70 Dominion Marine. ... L- ...... HI are placed at the following places: Mirima- take them off, as soon as convenient, and chi, Caraquette, Richibucto, Shediac, St. supply their place with cattle, which may be George, Bathurst, St. Andrews, Shippegan, available for food for shipwrecked crews. Buctouche, Campbelton, Cocaigne, Bay Three wrecks took place at this island during Verte and St. John. The cost of this service last year. for the fiscal year was $3,711. Previous to The sum of $5,000 has been voted by Par­ Confederation it was defrayed by tonnage liament for constructing a Light House on duty on shipping; but now, no dues are ex­ Sable Island. It is proposed to place, in the acted. spring, a powerful Dioptric light, to be visi­ A Signal station is maintained at Partridge ble thirty miles. Sand bars run out a long Island, entrance of St. John harbour, for distance from the island, and it is important communicating the arrival of vessels. to give vessels timely warning. It is also The Light House service in New Bruns­ proposed to place powerful steam Fog Whis­ wick is managed by an agent resident in St. tles on this Island. John, under the direction of the Department. Thero are now thirty-five lights in operation OIL SUPPLIES. in New Brunswick, of which nineteen are sea lights. The quantity of Oil required for the Light The new light at Jourimain is visible six­ House service of the Dominion for the last teen miles. The new Light House on Ma- financial year, was 32,000 gallons, which was chias Seal Island, together with the repairs supplied in bond at 22£ cents per gallon; the to the old light house tower at this station, kind used is the best quality of refined petro­ and the application of new lights are impor­ leum oil, of Canadian manufacture. tant improvements. It is anticipated that the quantity of oil re­ A new Fog Whistle at Le Preau has been quired for the fiscal year, 1872, will be in ex­ found exceedingly useful. cess of that of last year, the probable required The old light at Escaminac, at the entrance quantity will be 42,000 gallons. Metal tanks of Mirimachi Bay, has been replaced by a have been provided for keeping the oil. powerful Dioptric light of the third order. In this district there are now Dioptric STEAM SERVICE. lights at six stations, namely, Escaminac, The Department has three steamers in its Richibucto, Cape Enrag6, St. John Beacon, service: the " Napoleon III," " Lady Head," Gannet Rock, and Machias Seal Island. and "Druid." The amount voted by Par­ At Richibucto and Gannet Rock more liament for their maintenance was $55,000; powerful lights are to be exhibited. It is also the amount spent was $54,850. There are proposed to improve the light at Partridge two other small steamers in the service of Island. this Department. The total cost of this ser­ vice was $60,847 for the last fiscal year. NOVA SCOTIA LIGHT HOUSES, <fcC. The number of Lights in Nova Scotia now OBSERVATORIES. in operation is sixty-five, including four new There are two Observatories under the su­ ones, namely, at Main-a-Dieu, Scatterie Is­ pervision of the Department of Marine and land, Ingonish Island, St. Ann's Harbour, Fisheries, for maritime purposes, namely, and Pugwash. The total expenditure on ac­ one at Quebec, and one at St. John, N. B. count of this service in Nova Scotia was Commander Ashe, R. N., is in charge of that $62,650, during the last fiscal year; the cost at Quebec, George Hutchinson director of of maintaining the light houses, &c., $49,058; that at St. John. Both Observatories give ditto humane est blishments, including Sa­ the time every day (except Sunday). When ble, St. Pauls, Scatterie, Mud and Seal Is­ the time ball drops at one o'clock, at the St. lands, $10,727. This item includes $2,128 for John Observatory, the mean time at Green­ new buildings and repairs at St. Pauls. wich is 5h. 24m. 15s.; when the ball drops The Minister of Marine recommends the at one o'clock at Quebec, the mean time at erection of a powerful steam Fog "Whistle on Greenwich is 5h. 44m. 49s. St. Paul's Island, and a discontinuance of There are three other Observatories in Ca­ the bell rung there by machinery, on account nada, which receive assistance from the Do­ of its inefficiency. This island is lit by two minion Government, one at Toronto, one at good Dioptric fights, which were erected by Kingston, and one at Montreal. the British Government in 1839. It is a dan­ gerous locality, and no less than five wrecks HARBOUR AND RIVER POLICE. occurred there during the last year. In ad­ dition to the lights, the Government main­ For the purpose of maintaining a Harbour tains a humane establishment, consisting of and River Police, a tonnage duty of three a superintendent and four men, with accom­ cents per ton is imposed on all vessols visit- modation for shipwrecked crews. A hu­ ins: the ports of Quebec and Montreal. mane establishment at Sable Island, consist­ The receipts and expenditure on account ing of a superintendent and fourteen men, of this service, for the two last fiscal years, as also one on a more limited scale at Scat­ were as follows:— terie Island. Receipts. Ex£ndi" SABLE ISLAND. Fiscal year ending 30th June, 1869 $21,952 83 $22,358 91 The Deputy Minister reports that parts of Do do do 1870.. 23,996 08 18,461 83 Sable Island are being washed away by the action of the sea, and it is the intention to $45,949 51 $40,820 74 plant trees or other shrubs suitable for the Excess of receipts over sandy soil. There are about 300 or 400 wild expenditure $5,128 77 horses on the island; these have no shelter during the violent storms, or the winter SICK AND DISTRESSED MARINERS. months; they get their living by scraping the snow off with then- feet, and feeding on Under the Act 31 Vic, cap. 64, a duty of the dry herbage on the ground. The Minis­ two cents per ton is levied on all vessels en­ ter thinks it is in the interest of humanity to tering any of the ports in the Provinces of ~" YEAR BOOK AND AWMAI OF CANAPA FOR 1972. .
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