University of Central Florida STARS Central Florida Future University Archives 2-7-2007 Central Florida Future, Vol. 39 No. 58, February 7, 2007 Part of the Mass Communication Commons, Organizational Communication Commons, Publishing Commons, and the Social Influence and oliticalP Communication Commons Find similar works at: https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture University of Central Florida Libraries http://library.ucf.edu This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University Archives at STARS. It has been accepted for inclusion in Central Florida Future by an authorized administrator of STARS. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 39 No. 58, February 7, 2007" (2007). Central Florida Future. 1967. https://stars.library.ucf.edu/centralfloridafuture/1967 ) ) www.CentralFloridaFuture.com ·Wednesday, February 7, 2007 Fear of a blank canvas Stetson art professor.tells students they have nothing to fear when it .) comes to art-SEE NEWS, A2 , ATHLETICS ~ig Ep.gone.until Spring 2010 · ABE ABORAYA The recommendations from the hear­ his car the next morning - still wearing News Editor ing's administrator ultimately led to the the clothes covered in a mixture of suspension. Crisco, cottage cheese, syrup and sar­ The Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity was Streets told pdlice on Dec. 7, that, dines. suspended for three years Monday by the among other thlngs, he wasn't anowed to In a letter to Sig Ep fro:µi Patricia Office ofStudent Rights and Responsibil­ go to a hospital after he jumped. over a MacKown, the director of student rigllts ities after allegations ofhazing during last pole and wasn't caught by other mem­ and responsibilities, Mackown stated fall's Hell Week surfaced bers. that Sig Ep was found to be in violation of Cole Streets, the fraternity pledge who Tom Chase, Streets' lawyer, said the university's Disorderly Conduct and brought the charges, testified via tele­ · Streets suffered a bulged disc in his lower Hazing policy of the Golden Rule. AMANDA MOORE I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE phone at a Jan. 26 hearing that deter­ back from the incident, and that Streets Sigma Phi Epsilon members attend a hearing on Jan. 26. mined the ultimate fate of the fraternity. had to crawl on his hands and knees to PLEASE SEE ACTION ON A6 The fraternity has beef! suspended for 3 years. HeyUCF students: ENTERTAINMENT Quiet on SUPER BOWL AD LEAVES BITTER the set! TASTE 'Snow White' It can't be a Super Bowl without update to be shot controversy. Snickers has dropped , its commercials of two mechanics part~ally at UCF sharing an .accidental kiss, after protests from gay rights groups. LAUREN PAULAUSKAS The commercial was the first that Contributing Writer Snickers has shown during the Suj)!!r Bowl since 2001, and might A major motion picture is · be their last for a while. shooting right here in Orlando, - and you could be in it. Background Entertainment Services held their first casting call last Friday in the Student Union for extras to be in Syd­ •' ney White, a movie starring ~ Amanda Bynes. The $15 mil­ lion motion picture will start filming Feb.14 in various places in Orlando, like Rollins College and downtown Orlando. UCF is one of those loi:;a­ tions. "It's just a great location - · ARQUND CAMPUS,A2 UCF has so much to offer,'' Melanie Moreno, casting direc­ CAB CINEMA TO HOST tor and owner of Background SHOWING OF BORATIN Entertainment; said With 2,500 extras needed, STUDENT UNION TODAY there are plenty of opportuni­ Sacha Baron Cohen's famous' Borat is getting a special showing here at UCF ties to be an extra, perhaps before it is released on DVD to the even get a speaking part. Extras will $75 public. The movie, which is as be paid a day for the 12- controversial as it is famous, will be to-14-hour · days they would shown in the Cape Florida Room. work, and some ofthe shooting PLEASE SEE MOVIE-MAKING ON A6 LOCAL &STATE,A2 STATE BEGINNING FCAT REWRITE AS STUDENTS BEGIN THIS YEAR'S TEST Trans fat As students began taking this year's Florida Comprehensive Assessment ban fools Test, education officials Tuesday -0utliried plans to rewrite the test ov~r the next four or five years to conform to new standards. -even ·the finnicky NATION &WORLD, A4 TREASURY SECRETARY BRANDON BIELICH Staff Writer SAYS FEDERAL BUDGET The UCF Marketplace CAN BE BALANCED began using trans fat-free fryer The Bush administration presented to oil more than a week ago as members of Congress on Tuesday an part of a nationwide switch opportunity to support the brought about by Aramark president's new $2.9 trillion spending Higher Educati1;m, the compa­ plan, arguing that the budget can be ny that supplies dining services balanced with restraining