MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GREATER MUMBAI DRAFT TENDER COPY Name of work:- CONSTRUCTION OF STAFF QUARTERS, OFFICE, INSPECTION BUNGALOW, DISPENSARY AND WORKSHOP, STORE BUILDING AT MIDDLE VAITRANA DAM PREMISES IN O.C DIVISION. Prepared by: M/s. Archilab Designs. Page | 1 MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GREATER MUMBAI Hydraulic Engineer’s Department DRAFT TENDER DOCUMENT SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION OF STAFF QUARTERS, OFFICE, INSPECTION BUNGALOW, DISPENSARY AND WORKSHOP, STORE BUILDING AT MIDDLE VAITRANA DAM PREMISES IN O.C DIVISION. Due on:- Tender shall be submitted through internet on MCGM web site, (i.e., to upload the scanned copies of documents of Packet A, Packet-B & Packet-C (The system to accept EMD and ASD amount online has been developed by MCGM and accordingly the EMD and ASD amount will have to be paid online only by the tenderer, except Rate analysis if necessary) in the prescribed Performa required in the e-tender) up to 4.00 p.m. on or before due date of tender submission. Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Sd/- Structural J.E.(Const) S.E.(Const) S.E. (Middle Vaitarana Dam) Consultant Sd/- Sd/- A.E.(Const.)‐I A.E.(MVD) Sd/- Sd/- E.E. (Construction) E.E. (Operations) Sd/- Dy. H.E.(Operations) Page | 2 INDEX SECTION DESCRIPTION Page No. 1 E-TENDER NOTICE 04-06 2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA 07-12 3 DISCLAIMER 13-15 4 INTRODUCTION 16-18 5 E-TENDER ONLINE SUBMISSION PROCESS 19-21 6 INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS 22-44 7 SCOPE OF WORK 45-47 8 BILL OF QUANTITIES 48-114 9 GENERAL CONDITIONS OF CONTRACT 115-156 10 SPECIFICATIONS & SELECTION OF MATERIAL 157-160 11 FRAUD AND CORRUPT PRACTICES 161-163 12 PRE-BID MEETING 164-165 13 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO TENDERERS 166-183 14 LIST OF APPROVED BANKS 184-186 15 APPENDIX 187-202 Page | 3 SECTION 1 e-TENDER NOTICE MUNICIPAL CORPORATION OF GREATER MUMBAI DyH.E.(Operations) Dy.H.E. /OPS/ 6727 Dtd.29.01.2021 E-TENDER Subject: Construction of Staff Quarters, Office, Inspection Bungalow, Dispensary and Workshop, Store Building at Middle Vaitarna Dam Premises in O.C Division. The Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai (MCGM) invites e-tender to appoint Contractor for the aforementioned work from contractors of reputed, multidisciplinary engineering organizations i.e. eminent firm, Proprietary/Partnership Firms/ Private Limited Companies/ Public Limited Companies/Companies registered under the Indian companies’ act 2013 , the contractors registered with the Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai, (MCGM) in Civil Category, with Class II and above as per new registration and from the contractors/firms equivalent and superior classes registered in Central or State Government/Semi Govt. Organization/Central or State Public Sector Undertakings, will be allowed subject to condition that, the contractors who are not registered with MCGM will have to apply for registering their firm within three months time period from the award of contract, otherwise their Bid Security i.e. E.M.D (Earnest Money Deposit) will be forfeited/recovered and an amount equal to Registration Fee of respective class will be recovered as penalty. Bidding Process will comprise of THREE stages. The application form can be downloaded from MCGM's portal (http://portal.mcgm.gov.in) on payment of Rs. 8500/- + 5.00% GST (2.5% SGST + 2.5%.CGST) The applicants not registered with MCGM are mandated to get registered (Vendor Registration) with MCGM for e-tendering process & obtain login credentials to participate in the online bidding process. i) To download the application form, for those applicants not having vendor registration, need to apply first for vendor registration at the office of Account Officer (FAR), 3rd floor, Municipal Headquarter. ii) Followed by SRM login ID and password to be obtained from Central Purchase Department (CPD), Office at Byculla, Bakariadda, Mumbai. For e-Tendering registration, enrollment for digital signature certificates and user manual, please refer to respective links provided in ‘Tenders’ tab. Vendors can get digital signature from any one of the Certifying Authorities (CA's) licensed by controller of certifying authorities namely, Safes crypt, IDRBT, National informatics center, TCS, USTOMS, MTNL, GNFC and e- Mudhra,CA Page | 4 Tender Name and location of work Contract Estimated Cost of No. period Project Construction of Staff Quarters, Office, Inspection Bungalow, Dispensary and 18 Months 7100200059 (Exclusive of Rs.3,83,46,012.26 / 2020-21 Workshop, Store Building at Middle Vaitarana monsoon) Dam Premises in O.C Division. In terms of the 3 stage system of e-tendering, a Bidder will be required to deposit, along with its Bid, an Earnest Money Deposit of Rs. 3,83,500/- (Rupees Three Lakh Eighty Three Thousand Five Hundred