September 22, 1976 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 32039 ative agreement or guarantee or commitment Directs the Secretary of the Treasury to taining to the development and revision of to guarantee with the Administration under forward certain identifying information on land and resouTce management plans. this section during such time as such officer such vehicles to the Secretary of Transporta­ Revises provisions relating to sale of for­ or employee discharged duties or responsibil­ tion who shall forward such information to est products found upon national forest ities under this section." the appropriate State agency responsible for landis. On Page 126, line 3, strike out "(4)" and motor vehicle registration. Prohibits the return to the public domain insert " ( 5) ". H.R. 15358. August 31, 1976. Public Works of na tiona! forest lands other than by Act By Mr. OTTINGER: and Transportation. Amends the Appalachian of Congress. (Amendment to the amendment in the Regional Development Act of 1965 to increase Abolishes the National Forest Reservation nature of a substlrtute offered by Mr. TEAGUE.) the amount of available Federal assistance as Commission. In section 19(c) of the Federal Nonnuclear a percentage of the total costs of Appalachian H.R. 15364. August 31, 1976. Judiciary; Energy Research and Development Act of development highway projects. Standards of Official Conduct. Requires can­ 1974 (as added by the first section of the H.R. 15359. August 31 , 1976. Science and didates for Federal office, Members of the amendment in the nature of a substitute of­ Technology; Atomic Energy. Requires the Congress, and certain officers and employees fered by Mr. TEAGUE): submission of a supplemental plan evaluat­ of the United States to file statements with (1) Strike out "and" at the end of para­ ing future energy programs, to be transmit­ the Comptroller General with respect to graph (8), ted to the Congress by the Administrator of their income and financial transactions. (2) Insert after paragraph (8) the fol­ the Energy Research and Development Ad­ H.R. 15365. August 31, 1976. Post Office and lowing: ministration. Establishes an Energy Produc­ Civil Service. Includes as creditable service "(9) in the case of a demonstration facil­ tion Planning Committee to prepare such for the computation of civil service retire­ ity which converts any coal (including lig­ plan. ment annuities. all periods of service, not nite) from a surface mine to synthetic fuel, H.R. 15360. August 31, 1976. Post Office and otherwise creditable, performed under agree­ the President or his delegate has prescribed Civil Service. Prohibits carriers of Federal ments to which the Federal Government was regulations for the purpose of reduction and employee health benefits plans from reduc­ a party in the employ of a State, or a politi­ control of adverse environmental effects re­ ing benefits or excluding any class of pro­ c al subdivision thereof, or of any instrumen- sulting from operation of such surface mine, vider of health services unless the Civil tality of either in the carrying out of specified and such regulations have been transmitted Service Commission gives notice of, and con­ Federal-State cooperative programs. to each House of Congress and approved by ducts hearings relative to, the proposed H.R. 15366. August 31, 1976. Merchant Congress by law;" and change within prescribed time limits. Marine and Fisheries. Directs the Secretary of (3) Redesignate paragraph (9) as para­ H.R. 15361. August 31, 1976. Post Office Commerce to establish a National Aquacul­ graph (10). and Civil Service. Requires that the follow­ ture Development Plan to identify each ing information be posted in a prominent aquatic species which can be commercially place in each post office: ( 1) the qualifica­ cultured and to contain a program of aqua­ tions, dates, and places for voter registration culturaJ. development for such species. FACTUAL DESCRIPTIONS OF BTI.,LS and voting in the area served by the post Establishes the Interagency Committee on AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCED office; (2) the names and office addresses of Aquacultw-e to coordinate aquacultural pro­ Prepared by the Congressional Re­ the United States Senators and Representa­ grams and projects. tives for the area served by the post office; Establishes within the Treasury a Federal search Service pursuant to clause 5 (d) (3) the names and office addresses of the Aquaculture Assistance Fund to guarantee of House rule X. Previous listing ap­ State legislators representing the area served loans for the fillliancing of aquaculturaJ facili­ peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD of by the post office; and (4) the cost and avail­ ties and to make disaster loans available to September 21, 19·76·, page 31714: ability of Western Union public opinion mes­ recipients of such guaranteed loans. Au­ HIOUSE BILLS sages to the President, Vice President, and thorizes a program of grants for aquacul­ H.R. 15356. August 31, 1976. Public Works Members of Congress. tural projects. • and Transportation. Amends the Federal H.R. 15362. August 31, 