: 1 1 11 : : gftiij^ -":p: \ .^.;;:,^;-- -•••-", 'vvy^-V-^^ -' -.^^^:'';*^^^ -;*''--'' '-"""•• :y -•—*^vU^' /^..'/c'•;••'' ' - -••••.„ '' • / "" ;V~r: „'. '^ :". •-^'•; ' •".'• jy/-y\r:rp^0^. i#';-'- Buy a War Bond Today " •• ••' G R AfSF O* D GIVE HER' MEYERS'GLOVES "•"- • • * • Vol. Illl. 1 Ho. 16. CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. MAY 17. 1945 FiVE'CENTS^ _ MAKE NICE GIFTS A SPARKLING BOW SET! r Expect Decision Soon Students Select; ,l';.^;495 .,- • Wallace Oil Opening of Camp Bond Drive War Loan Slogan Town's 75th Ahniver$ary *iir be Reached withW .. • She-^1 love, tui* , exquisite set of " Arrived JuU inliuie tor y ITbH slogan of the students ih Cr'an-* matched pin- and earring*! Gold* : .-.;. a happier woman! Hard-tb-get hand ~- <ry9l, fomip at- Gil' High' School in the Seventh \ plated, rteriing bows with simulated, :, - _T _,.»e*m eapeskin- gloves "by Meyer*. ear Hbpe^ will tie opened this sum War Loan' Drive.. Each student pearl center*. Jewelry, Street Floor. .' Come in precious white and sophUti* * - mer, it was-announced yesterday by will Be expected to sell a' war Plarence Fritz, rfd , „ ;; cated Mack. Sites 6 to 7%. Jit. FL_ __ ^bpn^o.tiQ;JRni3ch4%.anei,iJii yv •• • . • - • . War Dads To Conduct during the . current drive.. On . Retiring School Man H 1 Central Committee Board of Trustees lnspected the camp "Tuesday, the. first- weekly sales -•....• .•'.". Mad Been in Local Paper Drive June 17 Jr. over the week-end. The camp prop- 22% of Total Quota, day of-.'the Seventh-War Loan, Also Would Consider System Since 1915 Cranford Chapter, 3, American War ire 'reported to be In excellent pupils purchased $3,440 in 'war Dads, will he In charga of. ttfe nesct conditio„ n and could be reopened _28%of 'E' Bond Goal stamps and boi(ids. Ninety-two War Memorial Project v Charie^A^^ »4pi •M. r «mmunlty-wlde-paper ^lleetfon—tor "w\< r"tbo~great7an, wtperisc. ~~~ p*ir cent,of the pupils purchased ram Representatives of mdrc thari 50 the junior high school for the past be held Sunday afternoon, June 17, It ^Already Attained _i_ either a stamp or a bond and Mr. Fri'te was In Philadelphia this' local clubs .and organizations . have d a former principal of was announced this week.- Thomas Week to confer with ODT officials' as •' 'The. Cranford and Jfcnilworth- area . there Were' 24 homerooms having S ' 100 per cent purchases. To datp For Veterans been invited by Mayor George E. Os- - to the possibility of j>btaining-,ar,busgot off to a flying start in the Sev- 1915, tendered his; assignation, ettecv. mittee'in' charge, wlth'Frtink Coffey to make weekly .trips to and "from«^;War^iaWTarive with 22 percent Indorsed, by all. bag!a suJbaoJ ^erhel.dt to designate a delegate tp.a ' tive ftuly 1, In a.letter received by the as co-chairman. the, camp'with camper^f ana supplies. of* its total quota and 28 percent of its high school have purchased $38.- raining ceater fiw central csominittee to start plans for Board of Education at it«"meeting Mayor George E. Osterheldt, presi- "E" bond quojja .r*ported iri the first 672.40 in stamps and-bonds. ansof tb> curreos unr SENCSD wrffl he u\the observance of the 75th anniver- Tuesday night •• The resignation was two days of the -drive, U was an- Tuesdy g dent, has appointed G. Nelson Kllhg, peration, at tTttiaia JiwnSw sary of the incorporation of Cranford accepted-with regretts hy p&p trusteett s vice-president, as chairman of the noonced" yesterday by Robert E. ere. This was today by to consider . the and a letter, of awreciatlon for hiscommittee to arrange an Indepen- Crane, local war finance chairman, Dr. Keaueth K133<C as a township and 30 years' service in the local school dence Day program. Plans for this Kind At the close of business Tuesday, dean. foJ-loytrtaa ji qotgjEax ol andns- p6SIbQ ' war. memorial system W ttUthorlied sent toto lilon observance were recently turned over t,785-pohds of all dfect-iptions totaling to -Jocal men and women In service. l tsoaa- - SHE'LL CHERISH InIn. a rj to the chapter by the Memorial and $140,099,73 had been sold in the two setors last niitftt, ; ' - .,'-: ;.; This'was announced at Tuesday — lifWaUace stated communities, and 1,731 "E" bonds ag- 1 GIVEMOTHEttA .vising prlnclp Independence Dtiy Committeev MrSflOasf. c Listed Speakers, at tS*- s«piro aifiht's meeting of the Township Com- ' that^^ after ci considering the Kling will be assisted Iby p&er vice- gregating $91,48135 had been re- THIS 4-PC. VANrry SET Dr. A- L. Jotiasutt. <ro«t?y«aj>eri«l«i- niittee by Mayor Osterheldt, who said GENUINE CORDE HANDBAG question of teaching nwrt^year, he presidents of the chat ported. The total quota for this area ent ot .schools atadl iriSamanaB «t the had decided to give up his work and *bat. letters-to the organizations went S»!ans also are made to pur> Dramatic Club is $625,000 and the "E" bond quota,' XiC .trustees; lofesisle-ofesisjj Kaicp «II th thee live on hl« fartn In Hunienton Coun- chase-caps -tor s^'O'C the Veterans In Catt $329,000; Helen Stanley I» aculty.' and M- KJJ! Ctuamie. Slat? di- oat this week and that the original ty. He e)tpreMed^w>precla<io>i-to the chapter, and It >ped, they- will ar- Included in the first tw« days' total recto* for. a, icoriisspaedeskee sysienv ;lis would,be augmented, later so that supervising principal tor. his helpful Speaker At Annual' '"'•:22.