spending to the campus, but some stu­ and making tax cuts permanent. dents can't even taste the dif-· ference. The conversion comes at a INDEX TODAY'S time when Americans have voiced their concern about the Around Campus 2 WEATHER unhealthy effects of trans fats Weather 2 and after the Food and Drug Local &State 2 Administration required last Nation & World 4 year that products now include Sports 8 trans fat-content information Opinions 11 MOSTLY SUNNY on nutrition facts labels. Oassifieds 12 According to the FDA, trans Sudoku 13 74° 52° HIGH LOW Crosswonl 13 PLEASE SEE ON I OFFICIALS A6 Al www.Centra/FloridaFuture.com February 7, 2007 • (enttal :Jlofiba :futun AROUND • LOCAL CAMPUS &STATE News and notices for Keep local with headlines the UCF community you may have missed CAB Onema to host Borat showing State beginning FCAT rewrite as The Campus Activities students begin this year's test Board's Cinema committee will TALLAHASSEE - As stu­ • hold a showing of the movie Art professor paints dents began taking this year's Borat: Cultural Learnings of Florida Comprehensive Assess­ America for Make Benefit Glori­ a picture of art as ~ ment Test, education officials ous Nation of Kazakhstan on Tuesday outlined plans to Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8 form not to be feared rewrite the test over the next p.m. in the Cape Florida Room four or five years to conform to at the Student Union. new standards. The movie features comedi­ JESSICA SUNDAY The FCAT will be revamped an Sacha Baron Cohen's char­ Contributing Writer to match pending updates in the acter of a Kazakh journalist Sunshine State Standards for unfamiliar with American cus­ Sharing his philosophy with art lovers math and changes for reading toms. and UCF students alike, Gary Bolding has and language arts approved last · There will also be free pop­ brought a fearless combination of his tra­ month by the State Board of corn to those who come to the ditional surrealist art and his latest Education, said Kris Ellington, • showing. · abstract pieces to the UCF Art Gallery in the Department of Education's For more information, con­ the V1Sual Arts Building. student assessment program tact Evi Christodoulou at 407- Painting from two different sides ofthe director for kindergarten 823-6471. art spectrum, Bolding, an award-winning through 12th grade. • artist and . a finalist for the National "It is critically important that · Sorority philanthropy event Endowment for the Arts/Southern Arts this test that has such high Federation Fellowship, communicated NICOLE STANCH I CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE The UCF chapter of the l'i his Gary Bolding talks to students last Thursday about ~is work on display in the Visual Arts Building. Bolding has made the stakes for kids and adults ... is Beta Phi sorority will be hosting willingness and ability to evolve with the switch in his work from realism to abstract, turning a new leaf with his art. , one that meets the highest pos- . it's annual philanthropy event, ever:-changing field of art. sible standards,'' Ellington told Rock the Arrow, today at 7 p.m. "I am a guy that teaches something ,I sense of humor about art. Now he has this way to demonstrate the artist's "master of the House Kindergarten-12 in the Pegasus Ballroom. can't define - art is constantly changing. addition of new work that is very the medium" to the students, according to Committee. ~I Rock the Arrow is a dance As soon as you think you know what art is, abstract." Theo Lotz, director of the art gallery. At stake is whether third and lip sync competition held it changed," said Bolding, an art professor Some art students already •have a "I like to ask my students the question graders are promoted and high to support Pi Phi's national phi­ at Stetson University iri DeLand favorite piece of Boldin.g's work. of, What is art for?' I respond~ 'art is for schoolers graduate, whether .-lanthropy of literacy. "Fear no art. This can be taken in two "My favorite piece of work by Gary filling the holes,'" Bolding said schools are rewarded or pun­ •, For more information, con­ ways: the traditional education that no art here is the Double-Self Portrait, which is Before contemplating why Bolding ished and whether teachers tact Casey Keller at 772-341- is worthy of fear, or fear is the absence of done in his older style. It is witty," said Phil chose to "fill in.the holes" the way he has, receive merit pay. 9370. art,'' Bolding told a group of art students. Jasen, a senior art major, after viewing the Kilbride reminded potential art apprecia­ "It's going to be a new test," last Friday. , exhibit on Thursday. tors that "sometimes art is just meant to Ellington said.
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