E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 108 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 150 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 2004 No. 110 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was You. This we pray in Your Holy Name. pro tempore, upon the recommendation called to order by the Speaker pro tem- Amen. of the Democratic Leader, appoints the pore (Mr. BRADLEY). following individual to the United f States Commission on International f THE JOURNAL Religious Freedom, for a term of two DESIGNATION OF THE SPEAKER years: The SPEAKER pro tempore. The PRO TEMPORE Chair has examined the Journal of the Preeta D. Bansal of Nebraska. The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- last day’s proceedings and announces f fore the House the following commu- to the House his approval thereof. WELCOMING THE REVEREND L. nication from the Speaker: Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- JOHN GABLE WASHINGTON, DC, nal stands approved. September 15, 2004. (Mr. PENCE asked and was given per- f I hereby appoint the Honorable JEB BRAD- mission to address the House for 1 LEY to act as Speaker pro tempore on this PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE minute and to revise and extend his re- day. marks.) J. DENNIS HASTERT, The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the Mr. PENCE. Mr. Speaker, it is with Speaker of the House of Representatives. gentleman from Hawaii (Mr. CASE) particular pleasure that I rise to wel- come forward and lead the House in the f come the Reverend L. John Gable and Pledge of Allegiance. PRAYER his wife Kris to the Chamber of the Mr. CASE led the Pledge of Alle- United States House of Representatives The Reverend L. John Gable, Pastor, giance as follows: today. Crossroads Presbyterian Church, I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the Reverend Gable is a graduate of Mequon, Wisconsin, offered the fol- United States of America, and to the Repub- Princeton Theological Seminary as lowing prayer: lic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. well as Hanover College in Hanover, In- God of grace and glory, Your word in- diana, and his ministry has carried him structs us to pray for those in leader- f through Ohio, Iowa, and now he serves ship and for those who are in positions as senior pastor for a decade at Cross- MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE of authority over us. As we gather here roads Presbyterian Church in Mequon, today, we recognize that we are those A message from the Senate by Mr. Wisconsin. The Good Book says, ‘‘If very leaders. Yet we humbly confess Monahan, one of its clerks, announced you owe debts, pay debts.’’ I rise today that our strength and wisdom is insuf- that the Senate has passed without to discharge a large one in my life, for ficient for the issues of our day, so we amendment a bill of the House of the it was 25 years ago as a young man at pray for Your wisdom, strength and following title: Hanover College that the then student guidance, and our openness to it. H.R. 5008. An act to provide an additional John Gable, more than anyone else, We pray for those gathered in this temporary extension of programs under the challenged me to take seriously the hall and for the decisions that will be Small Business Act and the Small Business claims of Christ. I will never forget the discussed and made here. We pray for Investment Act of 1958 through September day, Mr. Speaker, that young John our President and for all those who 30, 2004, and for other purposes. Gable said to me, ‘‘Remember, MIKE, serve the common good that their ac- The message also announced that the you have got to wear it in your heart tions and decisions might be in accord- Secretary be directed to request the re- before you wear it around your neck.’’ ance with Your perfect will for peace, turn to the Senate (S. 2261) entitled As those at Crossroads Presbyterian justice and freedom. ‘‘An Act to expand certain preferential Church know and people in Ohio and Save us, O Lord, as a people and as a trade treatment for Haiti,’’ in compli- Iowa and all over the country, John Nation from the self-confidence that ance with a request of the Senate for Gable has made a difference in Amer- forgets its dependence on You; yet in- the return thereof. ica, in the lives of thousands, and he spire us in the realization that the The message also announced that most certainly made a difference in work we do is important in the serving pursuant to Public Law 105–292, as mine. It is my pleasure to welcome the of Your purposes. amended by Public Law 106–55, and as Reverend L. John Gable and his wife Lord, bless us and bless our Nation further amended by Public Law 107–228, Kris to the United States House of Rep- that we in turn may be a blessing to the Chair, on behalf of the President resentatives today as our chaplain. b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H7193 . VerDate Aug 04 2004 03:02 Sep 16, 2004 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A15SE7.000 H15PT1 H7194 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 15, 2004 ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER siasm and wit, to say nothing of ex- for 1 minute and to revise and extend PRO TEMPORE traordinary candlepower. Those are the his remarks.) The SPEAKER pro tempore. The traits he took with him to Iraq and the Mr. ROHRABACHER. Mr. Speaker, this morning I have introduced a con- Chair will entertain up to 5 one-minute traits he brings with him every day to stitutional amendment that will pro- speeches on each side of the aisle. physical therapy as he continues to re- cover. vide the American people with a wider f Today, Scott Erwin is back at the range of presidential candidates. My TRIBUTE TO SCOTT ERWIN University of Richmond, still fighting, amendment will allow all those who still working, finishing his degree in have been citizens of the United States (Mr. DELAY asked and was given per- political science and the classics. He for more than 20 years to serve as mission to address the House for 1 does not know I am even here speaking President. This constitutional amend- minute.) these words about him, and maybe that ment is fully consistent with my long- Mr. DELAY. Mr. Speaker, so many is how he would prefer it. But these held support for a generous policy of times in our lives, blessings appear to words deserve the saying just the same. legal immigration but at the same us without our knowing. At other So, Scott, wherever you are, on be- time vigorously opposing all illegal im- times, Providence just slaps us in the half of everyone in my office and ev- migration. face. eryone here on Capitol Hill, thank you There are those here today who will In the summer of 2002, a young man for your service, thank you for your interpret this constitutional proposal named Scott Erwin, a senior at the courage, and we all look forward to permitting a naturalized citizen to University of Richmond, came to work seeing what you do with both of them serve as President as a political ploy in my office as an intern and made an in the future. designed to permit a prominent Cali- immediate impact on my staff. To the Good luck, Scott, and God bless you. fornia elected official who immigrated staff assistants who supervised him and to the United States from Central Eu- the senior staff who gave him his as- f rope and who still speaks with a thick signments, Scott revealed himself in URGING THE PRESIDENT TO accent to be eligible to be elected short order as a special young man, a SPEAK CANDIDLY President of the United States. man of intelligence, humor and gump- (Mr. EMANUEL asked and was given This is no ploy. I honestly believe tion. He was the kind of man who was permission to address the House for 1 that TOM LANTOS should be allowed to going to make a difference in the world minute.) seek the highest office in the land just and leave it better than he found it. Mr. EMANUEL. Mr. Speaker, yester- like any other elected official from Toward that end, while Scott’s class- day in Denver the President said, California. I ask my colleagues to join me in mates spent their senior year taking ‘‘When the American President speaks, supporting this constitutional amend- gut courses and working on their grad- he must mean what he says.’’ ment. uate school applications, Scott went to That is interesting coming from an Iraq. He transported a class on Amer- administration that told us the Medi- f ican democracy, which he had devel- care bill would actually cost $395 bil- IVAN THREATENS NEW ORLEANS oped and taught as a student at Rich- lion, all the while knowing it would (Mr. BLUMENAUER asked and was mond to the Coalition Provisional Au- cost $540 billion. given permission to address the House thority in Iraq, where he taught the From an administration that said it for 1 minute.) class to Iraqi university students.
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