AVERAGE DAILY UIMCGLAVION for tka BMatb ot Hareb. iHW TM» w iT tiiw ASPARAGUS Foraeaat of O. A WoaRMff IMm ^ I Easter Cards IjttisSelectG nide •••••••••.••• 45c Easter Bunnies 5,499 U to 25c Manber at Ike Awtit ^siebeGivde 49c 10c and 59c iE iif ttin g ffieralb Partly eloofly tonight aafl Frlflayt Buroaa of UrculaUens A aplaadld asaortinw it.^ Bot I— eh ehaago l a toflipanthrn. l^ »p e — d biMchee. aoaabla cards. With aovalopas. UtUe baby bunnlea and large (Front Entrance.) Th€J.WHAUco cuddly ones! White, yellow, pink 28c aad blue. (Itain Floor.) New C a b b ie , 1 to 9 Ibe. each . ,1b. 8c We Give Out Green Stamps. VOL. LIV., NO. 170. (O a a A M AfrartMnff #■ Faff* U .) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY, APRIL 18, 1935. (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE boaeh 5c 8TEAWBERRIE8 .. .plat beeket 17c BeMwla A pplet................... 4 Ibe. 25c The Easter Fashion Par^e Starts Right Here At Hale’s SENATE GIVES P. U. C. BOARD ORDERS Roosevelt Starts Ball Rolling: At Capitol GORDONSEARCH NRA ERRORS MADE Green Beans PARSNIPS 1 BEETS CARROTS PURCHASE OF SHIFTS TODAY Spinach For Blaster Smartness Choose . POWER OVER TRUCKS lb. 6c 1 bnneh 10c Ig. bunch 9c Dandelions Stunning TRU0( FLEET TO »URY WHILE HE RULED, DM 4ISI tt you wmnt a very ak* cot of SUITS Gordon “c r y s t a l c l e a r ” PINEHURST CORNED BEEF Votes 27 to 7 On Measnre MILLENS AND FABER Brieketa or MMdlo Biba. Town Treasurer Anthorized JOHNSON ASSERTS After Spirited Debate — Motorist There Reports He ! Bacon Wrappet^ SILK HOSE NOW IN DEAHI ROW LAMB PATTIES. 4 for 29c And COATS ’ to Boy Six or Eight De­ Saw Woman Answering TNEXPENSIVELY Three Amendments De­ C A U ilK I O S E V a T i Admits He Made Many Mb* F m b Salmoa — Ilallbot — Mackerel — BottertUh — Oyatera — For The Smartest Shad and Ckuna. PRICED AT pending on Need; Recom­ Her Description Alighting Easter Ensembles Pair feated; DetaOs of Measnre Taken from Dedham Jafl at A REAL r a d ic a l ! B«t M .ke. Ah « i mend $10,000 for AodH. fromanAnto. PINEHURST GROCERY. INC. 79 state Capitol, Hartford, April 18. Dawn— Die Daring Week -— That New Deal Plan Be o. 108— A sheer chiffon without clouds and shadows. 4 -thread, '— (AP)—The bills placing commer­ 42-gauge construction. Heel within heel; plcot edge. The Board of Selectmen last > \ Farmington, Conir, April 18 — $ J cial motor vehicle transportation un­ of April 28. Got. Talmadge Also Predicts Not Scrapped ~ Makes 0.75 No. 104— A medium service weight with lisle top. Especially con­ night, In one of the fastest and best (A P )—The mountains, swamps and der the supervision of the State structed 6-gauge Uale foot for greater wear. 7-thread, 42- conducted meetings since the Board tangled woodland in the wild north­ Long Statement. gauge construction. •L Public Utilities Commission was was elected last October, transact­ eastern section of this town, care­ Third Party in the 1936 Boston, AprillS.— (A P )—At dawn passed today by the Senate after a ed considerable,lmportant business, fully combed by an army of volun­ today the MUlen brothers and Faber Tou can be sure of finding TOUR Easter fashion In this coI> Two Smart Gordon Numbers At aplrlted debate. reviewed over 820,000 in town bills, teer searchers, stubbornly refueea (ieneral Election. The vote on the measure which entered what the state intends to be authorised the Town Treasurer to to 3deld a clue to the whereabouts Washington, April 18— (AP) — lection which Includes our best selling Easter models. We'vs No. 115—Ringless chiffon; 4-thrcad, 45-gapge construc­ scores of styles In coats and suits In the season's outstanding came after the Senate had decided their last abode. purchase six or eight trucks, re­ oi Mrs. Anne Booth Gordon, popu­ Plainspoken as usual, Hugh 8. tion. Silk plated. ceived notice of a suit for tax relief lar young society matron, yester­ fabrics and colors. No matter what your type, we have TOUR to postpone the vote on the old age The trio, whose deeds rank high Johnson told the Senate finance No. in —Semi-service hose. 7-thread, 45-gauge construc­ from Cheney Brothers, approved an day. Atlanta, April 18.