the independent florida -- a Trip the light fantastic. I wy -- - b w -- APPLAUSE NoI ort caliy associ.d w th th. Unvr1 a rd PubI,.hed by Cimp,* Comncin 'nv a G.,,.,v- . dd VOLUME 53, NUMBER 144 THURSDAY, APRIL 19, 1990 Crew audience doesn't include State Attorney By MIKE BRUSCELL sponsibity was passed to local state attorneys who and DUANE MARSTELLER have succeeded in banning at least the "Nasty" album five Coutlies - Alligator Staff Wnters in DieSt, Manatee. Put- nam, Sarasota and Volusta The rap group 2 live Crew was as nasty as it Register said he wants to add Alachua County to wanted to be at a concert Wednesday night - but the list of counties banning the group's music, and only because State Attorney Len Register is focus- said he notified Wednesday two local record stores ing his attentions on having two of their albums - Schoolkid's Records and Dancetrax Records & banned in Alachua County. Tapes - that if they sell "Nasty" to minors, "they The Miami-based group,whose album "Nasty As would be subject to arrest and vigorously prose- They Wanna Be" has been judged obscene in five cuted " Florida counties, took the stage at Central City Register said he expects the grand jury to find shortly after midnight without having to worry both records obscene about being arrested .I can't imagine that [hey wouldn't," Register Register said last week that if the group per- said. "if you haven't read the lyrics, you really formed any of its sexually explicit songs, he would should. If a television station or radio station were have the group arrested under Florida obscenity to say these things on the air, the FCC would pull laws. their license in a minute. About five minutes into the show, one group .'There is no redeeming social value." member said "If we have to go to jail to give you But fans who waited in line to see 2 Live Crew you want, then we'll . do it" all what perform said they didn't agree, saying the four-man Register said from his home Wednes- However, group has the right to sing whatever they want, day night that his investigators wouldn't be at the 'I think (Register) is stepping over the line as show and that he didn't anticipate any arrests He said he will focus on getting the lyrics labeled far as the First Amendment goes, said David obscene and ban the albums "Nasty" and "iuke Bixlar, a UF student from Sarasota, where a 19- Skyywalker" from Alachua County. year-old clerk was arrested after selling 'Nasty" to an 11-year-old girl. The charges "In turn for not intervening in tonight's perfor- against the clerk later were dropped. mance, we're going to ask the grand jury to con- sider those two albums," Register said. "The "Wereadults. We can hear what we want to hear, and they can sing what they want to sing. I heard Supreme Court has determined that obscenity is determined on a community basis." on the radio that this has been blown all out of proportion, and I think it has," Bixiar said "Nasty" became the focus of public scrutiny earlier this year when Gov. Bob Martinez tried Many of the more than 300 people who waited banning the album from Flonda record stores in line to buy tickets echoed the same sentiments because he said it was obscene and he didn't want to reporters from at least five television stations, minors buying it. three radio stations and six newspapers. In tribute to Martinez's efforts, 2 Live Crew nled The scheduled opening act, Professor Griff, was the audience behind a rugged rendition of "Fuck canceled after Gnffs van broke down on the way Martinez. Fuck, fuck Martinez." to Gainesville. Central City manager Cookie Cooke The raps were filled with the lyrics Martinez said. z Live Crew took the stage more than two warned parents about Sexually explicit phrases hours after they were scheduled to but some fans nEW. V45ME 1-AUiOATOR and dozens of four-letter words did little more for didn't care. 2 Live Crew rapper Luke Skyyialker debuted a rap dedicated to Gov. audience members then get them more involved "We don't mind," said Kerry Johns of Spartan- Bob Martinse for his attempts to ban the grSp's latest album. The in the show. Most of them sang along with the burg, South Carolina. "We just want to see them audience of about 300 people chasted along with the bond to show group. get nasty." their opposition to Martinez. The bukm, sNaty As They Wana Be," State officials said last month that the state could Alligator Staff Wrter Lucy Chabot contributed to Is banned In five Florida counties. not decide what constitutes obscenity, so the re.