March 29, 1977 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 9505 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND To be brigadier general and responsibility designated by the Presi- WELFARE Colonel John B. Conaway, xxx-xx-xxxx FG, dent under Subsection (a) of Section 8068, in Hale Champion, of Massachusetts, to be Air National Guard. grade as follows: Under Secretary of Health, Education, and IN T HE A R M Y To be general Welfare. The following-named officer to be placed Lt. Gen. John W. Roberts, xxx-xx-xxxx FR Henry Jacob Aaron, of the District of Co- (major general, Regular Air Force), U.S. Air lumbia, to be an A ssistant Secretary of on the retired list in grade indicated under the provisions of title 10, United States Code, Force. Health, Education, and Welfare. IN THE ARMY Richard D. W arden, of the District of Co- section 3962: The following-named officer under the pro- lumbia, to be an A ssistant Secretary of To be lieutenant general visions of title 10, United States Code, section Health, Education, and Welfare. Lt. Gen. William Bennison Fulton, xxx-xx-x... 3066, to be assigned to a position of impor- Eileen Shanahan, of the District of Colum- xxx-... , Army of the United States (major gen- tance and responsibility designated by the bia, to be an Assistant Secretary of Health, eral, U.S. Army) . President under subsection (a) of Section Education, and Welfare. The following-named officer to be placed 3066, in grade as follows: on the retired list in grade indicated under SPECIAL REPRESENTATIVE FOR TRADE To be lieutenant general NEGOTIATIONS the provisions of title 10, United States Code, section 3962: Maj. Gen. John Rutherford McGiffert I I , Robert S. Strauss, of Texas, to be Special xxx-xx-xxxx , U.S. Army. Representative for Trade Negotiations, with To be lieutenant general IN THE MARINE CORPS the rank of Ambassador Extraordinary and Lieutenant General John Alfred Kjell- Plenipotentiary. strom, xxx-xx-xxxx , Army of the United Maj. Gen. Andrew W. O'Donnell, U.S. Ma- DEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE States (major general, U.S. Army) . rine Corps, having been designated, in ac- cordance with the provisions of title 10, U.S. Gerald Paul Dinneen, of Massachusetts, to IN THE N A VY Code, section 5232, for commands and other be an Assistant Secretary of Defense. Rear Adm. Kenneth M. Carr, U.S. Navy, duties determined by the President to be David E. McGiffert, of the District of Co- having been designated for commands and within the contemplation of said section, for lumbia, to be an Assistant Secretary of De- other duties determined by the President to appointment to the grade of lieutenant gen- fense. be w ithin the contemplation of title 10, eral while so serving. The above nominations were approved sub- United States Code, section 5231, for appoint- IN THE ARMY ject to the nominees' commitments to re- ment to the grade of vice admiral while so spond to requests to appear and testify be- serving. Army nominations beginning James J. Hill, to be colonel, and ending David C. Zimmer- fore any duly constituted committee of the IN THE M ARINE CORPS man, to be second lieutenant, which nomina- Senate. The following colonels of the Marine Corps IN THE AIR FO RCE tions were received by the Senate and ap- Reserve for appointment to the grade of brig- peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Oh The following officer under the provisions adier general under the provisions of title 10, March 14, 1977. of title 10, United States Code, section 8066, United States Code, section 5902: IN THE NAVY to be assigned to a position of importance Kenneth W. Weir Navy nominations beginning David H. and responsibility designated by the Presi- John B. Hirt dent under subsection (a) of section 8066, Acton, to be lieutenant, and ending Jeri M. in grade as follows: Lieutenant General John N. McLaughlin, Rigoulot, to be lieutenant, which nomina- U.S. Marine Corps, when retired, to be placed tions were received by the Senate and ap- To be general on the Retired List in the grade of lieutenant peared in the CONGRESSIONAL RECORD On Lt. Gen. W illiam G. Moore, Jr., xxx-xx-xx... general in accordance with the provisions of March 1, 1977. xxx-... FR (major general, Regular Air Force), title 10, United States Code, section 5233. Navy nominations beginning Ronald J. U.S. Air Force. Abler, to be lieutenant commander, and end- The following officer for appointment in the IN THE AIR FORCE ing Margaret F. Hamman, to be lieutenant Reserve of the Air Force to the grade indi- The following officer under the provisions commander, which nominations were re- cated, under the provisions of chapters 35, of Title 10, United States Code, Section 8066, ceived by the Senate and appeared in the 831, and 837, title 10, United States Code: to be assigned to a position of importance CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Oh March 1, 1977. