cichlidcichlidthe monthly Volume 29, #10 PREMIUM FLAKE FOOD November 2000 Victorian Cichlid Wardley Total Tropical is the ultimate Society freshwater flake food, created to provide an extraordinary diet that Incorporated considers not only your fishes health Certificate of Incorporation # A12794D of today, but their nutritional needs for tomorrow. Better metabolic responses, faster attraction to the food, brilliant color and improved over- all health and vitality are only a few of the benefits of feeding Total Tropical as your everyday staple food. Total Tropical begins where all other staple Mark Coleman foods leave off. $1.10 INC GST QUALITY PRODUCTS FOR THE AUSTRALIAN FISHKEEPER R E G I S T E R E D B Y A U S T R A L I A COVER PICTURE: P O S T AUSTRALIA’S PREMIER BRAND P P 3 4 2 7 8 0 / 0 0 2 4 ^ ^ ^ cichlidcichlidWeWe havehave aa fewfew scenescene friendsfriends thatthat THE NEXT MEETING will be held on the second Friday of the month at 8 pm sharp (Tradingyouyou Table opens mightmight earlier) in the Courtyardlikelike Room toto at themeetmeet Nunawading ......Civic Centre, Whitehorse Road, Mitcham. Visitors are encouraged to come along. MINI TALK: `Cichlid Heads’. MAIN TALK:EASTERN`Peacocks’ DISTRICTS -- Aussie Magnussen. AQUARIUM SOCIETY DOORMeets PRIZES: onOSI. the 4th Friday of month at the Nunawading DRAW PRIZES:Civic Centre, Whitehorse Rd, Nunawading. 1.Call $40 All 9802 Aquarium 3968 Voucher. or write to PO Box 502, Ringwood 3134. 2. Chocolates. 3. Wetlands frozen food. TABLEAUSTRALIAN SHOWS & NEW GUINEA FISHES ASSOC Do your own thing. (See page 20.) These Angels Meets bi-monthly at Melbourne Zoo, starting January. Contact Glenn Briggs on 9725 3665 (AH) are the real Check our thing (think Web page: cichlids.web.comfor more information. about it) COMMITTEE MEMBERS: PRESIDENT AQUARIUMJohn McCormick SOCIETY5944-3502 LIBRARIAN OF VICTORIAAnthony Caiolfa 9886-5775 VICE-PRES Peter Robinson 9807-8196 TRADING TBL Glenn Lacey 9512-6706 SECRETARY MeetsGraham Roweon the last9560-7472 Thursday SOCIAL S ofEC thePosition month vacant TREASURER Keith Patfordat 29 Grant9716-2425 Street, COMMITTEE Clifton-AT -LARGEHill.: EDITORCall 9478Daryl 6028 Hutchins or write9872-3225 to PO Box 140, LeeClifton Ashton Hill 30689561-5131 Facsimile (24-hr) 9872-6910 Granville Lawrence9564-7247 The Money Mobile 0417 314 699 Jason Taylor 9569-3772 Managers SHOW SEC Sebastian Zwalf 9885-8651 One Position Vacant Sub-CommitteeNATIONAL Chairpersons: AUSTRALIANSpecies Maintenance: KILLIFISH Graham Rowe ASSOC. Mailing: Peter Robinson. Constitution:Meets Daryl BI-monthly Hutchins. BAA: in Peter members’ Robinson. Handbook:homes. Daryl Hutchins. LIFE MEMBERS: GrahamContact: Rowe, HeinzDavid Staude, Skop Kevin 9563 Archibald, 7231. Keith Patford, Danny Genovese and Daryl Hutchins. PUBLIC OFFICER: Daryl Hutchins. HONORARY MEMBER: Max Davenport. FELLOW OF THE SOCIETY: Graham Rowe. THIS SPACE FOR RENT THIS SPACE Victorian Cichlid Society MEMBERSHIP© Copyright, Victorian APPLICATIONS Cichlid Society Inc 2000. or otherAnyone wishing enquiries to reprint material may from be`The Cichliddirected Monthly’ for to: non-commercial purposes, may do so (unless the item is copyright by the author) provided due credit is Thegiven to Secretary,the author and `TCM’ Graham and one copy Rowe of the relevant publication is 23 forwardedMangana to the author, Drive, care of Mulgravethe Secretary. Enquiries Vic re 3170the use of material in other publications may be directed to [email protected]. Ph/fax 9560 7472 -- e-mail [email protected] 24 VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC ^ THE CICHLID MONTHLY 1 | | | | | | | | | C O N T E N T S About 100 people attended the recent Annual Auction. My impression was that it VCS was quite a successful affair. No disasters; eeddiittoorriiaall Cichlid Scene . 1 Spawning Geophagus jurupari 10-11 no iffy fishes; extremely few fish passed-in; a nice variety of goods; etc. The weather dhutchins@ Auction Editorial . 3 Lamprologus ocellatus . 12-14 was quite kind too -- ie: just cool enough to theage.fairfax.com.au keep everyone off the beaches and give How to Care for them no alternative but to go to a fish auc- Fax: 9872-3225October Minutes of Previous Meeting . 4 tion. Rift Lake Cichlids . 16-20 The financial nitty gritty goes as follows: Treasurers Report . 4 Canteen 118.15 Wardley Table Show Calendar . 20 Raffle 91.50 A motion will also be 2000put at the AGM that Commission from auction 693.85 the committee be trimmed in size. The com- October Auction Report . 5 Total income $903.50 mittee is the same size as it was in the hal- Cichwords . 21 I really want to thank our visitors from New cyon days when the club far more members Jawlockings . 6-7 South Wales for helping me put the chairs than is the case now. away. Hopefully, I can makeit to their auc- Elections for committee positions are rare VCS Auction, October 2000 tion next year to return the favor. (pictorial) . 22-24 these days, and it seems impossible to fill Rowemin Round . 