Selling Aurora Homes For Over 20 Years www.RealEstateAurora.comwww.RealEstateAurora.com Karen Walker Sales Representative, Residential Real Estate Services 14799 Yonge St., Aurora 905-727-3154 Aurora’s Community Newspaper Vol. 13 No. 15 905-727-3300 theauroran.com FREE Week of February 19, 2013 Morris did not breach Conflict of Interest Act: Judge By Brock Weir Former Aurora Mayor Phyllis Morris was not in breach of the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act with the commencement of the $6 million defamation lawsuit against three local bloggers, according to Justice Cory Gilmore. Justice Gilmore rendered her decision February 11. In her ruling, the Judge sided with Ms. Morris on the two primary issues argued in the lawsuit, namely whether a conflict existed at all, and the time in which it took Aurora resident George Hervey to launch his lawsuit against Ms. Morris the following spring. She dismissed Mr. Hervey’s application right out of the gate on the basis that his application was not filed in time under the rules of the Municipal Conflict of Interest, but went a step further and addressed the elephant in the room – whether Ms. Morris was actually in viola- tion of the Act. Mr. Hervey launched his lawsuit in May 2011, alleging Ms. Morris breached the Municipal Conflict of Interest Act by participating in the closed session meeting of Council in September 2010 which ultimate- ly lead to a $6 million defamation lawsuit against Aurora residents Bill Hogg, Richard Johnson and Elizabeth Bishenden, among others. The original lawsuit alleged the three local bloggers had informa- tion to identify anonymous posters on the Aurora Citizen blog which Ms. Morris claimed were defamatory. The motion passed by the previ- ous council leading to the lawsuit called on the Town to take “any and all actions to bring a resolution” to the matter. Continued on page 8 Maple Leafs’ Mike Kostka thrills Tigers fans with homecoming By Jeff Doner One of the players who helped the Aurora Tigers capture their first RBC Championship title in 2003-04 was back at the Community Centre for a visit on Friday night. Mike Kostka of the Toronto Maple Leafs was in town to relive some old memories, talk with fans and of course sign some autographs. “It’s pretty special,” said a smiling Kostka. “I haven’t been back in about 10 years, so being able to come back on a night like this, everyone has been so great in honouring me tonight. It’s a really exciting time.” Nearly a decade after playing his last game as a Tiger, Kostka is now playing a big role on a young Toronto Maple Leafs squad. But success hasn’t come easy for the 27-year-old “rookie” defenceman. Passed over in the NHL entry draft, Kostka got his break into pro hockey after signing with the Buffalo Sabres as a free agent in 2008. He then spent the better part of six seasons in the American ARCTIC ADVENTURE Hockey League, playing for the Rochester Americans, Portland Hundreds of Aurorans braved the cold but basked in the sun Monday to mark Family Day at Town Pirates, San Antonio Rampage, Norfolk Admirals and then started the Park. A new, one-time-only attraction at this year’s Arctic Adventure was the presence of the storied 2012-13 season with the Marlies after inking a deal with the Toronto Maple Leafs last summer. Grey Cup which was brought to Aurora by the Schuetze Family after winning it for the day in a Since going pro, Kostka’s hard work and determination eventually contest. Pictured above with the cup are Toronto Argonauts cheerleader Nikki, the Schuetze Family started to pay off, now logging big minutes on Toronto’s blue line. – Rob, Madison, Rebecca and Sabrina – and cheerleader Alessia. Inset: Lisa kept the crowds Although his journey into the NHL was a long, hard fight, Kostka entertained, carving ice into a work of art. For full coverage of Arctic Adventure, look in next said the past year has been a whirlwind. week’s edition. Auroran photos by David Falconer Continued on page 13 classic chicken souvlaki 2 cancan dinedine DINE-IN forfor $18.9518.95 TAKE-OUT YourYour choicechoice ofof twotwo originaloriginal mmealseals (chicken,(chicken, porkpork oror gyro).gyro). InIncludescludes GGreekreek ssalad,alad, oonene mmealeal side,side, tzatzikitzatziki andand pitapita bread.bread. DELIVERY *Valid*Vaalid at 83 FirstFirst CommeCommercerce DDr.,r., AuAurora.rora. 838 FirstFirst CommerceCommerce Dr.,Dr., AuroraAurora MustMuust presentpresent coupon. TTaTaxesaxes not included.ded. 905-727-88489905-727-8848 | mrgreek.commrgreek.ccom ExpiresExpires MarchMarch 29, 2013 CATERING Aurora TownTown Hall 1001000 John WestWest WayWay P.O.PP.O.O. Box 10000 Aurora Ontario L4G 6J1 Phone 905-727-1375727-1375 FaxFax 905-726-4732 Email [email protected] WebsiteWebsite www.aurora.cawww.aurora.ca LikLikee us on FFacebookacebook