is.... • Cubs Split Thundershowers IOWA - V_Uled wltb local Chicago Divides Doubleheader tbundershowers loelay; tomorrow Under Hartnelt partly cloudy; not mucb chanle In See Story, P ..e 3 . tempera ture. - -~,.. '. I 0 .., a N • • • p • p • e FIVE CENTS The Associated Press IOWA CITY, IOWA FRIDAY, JULY· 22, 1938 The AIIoolated Presa VOLtJME XXXVII NUMBER 340 1 National Guard. lty ( he Makes First Gaffney Mexic.o Asked to Pay d­ r Delllocrats Nominate 'nt Newton Arrest ed By MERLE MILLER son" nominated as a mlltter of Mostly it was a quiet conven­ Each nominee was accorded a cow·tesy on first and second bal- tion, except for a deadlock which five - minute nominating speech. For Expropriated Land (Daily Iowan City Editor) Ins NLRB Trial Examiner WASHINGTON, Ia. (Special to lots, were C. L. McKinnon of the developed in the credentials com­ Attorney Frank Hite of. Iowa -H state highway commission; Mrs., mittee. Cedar county, seat of county placed Gaffney's n am e Adjourns Hearing To The Daily Iowan - Two hun- Zoe Nabors of Ft. Madison and much factional strife during the in nomination, Attorney E. A. Permit Arbitration dred and fifty-three first district Max Conrad, mayor of Burling- last two years, presented two Baldwin ot Iowa City that of To Congress? democrats - coming from 11 ton. groups of delegates, each d e - Hart. ---- Hull's Notice By FRANK L. 1fUGHES counties - yesterday stamped, In what was a cool, darkened manding to be seated. Between ballots five-minute in­ termissions were alJowed. After NEWTON, July 21 (AP)-The shouted, booed and hissed their auditorium - a temporarily va- Speaker LeMar Foster of the Seeks Solution way to harmony. cant movie theater _ delegates Iowa hou~e . of rep~esentatives the fourth ballot the Gaffney IOWa national guard tonight made Judge James P. Gaffney of led the W'tnmng Cachon, James landslide started. its first arrest under military law Williamsburg was nominated by assembled at 10 a.m. yesterday, France ot Tipton the losers. Fos- Cedar county then switched its By Arhitration in the May tag strike controversy. unanimous acclimation on the about haH the coun ties pledged ter claimed the France group had strongly pro-Hart delegation to Meanwhlle, the question of whe­ flith ballot as democratic candi­ to vole {or a particuiar candidate. Ino right to sit in the convention, Ga1fney. and both Des Moines date {OJ' congress from the first Most of them balloted by the and delegates agreed, passing an and Lee counties changed their Demands Complete ther possible steps toward settle­ district. unit rule, one county casting its amendment allowing the Foster­ ballots before the roll call was ment of the ll-week-old contro­ Attorney William R. Hart, Iowa enUre vote for a single candidate. led group the , full 19 votes of begun. Indemnification For versy were underway remained City candidate and second high On the first two ballots Hart and Cedar county. Judge Gaffney, in a concise ac­ Smaller Investor UIlanswered. contender, releMed the Johnson Gaffney ran neck - and - neck, Fosler claimed Cedar county ceptance speech pledged himself county deleglltion, pledged to his Hart leading by six votes. On delegates to the state conven­ to "Franklin D. Roosevelt, the Both company and union attor­ WASHINGTON, July 21 (AP)­ neys declared posi ti vely tha t no support, as the fifth ballot got the second ballot Gaffney gained lion had also been named to the greatest leader America has ever negotiations toward settlement had under way. a lead of one vote, a lead he held congressional convention, and known. The United States, declaring Mex­ been undertaken. Other contenders in the race, throughoul the rest of the con- France sai.d none had been "111m," said Gaffney, .... u­ ico's uncompensated seizure of Madison Hill, trial examiner for besides an occasional "favorite I vention. chose/l. (See GAFFNEY, page 6) American farm properties to be the NLRB, adjourned a hearing unlawful "confiscation," proposed here suddenly this afternoon, how­ tonight that the two governments t ever, declaring that his board did City Police Seek to Untangle submit the question to arbitration. not wish "to stand in the way of Japanese Demands Secretary of State Hull handed the possible opportunity of both the Mexican ambassador, Francis­ parties to get this matter ironed Mystery of 13-year-old Boy co Castilla Najel'a, a note which out in the shortest possible time." stressed this country's demand for WPA Worker Arrested Refused hy · Sovie~ adequate and prompt compensa­ Major Frank Hallagan, judge BULLETIN , WhO took him - about 17 and tion to agrarian properties and advocate, said the man arrested Pollce In Joplin, Mo., reported at 18, as he described them - went avoided any reference to the was Preston Brown, a Colfax WPA "a.m. this morning tbat Earl Cal- inlo a store and came out with Martin 01 Cedar Rapids found American oil properties seized by worker, who admitted he took part vln Kirklin, In custody of Iowa '. th' h d P li b ce Diplomats In Mexico. in the street fighting near the City police, ran away from his I~OneYt~ll b eu- an ~ 0 b e- him in the rain on the highway The note's failure to mention the May tag plant yesterday home there Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. leVt? e °hY lmay dave een a and brought him to Iowa City oil claims recalled the policy out­ . COSE Oth t VIC un 0 f a 0 d -up uo. Brown was arrested by Col1ax . L. ber of 413 •. 1 S .. Joplin police early this morn- which he told them was hi s home. Boundary Tilt lined several months ago by' per­ Marshal John Ades, for an aJleged Cedar Rapids, It was reported, are ing had no information on the If Mr. and Mrs. Martin h<\d not sons close to P resident Roosevelt. assault on Ben Wiptersteen, an Ithe grandparents of the boy. boy's disappearance, and the Jop- picked him up, Earl planned to They said last April that the ad­ electrician at the May tag plant, --- lin News-Herald toid the Daily Tokyo's Statesmen ministration would insist upon full whom Hallagan said worked in Iowa City police arc untangling walk thc entire 400 miles to Jop- Iowan the address he gave po- Demand That Red and fair indemnification of persons the plant Monday and Tuesday a mystery this morning- the mys- lice here is a vacant house. lin, he said. who had invested meager savings when it was operating: tery of an undersized, 13-year-old The 13 -year-old boy, slight and Besides mistreating him, Earl Troops Withdraw in small ranches and farms which Hanagan said Brown admitted boy who says he planned to make blonde, said he fell asleep after asserted, the two boys "stole my subsequently were taken over by he had driven to Newton yesterday the 400-mile trip from Cedar the two older boys drove out of tour fiSh." MOSCOW. July 21 (AP) the Mexican governmenl But morning and stopped at the May- Rapids to Joplin, Mo ., on foot. Joplin. He said the two stopped Soviet Russia bluntly rejected to­ they indicated that the adm inistra- tag plant to "see what was going Dressed in a blue denim blouse the car and went fishing some- "Wait'n my pa gets hold of day as "unjustified and unaccept­ Ition considered the oil properties on." The judge advocate said and overalls, Earl Calvin Kirklin where near Cedar Rapids. them," he threatened. able" a second Japanese demand to be Over-valued by their' owners, Brown admitted he was the man lold police he left his home in Early last evening. he said, the After police questioned him for for withdrawal of Soviet troops and that it would try to collect [01' in a newspaper picture published Joplin, Mo., at 4 a.m. yesterday boys began mistreating him. Then about an hour, Night Captain Art from territory Japan declared be­ them only damages equivalent to yesterday afternoon holding an- to go on a fishing trip that ended they picked up their fishing Schnoehelen fixed a bed in a longed to Manchoukuo. actual investmenl, less deprecia­ o,ther man on the ground during a near Cedar Rapids. tackle and left him. back office at the police station, A communique issued through tion. fIght at theAdndts piant. Dispute On the way, he said,_______________________ two boys About 9 p.m. Mr.__________ and Mrs. Ray__________________________ where the boy is sleeping. _ Tass (Russian official news agen­ It is estimated that approxi­ LY) said Russia regarded the ter­ Judge James P . Gaffney, demo­ -Daily Iowan Photo, .&agnw\nl1 mately 1,000,000 acres of Ameri­ Hallagan said he aiso admitted an ritory, near the junction of Si­ cratic nominee for congress, eats the Washington, Ia., Country Club can-owned land have been taken altercation with , Wintersteen on a yesterda,y noon. Gaffney was by Mexico in recent years. beria, Manchoukuo and Japanese a bite at Congressman Edward C. Colf,ax street today: hoorea, as indisputably a part of nominated in districl convention Manifestly apprehcnsive that Eicher's turkey-dinner, held at yesterday. When the military commission Newton Waits and Wonders Soviet Russia. , Mexico's policy oC arbitrary expro­ WM~tified~h~arre~M~·QI!. __~_- ___________~ ___ ~ __~ __~~ _______________~ (Japanes~contenQ. Soviet troops priation of properties might spread W. Harris of the commi~jon and invaded the area, Ileal' Chanl'ku- to other Latin American countries By JOHN MOONEY Jed an eight-block area around an armed guard drove to Colfax NEWTON, July 21 (Special to 1eng, July 11.
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