1946 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 6475 Walter W. Vatcher Charles H. Greene, Jr. Mr. MARCANTONIO. I withdraw the Frederick A. Vernon Hubert J. Hamlin HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES objection temporarily. Edgar C. Vernon Robert w. Hengesbach Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Re- · Burks A. Via David H. Lewis FRIDAY, JUNE 7, 1946 Herbert R. Waltz Paul F. McLellan serving the right to object, Mr. Speaker, Raymond F. Webb Carl A. Nielsen The House met at· 12 o'clock noon. I would like to ask the distinguished ma­ Donald B. Welsh · Eugene J. Robinson The Chaplain, Rev. James Shera Mont­ jority leader with reference to this legis­ Myron P. Wieczorek John c. Shelnutt gomery, D. D., offered the following lation. When this bill was before the Dean Wilker William C. Stoll, Jr. prayer: House the President demanded the bill Richard A. Winters, Jr. Paul c. Trammell because, as he said, the preservation of Ro~ert J. Wright George G. Abadie Lord God of mercy, as we bow in this the Government required its enactment. Nell F . Defenbaugh Richard N. Aufmann sacred stillness, hear us and forgive. As There were several serious strikes pend­ John E. Dornbach Gilbert D. Bradley we live in Thy presence, so we live in Thy ing and a crisis existed. Since then the lfarold L. Haley George H. Cearley, Jr. strength. In this benediction of love is Gordon K . Jackson J ames 0 Clouser strikes have been settled. My question Danny "W" Johnson Maurice A David a fresh reason why we should delight in is this: In view of the fact that that Benhard Kemper John K. D.iveny Thee and acknowledge our daily bless­ legislation was passed without assign­ Joseph W. Krewer Donald T. Doxey ings as Thy bountiful gifts. Heavenly ment to a committee, with no hearings Robert A. Longstaff Aldor B. Elmquist Father, come with us; give us Thy guid­ and no opportunity for amendments, Ern est R. Olson Ed d S Fr' ance, that we may not indulge in intem­ Donald R. Oseid war · IS would it be possible for the conferees, Martin T . WagenhofferEugene W. Geniesse, perate speech or in pride or willfulness. if appointed, to give a hearing to the ''.1 " "E" Wellman Jr. 0 keep our whole lives in fellowship with different parties that they might pre­ Marshall R. BreedloveJohn M. Jago~a the things above; these blessings will be sent their views concerning the bill? John P. Wilbern Kenneth M. N1x a precious discipline against the day of Mr. McCORMACK. Of course, I am Anthony A. Akstin Thomas W. Pearson friction and the hour of humiliation. unable to answer that question. That J ack N. Arbolino Arthur L. Sherbondy Bless all of us with good health, and be would depend upon the action of the con­ William E. Baugh Will~am M. Sigler, Jr. pleased to give direction to the delibera­ Joe P. Cain Willlam L. Walker ferees of both branches.· Of course, it is John A. Conway Ross H. Beatty tions of this day. We pray in the name most unusual, as the gentleman knows, J oseph A. Donovan Dorsie H. Booker, Jr. of our Saviour. Amen. but, of course, it could be d ne. John v. Downs Allen B. Clark The Journal of the proceedings of Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. The Joh n K. Hogan Franklin R. Chambers yesterday was read and approved. whole action on the legislation, of course, Milt on A. Hull John A. Daskalakis has been unusual. Thomas J. Matthews Jack N. Dillard MESSAGE F·ROM THE SENATE Mr. McCORMACK. Yes; that is true. Paul M. Smith John P. Errett A message from the Senate, by Mr. Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Bernard G. Thobe George D. Gillians Frazier, its legislative clerk, announced Which would be an argument in favor Bennett W. Alford Harold F. Haupt James W. Bateman Robert H . Moore that the Senate had passed without of an opportunity for hearings. Patrick D. Boyle Charles W. Noah amendment a joint resolution of the Mr. RANKIN. Mr. Speaker, will the Wilbur J . Buss Herman Nolte House of the following title: gentleman yield? Robert W. Hamilton John E. Rich ~H . J. Res. 347. Joint resolution to correct Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. I Sta t es R. Jones, Jr. Leo R. Ryan a technical error in the act approved ·April yield. William A. Kerr Robert F. Young, Jr. 18, 1946 (Public Law 347, 79th Cong., 2d sess.). Mr. RANKIN. Of course tbe situation Edward L. Lewis, Jr. Richard W. Batdorf! was unusual. These strikes are unusual. John H. Maher Thomas M. Coles The message also announced that un­ I want to ask the gentleman from Massa­ William T. Phillips Loren D. Everton der authority of Senate Concurrent Res­ chusetts this question: Would the in­ Mark A. Rainer, Jr. Roy R. Hewitt olution 58, entitled "Concurrent resolu­ quiry of the gentleman from Massa­ Marshall