——— &$t ^rtiiattrr |*iir|)lr The Official Organ of the Students of The Un iity of the South 'Vol. LXXII, No. 23 Sl-WAMF, 1 I'NM-'SSKE, MAY 11, 1955 Curriculum Six Men Receive Announced Baker Scholarships Business Courses '55-'56 Increase Scope Eight Freshmen jewanee's Department of Economics Obtain Four-It ear Grants the Department of Eco- irill become and Business next year, and nomics George F. Baker Scholarships have been awarded to six more high in management and mar- school seniors for four years of study at Sewanee, and two four-year full year course in ac- Union Carbide Scholarships have also been awarded, according to an an- offered, according to counting will be nouncement by Dr. Ben F. Cameron, director of admissions. E. Thorogood, head of the James The awards, which may range from full expense down to the minimum department. needed by a winning student, go to:* Dr. Thorogood stated that the de- Jai Conner Clapp of New Albany, artment is now in the process of find- Bernard Dunl; Participants f professor to teach the 1( a new of Columbia, S. C; John Marshall courses. He emphasized that the new Girault of New Orleans, La.; Everett courses are basic in nature and per- WEEKEND OF PARTIES— (Left) Miss Bobbyc Phillip Norwood McCormick of Jacksonville, Select Songs keeping with Sewanee's lib- Kimboll as Kinft and Queen of the Phi Gam Fiji Island Costurr Fla.; Gerald Archibald Nelson of Fair- curriculum. Outgoing president Corky Little with his date, Barbara Sinclai hope, Ala.; and Robert Dale Sweeney For Sing program of for BK ew education lent Dave Lindholm at the Sigma Nu White Rose Formal. of Fayetteville, Tenn. is especially designed for two is this year's White Rose Queen. Mrs. P. iness freshman at Agnes Scott College, Clapp, 17, son of Mr. and C. The annual Blue Key Sing, to be held graduates of Sewanee who plan 1687 Colonial Drive, Al- croup*, Clapp of New from 2:30 to 4:00 p.m. on May 15th in to business, and Sewa- valedictorian of his bany, Ind., will be the Quadrangle, will consist of the fol- /ho wish to secure the June graduating class of 340 from New lowing program: degree of master of business adminis- Albany Senior High School, where he Unit Gets 'Satisfactory' ATO—Loch Lomond, arranged by from a graduate school after holds a straight "A" record. Clapp Waring, Desert Song, Romberg. e year of additional study. It was on the basketball Somewhere over the Rainbow, o be of value to pre-law, pre- freshman year and has played varsity BTP— pre-dental, pre-theological, Rating from Inspectors The Halls o] Ivy. football and track for four years. This students, and those who year he was a regular tackle on his DTD—Passing By, Purcell; Gloria The fourth annual federal inspection Remarking on the military training r some branch of govern- school's first undefeated football squad. (B-flat Mass) Fanner. development. Col. Jones of Sewanee's Air Force ROTC unit, and leadership Christe; Sere- wnt service, said Dr. Thorogood. He is treasurer of the Methodist Youth Ind. Adoramus Te held recently, merited a rating of "sat- stated: "This phase of the inspections For the graduate going directly into Fellowship and a member of his nade (Student Prince), Romberg. isfactory" by the three man inspection was very impressive as a well organ- usiness the program will provide not church's choir. Clapp plans to enter KA—Long Ago and Far Away, Kern; team. The two-day inspection covered ized 'cadet-run' activity. A variety of inly a broad liberal arts education but the I Shenandoah, Traditional. three major groups: unit and detach- routine leadership activities was evident specific- knowledge of the key processes Dunlap, 17. son of Mr. B B March, the Men Harleich, ment administration, education, includ- with a high degree of student interest KS— of of ai-e basic to every form of busi- Dunlap of 1802 Catawba Avenue, C Brewer; Gaudeamtts Igitur (Student ing military training and leadership de- and participation. Results indicated nterprhe. a combination widely lumbia, S. C, will graduate next moi arranged by Arnold Rose). velopment, and material. motivated cadets possessing high esprit Prince, d by leading business executives from the Columbia High School, wh Air Force officers composing the de corps and those qualities desired in PDT Stouthearted Men, Romberg; antl educators. he is president of the student body ; team included Col. Graydon F. Jones, young Air Force officers." Finlandia, Sibelius. The understanding afforded of eco- the Key Club, and vice-president professor of air science at Virginia The inspection included visits to air PGD—Hospodi Polmttui, Lvovsky; lOmics and political institutions and his senior class. A first-string fullb; Polytechnic Institute; Lt. Col. Robert seine classes, inspection