About this document The following pages are duplications of the section “New Publications”, found in each issue of TEXandTUGNEWS, the quarterly newsletter of the TEXUsers Group. The listings are augmented by margin notes indicating reviews which have subsequently appeared in TUGboat, TUG’s quarterly journal. At the end are two pages listing books which had been reviewed in TUG- boat before TTN began, as well as a listing of books on TEX in Russian (which originally appeared in TTN 3,4:5. Updates of this file (ttnpubs)arepostedtoCTAN on a regular basis: \verb|tex-archive/digests/ttn}| Christina Thiele Editor, TTN 1 New Publications (TTN 1,1) a Claudio Beccari. LTEX — Guida a un sistema di editoria elettronica. Milano: TUGboat 13, 2. Editore Ulrico Hoepli Milano, 1991. Pp. ix + 399. ISBN 88-203-1931-4. • The book is the first and only one in Italian at this moment. Although it contains an introductory chapter for the beginner, its main purpose is to a give the reader advanced information on LTEX (and partially on TEX) in order to prepare sophisticated macros, style files, and to make clever use of fonts. Arvind Borde. TEXbyExample. New York: Academic Press, 1991. Pp. 169 TUGboat 13, 4. (paper), US$19.95. ISBN 0-12-117650-9. • This book teaches entirely by example. Input and output are shown side- by-side, allowing users to spot quickly how to get symbols, how to obtain italics, how to use bold type, how to start new paragraphs, and so on. The alphabetic appendix is both an index and a glossary, which systematically lists all commonly used features of TEX. Victor Eijkhout. TEXbyTopic:ATEXnician’s Reference. Wokingham, UK: TUGboat 13, 2. Addison-Wesley, 1992. Pp. viii + 307 (paper), US$30.00. ISBN 0-201- 56882-9. • TEXbyTopicis a systematic reference manual designed as a companion to tutorial guides about TEX. Not for the novice, it is meant for users with a basic understanding of TEX who have specific questions, or who are keen to explore the full potential of this unique computer typesetting system. a Jane Hahn. LTEX for Everyone. Mill Valley: Personal TEX Inc., 1991. Pp. xi TUGboat 13, 2. + 346 (paper), US$19.95. ISBN 0-9631044-0-3. • a LTEX for Everyone is a tutorial as well as a reference guide. Written with the beginning user in mind, it is designed to be easy to read and understand, and contains examples of all the basic commands. The ex- a perienced LTEX user, however, will also find this book to be a valuable reference tool. Raymond Seroul and Silvio Levy. A Beginner’s Book of TEX.NewYork: TUGboat 13, 1. Springer Verlag, 1991. Pp. 283 (paper), US$29.95, DM58,– . ISBN 0-387- 97562-4. • Seroul and Levy’s book is an excellent beginner’s text. It is meant for careful reading, in which case it gives a surprising amount of detail. The book also has a reference section. This is an expanded translation of Seroul’s book, Le petit Livre de TEX (Paris: InterEditions, 1989). 2 New Publications (TTN 1,2) Andr´e Heck, ed. Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences.Sing- TUGboat 13, 4. apore: World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 1992. Pp. xi + 240 ISBN 981-02-0915-0. • The volume gathers together the communcations presented at the collo- quium on Desktop Publishing in Astronomy and Space Sciences,heldin Strasbourg, France, 1–3 October 1991, at the Louis Pasteur University. Wynter Snow. TEX for the Beginner. Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley, 1992. TUGboat 13, 4. Pp. xii + 377 + 23 (index) (paper), US$29.25. ISBN 0-201-54799-6. • This book is a carefully paced, tutorial introduction for people first learn- ing the [TEX] system. Special emphasis is given to what can go wrong, and a how to fix it when it does. LTEX notes are provided for use with a set of macros. Latest issues of other TEX newsletters Les Cahiers GUTenberg: no. 12, d´ecembre 1991, 85pp. ISSN 1140-9304. Official publication of GUTenberg, Groupe francophone des Utilisateurs de TEX. MAPS: Issue 92.1, May 1992, 162pp. Official publication of NTG, Nederland- stalige TEX Gebruikersgroep (MAPS = “Minutes and APendiceS”). Two issues per year. Contact: [email protected]. TEXbulletin: no. 1, 1992, 48pp. Official newsletter (in Czech and Slovak) of CsTUG. Previous 4 issues in 1991 appeared without numbering. Four is- sues per year. Contacts: Karel Horak [email protected],Jiˇr´ı Vesel´y [email protected],orJiˇr´ı[email protected]. TEXline: issue 14, February 1992, 28pp. Contact Malcolm Clark for details [email protected]. Die TEXnische Kom¨odie: vol. 4, no. 1, mai 1992, 68pp. Official newsletter of DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TEX e.V. Four issues per year. Contact: [email protected] or [email protected] heidelberg.de. Note: For more information on the various user groups, consult pp. 119–125 in TUG’s 1991 Resource Directory. 