only) (the "EMD"), refundable in accordance to the relevant clause of bid document, from the Bid Due Date, except in the case of the selected Bidder whose Bid Security/EMD shall be retained. The Bidders will have to provide Earnest Money Deposit through the payment gateways while submitting the bids. The Bid shall be summarily rejected if it is not accompanied by the Earnest Money Deposit. The e-tender is available on MCGM portal (http://portal.mcgm.gov.in) as mentioned in the Header Data of the tender. As per Three Packet systems, the document for Packet A, B & C is to be uploaded by the bidder in vendors’ document online in Packet A, B & for Packet C, bidder fill in data in item data tab in service online item via details and quotes his percentage figure variation. Packet A,B & C shall be opened on dates as mentioned in header data. All the responsive and eligible bidders if they so wish can be present at the time of opening of bids, in the office of Dy.H.E. (Operations). The Packet C shall be opened if bids submission in Packet A, B satisfies/includes all the requirements and same are found acceptable to the Authority. The Municipal Commissioner reserves the right to reject all or any of the e- tender(s) without assigning any reasons at any stage. The dates and time for submission and opening the bids are as shown in the Header Data. If there are any changes in the dates the same will be displayed on the MCGM Portal. (http://portal.mcgm.gov.in) The Applicants interested for the above referred works may contact the Dy.H.E.(Operation) at the following address on any working day during office hours. Office of the, DY Hydraulic Engineer (Operations), M.C.G.M. Water Works Yard,Kapurbawdi, P.O. Sandoz Baug,Thane (West) – 400607. Website: www.portal.mcgm.gov.in The applicants may wish to visit the site under reference located at aforesaid address. The MCGM reserves the rights to accept any of the application or reject any or all the application received for above works, without assigning any reasons thereof. The information regarding above subject matter is available on Website of MCGM. (http://portal.mcgm.gov.in/tenders). Sd/- (P.D.Taware) Dy.H.E.(Operations) Page | 5 HEADER DATA Tender Document No 7100200059 / 2020-21 Name of Organization Municipal Corporation of Greater Mumbai Subject Construction of Staff Quarters, Office, Inspection Bungalow, Dispensary and Workshop, Store Building at Middle Vaitarana Dam Premises in O.C Division. Cost of Tender Rs.8500/- + 5.00% GST (2.5%SGST+2.5% CGST) Cost of E-Tender(Estimated Cost) Rs.3,83,46,012.26 Bid Security Deposit/ EMD Rs. 3,83,500/- Date of issue and sale of tender 05.02.2021 from 11:00 hrs Pre-bid Meeting 16.02.2021 at 11:00 AM In the Chamber of the, Dy.H.E.(Operations) M.C.G.M. Water Works Yard, Kapurbawdi,P.O. Sandoz Baug, Thane (West) – 400607. Last date & time for sale of tender & Receipt 26.02.2021 up to 12:00 hrs of Bid Security Deposit Submission of Packet A, B & Packet C 26.02.2021 up to 16:00 hrs (Online) Opening of Packet A 02.03.2021 at 11.30 hrs Opening of Packet B 10.03.2021 at 11.30 hrs Opening of Packet C 23.03.2021 at 11.30 hrs Address for communication Office of the, Executive Engineer(Construction), M.C.G.M. Water Works Yard, Kapurbawdi,P.O. Sandoz Baug, Thane (West) – 400607. email ID : [email protected] Website: www.portal.mcgm.gov.in Venue for opening of bid Online in the Executive Engineer (Construction)’s Office This tender document is not transferable. The MCGM reserves the rights to accept any of the application or reject any or all the application received for above subject without assigning any reason thereof. Sd/- (P.D.Taware) Dy.H.E.(Operations) Page | 6 SECTION 2 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA Page | 7 1. For Regular, Routine and Maintenance works: (Not applicable to this tender) Name of the Deptt. Details of project works City Engineer/HIC New buildings for staff quarters /markets /school / offices etc. All dispensaries, health centers/ cemeteries Bldg. Maintenance All bldg. repair works, demolition works. New construction such as sheds. Road & Traffic Pothole repairs, trenches, asphalting of minor and major roads, repairs to footpaths, Improvisations of junctions./ new C.C.roads. Sewage Project Replacement of sewer lines, laying of new sewer lines for short stretches upto 500m Sewerage Operation Remedial works of all sewer lines S.W.D. Repairs and rehabilitation of SWD, rehabilitation of culverts on minor roads, repairs to minor nallas, remodeling of SWD system, repairs to roadside drains, training of minor drains/nallas, reconstruction of collapsed walls. New R.C.C.box culverts across minor or major roads, desilting of nallas. H.E. Routine laying of pipeline works up to 1200mm dia. rehabilitation of distribution system, Replacement of household connections and other minor works related to the dept.
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