and "trooping Erie Cnnal, Traditional. iroblems plus the training in account- and a member of the varsity track N. Loyd, Air University Headquarters; the line" of ranks in parade and re- SN Davy Crockett; Oh, Lord, Look nij, management, business law, princi- team, Dunlap was elected to the. All and Lt. Col. James K. Briggs, profes- view, a critique by the cadet officers, 1954 ples of marketing, money and banking, Area All Stars' Football Team in sor science the University of and conferences with the unit's Air of air at not yet atisties, taxation, international eco- Girault, 17, son of Mrs. Virginia Gi At press time, the SAEs had Force officers and University officials. Southern California. program. imics, and other areas, offered in rault of 4417 Carondelet Street, New announced their part of the urst.- here, will enable the Orleans, La., will graduate in June The PGD fraternity retired the cup be well prepared to go directly i from St. Martin's Protestant Episcopal last year, having won it three consecu- the fields of manufacturing finance, Cadets Graduate May 30 School, where he is an acolyte and •uraiice, merchandising, transportati member of the honor roll and National quired for this year. ind others. The Dismissal by the Commandant icher; Dr. Edward Mc- Beta Club. He has been active on the Following the Sing, the SAEs will of The M.B.A. degree is conferred by of the Sewanee Military Academy, af- Crady, the Vice-Chancellor; the Salu- school paper staff and as a member hold a reception on their lawn until Girault has captained many leading graduate schools onlj ter the singing of Auld Lang Syne on tatorian. Cadet Henry Tompkins Kirby- the Key Club. 6: 00 p.m. Everyone is cordially in- after two years of graduate study, but the chapel lawn, in a final formation Smith. Jr.; the Valedictorian, Cadet both the varsity football and basket- an increasing number of such school; on Monday, May 30. will mark the end Joseph Delma Cointment, III; and Dr. ball teams and last year was named are now offering the degree at the end of school for the graduating class of Charles T. Harrison, Dean of the Col- most athletic boy. A member of the the All- of one year of graduate study if the 1955. They will have just completed 'ege of Arts and Sciences, who will varsity track team, he was on student has taken certain "con a week-end of festivities which in- have delivered the Commencement Ad- Metropolitan football squad for three Morris, Duggan onomics and business cluded parades, presentations of aca- dress. years and was captain in 1954. Girault '^-'ici-jTaduale (Coi nuedc ?4) years. Included demic and athletic awards, military The Rev. John C. Turner, rector of Select Staffs competitions, receptions, and dances. the Church of the Advent, Birming- ..:!,. :agement. Some outstanding participants will be: ham, Alabama, will deliver the Corn- Ed Duggan, editor of the '56 Cap and com- the Rev. John C. Turner, the Sen the 1:00 (Men&ar Gown, has appointed the following service in All Saints' Chapel. The staff for next year's annual: Turner received his BA. in 1928, Rev. Joe McAllister, BTP, and Mason Mor- and his B.D. in 1931, horn Sewanee. 8:00 Seniors Get Commissions t ris, PGD, associate editors; Bob Pierce, June of He was ordained deacon in ma Mu. SAE. and Bob Hooker, PGD, advertis- -t. Col. F. Gilland, 1931, and priest in March 1932 by Bish- 8:00 p.m.—St. Luke's Woman's Aux- W. former pro- ing managers; and Penn Bowers, ATO, •or of Science, op Juhan. He married Anne Elizabeth iliary, St. Luke's Auditorium. Air was informed by circulation manager. adquarters recently that all Sewanee en were appointed sec- Skinner, in June 1937, and they now Friday, May 13 Also appointed as assistant editors liors children. has been a graduating this June, who com- ond lieutenai , in the Air National have four He Golf Sewanee vs. University of Ten- — were Bill Mount, KS, sports; Gene ; e AF ROTC by graduation or at Guard, and vo elected to receive Deputy to General Convention, a mem- nessee, Knoxville. Smith. PGD, organizations; Ralph Bird- end ber of the Executive Council of the of the 1955 Summer Training, certificates o: completion. The four Saturday, May 14 sey, ATO, fraternities; Dave Nunnallv, 11 be commissioned in the Air Force who were awarded Reserve ap- Province of Sewanee. Chairman of the AF Tennis—Sewanee vs. Chattanooga, at features; Bob Wright, BTP, pointments as non-flying officers were provincial department of Christian Ed- ATO. Chattanooga. Al The new second lieutenants will be commissioned because of outstandinp ucation, President of the Standing classes; Joe Dawley, SAE, and Golf—Sewanee vs. Chattanooga, at »«ed to Committee, a clerical trustee of the Clark.
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