DEDICATED TO THE NEEDS OF THE MUS JANUARY 7, 1978 $1.75 Who In The World: Steve Martin SINGLES SLEEPERS ALBUMS THE SYLVERS, "NEW HORIZON" (prod. by the MARKJAMES, "EVERYBODY LOVES A RAIN THE HOLLIES, "A CRAZY STEAL." With Sylvers)(writers: L. & R. Sylvers) SONG" (prod. by Mark James) (writ- a scarcity of domestic releases at the (Rosy, ASCAP) (3:38). Now riding a ers: James-Moman) (Screen Gems - end of the year, it is refreshing to see string of r&b and pop successes, this EMI / Stratton House / Baby Chick, major albums enter the country through family group seems to be making a BMI) (3:01). James' single creates a import. One such Ip is this new Cana- move into new territories with this cover battle between this, the orig- dian studio effort from the Hollies. With single.It moves along smoothly in inal, and B.J. Thomas' recording. songs like "Hello To Romance," "Am- moderate tempo, and itsuplifting James' version has a loping, country nesty" and "Boulder To Birmingham," message should attract new listen- air about it, and does justice to a the group shows they arestilltops. ers. Capitol 4532. likely hit song. Private Stock 179. Columbia PES 90444 (Canadian import). EDDIE KENDRICKS, "INTIMATE FRIENDS" (prod. LEON HAYWOOD, "DOUBLE MY PLEASURE" PETER BROWN, "FANTASY LOVE AF- by Leonard Caston) (writer: Glenn) (prod.by Leon Haywood)(writer: FAIR." "Do Ya Wanna Get Funky With (GAB, ASCAP) (3:30). This selection Haywood)(Jim-Edd, BMI) (3:34). Me" introduced this talented musician, from Kendricks' solo greatest hits Ip Haywood brings a likeable zaniness but the song only hints at his abilities. shows off his more downtempo side, tohisrecords that should enliven Playing synthesizers, piano, drums and with a ballad that should appeal more and more playlists-here, a percussion in addition to singing most primarilyto femalelisteners. The chewing gum hook sets the tone for of the vocal lines, he hits on rock as song builds nicely in the chorus, and a driving, funky dance tune. This is well as disco with the title track. Betty his vocal work issolid throughout. guaranteed to entertain any listener. Wright adds back-up vocals. Drive 104 Tamla 54290 (Motown). MCA 40849. (TK) (6.98). BOB JAMES, "HEADS" (prod. by Bob James) COWBOY, "TAKIN' IT ALL THE WAY" (prod. by MICHELE, "MAGIC LOVE." Two ex- (writer: Bob James) (Bob James & Sam Whiteside and Cowboy) (writer: tended numbers on each side of this DeShufflin/Wayward, ASCAP) (3:40). Scott Boyer) (Rear Exit, ASCAP) (3:03). songstress' 1p gives her and her accom- O The title song from James' latest Ip One of the more commercial offer- panists a chance tostretch out of a is an excellent edit of his lilting in- ings from this Southern band in some purely disco framework. The opening strumental number. Arranged, con- time is a fine harmony rock number "Can't You Feel It" is an uplifting tune ducted,written and produced by with a simple but effective melody at nearly ten minutes and manages to James, the tune bears his stamp of gearedfor pop play. They could sustain interestthroughout. "Disco quality. It should find both pop and take it all the way to the top. Cap- Dance" should prove to be popular on r&b acceptance. Columbia 3-10668. ricorn CPS 0283 (Polydor). the dancefloors. West End WE 103 (6.98). MAZE FEATURING FRANKIE BEVERLY, "WORKIN' UNIVERSAL FUTURISTIC ORCHESTRA, CLOSE EN- "WILLIE ALEXANDER AND THE BOOM TOGETHER" (prod. by Frankie Bev- COUNTERS OF THE THIRD KIND- BOOM BAND." One of the better groups erly)(writer:Beverly)(Pecle,BMI) PART 1" (prod. by Teddy Randazzo) on the "Live at the Rat" album, the il (3:33). Maze rapidly built a substan- (writer: John Williams) (Screen Gems - quartet shows why they are one of tial r&b following during 1977, and EMI, BMI) (4:09). The "Close Encoun- Boston's top new bands. Alexander has 0could use this single to reach its first ters"covers continue to flood the a distinctive voice which comes across extensive pop audience. The style market, with thelatest being this as being totally unique whether he's hereisa sort of subdued, earthy wellorchestrateddiscotreatment singing "Rock & Roll '78" and "Looking funk,withaninfectiousgroove. under the direction of Teddy Ran-Like A Bimbo" or "You've Lost That Capitol 4531. dazzo. UA XW1123. Loving Feeling." MCA 2323 (6.98). AmericanRadioHistory.Com THE GOLDEN VOICE OF Annie Haslam is Annie In Wonderland Come to a land where pop reigns supreme. Where one of rock's most complex voices meets one of its legendary hit machines. Opera -trained Annie Haslam, the widely respected lead singer of Renaissance, throws her five octaves into one of the most surprising collaborations of the year. Produced by ex-Move/ex-ELO/ex-Wizzard Roy Wood, Annie's first solo LP takes us to a place where the nexthook is just seconds away, and where even balalaikas sound like they were made just for your car