Solution Provider http://fastlane.ASCET.com An Agile eBusiness Data Center http://seebeyond.ASCET.com is the Key to Achieving Supply Chain Rewards up with rising expectations, your Internet develops the technologies that underlie Intel, the world’s largest chip maker, also offers a wide range of business solution services and data center must be highly modular and today’s computer and Internet revolution capabilities as well as computer, networking, and flexible – the better to add new capabilities, and lay the foundation for tomorrow’s inte- communications products. exploit new trends and keep pace with a grated supply lattices. Intel chips, boards, breathtaking rate of change. systems, software, networking and commu- t’s a cliché, but it’s true: the Internet Scaleable. The Internet data center must nications equipment and services are the Ichanges everything. not only do the heavy lifting of transaction- “ingredients” of computer architecture and For trading partners, it changes the rules intensive supply chain applications, but the Internet. Intel also influences the future of the game, creating opportunities to com- also weather large and unpredictable spikes of the industry through its leadership in press cycle times, reduce inventories, in the workload. The best-equipped data industry initiatives and its services to soft- squeeze costs and inefficiencies out of the centers are built from hundreds of afford- ware developers, application service supply chain, increase customer loyalty, able, mix-and-match multiprocessor providers (ASPs), Internet service providers and boost revenues. servers, with a multi-tier architecture to (ISPs), e-business solution providers The Internet also changes the demands on deliver performance and flexibility. (eBSPs), original equipment manufacturers the data center and makes the choice of data Open. When it comes to getting multiple (OEMs) and more. center architecture a strategic rather than a enterprises to work together efficiently, no Whether your company is developing its tactical decision. That’s because, in the rap- single vendor or application can do it all. own supply chain solutions, or creating, idly emerging world of next-generation sup- The trick is to use industry standards and integrating or selling supply chain automa- ply chain automation, companies create not open platform architectures to create a hor- tion products and services, Intel offers just supply chain linkages, but entire supply izontally integrated Internet data center – world-class products and an extensive range lattices. Automated, bi-directional, rules- then use that foundation to deploy best-of- of technical and marketing services to pro- based links span customer systems, enabling breed solutions that precisely match your mote your success. Here’s a sampling: information to flow freely and automatically, company’s needs and provide ample room in real time, among multiple players in cas- to grow and change. RosettaNet* cading value chains, as needed. RosettaNet* is a global initiative to adopt Success in this environment requires Intel Accelerates Your Supply open and common business interfaces, that the company, the supply chain and the Chain Automation Success enabling small and large buyers and sellers data center demonstrate an extreme degree As a building block supplier to the world- of computer technology to conduct elec- of flexibility. If you’re automating your sup- wide Internet economy, Intel® Corporation tronic business more efficiently. Named ➤ ply chain today – let alone planning for tomorrow’s supply lattices – the vertically integrated data center that handled your Supply Chain Automation from the Inside Out centralized, MRP/ERP-oriented business is As one of the world’s leading • Cutting the time needed to • Enabling employees to gen- manufacturers and new economy deliver confidential docu- erate 40% more orders in going to hold you back. If you expect to players, Intel knows supply chain ments from weeks to min- the same amount of time reap the rewards of supply chain automa- automation from the inside out. utes. and increase the time tion, you need an Internet data center Intel moved its B2B order entry • Adding direct support for spend on high-value tasks that’s agile, scalable and open. system onto the Web in July, 75,000 dealers around the by 240%. Agile. No matter how fast you move, 1998, and was quickly handling world without adding a $1 billion per month in supplier- single sales person. Intel’s supply chain automation customer expectations are probably run- side orders. By the end of 2000, • Shaving a week or more off and other e-business services run ning ahead of you. Increasingly, trading that figure had reached $2 billion our customers’ product in an Internet data center of more partners expect their supply chain collabo- monthly. Intel also expanded its development cycles. than 700 scalable, flexible Intel rators to deliver the same high degree of channel reach via more than • Enabling 20% of all trans- architecture-based servers that customization for B2B interactions that 18,000 individualized sites. actions to occur after nor- run 24x7x365. Among the quantifiable benefits mal business hours. they’ve come to count on from their con- Intel has achieved through its sup- sumer-oriented Web experiences. To keep ply chain automation: Solution Provider ➤ after the famous stone whose discovery in a number of other industry leaders in Under the Solution Services umbrella are: 1799 helped Egyptologists decipher hiero- announcing the formation of the Internet • More than two dozen Application glyphics, the RosettaNet consortium creates Business Consortium (BIC) a non-profit Solution Centers, where Intel works and implements industry-wide, open e-busi- corporation that will serve as a think-tank with your development teams to pro- ness process standards. These standards for generating technologies and practices file, tune and optimize applications to offer a nonproprietary approach to trading designed to address growing e-business run most efficiently on Intel architec- partner communication, and encompass implementation challenges. ture systems. data dictionaries, implementation • Proof of Concept Centers that can framework, and business message help you investigate solutions for specific tasks or capabilities. Intel schemas and process specifications. engineers assemble key technol- Intel is a founding member ogy components and create a and a leader in the RosettaNet comprehensive, end-to-end solu- consortium. On Feb. 2, 2000, Intel tion, test it for interoperability, and Arrow Electronics announced availability and scalability, and that they were successfully con- document and publish step-by- ducting the first live purchasing step instruction lists, sizing transactions based on RosettaNet guides and best-known methods. specifications. • Solution Integration Labs for integrating, configuring and Solutions Framework optimizing solutions. Architecture Figure 1: The Solutions Framework Architecture In next-generation supply chain For more information: applications, companies will deliver services http://www.intel.com/Internetservices/inte and information to customers when, where The consortium, which aims to bring lsolutionservices. and how the customer wants it. They’ll also customer and vendor e-business technol- deliver information directly to customer sys- ogy priorities closer together, will serve as Intel Online Services tems, providing data in formats that can flow a global industry group to advocate e-busi- As e-business demands surge, more compa- into customers’ business applications with- ness architectural directions, interoperable nies are turning to fully managed applica- out human intervention. The winning com- building blocks and common procedures tion hosting services. Intel® Online Services panies will use this emerging machine-to- that will be the basis for future e-business offers world-class application hosting machine capability to accelerate, automate Internet development. The consortium will through a global network of Internet Data and optimize not just their own business sys- be the first to solicit direct input from cus- Centers that emphasize technologically tems and decision-making environments, but tomers on their e-business requirements. superior solutions and mission-critical reli- also those of their customers. Among the customers joining the BIC are ability. IOS provides a range of services, This transformation requires a new Capital One, Charles Schwab and Co., Ford from co-location to high-value fully man- architectural framework for creating next- Motor Company, ImageX.com and Reuters. aged hosting services. All deliver maximum generation, loosely coupled, machine-to- flexibility, performance, and reliability. machine Internet solutions. Intel has devel- Intel Solution Services For more information: oped a Solutions Framework Architecture Companies that base their supply chain http://www.intelonlineservices.com/index. (SFA), a set of layered services that provide solutions on the Intel architecture can htm. an integrated, yet dynamic set of e-busi- choose from a wealth of available building ness services to applications. The SFA blocks, technologies, applications and Intel e-business Center offers practical guidance to companies other products and services. Intel® Solution What are other companies doing in supply developing platform-independent, interop- Services (ISS) assist companies in integrat- chain automation and how are products erable
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