3 New Publications (TTN 1,3) Jiˇr´ıZlatuˇska, ed. EuroTEX 92, Proceedings of the 7th European TEXCon- ference. Brno: Masaryk University and Prague: Czechoslovak TEXUsers Group (CsTUG), 1992. ISBN 80-210-0480-0. • Copies can be ordered directly from CsTUG for the price of DM 30.– plus postage (or the equivalent in some other currency) at the following address: Ceskoslovensk´ˇ esdruˇzen´ıuZivatel˚uTEXu (CsTUG), Matematick´y ustav´ UK, Sokolovsk´a 83, CS-186 00 Praha 8, Czechoslovakia. They may 1 also be available through your local TEX users group. Stephan von Bechtolsheim. TEXinPractice. New York: Springer Verlag, TUGboat 15, 1; Oct. 1992. 4-volume set (hardcover), US$169.00. ISBN 0-387-97296-X. 15, 2. Volumes also available individually, US$49.00 each: Vol. 1: Basics. Pp. 359, 9 illus. ISBN 0-387-97595-0. Vol. 2: Paragraphs, Math, and Fonts. Pp. 384. ISBN 0-387-97596-9. Vol. 3: Tokens, Macros. Pp. 544, 22 illus. ISBN 0-387-97597-7. Vol. 4: Output Routines, Tables. Pp. 300. ISBN 0-387-97598-5. • “A recent surge of good TEX implementations for PCs has put TEXon the disks of many people including writers, designers, desktop publishers, and engineers. With such increased interest in TEX, there is a need for good TEXbooks. TEXinPracticeis the ideal reference and guide for the TEX community. The four-volume set is written by an acknowledged expert in the field and addresses the needs of the TEXnovicetothemore experienced ‘TEXpert.’ The book provides step-by-step introduction to the various functions of TEX with many relevant examples.” a Stefan Schwartz and Rudolf Potuˇcek. LTEX — Satzkunst statt DTP. a [“LTEX — The Art of Typography rather than DTP”]. (Special issue in the series CHIP-Anwender-Praxis.) 1992. DM 34,– . ISBN 3-8023-1178-7. • Can be obtained from: Vogel Verlag, Postfach 67 40, D-8700 W¨urzburg, Germany. Latest issues of other TEX newsletters Les Cahiers GUTenberg: no. 13 juin 1992, 90pp. ISSN 1140-9304. 1The Table of Contents of the Proceedings appears on p. 28 of this issue, and a short report on the conference by Alan Hoenig appears on pp. 22–23. 4 New Publications (TTN 1,4) a Rames Abdelhamid. Das Vieweg LTEX-Buch: Eine praxisorientierte Ein- f¨uhrung. Braunschweig: Vieweg-Verlag, 1992. About 200pp. ISBN 3-528- 05145-0. • a This book provides a well-structured and readable introduction to LTEX in combination with the german.sty option. George Gratzer. Math into TEX. New York: Springer Verlag. Pp. 187 (paper). TUGboat 15, 1. Approx. $34.00 US. ISBN 0-8176-3637-4. [Avail. Dec. 1992] • “This book is for the mathematician, engineer, or scientist who wants to write and typeset articles with mathematical formulas but who does not want to spend a great deal of time learning how to do it. It assumes little a familiarity with TEXorLTEX.” [From promotional material] a Piotr Wyrostek, trans. LTEX: System przygotowywania dokument¨ow. Prze- a wodnikurytkownika ¨ i prodr¨ecznik. Polish translation of Lamport’s LTEX manual. Krakow: Ariel. Price: 91000 zl. ISBN 83-900460-1-6. Michaela Lich´aandOldˇrich Ulrych. AMS-TEX verze 2.1. Prague: Czecho- slovak TEX Users Group, 1992. Pp. 80 [In Czech] • “This publication provides a short (but complete) tour through AMS- TEX 2.1 together with amsppt.sty 2.1. Almost all features are demon- strated with a lot of examples. The book is organized in such a way that it is useful for novices (basic textbook), and for advanced users (quick refer- ence quide) as well. Contains a table of all symbols.” [Info. from authors] Latest issues of other TEX newsletters Baskerville: vol. 2, no. 1, March 1992, 12pp. Official newsletter of the UK TEX Users’ Group. Die TEXnische Kom¨odie: vol. 4, no. 2, August 1992, 64pp. Official newsletter of DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TEXe.V. MAPS: Issue 92.2, 1992, 176pp. Official publication of NTG, Nederlandstalige TEX Gebruikersgroep (MAPS = “Minutes and APendiceS”). 2 TEXbulletin: no. 2, 1992, 48pp; no. 3, 1992, 64pp. Official newsletter of CsTUG. TUGboat: 13, no. 3, 1992, 162pp. Proceedings of TUG’92 meeting in Portland, Oregon. 2Re: TTN 1,3 notice on the Prague Proceedings: Jiˇr´ı Zlatuska of CsTUG asks that orders for the publication include a shipping and handling charge: $5 for surface mail, $10 for airmail in addition to the 30,– DM cost. –Ed. 5 New Publications (TTN 2,1) Donald E. Knuth. Literate Programming.(CSLI Lecture Notes 27.) Stan- ford: Center for the Study of Language and Information, 1992. Pp. xiii + 368 £19.95 (UK). ISBN 0-937073-80-6 (paper), ISBN 0-937073-81-4 (cloth). • ‘Literate Programming’ (using the WEB system) was developed by Knuth and used to write TEX and its documentation.
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