University of Nebraska at Omaha DigitalCommons@UNO Kabul Times Digitized Newspaper Archives 6-24-1964 Kabul Times (June 24, 1964, vol. 3, no. 96) Bakhtar News Agency Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes Part of the International and Area Studies Commons Recommended Citation Bakhtar News Agency, "Kabul Times (June 24, 1964, vol. 3, no. 96)" (1964). Kabul Times. 642. https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/kabultimes/642 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Digitized Newspaper Archives at DigitalCommons@UNO. It has been accepted for inclusion in Kabul Times by an authorized administrator of DigitalCommons@UNO. For more information, please contact [email protected]. - . , •-- '-'to. r .. '. .'- -"' .... ' . : ~..- '- . .' ~. : / . " -- "'.- .' . - , .~- , . .. , ." .. '. r .' , , - '-. -- ~. I, -' .'" _.0 . ". .": - . ,I : 1 - -- .- , I -. .' .. , ~ J ~ .. ' '- PAGE I -". - .: . -: . <- "• •• , " '- ~ ~'-- • JUNE 22, 1964 .- .'. ;-.- • ~ , '. ~N.ews '. ~ 'Home , In Brief 'Negroes;. Whites. - .': >NEWS, STAi.LS '.' L "_. • Mikoyan, ·.S.ubandrio l1alk I ,PRESS. REVIEW THE WEA11;IER --" ,.- -:_, -' KabUl TImei IS avaD'Me ..at:.,, : . ',- - ,KABuL, ;June; 23."-1'he Joint­ yestenlaJ's Te"IDJIBlaUltes _.' ~ '.'lQlyber, ~t; ~r- ':, '.' .-. '.' Comm1ssio.tJ .on Finance.. Com-' Clash lit" Florida On Ma·.laYSI-a And Af·fairs ',{Contel from Paa"e 2} Max. +30"C. Minimum :+-12 C. ," ~'-,,' ". Hotel;'K&bul B~; Shat-e-.:, ~ .- meree and Law of ·:the -Afghan· :t.L I' bouring countries, specially. Iitdo- _ Sun sets today at 7·11 p.m. _' __ Naw:_ n~c Park' .~ma;. , KabUl. !\" ational &sem.bly yesterday' re­ ST. AUGUSTINE, Florida, June nesio,' regarde.d the formation'-of .Sun rises tomorrow at 4.36 a.m. -, ~te.~tionaI.AIrp;O~ 0, ;, " 23. (AP).-'Negroes alid whites the federation a threat to the se- .. , '- Sumed- 'disCussion of the "Official -. : .-. " ' ted .To Afro AsI-ans ~ ReI ~ " I ;Ezetie' and ·after :amendiIig ciasbei:l a1 a. pubfic·.. beach again' curiyt of their borders and fear- ' Tomorrow's Outlook: Clear ,_ '.:' " __ -. ... - Bill - a· - -Foreeasi by .(Ur Authority '_ . _.' .....;.._..:.-.:....-...." • - 1\' of the Bill, passed ~t..on to Monday. ,JAKUTA, June 23, (AP).- ed that colonialism would pene-- = .- .- j _ r { _ . '. Nineteen integratIOnists walked' a -=:'::::~~~~=:::::"~K:-'AB-=UL-=-,:-::WE=D:N;'E:S;-;D~A~Y;"'";JUN;;;E;;;2~4,~~1964-- ~,'·1343'.S·.~) '~'; ~ ;he Secr-etariat for submISSIon ..to, ALKS on the.Mia'a YSla'controversy and At1'0,As'Ian t·IVITles manner'trate thisandparithusof'makeAsia in morenew (SAfu\TAN . ,,:'" PRICE;~:Af."" into the sud' at the - beach and T ac lite r , , Ihe generalj s~ssion of the Assem- were 'reported to have lJighlighted Soviet DepJity Premier difficult. fQr . the peoples of this bh . ~ . were'attacked by about 20 white Anastas 1 Mikoyan's' first day of conferences at the start of his region. The Forefgn Affairs Co"mmjssion men and youths One' Negro girl ;;~;~abot Resigns; =~~ G~rt~ Griyosis 1ft;' .Ni,osio; .', ',: ~.'" . olscussed