^)*/ •;., rive so thatj mfy be worn in -the Of Benefit Show 'are more than 8p» "E" bond" sub- which will otter wiUi the «very dub. and group In the com- :r f ;: counsel during (ne yeaw and to thMemoe r parade. **' i v S] Just wh&t"she"h'a» always wanted... • • '^'*£'~''' Z*0$ky?' '*$&ff% ^/? An all-etar cast is slated f|r the scriptions from local residents em- Meeting Tuesday college courses Etaadnefls munity, will have a part in the two r V'-Watch her.eyes.sparkle when she re- »* Board -of BdueaUAia '.Jfor then* past ployed at the-Western Electric Com? never »pcnt the moiufcy for ..".• a heau- ' " '' ' ??i'''*'$*'\A'''\~'^^%*r '* '"' :' production of ''Kind.Lady" next Waller J. Conley Was elected projects. 1 ceives this genuine corde bap! High* -/. conslderatlona. ".'• ...'"' ' • . ' pany in Kearny totaling "more than tiful cut-erystal vanity eel! Includes • '•;•'•. ;•';.'.. f•7<i5?' ' day and Saturdayt May 2& and 26, in to While, the 75th anniversary of the lighted . with .mock tortoise-shell - President J<Saet>h A. Plumwier, who $42,000. Mr. Crime complimented president'of. the Village improvement \'••'.-•, • '* powder jar, two perfume bottles and ..' • - . >' . •'" . Iranfofd High School auditorium, it Association, to succeed Mrs. William finish blah ;-st£taall BRtmircc vill be incorporation of the township occurs. frame it's fuTIy lined, has two com*' - presided, andDr. Best stated! that 1% this organlwrtlon and their' local em- a mirror tray. Street Floor. -. ' * -'. ' food Bank was announced this week by, the J. Fredrick, at the annual meeting and offerjed' heee tetessftsK- tttensas-«W next year, the mayor stated\n his let- . partrncnU, ripper closinjv 'Black, Wallace had-been, an "especially ~ Cranford Dramatic Clul), In charge, of nlpyes for> their splendid cooperation will elimiaat* these diffieimoes with- ter that it has "been suggested that. iifftiie. drive. election of officers Tuesday afternoon brown, navy. St. FI. "Plus Tax. teacher and principal and had <Jerte a the. production,, and the community at the. home of Mrs. Janet Stockton out necessity of tefimaai^-ao classes the observance be" postponed a year masterly piece of work In " committee sponsoring the play, a Nearly 300 canvassers are partld<Taylor of .Claremont place. with cauchi' ycRtajwr sSadenSs.-- Slore or so lf-i>ece!;sary and take the form ford school system, drama by, Anton Chorooov adapted patlng In the house-to-house drive mature BOW., tine ire*M3ais akCQ leatn <oX a "welcome home" celebration to A irQtm/ig-©r Ges&eo,: N. Y., from a story by Hugh Walpole. - which Is getting underway this'week. Other new officers, are as follows: faster,'Dr. MacKay dedi»»d- . ' First vice-president, Mrs.C. W. Nees the men and women in service. His Normal School, 2W*TWallace- also "Kind Lady" will benefit the fund Mr. Crane declared that "with prompt letter ufees that the celebration be Plasma Needed For cooperation on the part of the block replacing Mrs. Conley; second vice- holds the B. & Agree from Rutgers to purchase $-station wagon tor the president* Mrs. Roy Puckey, Wplacing- will have two other opgMS&xni'iies to "something that will long be ' iverslty." 5rt*rtaugh^:foir 10--yejir» canvassers in their respective districts, Pacific Gatuallie*, use of the Cranford-<»ariwood-KeniU 1 Mrs, R.. C- Mcad^ corresponding see ibered in Cranfor In Bay Shore, I* I., IMtottltuck and Clonmiittee Repdrts worth Chapter, American Red Cross. the Cranford-JKenihvorlh. area should retary, Mrs. Anthony Henrlch,. re- trainingg c*at*r pptia . e Iheir "Inasmuch as the churches and Ketonah/iN: V., before coming to Mrs. John H. Low is chairman of the pass the SO percent mark in both the placing Mrs. Jacob Stanley; recording L..b«neets.tft«y may tmtwU at DSCorganizations will be • represented on GranfoM. tie served as principal of .The New York Chapter, American committee of Cranford women rais- total and "E" bond quotas by next secretary, Mrs. H. E. Switzgable, re-. for their first two y*aos <el ooUee*this .committee, It could consider the Lincoln School and tiie old Sherman Red Cross iBlood Donor Service, ^>f ing funds for the station wagon.
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