8 The Elaine Turner Memorial will be judged casual vacancies, even though the commit- at the next meeting, so be sure not to leave tee is empowered to appoint replacements your entry at home -- it’s a long wait till next without a poll. The obvious remedy for this year. The Victorian Cichlid Society was formed by cichlidophiles in March 1972 thus becoming the situation is to have fewer positions to fill in first specialist aquarist group in the State of Victoria. Its main aims are: By this time I am sure you have decided the first place. So, it will be moved that two just what committee position you would be committee-at-large positionsPictures: be done away 1. To promote the keeping of cichlids; best-suited for as well. The December with. Mark Coleman 2. To gain and disseminate knowledge of cichlids, their habits and attributes through the use meeting, of course, will include the Annual If you think the proposal is a waste of time, of slides, films, books, lectures, practical demonstrations, local and overseas magazines, General Meeting as well as all the usual fun you should run for a position and prove it. articles by members and discussions with fellow members or experts in the field; and games. All positions fall vacant and you Better yet, amend the motion and get rid of get your chance to put your hand up. 3. To assist, in any way possible, the establishment and/or maintenance of approved public the Editor -- nobody else seems willing to aquaria; Don’t be shy -- you haven’t really lived until do that job either and this one’s just about you have been on the committee. While 4. To be involved in the education of the general public with regard to the benefits of had it. committee membership is not all fun and fishkeeping (particularly cichlids), and the potentially harmful effects of animal games, it is rarely dull. mismanagement; daryl.. 5. To promote fellowship between members; 6. To further the conservation of species and their natural habitats; 7. To further the identification, distribution, breeding, maintenance and enjoyment of species NOTICE OF MOTION: Aims of the Society Aims of the Society in the Family Cichlidae. At the December 2000 Annual General Meeting, before an election is Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are All correspondence to: conducted, it will be moved that Rule 19.3 (b) of the Constitution be those of the authors, and are not necessarily THE SECRETARY amended to read: those of the Editor of TCM or the committee VICTORIAN CICHLID SOCIETY INC “Six (6) ordinary members, each of whom shall be elected at the Annual TradingGeneral of the Victorian Cichlid Society Inc. You are c/- 23 Mangana Drive, Mulgrave, Victoria, Meeting of the Society each year.” Table encouraged to write to, or e-mail the Editor on Australia 3170 any subject raised herein. Fax 9560-7472. E-mail [email protected] 222 VICTORIANVICTORIAN CICHLIDCICHLID SOCIETY SOCIETY INC INC ^ THETHE CICHLID CICHLID MONTHLY MONTHLY 233 Previouslyfeeds are obviously a better... andat most.a VCS Some examples Meeting are Pelvica- more natural choice. Most other chromis pulcher (Kribensis), October Auction Report Rift Lake cichlids can be fed “regu- P. taeniatus, P. subocellatus, CichWCichWordsords Thelar” October,fish foods; 2000 howevermeeting opened it is aat wise8.21 pm withHemi-chromis the President inbimaculatus the chair. He welcomed (Jewel everyoneprecaution present, to keepthanking all them animal for coming fats, as itCichlid), was hard venturingthe well-known out on Friday Pseudo- the 13th. The Society held it's Annual Auction on Saturday 28th Sebastianof October in Zwalf the Heas apologisedfound in forbeefheart, the late start. out of their crenilabrus multicolor (Egyptian Mitcham Scout hall. diet. For all these fishes, a natural Mouthbrooder), and the beautiful All those present except the Editor had received their magazine in the mail. Apologies were D WithR theM weatherS D beingM Ua bitW on theL coolP sideB IE wasE a littleL concernedZ I O receivedsupply from:of live Stuart green Gray, Carlalgae Bentin, is Glenn of LaceyNanochromis (lateness) and nudiceps Keith Patford.. about how it would effect the attendance figures. great benefit. The minutes of the September meeting were takenSummary as read on a motion moved by Sebastian H MyA fearsI ofZ a poorA turnV upO wereH putS to Xrest QhoweverA withI approximatelyI S M V Zwalf and seconded by Granville Lawrence. Business Arising: Dave Thorn mentioned that his 90 people in attendance at the peak of the auction. Other African Cichlids Like other aquarium fishes, Rift L B C I P S G I L P X V S T I P S after-meetingThere are apology other forpopular John Reeves cichlids to the secretaryLake cichlids was not recorded.are dependant The Secretary for The variety of fish for sale was quite impressive with several species that explained that he put it in the Editor’s copy in parentheses and the Editor explained that he that come from Africa, many of their well-being on their environ- have never been on offer before.
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