha Theta . Cwens . Orchesis . Alpha Gam m a Della. President of Sophomore Class . President . Chem ii. Kappa Delta Epsilon. Allegheny Singers. 1 '&S « GERALD F. COTTON NANCY CRAWFORD CAROLYN CROWELL MARJORIE DELANCY Titusville, Pennsylvania . Chemistry CLARK DAVIS WILLIAM D. DEHART Brownsville, Pennsylvania . Second­ Bradford, Pennsylvania . Biology Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . E lem en ­ Major . A.U.C. Vice-President . Meadville, Pennsylvania . Sociology Reynoldsville, Pennsylvania . Pre- ary Education . Senate . K aldnm . Kappa Alpha Theta . Phi Bela tary Education . Kappa Della Epsilon Student Counselor . Student Affairs Staff. Theta Chi Song Director . Medical . Allegheny Christian Asso­ Phi . Junior Advisor. Alpha Chi Omega . A. U. C. Com m ittee. A.U.C. Student director of the ciation . Phi Beta Phi . C hem ii. Academic Committee. College Band. Phi Delta Theta . CAROL JEAN DEMSON RICHARD B. DICKSON MARVA DIGBY ROBERT H. EATON NANCY EBERHARDT FRANCES E. EDWARDS Shaker Heights, Ohio . English . Edgewood, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . Shaker Heights, Ohio . Elementary Summit, New Jersey . English . Ellwood Cily, Pennsylvania . English Kappa Alpha Thela . Pan-Hellenic Econom ics . Phi K appa Psi . Harrisburg, Pennsylvania . Geology- Education . Kappa Alpha Tltela . Literary Magazine Production Manager . Kappa Alpha Tlieta . Singers Council . President of Sophomore Tennis Captain . Fraternity Intra- Major . Delta Tau Delta . Pi Kappa Della Epsilon. , . Cwens. Pan-Hellenic Council. m urals. Gamma Mu honorary social science . Terrapin Club . A. U. C. Repre­ fraternity . Track Manager 4 years. sentative. SUZANNE T. DOUGALL THOMAS DUFF R. GRAHAM DUNLOP CHARLYNE M. FALLER Glenshaw, Pennsylvania . Sociology SARA L. ERICKSON ELIZABETH FAHRNEY Carden City, New York . Psychology' Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania . Economics . Alpha Gamma Delta . Student New Kensington, Pennsylvania . Coldwater, Michigan . Elementary . Allegheny Singers . Student . President of Junior Class . Treas­ emus Point, New York . Psychology Counselor . A. W. S., First Vice- Secondary Education . Alpha Xi Education . Kappa Kappa Gamma Counselor . Playshop. urer ol Freshman and Sophomore . Washington Semester . Socrates President. Phi Bela Kappa Della . Allegheny Undergraduate . Junior Advisor . Cheerleader. Class . Phi Gamma Delta. Council . • . Kappa Delta Epsilon. The magnificence of her natural surrounding has focused our at­ tention upon the realm of beauty ---at its utmost. JOAN CHRISTINA BETTY FISH DORIS MAE FORSHAY MILTON H. GASTER, JR. GEORGE H. GINADER MARGARET ANN GIZZIE Port Washington, New York . Alpha Glen Ridge, New Jersey . History FOERTSCH Ingomar, Pennsylvania . Economics Warren, Pennsylvania . History . .. Meadville, Pennsylvania . Sociology Chi O m ega . Terrapin . K appa . A lpha C am m a Delta . M ajorette Pelham, New York . Sociology . Phi G am m a Delta . A rnold Air Phi Delta Theta . , Chairman of the . Alpha Gamma Delta . Terrapin Delta Epsilon . Fund Drive. ; . Fund Drive. A’^ha Camilla Delta . Pi Camma Mu Society. Allegheny Blood Drive 1954 . Mem­ , , . K aldron. Freshman and Junior Cabinets. ber of the College Union Board, . m WILLIAM GIBSON MARY ANN FUNK BEVERLY GARBARK RONALD K. GOLDSMITH PETER GORDON-ELLIS GRETCHEN GRAFF Harrisburg, Pennsylvania . History FOSTER, JR. Meadville, Pennsylvania . Elemental Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania , . Pre-Law Haworth, New Jersey . Pre-Med . Blairsville, Pennsylvania . Economics . Pi Gamma Mu . C am pus Staff. Beaver Falls, Pennsylvania . Eco­ Education . R ecording Secretary 1 . Soccer , . Phi C am m a M u , . French C lub , . Socrates C lub. Alpha Chi O m ega . Senior Court n om ics , . Sigm a A lpha Epsilon . Alpha Camma Delta . President ’ Chairman Fund Drive. A . W . S , Senate. Intramurals. Kappa Delta Epsilon . Junior A ANDREW A. GRAHAM JANET GRIDLEY MARY KATHRYN HACKEY SAMLEL HELLMAN Clearwater, Florida . Economics . Beachwood, Ohio . English . Hollisopple, Pennsylvania . English JOSEPH HARVEY H. ARLAN HEISER Outing Club . Le Cercle Francais Kappa Alpha Theta . Chapel Choir. Education. Garden City, New York . Economics Parma H eights, O hio . History . Woodmere, New York . Chemistry . Band. Soccer M anager . C am pus Staff. Treasurer of Sigma Alpha Epsilon. Phi Beta K appa . President Phi Kappa Psi . Vice-President Inter
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