1976. Agriculture. H.R. 15367. August 31, 1976. Public Works Aviation Act of 1958 to: (1) require the Civil Prohibits the importation of palm oil and and Transportation. Directs the Secretary of Aeronautics Board to consider the necessity palm oil products unless the Secretary of the Army, acting through the Chief of Engi­ of competitive market forces in the air trans­ Agriculture certifies that such products are neers, to study methods to develop, utilize, portation system; (2) limit the time in which pure and wholesome and meet sanitation and conserve the land and water resources in the Board has to pass on applications forcer­ standards. Authorizes the Secretary to estab­ the Hila Bay Area in Hawaii. tificates of public convenience and neces­ lish such standards, and to inspect such H.R. 15368. August 31, 1976. Science and sity; (3) revise procedures for route transfers, imports. Requires that such imports meet Technology. Amends the Federal Fire Preven­ pooling agreements, rate changes and aban­ the packaging and labeling requirements in tion and Control Act to require the Admin­ donments; (4) remove restrictions on non­ effect in the United States and specify the istrator of the National Fire Prevention and stop service; and (5) remove the authority of country of origin. Makes all palm oil in the Control Administration to give priority, in al­ the Postmaster General to require air carriers United States subject to the Federal Food, locating tt~aining grants, to training programs to establish additional schedules for the Drug, and Cosmetic Act. Sets forth labeling which employ techniques that simulate fire transportation of mail between two points requirements for palm oil in the United experiences. served by such carrier. States. Prescribes penalties for violation of H.R. 15369. August 31, 1976. Ways and this Act. Means. Amends the Tariff Schedules of the H.R. 15357. August 31, 1976. Ways and H.R. 15363. August 31, 1976. Agriculture. Means. Amends the Tariff Schedules of the United States to impose a customs duty on Amends the Forest and Rangeland Renew­ the importation of candles and tapers. United St ates to require proof of automobile able Resources Planning Act to direct the property and personal liability insurance on H.R. 15370. August 31, 1976. Post Office and Secretary of Agriculture to prepare specified Civil Service. Extends the period during automobiles imported for the personal use of reports and to submit specified budget esti­ nonresidents and foreign government per­ which a Member or Member-elect of Congress mates for the purpose of reducing the back­ who is a candidate in a primary or general sonnel, in an amount equal to the minimum log of National Forest System lands in need insurance requirements in those States in election is prohibited from sending mass of reforestation or other treatment. mailings as franked mail to 60 d·ays before which the vehicle will be operated. · Sets forth guidelines and standards per- such election. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS SHOULD AROUSE CONGRESS At that time, I moved the Senate to The editorial also mentioned the re­ restore to the Calendar Senate Joint cently released results of a nationwide Resolution 16. a proposed constitutional poll sponsored by the National Federa­ HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. amendment to require reconfirmation of OF VIRGINIA Federal judges every 8 years. Both Sen­ tion of Independent Businesses in which IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES ator ALLEN and Senator HELMS have co­ the question was asked: Should Federal Wednesday, September 22, 1976 sponsored that proposal with me, along judges be appointed for a limited term With Senators NUNN, TALMADGE, GARN, or for life? Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi­ and GRAVEL. An overwhelming 86 percent of the dent, on August 31, the distinguished On September 2, the Staunton, Vir­ Senator from North Carolina <Mr. respondents of that 460,000 member orga­ ginia Leader commented editorially on nization favored some form of limited HELMS), the distinguished Senator from this matter. It noted: Alabama (Mr. ALLEN) and I engaged in tenure for Federal judges. The need for such an amendment, which a colloquy on the need for a critical re­ Sen. Harry F. Byrd, Jr. co-sponsored With In seeking a reason for such a singular appraisal of our present system of life six others, has been well demonstrated in sanction to our present system of life tenure for Federal judges. recent years... tenure, the Leader said: 32040 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS September 2'2, 1976 Dissatisfaction with Ufe tenure making Metro system since my first term in 1971, the immediate past, have been relied upon federal judges immune to checks and bal­ I would like to call my colleagues' atten­ to carry Metro to the end of the projected ances inspires the criticism, heard with in­ tion to a study commissioned by the line; we wonder if it can sufilce as operating creasing frequency, that 'we are being gov­ Washington Center for Metropolitan deficits swell, indeed to a.
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