September 29, 1975 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 30811 thority to submit to the Congress alternative signing in Helsinki of the Final Act of the By Mr. BURKE of Massachusetts: comparability pay plans for Federal em­ Conference on Security and Cooperation in H .R. 9908. A bill for the relief of Daniel ployees, and for other purposes; to the Com­ Europe did not change in any way the long­ Crowley; to the Committee on the Judiciary. mittee on Post Office· and Civil Service. standing policy of the United States on non­ By Mr. WAMPLER (for himself, Mr. recognition of the Soviet Union's illegal seiz­ PETITIONS, ETC. MILLER of Ohio, Mr. DUNCAN of Ten­ ure and annexation of the three Baltic na­ nessee, Mr. SEBELros, Mr. JOHNSON tions of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania; to Under clause 1 of rule XXII, petitions of Pennsylvania, Mr. BEVILL, Mr. CAR­ the Committee on International Relations. and papers were laid on the ·clerk's desk TER, Mr. HUBBARD, Mr. SLACK, Mr. By Mr. WHITEHURST (for himself and and referred as follows: SNYDER, and Mr. MICHEL): Mr. CLEVELAND) . H. Con. Res. 410. Concurrent resolution 239. By the SPEAKER: Petition of the H.R. 9906. A bill to establish a national Military Order of the World Wars, Washing­ coal policy as a foundation for attaining self­ pertaining to the methods used on animals ton, D.C., relative to U.S. foreign policy; to i.u research; to the Committee on Science snfficiency in energy resources by providing the Committee on International Relations. incentives for increasing the production and ancl Technology. 240. Also, petition of the International As­ utilization of coal, including its substitution By Mr. RHODES (for himself, Mr. LATTA, Mr. MITCHELL of New York, sociation of Chiefs of Police, Inc., Denver, for other energy soraces, and for other pur­ Colo., relative to commending the U.S. Secret Mr. CARTER, Mr. SCHNEEBELI, Mr. poses; jointly to the Committees on Inter­ Service and the Sacramento, Calif., Police CEDERBERG, l\1r. FINDLEY, Mr. MICHEL, state and Foreign Commerce, Ways and Department in protecting the life of Presi­ Means, and Interior and Insular Affairs. Mr. l'vicCLOSKEY, Mr. WHITEHURST, Mr. EMERY, Mr. JoHNSON of Pennsyl• dent Gerald R. Ford; to the Committee 011 By Mr. JACOBS: the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 673. Joint resolution proposing vania, Mr. WYDLER, Mr. HUTCHINSON, "The Better Part of Valor Amendment" to Mr. MYERS of Indiana, Mr. EDGAR. ¥r. the Constitution of the United States for the FRENZEL, Mr. COCHRAN, Mr. BOB WIL­ AMENDMENTS purpose of providing common sense for the SON, and Mr. J. WILLIAM STANTON) : Presidency; to the Committee on the Judici- H Res. 749. Resolution to create a Select Under clause 6 of rule XXIII, pro­ ary. Committee on Energy; to the Committee '3U posed amendments were submitted as By Mr. McCOLLISTER: Rules . follows: H.J. Res. 674- Joint resolution proposing an By Mr. RHODES (for himself, l\Ir. H.R. 9861 amendment to the Constitution of the CLEVELAND, Mr. FORSYTHE, !vir. HYDE, By Mr. MURPHY of New York: United States to prohibit compelling attend­ Mr. RANDALL, Iv!r. WAMPLER, l\.ir. Page 2, line 12, strike out $8,162,738,000. ance in schools other than the one nearest WALSH, Mr. QuIE, Mr. WINN, 1\-Ir. and insert in lieu thereof 8,174,938,000. the residence and to insure equal educational EVANS of Indiana, Mr. GRADISON, Page 2, line 14, stJ·ike out $2,062,738,000 opportunities for all students wherever Mr. THONE, Mr. BoWEN, Mr. TALCOTT, and insert in lieu thereof 2,066,044,300. located; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Mr. JEFFORDS, Mr. NIX, Mr. ESHLE­ Page 7, line 2, strike out $6,984,830,000. By Mrs. SULLIVAN: H.J. Res. 675. MAN, Mrs. PETrIS, and Mr. BURG­ and insert in lieu thereof 7,020,730,000. Joint resolution proposing an amendment to ENER): Page 7, lines 12 and 13, strike out $1,752,- the Constitution of the United States with H . Res. 750. Resolution to create a Select 542,000. and insert in lieu thereof 1,764,542,- respect to the right to life; to the Commit­ Committee on Energy; to the Committee on 000. By Mr. STOKES: tee on the Judiciary. Rules. By- Mr. DERWINSKI (for himself, Mr. Page 2, line 12, strike $8,162,783,000; and ANNUNZIO, Mr. BAUMAN, Mr. BELL, insert ~n lieu thereof $8,166,238,000. Mr. BROOMFIELD, Mr. BURKE of Flo­ PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Page 2, line 14, strike $2,062,994,000; and rida, Mr. COTTER, Mr. D'AMOURS, Mr. insert in lieu thereof $2,064,494,000. En.BERG, :Mr. GUDE, Mr. HARRING­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private Page 2, lines 22 and 23, strike $5,721,114,- TON, Mrs. HOLT, Mr. HOWARD, l\.ir. bills and resolutions were introduced and 000; and insert in lieu thereof $5,724,614,000. HYDE, Mr. KASTEN, Mr. KEMP, Mr. severally referred as follows: Page 2, line 25, strike $1,451,568,000; and MADDEN, Mr. MURPHY of Illinois, lVlr. insert in lieu thereof $1,453,068,000. Russo, Mr. SPENCE, Mr. VIGORITO, Mr. By Mr. BROOMFIELD: Page 3, line 18, strike $7,262,661,000; and WYDLER, and Mr. YATRON): H.R. 9907. A bill for the relief of David insert in lieu thereof $7,266,161,000. H. Con. Res. 409. Concurrent resolution ex­ • fata Rodriguez; to the Committee on tlle Page 3, line 20, strike $1,777,928,000; and pressing the sense of the Congress that the Judiciary. insert in lieu thereof $1,779,428,000. