CLASS OF 1860. 1847. (Born N. J.) ...WALTER McFARLAND .. .. (Ap'd N. Y.) . l Military History.--Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July 1, 1855, to Jllly 1, 18GO', when he wus gmduuted and promoted in the Army to Bn. SECO ~D LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 18GO. Served as Asst. Engineer in the construction of the Defenses of the ap­ proaches to New Orleans, Nov. 1, 18GO, to Feb. Hi, 1861,-and of the F ortifi­ cations of Key West, Fla., Feb. 19 to Apr, 14, 186l. Served during the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 18GI- 66: as ASHt. (SECOND LIEUT., OORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAY 1, 18(1) Engineer in the Defense of Ft. Pickens, Fla., Apl'. 16, to Aug. 29, 18Gl; (FIRST LIEU~'., CORPS OF ENGINEEllS, AUG. G, 18Gl) with the Naval Expedition for constructing Defenses at the heads of the passes of the Mi ssissippi River, Aug. 29 to Oct. 14, 1861, being engaged in a Naval Action at South-west Pass, Oct. 12, 1861; as Asst. Engineer ill the Defense of Ft. Pickens, Fla. , Oct. 14, 1861, to Mar. 1, 1862, being eng'tged in the Bombardments of Nov. 22-23, 1861, and Jan. 1, 1862; as (BVT. C.Al"l.'., Nov. 23, 1861, FOR GALLANT AND ~IERrromou s SERVICES DURING THE BO;lID.<RD,\IEN'l' OF FT. PICIillNS, FLA.) Superintending Engineer of the construction of the Defenses of Key West, Fb., Mar. 5, 1862, to Dec., 1867, and of Ft. J efferson, Fla., Mar. 26, 1862, to Dec. 1867; as Ass!. Engineer in military Operations near Chadeston, S. C. Mar., 4 to Apr. 25, 1863; as Chief Engineer of 16th (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAll. 3, 18(3) Army Corps, Mar. 7 to June 2, 1865, having charge of thc Defenses of Mobile, (Bn. MAJOR, ApR. 11, 1865, ]'OR AULE, ZEALOUS, AND EFFICIENT SERVICES IN 'l'HE OPEUATIONS UND~:RTAKEN AGAINS~' CHARLESTON, S. C., IN 18(3) and of the E astern Shore of Mobile Bay, Apr. 21 to June 2, 1865; and as Asst. (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, JUNE 2 TO AUG. 15, 18(5) Adjutant-General, 13th Army Corps, June 2 to Aug. 15, 1865. MAJOR, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 7, 1867. 1848 . (Born N. Y.) ... .. JOHN A. TARDy ..........(Ap d N. Y. ) .. 2 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. :Uilitary Academy from July 1, 1855, to July 1, 1860, when he was graduated and promoted bl the Army to Bn. SECOND LIEUT., Conps OF ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1860 . • Tbe courso of tbis Class at tbe Milit>ry AC3demy was Pit.. yeartJ. U., S. MILITARY ACADEMY. 495 NUMBER. 1860. CLASS RANK. Served: with Engineer Company at West Point, N. Y., July 1 to Sep. 1, 1860; and as Asst. Engineer on the Defenses of New York harbor, Dec. 1, 1860, to Jan. 10, 186l. Serverr during the Hebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: attached to Engineer Company in Defense of 'Washington, D. C., Jan. 12 to Apr. 1, 1861, -und of Ft. Pickens, Fla., Apr. 15 to Sep. 30, 1861; as Asst. Engineer with the (SEC OND LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAY 2, 18( 1) Port Royal Expeditionary