Shutterbug Times Official Newsletter of the Olympia Camera Club Olympia, WA Established in 1935 June 2020 www.olympiacameraclub.org Volume 85, Issue 6 Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/OlympiaCameraClub Looking to the Sea Page 2 Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2020 In this issue: President’s Corner - President’s Corner p. 2 As I am looking back on this past year, Editor’s Note p. 2 I’m struck by how things have changed Monthly Meeting Topics p. 3 - changed in ways that were not antici- Annual Banquet p. 4 pated by me, or very likely by anyone else in the Camera Club. What started Favorite Images Show p. 4 out as a year with great plans and ex- Virtual Field Trip Schedule p. 5 - 6 pectations, turned quickly into a year of having to be fast on our feet, flexible, Field Trip Galleries p. 6 nimble and adjust on-the-fly. The tory that we will be meeting “virtually”. NWCCC Kenmore Gallery p. 6 COVID-19 global pandemic quickly You won’t want to miss being a part of erased our very comfortable and func- “history” as we will be electing officers NWCCC Traveling Prints p. 6 tional meeting space at Capital High for the upcoming year and showing Prairie Project p. 7 - 8 School, and rapidly evaporated any slides that YOU have taken during the Wabi Sabi p. 8 group meetings - even field trips out- past year. So, remember to join us at doors. None of that has changed our 6:00 pm on June 23rd for a “historic” Thurston Co. Fair Update p. 8 expectations, but we had to adjust some Annual Banquet. Membership Report p. 8 of our plans. It has been a little over three months since we have met in- Lastly, I want to thank all of you - espe- PSA Website Competition p. 9 person; however, thanks to the very tal- cially those of you who have stepped up Website Image Header p. 9 ented and resourceful volunteer mem- and volunteered in some way; also to VFT Columbia River Gorge p. 10 - 15 bers of our Club, we have not let this our volunteer Board of Directors and “temporary” setback slow us down. We Committee Chairpersons - many of Board Mtg Minutes p. 16- 17 don’t know for sure what the “new nor- whom wear several “hats” and have Photo Quote p. 17 mal” will look like for our Camera been instrumental in helping us imple- Club, but we have been working hard to ment the changes that have been neces- Member Galleries p. 18 - 20 insure that we continue to provide you, sary to keep our Club active, engaged PSA p. 21 our members, with quality, fun, and in- and together! novative ways to stay engaged. Dates to Remember p. 21 How to Submit to Newsletter p. 21 Later this month, on June 23, we will Bruce Livingston Upcoming Meetings p. 22 have our “Annual Banquet”. This year will be the first time in our 85 year his- Executive Committee p. 23 Committee Contacts p. 23 Editor’s Note: I received a lot of images for the newsletter and want to thank everyone for making my job a little easier. Alt- hough I don’t have room to use all of them in one newsletter I never throw them away. They are in a fold- er waiting for the next time I need images. I am especially happy with all of the “virtual field trip” images you have submitted. This month we are traveling down the Columbia Riv- er Gorge and I think you will enjoy the variety of images members submitted showing the varied photographic opportunities the gorge provides. I hope it in- spires you to plan your next trip down the Columbia River Gorge. Page 3 Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2020 Monthly Meetings During the COVID-19 Pandemic All club meetings are virtual, taking place using the app “GoToMeeting” Please join “My Meeting” from your computer, tablet or smartphone If you have misplaced the link to the virtual meeting, it is available in the “Members Only” area on the Club website New to GoToMeeting? Get the app now and be ready when your first meeting starts: https://global.gotomeeting.com/install/326734229 Practical Photography June 9, 2020 7-9 pm Spring is going fast and gone with it are all the events we as a club normally partici- pate in. One of these has always been the Olympic Air Show which like everything else will not happen this year. This doesn’t mean we can’t learn how it’s done. This month Bruce Livingston will share his know how concerning photographing motion in general and aircraft in particular. Bruce has been shooting the air show for years and with several different camera systems so it should be an interesting evening. Ed