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE MALAISE OF A NATION I ask unanimous consent that the arti­ lady" of the hypnotic pere incestueux who cle, as it appeared in the September 28, masterminded the seven sadistic.murders for 1975, edition of the Washington Star, be which he and three of his girl children are· HON. ROBERT P. GRIFFIN printed in the RECORD. now serving life sentences. OF MICHIGAN Freudian psychologists will have no trou­ There being no objection, the article ble explaining her in terms of a "father com­ IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, plex." In some things she has said and writ­ Monday, September 29. 1975 as follows: ten a.bout her harsh parent, there are definite How A SOCIETY WITHOUT STANDARDS PRODUCED overtones of the repressed incestuous desires Mr. GRili'FIN. Mr. President, recently A DELUGE OF WARPED SoULS which he seems, consciously or unconsciously, an extraordinary article by an extraordi­ (By Clare Boothe Luce) to have aroused in her. nary person appeared in the Wall Street In Freudian thought, patricide is the ar­ Journal and the Washington, D.C., Star. Is Lynette "Squeaky" Fromme, the 27-year­ chetypal gesture of youth's rebellion against It was written by Clare Boothe Luce, the old girl who tried to assassinate President parental authority, and liberation from the Ford, just one more youthful psychotic, sexual taboos and cultural restraints imposed distinguished author, former Represent­ whose case should be disposed of by the in by the "Old Man of the Tribe." Freudians will ative Congress, and Ambassador to state's criminal psychologists, and forgotten? find it easy to construe her attack on the Italy. Or does the girl in the long, blood-red President as a subconscious transference ot Her incisive and disturbing analysis, "nun's" robe and hood, who proudly wears her hatred of her own father for rejecting headlined "How a Society Without the Manson mark of Cain on her brow, have her sexually, to the "Great White Father" Standards Produced a Deluge of Warped some social and political significance for our figure. Souls,'' was written following the first culture and our system of government? She herself claims that her motivation was unsuccessful attempt on President Ford's Poverty and illiteracy-today's favorite ex­ political. She blamed President Nixon for the planation and apologia for youthful crimi­ conviction of Manson, and had planned to life. nality-do not explain her. She was raised in kill him. But when he resigned, she decided As I view it, Mrs. Luce has effectively. a comfortable middle-class home, and was in to kill Mr. Ford, because he had been ap­ articulated what a great many people­ her first year in college when her father, a pointed by Mr. Nixon, and had pardoned including this Senator-have been feel­ well-to-do aeronautical engineer, kicked her him. ing and thinking about the trend and out, apparently because she was proxniscuous But every young woman who hates her the mood in America. and insubordinate. Shortly after, a chance father, and "wishes he were dead" doesn't Let us hope that there may yet be encounter at a bus stop with a jailbird named (fortunately) actually try to kill him, or enough thoughtful Americans who will Charles l\!l:anson led her to join the Manson his F1·eudia.u stand-in, the President. heed the warning of Mrs. Luce who says, Family in the hippie world of Haight-Ash- What was the psychology, or philosophy "It is getting late!' bury. She still considers herself the "main- that gave this freckle-faced little "flower CXXI--1941-Part 24 30812 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS eptember 29, 19 1 5 child" the courage (to debase a noble word) dark reasons of their own, seek to work out in the no\'els they were given to read in t heir to carry out her patricidal wishes? their frustrations by destroying political English Lit. classes, were being seen as de­ We are all children of our times, and of leaders.
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