- this report. Nader sees UF as potential leader Nader said. Media deregulation 9:30 m.: The Environmental Ac- By ELIZABETH CLARKE and industry regula- received a $5,000 honorar- tion will keep thepublic informed of actions tion Group and the Group for Respon- Alligator Wrlter Nader, who urn for coming to UF, said power compa- regarding disposal of waste and attention sible Interaction with the Planet will hold an environmental UF has the capacity to become an envi- nies won't tolerate solar energy because to natural resources, he said. expo today. ronmental model for the rest of the country, they aren'twillingto give upeconomic clout Speakers will include Rabbi Shiomo Gainesville is attractive to developers be- Carlebach and Frances Close Heart. consumer advocate Ralph Nader told more that comes with privileged access to limited cause much land in the area hasn't been than 500 people in theFlorida GymWednes- 1 p.m.: EAG presents 'Forests in a resource. cleared for construction. Nader said. Changing World,".a symposium day night. The speech, sponsored by Student at the "Gainesville has undisturbed resources Holiday advantage of experienced Goverment's Environmental Affairs Cabi- Inn University Center. 1250 W By taking that developers want to use," he said. But University Ave. researchers'and students'potential, Ul can net, the Envwnmental Action Group and because the city still is growing, it can halt 2:30: Donat to Global Reheaf, a set an example for surrounding communi- Assit, SG's speakers bureau, was part of environmental problems before they be ties, he Buid. Earth Week. national reforestation campaign, and re- come too severe. ceive a one-hour therapeutic message Nader. considered the louder of the Environmental concern that has spread of Nader said community impact plans and session, available at the Florida School consumer rights movement in the United through the country since the revival fresh Ideas from UF students could prevent indu.- of Massage, 5408 SW 13th St. States, said universities should develop Earth Day this year has turned many unlimited and ecologically dangerous takefrequent into hypocrites, Nader said. Spai.: "NativeAmerican Nature Phi- thorough recyclingprograms, trial leaders gowt. audits and build micro-scale chem- such as Union Car% losophy: 500 Years of Destruction," a energy Corporations Dow, presentation on Native cul- istry labs - which use 1 percent of the bide and General Electric "greenwash" con- Local problems reflect every discipline American tur in McCarty Auditorium, chemicals traditional labs um sumers by projecting an image of UF students study, Nader mid environmental awareness while lobbying Students should receive academic credit AN day: Envirnnmental Awareness They also should take advantage of Inno- Days in all UP classes. vative forms of aerf, like solar pou. against air and water regulations in Con. for helping their conm.nities, which would "Solar energy Is practical now but it is not grea, he said. encowrge them to remain active, he said. the best way for energy companies to make "These corporations have no shame "lfthereIsaproblemonceyou movefrom money because it Is .uper-abundat, onsi- about doing one thing and saying another." Gainesvlle, you will swing into action like ri~ s ad tiE m*'ply'de be cat off Midwdd. I' * "ar d aran If yo'vehadexperice." 2 AIJJ.ATOR. IHURsIIAY spit 19 0 WHAT'S HAPPENING STUDENT HONOR COURT UNIVERSITY OF FLORIDA Habitat: 1F Habitat for Humanity tonight at 8 15 in the University Arts and Sciences has extended the Chancellor: Robert W. LIAky will meet Hall of Fame tonight at 7 in the Rit Audilorim Call 342-0227 deadline for Student Innis-Thamrpson, Marcus Union Room number will be posted Row your bat: The UF Rowing and Teacher of the Year until Friday Masters. Colier, Grossman, in the elevator Call 395-7621. Club will meet tonight at 9 In Reitz Call 375-2947 In the matter of CHARLES). GRAPSKI vs STUDENT SENATE Horse. sense: The F Fquestrian Union Room 346 Call 395-8076. Reception: I red s and Ac- and the REPLACEMENT AND AGENDA COMMITTEE llub will meet tonight at 6 30 in Mc- Music from afar: The Yehud leagues are invited to a retirement The Board of Masters has declared: Carty Hall Room 108 Call Raven, Youth Orchestra. musicians from Is- reception for Harold Riker. Hurt The Senate Sear #OC-32607 is herebylvacated We remandselectunand 33(68151 rael, will perform tonight at 7 45 in Sharp and E-L Tolbert Iriday night nominacons to the Chairperson of the Replacement and Agenda Photo session: Omitron Delta the Rcitz Union Ballroom Call Hil- at 7 in the Arredondo Room of the Committeeto either Kappa, the national leadership lel, 372-2700 Reitz Union Call Carlos Hernande, 1) Allow the first vote taken on Much 11. 1990 to stn, or honorary. is sponsoring pictures BikIn: Earth First' will hold 392-0731 orjeff Nunn, 3721747 2) Roconvene the comidue for a reconsideratn of their nomination with Albert and Alberta today from Gainesville'%s first Bike-In to promote Counseling: The Reta Chapter of 11 a m.- i p m in front of Turlington alternative transportation Saturday Chi Sigma Iota, an honor society for Hall.
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