Eye on the News [email protected] Truthful, Factual and Unbiased Vol:X Issue No:345 Price: Afs.15 TUESDAY . JULY 19, 2016 AFGHANISTAN TIMES Leishmaniasis www.afghanistantimes.af www.facebook.com/ afghanistantimeswww.twitter.com/ afghanistantimes Ruins Afghan TUESDAY. JULY 19. 2016 -Saratan 29, 1395 HS Women’s Lives Sitting in the government-run mosquito nets, but when we ask Leishmaniasis Treatment Centre in them to bring mosquito nets for us Khost, 22-year-old Rahima cov- from the city, they don’t accept ered her hand with her scarf. our requests. They don’t value our A combination of airstrikes and a She said that she was sick of being stared at and insulted because rights and we spend the whole Taliban apparently still adapting summer without mosquito nets.” to its new leader Mullah Haibatul- of the open sore on her hand, a Shapeary added that most peo- lah Akhundzada has given a lift to sign of leishmaniosis infection. Afghan forces that had braced for “I have hidden my hand be- ple were ill-informed about the dis- heavy fighting at the start of sum- cause people are horrible to me,” ease, assuming that it was trans- mer. Rahima said, explaining that she mitted by contact with an infected After 15 years of war, nobody was poor and lived in a village. person. believes a lull in fighting seen over She knew little about leishma- “But doctors have told me that the past few weeks is a decisive niasis apart from the fact that it this disease is transmitted to a hu- shift in the conflict. Officials even was transmitted to human beings man being by a fly. If people knew admit to some surprise at the prob- by a kind of fly. this, they wouldn’t hate an infect- 58 insurgents lems facing the Taliban, which “In the past, medicine and ed person so much and wouldn’t launched its annual spring offen- mosquito nets were distributed free laugh at him or her.” killed in sive in April promising major at- by government and some organi- Mangal said that public aware- tacks across the country. sations, but now we have to pay ness was indeed vital and that they raids: MoD The insurgents started their for them,” Rahima continued. ”I had made great efforts to spread spring offensive in April with a come from a big family and when information on the disease via the AT News Report major push to take Kunduz, the we tell our men that we need mos- media. Progress was still slow, es- strategic northern city its fighters quito nets, they say that we don’t extremists including Arab, Russian, KABUL: At least fifty-eight Tal- pecially when it came to practical Tajikistani and Chechens rebels iban insurgents were killed and briefly seized last year. A bumper have money because every mos- resources. opium crop promised to swell the quito net costs 10 dollars.” among Daesh fighters in the prov- 28 others wounded in different “We don’t have the resources ince. Recently, during his visit to crackdowns conducted by the coffers of the insurgents who con- Leishmaniasis is a parasitic to buy mosquito nets for all the trol much of the trade, allowing disease tramsitted by sandflies. Its the province, National Security Afghan security forces within cutaneous form results in a rash residents of Khost. The popula- Advisor, Mohammad Hanif At- past 24 hours, security officials them to pay for more fighters and tion of Khost has been estimated equipment. that turns into a painful ulcer. Even mar, told newsmen that most of said on Monday. In a press re- after this sore heals, whch usually at around 160,000. If we provide a the Daesh fighters are holding Pa- lease issued here, the Ministry But the assault on Kunduz AT News Report ments recovered from Daesh in- proves that most of Daesh loyal- Tajikistani insurgents are also trainingthey should be prepared to city was beaten back and fighting takes between a few months to a mosquito net for every two per- kistani citizenship. It is worth of Defense (MoD), said that Af- year and-a-half, it leaves an ugly sons, we have to distribute 80,000 surgents revealed they had come ist fighters are from Orakzai Agen- among Daesh fighters, who after carry out subversive activities in mentioning that militants loyal to ghan NationalArmy (ANA) in has eased in other key regions in- KABUL: Majority of fighters loy- from Pakistan to fight under the cy of Pakistan,”Nangarhar Pro- receiving military training in Paki- Afghanistan, particularly in Nan- cluding the southern province of scar. nets. So we don’t have the ability Daesh fighters attacked and collaboration with Afghan Na- to do so unless international or- al to Daesh militants operating in Name of Islamic State terrorist vincial Spokesman, Attaullah Kho- stan dispatched to Nangarhar for garhar province. Recently media torched houses of locals in Kot Helmand, where government forc- If left untreated, certain forms Kot district of eastern Nangarhar tionalPolice (ANP) and National