TO THE MEMBERS OF THE ACADEMY OF MOTION PICTURE ARTS AND SCIENCES VOL. II, NO. 2 HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA JANUARY, 1967 Green, Head, Golitzen, Kuri Join "Oscar" Show Team Beverly-Hilton Selected Freed Appoints Members As Governors' Ball Site With additional key members from To Eighteen Committees last year's rating-setting Academy Members of 18 Academy commit­ Awards Presentation team again ac­ tees for 1966- 1967 have been named cepting assignments, plans for the by Arthur Freed, Academy president. 39th Annual Awards Show are rapid­ Freed serves as an ex officio member ly moving ahead. on each group. John Green will be music director The committee appointme nts are: and conductor for the April 10 "Oscar­ Awards Policy Committee on Rules cast" and Edith Head will be costume Elmer Bernstein, chairman; Jack consultant, according to producer Joe Atlas, Frank Capra, Macdonald Carey, Pasternak. Alex Golitzen will be art Hal Elias, Rudi A. Fehr, Jacob H. Karp, director. Emile Kuri will be set deco­ Emile Kuri , Walter M. Mirisch, Hal rator. All served in the same capac­ Mohr, Gordon E. Sawyer, Daniel Tara­ ities last year when the Presentation ROBERT M . WEITMAN has been elected to the Board of Governors of the Academy in dash and Robert M. Weitman. was televised in color for the first time a special election by Administrators Branch Awards Program Committee and drew the largest single-network members. The election was called as a result audience in TV history. of the death of Edmond L. DePatie, who Steve Broidy, chairman; Jack Atlas, had been elected to the Board last spring. Plans for the Governors' Ball which The other Administrators Branch member of Harry Brand, Alexander Golitzen, Wil ­ follows the Presentation also are well the Board is Steve Broidy. liam W. Hornbeck, Fred Hynes, Bronis­ advanced. Again this year, it will be lau Kaper, Jacob H. Karp, Emile Kuri, held in The Beverly-Hilton Hotel, in 1953. He has been nominated for Arth ur C. Mi lIer, Richa rd Murphy, Academy President Arthur Freed an­ Academy Awards 12 times. Gregory Peck, Geoffrey Shurlock, Harry nounced. He has served the Academy as a Tytle and Robert E. Wise. Earlier, Pasternak was named pro­ first vice president, assistant secretary Building Committee ducer for the third successive year, and and secretary. He was awarded an Steve Broidy, chairman; Macdonald Bob Hope was named master of cere­ Academy life membership in 1953. Carey, Hal Elias, Glenn Farr, Alexander monies for the third straight year. This will ' be the 13th consecutive Golitzen, Fred Hynes, Jacob H. Karp, This will be the third successive year that Miss Head has served as Raymond A. Klune, Hal Mohr, Richard year, and the ninth time, that Green costume consultant. She has received Murphy and Gordon E. Sawyer. has served as music director and con­ 27 Academy nominations for costume Finance Committee ductor for the Academy Awards Pre­ design achievement and has been sentation. He also was general director awarded seven " Oscars," Richard Murphy, chairman; Steve of the 1949 Awards Show, and pro­ Gol itzen will be serving as art direc­ Broidy, Macdonald Carey and Hal ducer-director in 1952, when the Show tor for the fourth time. He is a three­ Elias. first appeared on television. time "Oscar" winner, for "Phantom Documentary Awards Committee Green is a four-time "Oscar" win­ Of The Opera," 1943; "Spartacus," Norman Corwin, chairman; Joseph ner, having been voted Academy 1960; and "To Kill A Mockingbird," Ansen, True Boardman, McClure Awards for the best scoring of a musi­ 1962. He currently is a member of the Capps, Syd Cassyd, Robert Cohn, Hal cal picture, "Easter Parade," 1948; Academy's Board of Governors. Elias, Norman Fell, Sy Gomberg, Lou "An American in Paris," 1951; and Kuri, also a member of the Board of Greenspan, Roland Kibbee, Jack Kin ­ " West Side Story," 1961; and for pro­ Governors, has won two "Oscars," for ney, Werner Klemperer, Julian Lesser, duction of the best one-reel short sub­ "The Heiress" in 1949 and for " 20,000 Steven Marlo, Richard Meyer, Walter ject, "The Merry Wives of Windsor," Leagues Under The Sea" in 1954. (Continued on Page 3) 12 Scientific -Technical Achievements Demonstrated Demonstrations of 12 of the out­ Electronic Motor, Panavision Incorpo­ Cinetechnical Subcommittee - Robert Otto, chairman; Rudolph Frank, AI Sculati, Howard standing scientific and technical rated; Technical Handbook of Mathe­ Cashion, Earl Lytle, Ralph McClure, Kenneth achievements of the past year were matics for Motion Picture Music Syn­ Lohnes. held in November for members of chronization, Ruby Raksin; Frame Line Editorial Subcommittee - Murray Schaffer, the Academy Scientific or Technical Marker, Alf red E. Wahrman; One- Light chairman; Norman Ealmer, Do,!glas Denis, Robert Stevenson, Archie