ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL Planning Committee Agenda To all Members of the PLANNING Committee: Councillors Barbara Long (Chairman), Veronika Pond (Vice Chairman), Carol Bartholomew, Barbara Carpenter, Alan Cotter, Christopher Ecclestone, Luigi Gregori, Richard Kidd and Richard Rowles. You are hereby summoned to attend a meeting of the PLANNING Committee to be held in THE TOWN COUNCIL OFFICES, 66C, HIGH STREET, Andover on MONDAY 31 JULY 2017 at 6.00pm when it is proposed to transact the following business: Wendy Coulter Town Clerk 26 July 2017 1. Apologies To receive and accept apologies for absence. 2. Declarations of Interest To receive and note any declarations of interest relevant to the agenda. 3. Minutes To agree the Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 10 July 2017 attached at Appendix A. 4. Public Participation There is an opportunity for members of the public to make statements or ask questions on items on the agenda or on other items relevant to the Town to which an answer will be given, or if necessary a written reply will follow or the questioner will be informed of the appropriate contact details. Each person is limited to 3 minutes and the total amount of time set aside will be 15 minutes. 5. Planning Applications (Test Valley Borough Council) To consider Andover Town Planning Applications on Test Valley Borough Council weekly list of 27, 28 & 29. Lists attached, for the Andover area at Appendix B. At the time of going to print the List 29 was not published. It will be avaible on Test Valley Borough Council’s website www.testvalley.govuk 5.1 17/01064/FULLN Demolition of single storey side extension; erection 8 Rack Close, Andover, 07.07.2017 of two storey side/rear extension; existing 2 bed SP10 1HB, ANDOVER TOWN (ST house will be remodelled and the two storey side MARYS) extension and single storey rear extension will form a new 2 storey dwelling 5.2 17/01665/ADVN Four heritage info signs, with two as freestanding Andover Town Centre, 07.07.2017 signs (by the Guildhall and St Mary's church) and Andover, Hampshire, two fitted onto railings (by Town Mill's and the 1 ANDOVER TOWN (ST Bridge Street bridge) and nine bronze heritage MARYS) plaques fitted into the ground at various locations in the town centre 6. Decision Notices Members are requested to note the following decision notices for Planning Applications in the Andover area from Test Valley Borough Council Lists 27, 28 & 29 – attached at Appendix C. At the time of going to print the List 29 was not published. It will be avaible on Test Valley Borough Council’s website www.testvalley.govuk 7. Review of Andover Access Plan To continue reviewing the Andover Town Access Plan. 8. Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report – Consultation Through legislation there is a requirement to appraise the sustainability of certain planning policy documents. The first stage is to review the scope of the appraisal process; this is done through a Scoping Report. It includes information on a range of topics to identify key issues and objectives. A summary document has been published alongside the Scoping Report. The Scoping Report does not allocate sites, consider the merits of policies or deal with the scale of development that may need to be planned for. The consultation commences on Friday 30th June for a period of 7 weeks, closing at 4.30pm on Friday 18th August 2017. Comments can be sent via email to [email protected] or by post to Test Valley Borough Council’s Andover office (full address within the consultation documents). Members received the consultation at the previous committee meeting. 9. Consultation on Allotment Site at Picket Twenty A full set of plans for this application is available via the link below. http://view-applications.testvalley.gov.uk/online-applications/simpleSearchResults.do?action=firstPage The Town Council will adopt the new allotment and have been asked to comments and ideal specification for setting out. The Comments have to be returned to Test Valley Borough Council by 7 August 2017. 10. Street Naming To consider any requests received from Test Valley Borough Council. 11. Communications from Test Valley Borough Council To receive any communications from Test Valley Borough Council. 12. Test Valley Borough Council – Northern Area Planning Committee To consider whether any applications, to be considered at the Test Valley Borough Council Northern Area Planning Committee (NAPC) require further comment and or representation from the Town Council. 13. Telecommunication Applications To consider and make observations on any Telecommunication Applications received. 14. Communications from Hampshire County Council To consider any communications received from Hampshire County Council. 15. Street Trading Licences To consider any applications for Street Trading Licenses received. 