— (A P )—Gover­ Eaater ensemble here! Slses for miss and madam. pension bill imtil next Tuesday was In the Commonwealth’s annals of nor Talmadge today referred to committee today the mlstakee of tion. Heel-ln-heel. 27 to 7. Three Democrats and one apjiroprtation of 8960. for spraying With every scrap of reported evi­ atrociUes, left the Dedham Jail Just elm trees, recommended the offer of dence concerning the missing wom­ President Roosevelt aa "a Radical In NRA were due to his administration The Easter Tradition Calls For Republican voted against the truck as the new day began, and within the 9th district committee concern­ an carefully checked and all sec­ the extreme form” and predicted a and that to abandon it would toe Five Correct Shades: measure which reached a vote only a half hour quietly entered the door­ ing acceptance by the town of dis­ tions of the town where she might Third Party ticket In the 1936 gen­ I SUITS In tweeds, checks, mono* after three amendmenta had been “ like burning down your house to way of the red brick wall In which trict assets and recommended to the have wandered closely searched, ot- eral election. EGGS 'tones in youthful swagger types Breeze—natural taupe, smart with beige, navy, Cruise—medium neutral beige, good with navy, defeated and Senate had run into get rid of a few rata In the attic.” blues, black, reds, green, beige, deeper paatels. the death house at state prison Is special town meeting the expendi­ fleers admitted today that a "break" "Any man who cond^ones the NRA, He freely admitted mlsfslcfn and with young collars. 2-plece tailor­ one Parliamentary . tangle after located. Show-er— taupe, blends with navy, black, beige, Pueblo—dark neutral taupe, for wear with ture of a sum not to exceed 810,000 from outside was, apparently/ che the AAA and other things going on errors In NRA. but as faults of ad­ ed versions. another. "" They have been condemned to die, for a certified audit of the books and C Dozen ^ ‘1®- black, navy, tweeds. .remaining hope of finding her. In this country is a Radical In the ministration and not of the’ law. The The "noes'’ against the measure for the slaying of a policeman, dur­ accounts of the tax collector. The Investigation this morning extreme.” the governor said. Blue Eagle was set up. he said, to Belgebrown—a wrarm browm for early Spring wear with were cast during the roll call vote ing the week oi April 28. Cost $000 a Week shifted to Slmsburv, where a motor­ atop the trend of concentration of Aad, of rourae, It'a Hale’a "The greatest calamity to this k SPORTS COATS In monotones, medium browns, greens, tweeds, bright colors. by Senators Francis W. Hogan df To Pay P\ir Crimes The principal discussion of the ist reported that he bad seen a country is that President Roosevelt Industrial power which was wiping for atrlrtly freah, larxCr local Torrlngton, Edwin R. Dlmock of Murton Mlllen, his brother, Irving, evening was concerning the policy out the small man. 'checks, tweeds, novelties. Balma- At HALE'S Hosiery—Main Floor, right. young woman closely resembling can't walk around and hunt up peo­ ofya! t'aodlnd aa to alze Merrow and Harvey L. Thompson of zbd Abraham Faber will pay fqr of truck hire. For the past several Mrs. Gordon at 8 o'clock Thursday "No more explosive act of destruo- aad quality. Serve the beat caans, reefers, swaggers. ple to talk to. He can only talk to Middletown, Democrats; Audubon J. their crime In that order. In the re­ years the bill for truck hire on the morning, the day following her dis­ those of his secretaries and aasist- tlon could bo committed than to kill ■ arm Halc’a freah eyga! Secor, Albert E Eccles and John M. painted cells of the sombre death- several conatructlon Jobs In pro­ After one postponement on account of bad weather, Franklin D. Roose­ appearance. it now and go back to the utter Bale’a Beat Quality Rlndleea, Sliced The Young School arta allow to come In to see him— Taft, Socialists, all of Bridgeport house they were given ceils one, gress by the town and ERA has velt, New Deal ace, got the call to pitch and thereby officially get the Sheriff Fuller Immediately sent and ninety-nine percent of this fuUIlty of the system we had here | D R E ^ COATS with new 193& Set Are Selecting and Henry M. Bradley, Jr., of Der­ two nnd three respectively. been high, it developed In the dis­ 1935 baseball season under way. He’s pictured hurling out the first ball deputies to Interview the man as crowd is the ‘gimme’ crowd.” before 1933,” Johnson testified, (Soicar Cured) |b . 'touches . wide revers, ripple col­ by, Republican. Aroused from their slumbers as cussion. Figures shown by Select­ for the first game of the American League pennant race between the the identification of the woman leeoes Warning BACON man James H. Jolmston showed that Governor Talmadge said "there lars. Soft dressmaker details in Senator WUliam E. Hagearty, the sun first glistened on the frosty Senators and Athletics at Washington, D. C. Postmaster General checked In detail with the missing probably will be" a Third Party In The hard hitting former cavalry Democrat of New Britain was ab­ approximately 8600 weekly is being James Farley (left) looks on.
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