TALL CABINETS Open Open Door, Shelf Door, Shelf 5060 5020 5072 (shown) 5062 W: 12’’ - 36’’ (3’’ increments) W: 12’’ - 48’’ (3’’ increments) 5082 (reversed) W: 27" - 36" (3" increments) H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" W: H : 72", 84" D D 12’’ - 24’’ (3’’ increments) D : 13.25", 21.5", 23.25" : 13.25", 21.5", 23.25" H : 72",84" : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 vertical divider D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" s2 doors s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s8 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 door s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s10 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H Door, Shelf Framed Glass Door Framed Glass Door Framed Glass Door 5063 5076 (shown) 5066 5067 W: 27" - 48" (3" increments) 5086 (reversed) W: 27" - 36" (3" increments) W: 27" - 48" (3" increments) H : 72", 84" W: H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" D 12" - 24" (3" increments) D D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" H : 72", 84" : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" s2 doors D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" s2 framed glass doors s2 framed glass doors s1 vertical divider s1 framed glass door s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 vertical divider s8 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s8 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s10 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s10 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3.1.0 TALL CABINETS Sliding Door Sliding Door Framed Glass Sliding Door Framed Glass Sliding Door 5064 5024 5068 5028 W: 27" - 36" (3" increments) W : 27" - 48" (3" increments) W: 27" -36" (3" increments) W: 33" - 48" (3" increments) H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H: 72", 84" D : 13.25", 21.5", 23.25" D : 13.25", 21.5", 23.25" D : 13.25", 21.5", 23.25" D: 13.25", 21 .5", 23.25" s2 sliding doors s2 sliding doors s2 sliding doors s2 sliding doors s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 vertical divider s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 vertical divider s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s8 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s8 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s10 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s10 adjustable shelves @ 84" H Blind, Open Blind, Door Blind, Framed Glass Door Blind, Sliding Door 5100 (shown) 5102 (shown) 5106 (shown) 5104 (shown) 5090 (reversed) 5092 (reversed) 5096 (reversed) 5094 (reversed) W: 45", 48" W: 45", 48" W: 45", 48" W: 45", 48" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 door s1 framed glass door s1 sliding door s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H sfixed panel width: 27.25" s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed panel width: 27.25" sfixed panel width: 27.25" sfixed panel width: 27.25" 3.2.0 TALL CABINETS Blind, Sliding Framed Glass Door Split Open, Doors Split Open, Doors Split Doors 5108 (shown) 5280 5980 5073 (shown) 5098 (reversed) W: 36" W: 36", 42", 48" 5083 (reversed) W: H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" W: 45", 48" D D 12" - 24" (3" increments) H : 72", 84" : 22.5", 24.25" : 22.5", 24.25" H : 72", 84" D : 14.25", 22.5", 24.25" sopen above with sopen above with D : 22.5", 24.25" 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 sliding framed glass door 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s1 door above with s4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s5 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s2 doors below with 1 adjustable shelf 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed panel width: 27.25" s2 doors below with 2 adjustable shelves sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s1 vertical divider s1 door below with 1 adjustable shelf Split Doors Split Doors Split Doors Split Doors 5282 5982 5077 (shown) 5286 W: 36" W: 36",42",48" 5087 (reversed) W: 36" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" W: H : 72", 84" D D: 12" - 24" (3" increments) D : 22.5", 24.25" 22.5", 24.25" H : 72", 84" : 22.5", 24.25" s2 doors above with s2 doors above with D : 22.5", 24.25" s2 framed glass doors above with 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 framed glass door above with 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s2 doors below with 1 adjustable shelf s2 doors below with 2 adjustable sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s2 doors below with 1 adjustable shelves s1 door below with 1 adjustable shelf s1 vertical divider shelf 3.3.0 TALL CABINETS Split Doors Split Open, Sliding Doors Split Open, Sliding Doors Split, Sliding Doors 5986 5290 5990 5294 W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" D : 22.5", 24.25" D : 21.5", 23.25" D : 21.5", 23.25" D : 21.5", 23.25" s2 framed glass doors above with sopen above with sopen above with s2 sliding doors above with 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s2 doors below with 2 adjustable s2 sliding doors below with 1 s2 sliding doors below with 2 adjustable s2 sliding doors below with 1 shelves adjustable shelf shelves adjustable shelf s1 vertical divider s1 vertical divider Split, Sliding Doors Split, Sliding Doors Split, Sliding Doors Split, Sliding Doors 5994 5295 5995 5298 W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" D : 21.5", 23.25" D : 21.5", 23.25" D : 21.5", 23.25" D : 21.5", 23.25" s2 sliding doors above with s2 sliding glass doors above with s2 sliding glass doors above with s2 sliding framed glass doors above with 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s2 sliding doors below with2 s2 sliding doors below with 1 s2 sliding doors below with s2 sliding doors below with 1 adjustable adjustable shelves adjustable shelf 2 adjustable shelves shelf s1 vertical divider s1 vertical divider 3.4.0 TALL CABINETS Split, Sliding Doors Split, Open, Drawers Split, Open, Drawers Split Doors, Drawers 5998 5300 5910 5382 (shown) W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" W: 36", 42", 48" 5392 (reversed) H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" W: D D D 18", 21", 24" : 21.5", 23.25" : 22.5", 24.25" : 22.5", 24.25" H : 72", 84" s2 sliding framed glass doors above with sopen above with sopen above with D : 22.5", 24.25" 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 door above with 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s1 vertical divider 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s2 sliding doors below with 2 adjustable s4 equal drawers below sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF shelves s4 equal drawers below s4 equal drawers below s1 vertical divider Split Doors, Drawers Door, 6" Drawer Door, 8" Drawer Sliding Door, 6" Drawer 5302 5912 5386 (shown) 5306 W: 36" W: 36", 42", 48" 5396 (reversed) W: 36" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" W: H : 72", 84" D D 18", 21", 24" D : 22.5", 24.25" : 22.5", 24.25" H : 72", 84" : 22.5", 24.25" s2 doors above with s2 doors above with D : 22.5", 24.25" s2 framed glass doors above with 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H s1 framed glass door above with 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s1 vertical divider 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s4 equal drawers below sfixed shelf at 35" AFF sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s4 equal drawers below s 4 equal drawers below s4 equal drawers below 3.5.0 TALL CABINETS Split Doors, Drawers Split Sliding Doors, Drawers Split Sliding Doors, Drawers Split Sliding Doors, Drawers 5916 5304 5914 5305 W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" W: 36", 42", 48" W: 36" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" D : 22.5", 24.25" D : 22.5", 24.25" D : 22.5", 24.25" D : 22.5", 24.25" s2 framed glass doors above with s2 sliding doors above with s2 sliding doors above with s2 sliding glass doors above with 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 4 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 2 adjustable shelves @ 72" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 6 adjustable shelves @ 84" H 3 adjustable shelves @ 84" H s1 vertical divider sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s1 vertical divider sfixed shelf at center sfixed shelf at 35" AFF s4 equal drawers below sfixed shelf at center s4 equal drawers below s4 equal drawers below s4 equal drawers below Split Sliding Doors, Drawers Split Sliding Doors, Drawers Split Sliding Doors, Drawers Equal Split Doors 5915 5308 5918 5071 (shown) W: 36",42",48" W: 36" W: 36", 42",48" 5081 (reversed) H : 72", 84" H : 72", 84" H : 72",84" W: D D D 12" - 24" (3" increments) : 22.5", 24.25" : 22.5", 24.25" : 22.5", 24.25" H : 72", 84" s2 sliding glass doors above with
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