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS BYRD AMENDMENT REPEAL throughout the United States last week. pariah, as welcome as Billy Graham at an DISGRACEFUL I ask unanimous consent that the text be East Side orgy. W ith this irritating splinter removed, the printed in the RECORD. United States may again be as crooked, as There being no objection, the article deceitful, as filled with hypocrisy, as every- HON. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, body else. And this will be a tremendous re- OF VIRGINIA as follows: lief. For the past ten years, since the UN im- IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES BYRD AMENDMENT REPEAL DISGRACEFUL posed these punitive sanctions, none of the leading members of the UN has paid the (B y James J. Kilpatrick) Tuesday, March 29, 1977 slightest attention to them. Visitors to Salis- W A SHIN G T O N .-T he House and Senate voted bury have marveled at the evidence of world- Mr. HARRY F. BYRD, JR. Mr. Presi- with a whoop and a holler last week to repeal wide commerce before their eyes-Toyota dent, I have maintained for many years the Byrd amendment on Rhodesian chrome. from Japan, Fiats from Italy, Volkswagens now that the punitive sanctions imposed An exultant President signed the bill the from Germany, Chevrolets from the United on Rhodesia by the United Nations were next day. "This puts us on the side of what's States. Every major nation of the world has hypocritical and ineffective. right and proper," he said. It was a fatuous violated the sanctions in every conceivable remark, but no more than what we are learn- way. The hypocrisy stems from the fact that ing to expect from Mr. Carter. the Government of Rhodesia is no more Rhodesia produces the finest matellurgical Until it was snuffed out a few days ago, illegal, no more oppressive, and no more chrome in the world; and for the past ten the B yrd Amendment was the one bright years, despite the UN embargo, Rhodesia has undemocratic than a great many other flame of truth in a murky world of diplo- sold every ton that could be mined. The ore governments within the United Nations. matic falsehood. As such, it was a great em- has gone to Russia, to England, to German, Yet Rhodesia is the only nation to date barrassment. In the midst of ten thousand and of course to the United States. The ore to be singled out for total sanction by lies, there stood the Byrd Amendment: Little will continue to find its way into the chan- the U.N. Orphan Honesty. Observers of the African nels of steel production worldwide. The only scene were perplexed: What's a nice kid like Many of the leading members of the difference, now, is that the cheating will be you, they kept saying, doing in a joint like unanimous. U.N. have ignored the sanctions while this? Mr. Carter, maintaining his fatuity record publicly paying lip service to them. During the five years of its existence, the in this regard, referred the other day to the Despite these multiple hypocrisies, the Byrd Amendment provided the only breath "illegal" regime in Rhodesia. The regime at United States has complied with the U.N. of integrity in the UN's fetid swamp. The Salisbury is precisely as "illegal" in its ori- sanctions rigorously with the single ex- amendment openly, unapologetically, with- gin, neither more nor less, than Mr. Carter's ception of strategic materials vital to the out shame or subterfuge, authorized the im- regime in Washington. As we were reminded defense of the United States. portation of Rhodesian chrome. The amend- to the point of saturation throughout 1978, ment was in palpable violation of the United the United States came into being by means None has addressed this subject better Nations' sanctions against trade with Rho- of a unilateral Declaration of Independence than did the syndicated columnist, James desia. So long as it remained on the books, from Great B ritain. O ur forefathers were J . Kilpatrick, in the column published the amendment made Uncle Sam a kind of rebels, traitors, revolutionaries. And not to 9506 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS March 29, 1977 put too fine a point upon it, they were racists tion of its "police state" activities Soviet authorities will be emboldened to also--dedicated to denying the black slaves against Jews and Christians and other further repression if Mr. Carter is silent on the most elementary hum.u.1 a•.td civil rights. so called dissidents, would be shallow, the Shcharansky case: "Any hestitation will In the name of conscience, in the name of have very tragic consequences." history, how oa.n the Americans of that in­ indeed.
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