radio. Annie Haslam's startling first solo effort is ANNIE IN WONDERLAND. Produced by Roy Wood. On Sire records andtapes.0- SR 6046. AmericanRadioHistory.Com Dedicated to the Needs Of the Music/Record Industry JANUARY 7, 1978 LI1 Album Sales EnjoyRecord, Consumer Electronics Industries Steady Upswing By BARRY TAYLOR continuedtheir Meeting to Promote Broader Interface Album sales By SAM SUTHERLAND inars at key industry gatherings, the consumer electronics group of upswing last steady seasonal MI LOS ANGELES-Key industrial including a panel at this week- the Electronics Industries Associa- week asthe RW SalesIndex organizationsrepresentingthe end'swinterConsumer Elec- tion (EIA), the hardware counter- soared to 219.4 and the top 20 consumer electronicsfieldand tronics Show in Las Vegas, and a continued to sell in part to the RIAA. All three execu- the record and tape industry are similar inter -industry forum at the tives have been among the most Chart volume withonly quietly promoting a broader in- upcoming annual NARM conven- active in developing preliminary Analysis one new entryin terface between their respectivetion to be held in New Orleans that tight pack, Styx' dialogues between two industries sectors that should emerge as a in March. traditionallyisolated from each "The Grand Illusion" (A&M) at major new topic for both during #20 bullet. Participating in both Saturday's other, despite a common stake in the coming year.Underscoring (7) CES seminar and the sched- home audio as a leisure time in- The top eight remains the same growing interest-and some con- this week with Fleetwood Mac's uled NARM forum are Joe Cohen, dustry, and in conversations with cern-among industry leaders (WB) reign now at 32 weeks as executive vice president of NARM, RW, each expressed both opti- seeking a broader exchange be- RIAA president Stanley Gortikov mism for a more active rapport againit moved up at the racks tween hardware and software in- and John Hollands, president of (Continued on page 6) and some caution regarding po- terests are upcoming joint sem- BSR (U.S.A.) Ltd. and chairman of tential areas of conflict. Boone Single The CES and NARM panels, while described as embryonic ef- Tops 3 Million, Christmas Week Retail Sales Skyrocket forts toward such a dialogue, will By DAVID McGEE be the first highly visible steps in Still Going Strong NEW YORK-Broad-based prod- all the final tallies are in. that direction in decades, and il- By MIKE FALCON uct sales, an extra selling day and As has been the case all quarter lustrate a growing awareness in IR LOS ANGELES - The success good weather were the major fac- long, consumers showed an inter- both the consumer electronics in- of Debby Boone, as reflected in tors in what may turn out to be est in a variety of recorded music dustry andits software counter- herhitsingle, "YouLight Up the music industry's single biggest over the holidays. Not only were parts of "technological impact," a My Life," is unusual for a variety sales week inhistory, according the major hits selling, but, accord- theme that has increasingly per- offactorsnotoftenfoundin to a Record World poll of major ing to several retailers, older cata- vaded a number of industries and combination. retailchains.Conservativeesti- logue product-"Barry Manilow mediaingeneral.Simplyex- In a singles market that seems mates by those polled place theLive" and "Year of the Cat" for pressed, the issueis one of un- to bedecreasing,Boone has week's totals at somewhere be-example-found its way onto in- derstandingandpreparingfor sold approximately 3,300,000 tween 20 and 30 percent overstore best-seller lists, as did sev- rapid technological change and its copies, including the first 10 per-Christmas week of 1976, but that eral classical and soundtrack (Continued on page 54) cent of that with a different "B"figure may be revised upward, to titles. To theirbenefit,retailers (Continued on page 43) between 30 and 40 percent, once were graced with an extra selling Major Changes at day this year, owing to the 25th of December falling on a Sunday. Two L.A. Stations Ideal Weather By MIKE FALCON TIE NEW IPLIFILD SFILES INDEX The third contributing factor in LOS ANGELES-Two Los An- last week's retail success story was geles AM radiostationshave FIL1311S SINGLES the weather, which in most parts made major appointments in the *SalesNov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. * Sales Nov. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. of the country was ideal for shop- wakeofArbitronratingsde- nd x 26 3 10 17 24 31 Index 26 3 10 17 24 ping. "Ideal," here,is a relative clines.JohnSebastian,former 260.0 260.0 term. In New York, for example, program director at Minneapolis' 240.0 240.0 it was just that: clear, crisp and KDWB, will assume an identical sunny.
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