Tromble, Coordinator Member Sharing Night June 16, 2020 7-9pm For Member Sharing we will continue to do image critiques plus sharing. I would like each of you who want to partic- ipate to put three images in a folder. One image will be for critique and can be one you took at anytime in the past. The other two images should be ones you have taken in the past year (June – June). Please size your images to 2048 pixels on the long side. Put your full name on the folder, go to Drop Box, inside Drop Box open the Member Sharing folder and inside that folder put your images in the Member Sharing Night folder. Your images must be in Drop Box Not Later Than the Monday evening prior to the meeting. You will also need to have a microphone so you can communicate with everyone in the meeting. Pam Hoaglund, Coordinator General Meeting June 23, 2020 7-9pm There will be no General Meeting this month. Instead we will be having our Annual Meeting and election of officers. See page 4 for the details. Townsend Walton, Coordinator Page 4 Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2020 Olympia Camera Club 2020 Annual Banquet The 2020 Annual Scavenger June 23 at 6pm, portal will open at 5:30pm Hunt/Favorite Images GoToMeeting We are going to try something different with our annual This year, the Olympia Camera Club’s Annual Banquet slide show of member images this year. We will not do a will be held at my home, and your home. The situation scavenger hunt and will just do favorite best images. with the COVID19 pandemic forces us to insure that we keep our “Social Distance” and protect our members. 2020 Olympia Camera Club Official Scavenger Hunt However; that does not mean we can’t have a great time, Rules so in keeping with our Club’s tradition, the Annual Ban- quet will go on as planned on Tuesday, June 23rd, Submit 5 of your favorite/best images taken between “virtually”. We will all meet on GoToMeeting at 6:00 pm 6/1/2019 and 6/9/2020. You may do as much pro- (the portal will be open 30 minutes prior to allow every- cessing as you like on the images. one to enter the meeting). We plan on having a fun- packed evening with a short Business Meeting to elect Rules: Officers for the upcoming year, and a slide-show com- prised of YOUR favorite images from the past year. 1.All images must be JPEGS (.jpg) – no RAW or TIFF images. Because this year is the first time in the Clubs’ history that our Annual Banquet will be held “virtually” and we 2. The images must be between 1024 and 2048 pixels have members that have not participated in our banquet, I on the long side. The resolution should not exceed want to preview what will happen. For the Business 72 dpi. Meeting, the slate of candidates will be presented; we will take nominations from the floor, and then members 3. Favorite/Best of 2019-20 images. Name your im- will vote for the slate of officers. Any additional Club ages as Bxx_Name_ImageName.jpg. business may also be conducted. This year the slate of officers is: a. B means Favorite/Best of 2019-20, xx is the number of the image, Name is your President - Townsend Walton name and ImageName is the name of the Vice-president - Ed Tromble image. For example, the third image I sub- Secretary - Tammy Mandeville mit would be named, Treasurer - John Damitio B03_RosalindPhilips_BergyBit.jpg. b. Please include a self Identification Image th After the short Business Meeting, there may be a few re- as your 6 image. marks by the outgoing President and the incoming Presi- 4. Please put your images in the Images for Annual dent, followed by the slide show of your favorite images Meeting folder inside the OCC Member Sharing from the past year presented by Rosalind Philips. This is folder on Dropbox. always the highlight of the banquet, as Ros does a fantas- tic job of arranging the images with music. 5. Images are due no later than midnight on June 9, 2020. There is still time to submit your images for the ban- quet - the submission due date is Tuesday, June 9. We will view the slide show at the GoToMeeting Annual Meeting on June 23rd. Please contact Rosalind at [email protected] or at 360-790-2814 with any questions. Page 5 Volume 85, Issue 6, June 2020 Olympia Camera Club Virtual click on it. When the website opens click on “Join My Field Trip Schedule Meeting”. by Cynthia Whelan July 9, 2020 – Olympic Peninsula For the foreseeable future, OCC will not be gathering for (Hwy 101 loop) field trips.
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