16. Speed Limit at Andover Down It has been requested by a Member of the Planning Committee that Members re-consider the Speed Limit at Andover Down. 17. Items for consideration at the next meeting Members are requested to inform the Town Clerk of any items that they wish to be included on the next Planning Committee Agenda. 18. Date of next meeting Members are requested to note the date of the next meeting: Monday 21 August 2017 at 6pm, in the UPPER GUILDHALL, HIGH STREET, ANDOVER. The Chairman will close the meeting. 2 ANDOVER TOWN COUNCIL A Minutes of Planning Committee Time and date 6.00pm on Monday, 10 July 2017 Place The Guildhall, High Street, Andover. Details of Attendance: Cllr B Long (Chairman) (P) Cllr V Pond (Vice Chairman) (P) Cllr C Bartholomew (P) Cllr B Carpenter (P) Cllr A Cotter (P) Cllr C Ecclestone (A) Cllr L Gregori (A) Cllr R Kidd (P) Cllr R Rowles (A) Officers Present: Wendy Coulter (Town Clerk) (taking the minutes) Tor Warburton (training) (Committee Officer) (training) Members of Public Present: 0 Members of the Press: 0 PC 035/17 Apologies Apologies were received and accepted from Cllrs C Ecclestone and L Gregori. PC 036/17 Declarations of Interest Cllr B Long declared and interest in the Street Trading License application for the Schilling Fair. PC 037/17 Minutes The Minutes of the Planning Committee meeting held on Monday 19 June 2017 were not signed and will be brought to the next meeting on 31 July 2017. PC 038/17 Public Participation There were no public in attendance. PC 039/17 Planning Applications (Test Valley Borough Council) The following observations from lists 24, 25 & 26 were made and submitted to the Planning Authority, Test Valley Borough Council: 5.1 17/01059/LBWN Repair/restoration of broken weathervane, The Guildhall , High Street, 13.06.2017 including replacement of broken central sphere, Andover, SP10 1LP ANDOVER TOWN (ST replace missing support strut to "S" arm, and MARYS) reinstatement of weathervane to roof No objection 3 5.2 17/01517/FULLN Conversion of kitchenware shop to funeral 14 Bridge Street, Andover, 14.06.2017 directors including new front and rear doors with SP10 1BH, ANDOVER TOWN (ST adjacent side panels, fan light over rear door, new MARYS) timber folding privacy screens adjacent to back door and replacement a/c condenser unit. Comment: Is there access for the hearse or allocated parking? 5.3 17/01594/ADVN Installation of TV depicting various Santander 33 High Street, Andover, 23.06.2017 advertisements. SP10 1LJ, ANDOVER TOWN (ST MARYS) Comment: Concern was shown that 46 inch television on for 24 hours a day seems a little overbearing in a conservation area. 5.4 17/01556/FULLN Extensions and alterations to convert existing 4A Anton Road, Andover, 19.06.2017 bungalow into 3 bed dwelling including associated SP10 2EN, ANDOVER TOWN works (WINTON) No objection 5.5 17/01511/VARN To Vary Condition 01 (Approved Plans) of Land at Goch Way, 19.06.2017 16/00872/RESN (For details of 85 residential Andover, Hampshire, ANDOVER TOWN dwellings including layout, appearance, scale and (HARROWAY) CHARLTON landscaping) to supersede drawings DD129LO2A, DD129LO6A, 15.11302G & 15.113.35 to incorporate a second basin for drainage purposes Cllr V Pond declared an interest in this agenda item as she lives close to the area. Comment: Concern was expressed about open water so close to residential area. 5.6 17/01683/OBLN Modification of legal agreement TVN.09275 Land at Picket Twenty, 29.06.2017 (Outline - Erection of 1200 residential units, Picket Twenty, Andover, ANDOVER TOWN (ST community facilities, education, retail, offices, Hampshire MARYS) recreational area and associated highway works) to allow the relocation of the MUGA and allow MUGA related contributions to be spent as required No details. Town Clerk to contact Officer and request information regarding new legal agreement. Please see appendix B for the Observations of the Planning Committee submitted to Test Valley Borough Council. PC 040/17 Decision Notices Noted. PC 041/17 Andover Access plan Cllr B Long updated the Committee on her meetings with Anny Thompson. The Committee agreed to start at page 32 next meeting; PCT. PC 042/17 Sustainability Appraisal Scoping Report – Consultation It was agreed to defer this time to the next meeting. PC 043/17 Street Naming Members considered Street Naming and Numbering for: 15-43 (odds) Errington Road, Picket Piece, Andover SP11 6XF 54-72 (evens) Errington Road, Picket Piece, Andover SP11 6XG No objections. PC 044/17 Communications from TVBC Appeals: Site at: Andover Conservative Club/Former Wykeham Club, 6 Western Road, Andover, SP10 2JG Proposal: Outline – Demolition of existing building and associated outbuildings, erection of two blocks of ten flats each (20 in total), and construction of access from Osborne Road. Appeal Reference: APP/C1760/W/17/3173923 Appeal has been made to Secretary of State.
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