Corps, in commund of detachment ofEngineer troops, (FmsT LIEUT., CORPS OF ENGINEERS, AUG., 6, 18(1) Oct. 10, 1861, to Feb. 24, 1862. being engaged in charge of the Engineer Opera­ tions for the security ofTybee Island, Ga., Dec. 15, 1861, to Jan. 30, 1862; asOhief Engineer ofGeneral H. G. Wright's Florida Expedition, :Feb. 28 to Apr. 5,1862, ­ and in eharge of repairing and placing in fl state of Defense, Ft. Marion, Flu., Apr. 10 to ::lep. 9, 1862; as Asst. Engineer in the construction of the Defenses of Newport .md Covington, Ky., Oct. 14 to Dec. 1, 1862, -of the Louisville and Nashville Railroad, Dec. 15, 1862, to Jan. 14, ] 863, - and of Ft. "louroe, Va., Jan. 21 to June 28, 1863 ; [l.nd as Superintending Engineer of the con­ (CAPTAIN, CORPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 3, 18(3) struction and rep'lirs of Fts. Niagara and Porter, N. Y., June 30, 1863, to MM. 21, 1867, -·of temporary Defenses to protect Depot of Rebel Prisoners at Sandusky, 0., Sep. 21 , 1864, to Aug., 18G5, -of improvement of Buffalo and (BVT. MUOR, ""LAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES DURING THE REIlELLION) Genesee harbors, N. Y., Aug., 1864, to Mar. 21, 1867,->1nd of constrnction of (MAJOR, COIlPS OF ENGINEERS, MAR. 7, 18(7) Fts. Washington and Foote, and Examinations llnd Surveys of the Potomac River in the District of Columbia, Mar. 21 to June 3, 1867. DIED, JUNE 3, 1867, AT GEORGETOWN, D. C.: AGED 28. l849 .. (Born P a.) . .. .....HORACE PORTER. ........... (Ap'd Pa.) . 3 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Militm'y Academy from July 1, 1855, to July I, 1860, when he was graduated and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT. OF ORDNANCE, JULY 1, 18GO. Served as Asst. Ordnance Officer at Watervliet Arsenal, N. Y., 1860-61. SECOND LIEUT. OF ORDNANCE, APR. 22, 1861. Served dnring the Rebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: as As~t. Ord­ (FIRST LIEUT., OllDNANCE, JUNE 7, 18(1) nance Officer of the Port ROYI~1 Expeditionm'y Corps, Oct. 5, 1861, to July 2, 1862, beiug engagecl at the Hilton Heu<l Depot, Nov. 7 t.o Dec. 15, 1861,- in erecting Battel'ics of Heavy Artillery on Savannah River and Tybee Island, Ga., for the reduction of Ft. Pulaski, Dec. 15, 1861-Apr. 12, 1862 ,-as Chief of Orc1nance and Artillery at the Reduction and Capture of Ft. Pulasld, Ga., Apr. 10-11, 1862,- in prepal'ing Heavy Artillery and Ordnance Stores for (Bn. CAPT., APll. 11, 1862, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SEnnCES AT THE SIEGE OF PULASKI) James Island Expedition, Apr. 13- June 1, 1862,-and in tl,e Attack on Seces­ ~ionville, S. C., June 16, 1862; as Chief of Ordllance in the transfer of the Army of the l)otomac from Harrison's Landing, Va., to Maryland, July 25 to Sep. 19, 1862 ; as Chief of Orc1nance, Department of the Ohio, Sep. 29, 1862, to Jan. 25, 18G3,-and of the Department and Army of the Cumberland. (C,U'TAlN, ORDNL'<CE, MAll. 3, 18(3) / 496 GRADUATES OF THE NU~BEll. 1860. CLASS RANK. Jan. 28 to Nov. I, 1863; in the Tennessee Campaign, June 24 to Nov. I, 1863, being engaged in the Advance on Tullahoma, June 24 to July 4, 1863, -Pas~age of Elk River, July 3, and of the Tennessee, Sep. 2, 1863, -Battle of Chicimmaugu" Sep. 19- 20, 18C,3, - und Defense of Chattanooga, Sep. 20-Nov. I , 1863: on Special duty in the Ordnance Bureau, Washing­ ton, D. C., Nov. 19, 1863, to Apr. 4, 1864; as Aide-de-Camp to Lieut.