FOREST RESOURCES OF DHULIA DISTRICT OF MAHARASHTRA STATE FOREST SVB."BY OF INDIA CENTRAL ZONE NAGPUR 1988 M.bMIJ ~... ~. ~~ -. ----~-. I -= e • ••~, , FOREST RESOURCES OF DHULIA DISTRICT OF MAHARASHTRA STATE FOREST SVBJ7'EY OF INIJI~t CENTRAL ZONE NAGPUR 1988 PRE l' l\ C Ii: This report contains the result of the inventory of the for"ests of Dhul ia district in Maharashtra, wade b~' the Central Zone (~f the Forest Survey of India. The inventory waS wade during the period November .1982 to March 1983. The report covers that part of the distr'ict which i:.> included in North Dhulia and West Dhulia Forest Divisions. P~rt of the district covered in Mewasi Forest Division was surveyed during 1977-79 and a report on the forest resources of this part was published earlif:r. The total forest area of Dhulia district ~s 4503 Sq.km., but this l~eport describes Uw situation of ~. about 3970 Sq. km. forest area which forror..; part of North & W~st Dhulia Forest Divisions. The total growing stock in the forests of 3 North & Y~est Forest Divis ions is about 3.38 x l~ m . The figure of average growing ~,;tock in one ·hectare of forest works out at 32.86 m3 . The three sp~cies which occur in preponderance are Anogeissus latifolia, Tectona grandis and Boswellia serrata. The three species account for near ly t .... VlO third of the growing stock. I About 40% of the populat.ion in the region covered by the inventory is that of t~e tribals who depend substantially on the forest for their livelihood, But unfortunately the forest resou~ce is fast dwindling on aocount of various biotic pressures. The forests have been depleted on accQuni; of shifting c;ultivation, enoroachments, uncontrolled grazing and frequent fires. Natural regeneration is either absent or inadequate. If immediate Gteps are not taken to prote(~t the forests from the biotio factor:; enumet'at.ed above total degradation of forests may take place. The staff of the Central Zone deserve commendations for their ~o~k, I hope the repor-t wi 11 be l"weful in plunning forest management in Dbul ia dist.rict. J.B.Lal Director Forest Survey of India ~!5·-Subhash Road Debradun. --------------------------~---------------------------· ------- Paragrapb Contents Page No. No. ------------------------------------------------------------- Map of India showing Dhulia district. Road map of Dhulia district. Forest Map of Dhulia district. ----------------------------~------------------------- ------- CHAPTER-I INTRODUCTION ------------------------------------------------------------- 1.0 General 1 1.1 Location and boundaries 1 1.2 Administrative Units and Are~ 2 Table No.1 Break up of Forest Area(sq.km) of 3 Dhulia district. 1.3 Climate 4 1.4 Topography '..-- 5 1.5 Drainage ~ 5 1.B' Geology and rocks _ 6 1.7 Soils 6 1.8 Minerals 7 1.9 Land-use pattern -7 1.10 Socia-economic conditions 7 Table No.2 - Giving consolidated information of-,' 8-10 -'Dhulia district under v-e.rious heads. 1.11 Infrastructure 10 1.12 Ind~stries ._ 11~ ------ ------------s---:'~--------------7------------------- _____ _ CHAPTER -II THE FOREST- --_---------- - ~-----------------~---------_---------~------- 2.0 General description 12 2.1 Damage to the forest 13 2.2 Rights and concessions 14 2.3 Privileges 1'5 2.4 Forest types 15 2.5 Present F'orest Management 18 2.6 Wild-life management 20 ---------------- - --~-----------------------------------~----- CHAPTER -III RESOURCES SURVEY METHODOLOGY ----------------- ------- - ---~- - ------------------------------ 3.0 Objectives of the survey 22 3.1 Area ,considered for survey 22 3.2 Inventory d esign 22 Diagrams 1,2 and 3 showing design of 23 inventory plots. 3.3 Location of plot on the ground 24 3.4 F ormat f or data collection 25 """:"'----------.-------------------------------------------------- 1 2 3 .--------------------------------~-------------------- -------- 3.5 Field work 27 3.6 Field checking 28 3.7 Maps 28 3.8 Consistency checking 29 ---------~~--~---------------------------------------- ------- CHAPTER-IV DATA PROCESSING ------------------------------------------------------------- 4.0 Sampling Design 30 4.1 Data 30 4.2 Data processing 30 4.3 Area 32 4.4 Volume estimation 32 4.4.1 Volume equations 32 4.4.2 Enumerated tree volume 34 4.4.3 Plot volume 34 4.5 Stand tables 34 4.6 Stock tables 34 4.7 Sampling error 35 ----------------------------=-------------------------------- CHAPTER -V INVENTORY RESULTS ------------------------------------------------------------- 5.0 Area_ 37 5.1 Forest area by land use classes 37 Table 5.1.T Break up of area~y land use classes 37-38 5.2 Area by crop compositions 39 Table 5.2.T Bre~k up of area under different crop 39 composition classes. 5.3 Area by topography and crop composition 39 Table 5.3.T Break up of ar·ea under di fferent crop 40 compositions by topography classes. 