Salvaggio Norman R. Nickerson tion relative to representation of the Elmo J. Stingley Charles D. Garber chusetts [Mr. MARTIN] also cover the Robert B. Allen Theodore J . Horner Congress at a meeting of the Empire maritime strike-- Robert W. Calvert Robert L. Milling Parliamentary Association at Bermuda Mr. MARCANTONIO. Mr. Speaker, I Michael P . Carroll Clyde S. Stewart in June 1946," the President pro tempore object. I am not going to get into the Robert L. Davis James R. Turner of the Senate appointed Mr. GREEN, Mr. maritime strike. Roswell S. Frichette, Gerald C. Armstrong FULBRIGHT, Mr. FERGUSON, and Mr. The SPEAKER. Objection is heard. Jr. William H. Bortz, Jr. WILEY as the Members of the Senate to EXTENSION OF REMARKS Daniel J. Griffith, Jr. Byron M. Burbage attend the meeting of the Empire Parlia­ Robert G. Parrish John Callahan Mr. BLAND. Mr. Speaker, I ask Harold L. Parsons William c. Carlson mentary Association at Bermuda, be­ ginning June 10, 1946, and designated unanimous consent to have printed in the Arthur J'. Poillon Robert H. Cook RECORD at this ·point the report of the Linus F. Pot tebaum Otis w. s. Corman Mr. GREEN as the chairman of the dele­ Board of Visitors to the United States Lester D. Sperry Keith W. Costello gation. John B. Wenger Lawrence R. Denham Coast Guard Academy. Edward L. Barker William L. Devinney SETTLEMENT OF INDUSTRIAL DISPUTES The SPEAKER. Is there objection to Grover R. Bet~er James G. Fox Mr. McCORMACK. Mr. Speaker, I the request of the gentleman from Vir­ James J. Lar~m Donald J. Ha~lameyer ask unanimous consent to take from the ginia? D~niel C. Smi~h Welsie T. Howton, Jr. Speaker's desk the bill H. R. 6578, an act There was no objection. Vmcent J. Smith John R. Hyneman • The matter referred to is as follows: Harry A. Stahlstrom James K. Johnson to provide on a temporary basis during Russell A. Andres Chester M. Lupushan- the present period of emergency for the CoNGRESSIONAL BOARD OF VISITORS TO THE Donald L. Boudreaux sky prompt settlement of industrial disputes UNITED STATES CoAST GUARD ACADEMY, 1946 J~mes T. Cotto? Kenneth L. Mann vitally affecting the national economy in MAY 27, 1946. ~~~~~~ ~: ~~~~hamEugene W. Nelson the transition from war to peace, with The PRESIDENT OF THE SENATE. Philip J. Keleher Russell G. Patterson, The SPEAKER OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTA­ Senate amendments, disagree to the Sen­ TIVES. James W. Nelson Jr. ate amendments, and agree to the con­ GENTLEMEN: Pursuant to the act of July Leland C. Ritter John L. Read ference asked by the Senate. Brett E Roueche Walter L. Redmond 15, 1939 (Public, No. 183, 76th Cong., 1st The Clerk read the title of the bill. sess.), the following Senators and Members James w. Smith DavidS. Reid III Or an L. Stephenson, John E. Shields The SPEAKER. Is there objection to of the House of Representatives were desig­ Jr. Roscoe R. St. John the request of the gentleman from Mas­ nated in January of this year to constitute the 1946 Board of Visitors to the United John H. Barclay Patrick J. Dayson sachusetts? States Coast Guard Academy. Nathaniel Morgenthal Donald E. Gillespie Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Re­ George A. Rickert John L. Hamilton, Jr. serving the right to object, Mr. Speaker. SENATORS Jackson C. TurnacliffFrank H. H6rn Hon. JOSIAH W. BAILEY, ex officio member, Richard R. Bucher Arthur F. Shupe Mr. .MARCANTONIO. I object. chairman of the Commerce Committee of the John A. Creamer George M. Smith Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts. Will Senate. John T. Fey Thomas B. Wadsworth the gentleman allow me to reserve the Hon. CHARLES C. GOSSETT, appointed by Lawrence L. Graham right to object? Senator BAILEY. 6476 ·coNGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE JUNE ·7 Hon. 'WILLIAM F. KNOWLAND, appointed by visitors and. each member was seated in the practical methods to publicize the advantages Sena tor BAILEY. cadet mess hall with cadets from his State to a young man of an education at the Coast Hon. JOHN L. McCLELLAN, appointed by or district. At 2 p. m. the formal meeting Guard Academy and a career in the Coast Senator KENNETH McKELLAR, President pro of the Board was held in the Academic Board Guard. tempore of the Senate. room. At 4 p. m., the band and guard ren­ Respectfully submitted. REPRESENTATIVES -dered honors at the flagpole after which the WILLIAM F. KNOWLAND. party entrained for Washington, arriving at SCHUYLER 0. BLAND. Hon. SCHUYLER 0. BLAND, ex OffiCiO member, 11 p.m. that evening. CHRISTIAN A. HERTER. chairman, Merchant Marine and Fisheries At the official meeting of the Board at 2 CHASE G. WOODHOUSE. Committee. p. m. on Saturday, the Hon. WILLIAM F.
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