-Geneml (LIEUT.-COL. STAFF- Mm:-DE-C.U\lP TO THE GENERAL-IN-CHIEF, ApH. 4, 13(4) Grant, Apr. 4, 1864, to July 25, 1866; in the Richmond Campaign, Apr, 30, 1864, to Apr. 0, 1865, on the Staff of the Commanding General, being engaged in the Battle of the Wildel'lless, May 5-6, 1864,- Battles about (Bv~l'. MMoR, MAY 6, 1864, FOR GALLANT AND MERITORIOUS SERVICES AT THE BATTLE OF THE VVILDEIINESS) Spottsylvania, May 9-20, 186i,-BattIes of North Anna, iVIny 21-25, 1864,­ Battle of Tolopotomy, May 28-29, 1864,-Battle of Bethesda Church, May 30, 1864,-.·Battles of Cold Harbor, June 3 and 5, 1864,-Passage of James Hiver, June 15, 1864,-Siege and Operations about Petersbmg, June 18, 1864, to (BvT. LIEUT.-COL., AUG. 16,1864, FOR GALLANT AND M£RITORIOUS SERVICES IN ACTION AT N EW1IARKET HEIGHTS, VA.) Apr. 2, 1865,- Pursuit of the Hebel Army under General L ee, Apr. 3-9,1865,­ (Bv'!'. COLONEL, U. S. VOLUNTEERS, FEB. 24, 1865, FOIl FAITHFUL AND i\'TERITORIOUS SERVICES) and Capitulation of Appomattox C. H" Apr. 9, 1865; and at the headquarters (BVT. COLONEL, U. S, ARMY, MAR. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT AND MEnITOIlIOUS SERVICES DURING THE HEBELLION) (BVT. BRIG.-GENERAL, U. S. ARMY, Man. 13, 1865, FOR GALLANT Al~D MERITOIUOUS SERVICES IN THE FIELD DUllING T11E REllELLION) of Geneml Grant, commanding the Armies of the United States, Apr. 14, (COL. STAFF-A!DE-DE-CAMP TO THE GENERAL-IN-CHIEF, JULY 25, 18(6) 1865, to MAJOR, ORDNANCE, MAR. 7, 1867. 1850.. (Born N. Y.) .... ..NICOLAS BOWEN........(Ap'd N. Y.) .. 4 Military History.-Cadet at the U. S. Military Academy from July I, 1855, to July 1, 1860, when he WflS gmdlutted and promoted in the Army to BVT. SECOND LIEUT., T op. ENGINEERS, JULY 1, 1860. Sened: as Asst, Top. Enaineer, at the Headquarters of the Department of 'I'ex>1s, ~ct, 3, 18130, to )hr.27, 1861, when he was sent as Bearer of Despatches to Washmgton, D. C. Served during the Hebellion of the Seceding States, 1861-66: in Defense of Wt1shington, D. C., Apr. 12-July 8,1861; in W estern VirgilliaCampaign, flsAsst. (SECOND LIEUT., Top. ENGINEEHS, lIUY 15, 1861) 'I'op. Engineer engaged in maldng Heconlloissances f\,nd fortifying positions, July 15, 1861, to Mar. 5, 1862; in the Virginia Peninsular Campaign, as Asst. 'I'op.Engineer (Army of the Potomac), Mar. -Aug.,1862, being engaged on Recon­ (FmsT LIEUT., Top. ENGINEERS, AUG. 6, 18(1) noissances to Bristoe and Catlett's Stations, Mar. 11-17, 1862,- Siege of York­ to\yn, Apr. 5-May 4, 186~, particir.ating in the Action of Lee's Mills, Apr, 16, 1862, and several SkirmIshes whIle reconnoitering,-Battle of Williumsbur", May 5, 1862,-Reconnoissance and Action Near New Bridge, May 24, (BVT.
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