TTownown of Aurora COUNCIL ANDD COMMITTEE MEETINGS Tuesday,Tuesday, FebruaryFebruary 19 7 p.m.p.m. GeneralGeneral CommitteeCommitteee FFollowollow us on TwitterTwitter Wednesday,Wednesday, FebruaryFebruary 20 7 p.m.p.m. AuroraAurora Public LibraryLibrrary Board @Town_of_aurora@TTown_of_auroraown_of_aurora Wednesday,Wednesday, FebruaryFebruary 20 7 p.m.p.m. Sesquicentennial AdA Hoc Committee TThursday,hursday, FFebruaryebruary 21 7 p.mp.mm 1BSLTBOE3FDSFBUJPO"EWJTPSZ$PNNJUUFFo$"/$&--&%1BSLTBOE3FDSFBU UJPO "EWJTPSZ$PNNJUUFFo$"/$&--& % Monday, FebruaryFebruary 25 7 p.mp.mm 4QFDJBM(FOFSBM$PNNJUUFFo#VEHFU3FWJFXo4QFDJBM(FOFSBM$$PNNJUUFFo#VEHFU3FWJFXo CANCELLED NOTNOT REQUIRED TTuesday,uesday, FFebruaryebruary 26 7 pp.m..m. Council WWednesday,ednesday, FFebruaryebruary 27 7 pp.m..m. Public Planning TOWNTOWN OF AURORAAURORA PUBLIC NONOTICETICE Meetings are open to the public andannd held at AuroraAurora TownTown Hall. Council meetingsm can be seen on Rogers TV,TVV,, channelchaannel 10. FForor a full list of upcoming meetingsmeetings,s, please visit wwwwww.aurora.ca/calendar.aurora.ca/calendaar GenerGeneralal Committee meetings can bbe viewed online by visiting wwwwww.aurora.ca/gcstream.auroora.ca/gcstream BusinessBusiness Retention and Expansionn NOTICENOTICE OF SALE OF PUBLIC LANDSS AURORAAURORA 150 FACT:FACT: ConsultationConssultation on FebruaryFebruary 28 The TownTToown off AuroraAurora is in the processprocess of selling approximatelyapproximately 0.6 hectareshectares of the In 2012,20012, TownTown staff met with more than 1501550 local prpropertyoperty describedscribed as PPartart of Lot 19, Concession 3 in The TToTownown of AurAurora.ora. businessesbusinnesses as part of the Business Retentionon and ExpansionExpannsion program,program, to find out about the advantagesaadvantages and disadvantagesdisaddvantages of doing business in Aurora.Aurora. Now that the results are in, the TownTown is consultingconnsulting with the businessbusinness community on how to best addressss the top trends that haveh arisen from our business visitationon surveys.surveys. BusinessBusinness owners and those interested in thee local economy are invitedinnvited to join us for a Business Retentionon and Expansion actionn planning session on Thursday,Thursdayy,, FebruaryFebruuary 28 at 7 p.m.p.m. in thee Holland Room at TownTown Hall. TheThe proposed enactment of the Bylaw approving this sale will be considered by TownTown Council on ForFor morem information, please contact MichaelMichaael Logue at Tuesday,Tuesdayy,, FebruaryFebruaryuary 26 in the Council Chambers,Chambers, AuroraAurora TTownown Hall, commencing at 7 p.m.p.m. 905-727-3123905-7727-3123 ext. 4324 Written commentscommeents or inquiries for information relating to this matter may be directed to Anthony IerulloIerullo,, Eade’sEade’s AuroraAurora HardwareHardware (1910)(19110) Manager of StrategicStrrategic Initiatives at 905-727-3123, extension 4742. Comments may also be mailed to the Planning & Development Services department, faxed to 905-726-473605-726-4736 or emailed to ThisThis full encompassing hardwarehardware storestoore waswas well stockedstocked with [email protected] prior to the meeting. AuroraAuroora SeniorsSeniors CentreCentre trips items one would need for maintainingmaintaininng their homestead. Please note,note, TheThhe TownTown of AuroraAurora collects personal information in communications or presentations made TheThe AuroraAAurora Seniors Centre offers many excitingting trips for both to TownTown Councilcil and/or its Committees.Committees. TheThe TownTown collects this information to makmakee informed decisions membersmembers and non-members.non-membersnon members. on relevantrelevant issue(s).ue(s). If you are submitting letters,letters, faxes,faxes, emails,emails, presentations or other communications to the Town,Town, youyoou should be awareaw that your name and the fact that you communicated with the TownTown will become partart of the public record and will appear on the Town’sTTown’oown’s website.website. TheThe TTownown will also makemakkee EMPLOYMENTEMPLOYMENT TripsTrips this spring include: your communicationcation and any personal information in it, such asa your address,address, postal code or email address,address, availableavailableble to the public unless you expressly request thehe TownTown to remove it. By submitting a fax, OPPORTUNITIESOPPORTUNITIES t4U1BUSJDLT%BZBU$BSNFOT%JOOFS5IFBUSF )BNJMUPOt4U1BUSJDLT%BZBU$BSNFOT%JOOFS5IFBUSF )BNJMUPO email, presentationation or other communication, you are authorizingng the TTownown to collect and use the above- Thursday,Thursdayy,, March 14 noted informationinformattion for this purpose.purpose. Please visit www.aurora.ca/employmentwww.aurora.ca/employmentyment to view
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