of the disease lead to prolonged ganisations help us.” group, provincial officials said. gianai told Radio Azadi. He said terrorist activities, he added. He outlets reportedthat Nangarhar district of Nangarhar province. Directorate of Security (NDS) es were holding on in a few district province are Pakistani nationals “Documents and witnesses found that our intelligence reports also stated that insurgents from differ- officials,said that 30 percent area centres after heavy fighting in the fever and weakness. More serious Officials at Khost’s depart- Tens of civilians including women operatives haveconducted a joint ment of health said that they were and receiving command from Pa- from killed or detained Daesh fight- revealed that most of the Pakista- ent countries like Tajikistan’s citi- of Kot district was under control and children were killed and hun- winter. visceral leishmaniasis, also known kistan’s Intelligence Service (ISI), operations against insurgents in as kala azar, is almost always fa- also concerned about the spread ers during Afghan security forces nicitizens are fighting under Daesh zens traveling to Pakistan to en- ofDaesh fighters. The report also dreds of family displaced in the different areas of Nangarhar, A Taliban drive to cut off the provincial officials said. Docu- raids in Achin and Kot districts, Flag in Kot and Achin districts. roll in Daesh and after military pointing to the presence of foreign main highway linking the south- tal. of leishmaniasis in the province. area during attack. Ghazni, Paktika, Logar, Zabul, ern provinces of Uruzgan and Mohammad Gulab Mangal, Gul Ahmad Shah Lakanwal, Badghis, Samangan, Jawzjan, Ta- Kandahar, which led to fierce fight- head of the Leishmaniasis Treat- head of the department for infec- khar, Kunduz and Helmand prov- ing in May, was also quelled and ment Centre, said that incidences tious disease control, said that the inces. “In which 58 rebels in- only in small groups of 10 or 15. threaten many provincial areas, plex attacks against 11 last year. in some areas Daesh militants deployed to northern provinces: Wolesi Jirga Afghan government forces backed of the disease were growing in the ministry wanted international sup- cluding one Taliban local com- "The Taliban are no longer in a they do not appear to have made Afghan and Western security Taliban commanders reject by U.S. air power have gone on southeastern province. The sand- port to distribute leishmaniasis mander were killed and 28 others position to attack in large num- substantial gains. officials believe the Taliban may such an assessment however and flies that carry the disease mainly AT News Report al to Daesh terrorists in Nangarhar ter receiving telephone call from deputy speaker stressed that it is the attack in Kandahar. medicine in all Khost’s district province, therefore, Daesh fight- government officials. “As if they impossible for the government to received injuries,” the statement Haibatullah, a hardline cleric bers," he said. "It was clear from the outset also be facing financial problems dismiss suggestions of leadership live in the cracks of walls and barns, said. Furthermore, the statement Brig. Gen. Charles Cleveland, that they wanted to seize a pro- that have limited the effectiveness problems. health clinics as well as to hire more KABUL: First Deputy Speaker of ers were deployed in northern were secret agents among mili- eliminate Daesh insurgents, add- who took over after his predeces- and treated mosquito nets were an personnel. Wolesi Jirga, or Lower House of said that ANA arrested ten insur- spokesman for the NATO-led vincial capital as well as multiple of their fighters. "Our struggle is mainly on re- important part of preventing its Badakhshan province. “Daeshter- tants,” he said referring to the re- ing that Daesh wasimposedas a sor Mullah Mohammad Akhtar “We have a plan to distribute Parliament Abdul ZahirQadir said rorists are still active in Nangarhar lease of Daesh fighters. He accused dangerous project against Afghan- gents, handing them to the judi- Mansour was killed in a U.S. drone Resolute Support mission, said district capitals and they have not In particular, the fact that ligious values and whoever com- spread. This also meant that wom- cial organs for further there was "cautious optimism" done that," Cleveland said. Haibatullah is a member of the mands, we obey them and respect 110,000 mosquito nets to prevent that due to government negligence, province,they carry outnoticeable high security officials for negli- istan. strike in May, is respected in the en were more vulnerable to infec- Daesh militants have been de- inquiry.”Weapons and ammuni- amid signs the Afghan army had Interior ministry figures sup- Noorzai tribe, rather than Man- them," said Mullah Shaheen San- tion, Mangal continued.
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