Marshek, Hugh Fowler, William Awards Committee. The photographs Color Dailies, Consolidated Film In­ Hornbeck, Fred Talmoge. above show committee members and dustries; Method of Increasing Emul­ Laboratory Subcommittee-Ed Reichard, chair· demonstrations at various locations sion Speed of Color Negatives, man; Mel Schuster, Bing Miller, Alan Jacksan, AI required to properly present each C. B.S. ; Mitchell Mark II Reflex Camera, Lofquist, Henry Goldfarb. achievement. Mitchell Camera Corporation; Arriflex Music Subcommittee - Herschel Burke Gilbert, chai rman; Charles Clement, George Duning, Mur­ The committee will make its recom­ Camera, Arriflex Corporation of Amer­ ray Gerson, Ralph Ives, Joseph Mullendore, Ron­ mendations for Awards recognition to ica; Break Detection System, Consoli­ ald Stein. the Board of Governors in March. dated Film Industries; System for Re­ Production Subcommittee - Ben Hersh, chair­ Pursuant to committee policy, these covery of Solvent Vapors, Consoli­ man; Thomas Leetch, Darrell Wright, Curtis Mick, Stanley Hough, Marshall Green, Joe L. Cramer, achievements are publicized to permit dated Film Industries; and Projection Herbert Meyer. anyone with claims of prior art, or with Lens Series, Kollmorgen Corporation. Projection Subcommittee - Pat Offer, chair­ devices similar to those under consid­ The following subcommittees at­ man; Jack Scales, Lowell Keeley, Frank McBrien, eration, to so advise the Academy. tended the demonstrations and Louis Herrin, James Eddy, Reg Bunce, Walter Gunther, Ben Url ik , Haig Sakajian, Charles Ven­ The achievements demonstrated assisted the main comm ittee in the cill, George Evans, Ed Olson, Ralph Wellbaum, were: evaluation program. B. Bandy, Nick Abdo, Jerry Alperstein. Cine- Focus, Century Projector Cor­ Cinematographic Subcommittee- Ray Johnson, Sound Subcommittee - Albert Green, chair­ poration; Panatron Power Inverter, chairman; Gert Anderson, Ed Colman, Ha skell man; Hal Landaker, Robert Cook, Russell Hanson, Boggs, Leon Shamroy, William Wade, Mark Davis, G. M. Sprague, Willard Burch, James Corcoran, Panavision Incorporated; Varispeed Tom Conroy. George Tallian, Jack Leahy. Page Two Freed Appoints Members Important Dates as IOscarl Time Nears To Eighteen Committees Following are some of the important dates facing various committees and IContinued from Page 1) the membersh ip before the Academy Awards Presentation Monday, Apri 110: Reisch, Frances Richardson, Leo S. Friday, Jan. 27.... Mail nominations ballots for Acting, Directing, Writing and Best Picture Awards Rosencrans, Dolores Rubin, Geoffrey Friday, Feb. 3 ................................................. .lMaiI nominations ballots for Film Editing Award Tuesday, Feb. 7 ...................................................... Mail nominations ballots for Music Awards Shurlock, Sidney P. Solow, Harry Tytle, Thursday, Feb. 9 ...................................... Mail nominations ballots for Ci nematography Awards Robert M . W . Vogel and Adrian Friday, Feb. 10. ................... Mail nominations ballots for Art Direction, 'Costume Design Awards Woolery. Friday, Feb. 10.. .. Nominations polls close for Acti ng, Directing, Writing and Best Pi cture Awards Monday, Feb. 13 ............................................... :Nominations polls close for Film ·Ed iting Award Foreign Language Film Award Wednesday, Feb. 1 S .................................................. Nominations polls close for Music Awards Committee Thursday, Feb. 16. ..................................... Nominations polls close for Cinematography Awards Friday, Feb. 17........... ........... Nominations polls close for Art Direction, Costume Design Awards Robert M . W. Vogel, cha irman; Ed­ Monday, Feb. 20 ............................................................................ A II nominations announced gar Preston Ames, Louis Blaine, Mac­ Wednesday, Feb. 22 ........................................................ Mail nominations screening schedules donald Carey, Rudi A. Fehr, Ely Le vy, Saturday, Feb. 2S .............................. Begin nominations screenings in Academy Award Theatre Wednesday, March 22 .................................................................................... Mail Final 'Ballots Roy C. Metzl er, Tony Navarro, Don Friday, March 31 .............................................................................................. Fina l polls close Prince, Carl Schaefer, Geoffrey Shur­ Monday, April 1 0 .................................................................................... Awa rds Presentations lock, Harry Tytle, Clarke H. Wales and Rose Goldstein Zimanich. Scientific or Technical Awards Foreign language Film Forum and Screening Committee Committee Geoffrey ShuriockL..£b.airman;_Harry
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