FEBRUARY 26, 2018 HERITAGE STATEMENT 1 MOUNT END, MOUNT END ROAD, THEYDON MOUNT, ESSEX JANICE GOOCH JANICE GOOCH HERITAGE CONSULTANCY Job No:18/082 Heritage Statement for: Mount End, Theydon Mount, Essex. Document Control Grid Project Name 1 Mount End, Mount End Road, Theydon Mount, Epping, Essex CM16 7PS Author(s) and contact details Janice Gooch MSc CHE AssocRICS IHBC ACIfA Origination date February 2018 Reviser(s) JG Date of last revision May 2018 Version C. Summary of changes Design Tweaks Client Reference 1 Mount End, Mount End Road, Theydon Mount, Epping, Essex CM16 7PS Table of Contents Document Control Grid ........................................................................................................................... 1 1. Summary ......................................................................................................................................... 2 1.1. Aims and results ...................................................................................................................... 2 2. Planning Guidelines ......................................................................................................................... 2 3. Description ...................................................................................................................................... 2 3.1. Development of the Building .................................................................................................. 3 3.2. Setting of heritage assets ........................................................................................................ 3 3.3 Planning History ...................................................................................................................... 3 3.4 Significance ............................................................................................................................. 4 3.5 Condition of the asset ............................................................................................................. 4 4. Proposed Scheme ............................................................................................................................ 4 4.1. Proposed Works ...................................................................................................................... 4 4.2 Design considerations ............................................................................................................. 4 5 Impact Assessment ......................................................................................................................... 5 5.1 Impact on the setting of the Listed Buildings .......................................................................... 5 5.2 Summary ................................................................................................................................. 6 Appendix 1 - Photographs ....................................................................................................................... 7 Appendix 2 – Maps ................................................................................................................................ 12 Appendix 3 – Listing Description ........................................................................................................... 13 Appendix 4 – Historic Environment Records (HER) ................................................................................. 17 British History Online ........................................................................................................................ 20 Appendix 5 - Assessment of Significance Summary.............................................................................. 24 1 | P a g e Janice Gooch Heritage Consultancy Heritage Statement for: Mount End, Theydon Mount, Essex. 1. Summary This is a Conservation Statement and Impact Assessment for the proposed scheme for the demolition of a current, metal framed barn and the replacement of 2No new builds to the rear of 1 Mount End, Theydon Mount, Epping Forest. The proposed site is within the setting of a number of listed buildings (listing descriptions in Appendix 3). This Desktop review has been written using the drawings provided and a site meeting with ARA Homes Ltd: • 1A Existing & Proposed Site Layout and Levels • 2 Location Plan and Site Layout • 3 Elevations & Plans 1.1. Aims and results The aim of this statement is to recognise the significance of the listed building and to assess whether the proposed works will affect the significance, character or appearance of the building, or the neighbouring listed buildings, or the character of the area. As stated in the CIfA guidance ‘Standard and guidance for historic environment desk -based assessment’ (Pub Dec 2014, up-dated Jan 2017): The ‘desk-based assessment will determine, as far as reasonably possible from existing records, the nature, extent and significance of the historic environment within a specified area. Desk-based assessment will be undertaken using appropriate methods and practices which satisfy the stated aims of the project, and which comply with the Code of conduct and other relevant regulations…’ 2. Planning Guidelines To comply with National Policy Planning Framework (2012) section 12, this statement provides: • An understanding to the significance of the heritage asset • An understanding to the setting of heritage assets • An assessment of the impact of the proposed works on the heritage asset • An assessment of the impact of the proposed works on the setting of the heritage assets This statement has been undertaken with the consideration of the level and extent of the proposed works and is not to be considered as a full historical report or conservation plan. This Statement is written to comply with Historic England guidance and the Essex Conservation Officers’ Forum ‘Guidance on preparing Heritage Statements for Listed Building Consent Applications’. 3. Description The proposed site is located to the rear of 1 Mount End, a relatively modern two storey dwelling, set within its own grounds. To the left-hand side of this property is a collection of timber clad/ brick farm buildings, mainly barns, and a number of these are listed (C17) and are laid out in a fairly 2 | P a g e Janice Gooch Heritage Consultancy Heritage Statement for: Mount End, Theydon Mount, Essex. traditional layout farmstead grouping. The farmhouse sits to the left-hand side of these on the road front. This layout allowed some security to the barns and the goods/livestock they contained. Historic maps show that this once agricultural group of buildings has been developed and infilled, but it still retains a rural setting. 3.1. Development of the Building The barn was constructed between 1920-1970 and was originally enclosed with weatherboarding. The current owners have removed some of the boarding to allow the space to be used for parking and storage. 3.2. Setting of heritage assets The farm buildings are set within a rural location, with open countryside surrounding them. The proposed site formed part of the development of the farm. Many farm buildings have changed, altered and developed to suit the changing needs of farm and the change of farming methods. The original farmstead was generally centred around a farm yard, which provided security and safety for the livestock. As farms developed, either through the change of farming type or due to technological changes, the farm buildings reflected these changes. The original farmstead was expanded, with either a second yard being created, or new buildings forming a linear approach to the layout. This allowed for ease of the bigger machinery, such as tractors and the more modern combine-harvesters to access the buildings and the rest of the farm. The introduction of machinery in the late 20th century required bigger sheds and wider access routes to allow safe access into these buildings. The smaller, single storey farm buildings and threshing barns became redundant. The new barns installed next to the original farmsteads varied in design and construction methods, but they allowed large open spaces. Some were enclosed for storage, others semi-enclosed which provided shelter for cattle and other livestock. The OS maps indicates that the existing barn was installed between 1920 and 1970 and is formed of a metal frame structure with timber weatherboarding. The 1920 OS map indicates a rural group of a handful of houses, sparsely located. These were likely to be workers and labourer’s cottages, which have slowly been improved, altered and changed over time. This has resulted in the collection of properties we see today within the setting. 3.3 Planning History An online search has been undertaken for this building/ site - http://plan1.eppingforestdc.gov.uk/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Generic/StdResults.aspx?PT=Planni ng Applications On- Line&PS=10&XMLLoc=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/Generic/XMLtemp/ascyiiyvgx2r45ti0r5pruon/e6 d8de0c-f83e-4ca8-83d4-62c78f395e21.xml&FT=Planning Application Search Results&XSLTemplate=/Northgate/PlanningExplorer/SiteFiles/Skins/EppingForest/xslt/PL/PLResults. xslt&p=0 Demolition of existing side 1 Mount End Theydon extension and erection of two FINAL Grant Permission EPF/1461/10 003948 Mount Epping Essex storey side extension with 16-08-2010 DECISION CM16 7PS single storey conservatory (With Conditions) rear. 3 | P a g e Janice Gooch Heritage Consultancy Heritage Statement for: Mount End, Theydon Mount, Essex. 3.4 Significance The significance of Theydon Barn (formerly Sawkins
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