5.4 Area by slope percentage classes '40 Table 5.4.T Break up of ,area under di fferent crop' 40-41 compositions by slope classes. _ 5.5 Area by crop composition and soil-depth'- 41 classes~, Table 5.5.T Break up of area under di fferent crop .' 41 compositions by soil-depth classes. 5.6 Area by crop composition and canopy 42 layers. Table 5.6.T Break up of area under differenL urop 42 compos itions by canopy layers. 5.7 Area by crop composition and top height 42 classes. Table 5.7.T Break up of area under different crop 43 compositions by top height classes. 5.8 Area of forests by distribution of 43 diameter classes . Table 5.8.T Break up of area under different crop 44 compositions by size classes. 5.9 Plantable area in Government forest land 44 Table 5.9.T Estimated plantable area in (sq.km. lin 45 Government forest land. 1 3 5. 10 Soi 1 Erosion 45 5.11 Regeneration 45 5.12 Fire incidence 46 5.13 Grazing . 46 5.14 Occurrence of Bamboo 46 Map No.5. 1M Showing land use pattern in Dhulia 47 district. 5.2M Showing crop composition in Dhulia 48 district. 5.3M Showing distribution of topography 49 classes· in nhulia district. 5.4M Showing distribution of slope classes 50 in Dhulia district. 5.5M Showing soil depth in Dhulia district 51 5.7M Showing top height 52 5.8M Showing S1ze class 53 5.10M Showing incidence of soil erosion in Dh~a district: q4 5, rm Showing presence of regeneration in 55 Dhulia district. 5.12M Showing Fire incidence in Dhul ia distt. -.56 5.13M Showing Grazin~ incidence 57 -------------------------------------------------------------- -- CHAPTER-VI -INVENTORY RESULTS-GROWING STOCK -------------------------------------------------------------- Total no.of stems & stems/he. 58 Stratum - Teak 6.2 Total n_o. of stems and sterns/ha. 58 Stratum -Sa1ai. _ 6.3 Total no. stems and st:emsLha. 58 Stratum-Miscellaneous. 6.4 Total volume & Vol./ha.-Straturn-Teak 59 6.5 . ~. Salai 59 6.6 M-isc. 60 6.7 Abstract of ~tal growing stock 60 Table 6 . rtT Stems (000] Stratum-Teak 61 6.1B Stems/ha. Teak 62 6.2A Stems (0001 Salai 63 6.2B Stems/ha. 64 6.3A Stems (000) Misc. -' 6.5 6.3B Sterns/ha. 66_ 6.4A Vol. (000)H' Teak 67 6.4B Vo 1. /ha. 1',,.-3 68 6.5A Vol.(000)M~ Salai 69 6.5B Vol. /ha. M' s. 70 6.6A Vol. (000) M3 Misc. 71 6.6B Vol/. ha. MJ 72 6.7A Stand and stock distribution(combined) 73-74 stems. Jalbe S.7.B Stand and s~ock distribution (combined) 75-76 volume. o. Ie Abstract of Growing stOCR per hectare 77 Map. No.6. 7M VolGme map of Dhulia distriot. 78 6.8 Mean volume per ha. (M3 ) by topography classes. 79 Diagram 6. 8D Showing distribution of mean vol./ha. (M3 ) under di fferent topc)grahy classes in Dhulia district. 80 3 6.9 Mean volume per ha. (M ) by slope classes. 81 Diagram 6. 9D Showing distribution of mean vol./ha. (M"3)under different slope classes in Dhulia district.. '3 82 6.10 Mean volume per ha. (M ) by soil depth classes. 83 '0. 11 Mean volume/ha, (M"3) by canopy layers 83 Diagram6. 10D Showing distribution of mean vol./ha(M under different soi'l depth cl asses in Dhulia district. 84 6.11D Showing distribution· of Mean vol./ha. (M~) under different canopy layers in DhUJ. ia district. 85 volume per/ha. (M 3 ) by' top 6.12 ~ean . height classes. - 86 Diagram6.12D Showing distribution of Mean vol./ha. (M 3 ) under different ~op heigh~ classes in Dhulia district. 87 6 .,. 13 Mean volume per bectare JM~ ) by .- Size classes. 88 6. 14 Growing stock with forest types with .~ standard error 88 DiagramS.. l=:?D Showing dis-tri bution of- mean volurne 3 per hectare ( M .) under different Siz~ classes in Dhulia district. - 89 ;Table 6. 14T Growing stock with forest ty~es with 90 Standard error. ANNEXURES L _________________________ ======== ___________________ .______ _ { ,1. -List of common trees,shurbs, climbers, bamboos-and grasses occuring in forests 91-94 of Dhulia district. Bibliography 95 , ! L ____________________________________________________________ _ • P OF ! ]DIA SHO ~ING CATCH .E T ...... seAL:' 1,:,0 s. I~O 2;)0 ,~. .}OO 5 ' 0 "--~.~;--~~:--~I~~J~~=3 ~ - /.~ ) :.r....J ..~ ~ 0 KARNATAKA : .'"\. ')-.. .,.. ~ r ' ''\j ........ ) (f"I c,... .. ,... .. .', -;0 " r> .. v ") TAMILNADU AN~MAN() ~ ISLANDSNI~BAR o (" "1 LAKSHAOWEEP 17 : ! ( " Q o.~ o (1 AREA COVERED IN THE REPORT RUAU MAt-'Ut" DHULE DISTRICT SCALE:-. I'. I , 000,000 To Newali To lnd re '-"'-'_. ___ ". ~ . \ .......r-._ - .".' J ( . ~ 1 ( -.- . " _,- _-' ( To Sotana __. ) r' " To Bombay INDEX:-- STATE BOUNDARY BOUNDARY • DISTRICT HIGH WAY NATlONAL ROADS WAY STATE HIGH UNMETALLED TRACK. RAILWAY • RIVER ... ARE A INCWDED IN -=0 S o DHU E DIS1T. \Mo or shira Stero) \ SCALE:- I: 1,000,000 , _) M P o ~.
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