the remaining. PilIt of received a bloody nose and seve­ Indonesian visit. , Relations between Iridonesia Lodge ,'", ,'." , I he prol°col on- expanding .and' ral' other' demonstrators were Mikoyan's courtesy calls Mon- - - and Malaysia deteriorated, and ~ MiDe'~Iid ~~d':-.;,.:::Hl)ldi~Talks~With'M'a~(fri'c)s~i ~~~':: ~ .tLengtheDl~ economic and com­ struck. da:y included a'session at the, resl- Souvanna ReI·ects finally resulted in a series of arrn- General Taylor Becomes For mel"Clal .r:elaj;ions between' Afgha~ ,The wliites chase.d· .the mtegra­ dence of First Deputy Prime Mi· ed but "ifreguler border clashes KABUL~ -!~.~:24-,-HIS 'Roya~·,· -.- ._<- ,,'.~':- NICOSIA ·June;.'24; (Beuter).-:- ~ .,_.. niste.r-Foreign Mimster Subandrio. between the two sides. HIghness. Prrnce. Ahmad " Shah. " '. .' ... , '. ~ . .. h .tJi', . :1!Slan and IYugoslaVIa < ,'. tionists out of '{he sud on .to the .. IS· .. 'talks Tuesda' beach -and' were themselves chJs­ After the meeting ,Subandrio told; ·N.VietnamCharges' On .tlie basis of a mediatation 190n.· Presid~nt of tlie Afghan Red ~r~s--, nRESI{)EN~ ~!os,.was ~a~g .en: " Y:.Wl d ':, :.; _~ The Muies and' Industmes, New U.S. Envoy n a .Uie"f~er EO~ unde~~un, Communications, Public Works ,ed olit of ,the 'water by state pollce neswmen their conversation nad extended by the. special.envoy of cenr Society· received Mr. Anto- _. r::. Gener3l, George Gnv;1Sj ' . .', (AP).~· . WASHINGTON. June, 24; (Reuter).- nov, the So."iet Ambass~dpr i~ __:' leader, : who'1Wi .~turii.ed -to Cyprys .'fEO~ p~e" ~e-,crP .,__' .' .. "nd Agriculture Commission 'not­ and ·other officers. touched on Malaysia and Afro-', VIENTIANE. June 23. ,the Phjlippines .President ang the ~ENERAL rus , "a !he conlents of mtermitional Dozens -of law- officer-s ,headed Asian Affairs. He did not give Laos PremIer Souvanna Phouma government of Thailand it was Maxwell Taylor, the Nation's Military Chief, was Kabul >:esterday afternoon; . "o-vemmeJit--said.'- _' '. '. > '. ,', ,'.__- _ '. " ,·oovennon'. ~ on Tele-cotnmunica­ by a state police captain. were on any detailS on' the' talks but said saId Mcnday defence" measures agreed to call -'a summit comer­ V-~ed Tuesday as the Dew U.S. AJilb~or to South Aniba~ador Ant0J.!!>v ~rese~ted, ~ . -' '~ ..',"A government' spo.kesmm.;. WlJo: . _. ". ' rumd to maintain order:. arid two no decisions had been reached. taken by hIS government against .ence of .the three heads of state Vie=am' a move :wblch observers here see as foreshado~g to His .ROY,ill' Highness a._ cheq~ :. ," .: , . , " ,'yesterday morning, cpn1irm~Jhat _' . : IODS anirIInternation~. Postal "~x- '-state-<m;ned boats which had been SubandFio termed the ta,lks Pathet Laos aggression will' u:; Tokyo.' W&_ 60,~, Qon~~~ I~ r Dl{)):l and delivere<;l It· .to the VI .. CO erillas there for Ai: bY the '. -b' I U'" :., - -:"t' -.the 'alinost legendary general had . ~he inteDStftcation 01 the war against the e. Dg .g11 ,• Soviet Red Cross Jor ~e- s~erers_' Ka u, DIversI 'returned' to : the island.. de~~d' : Secretanat to be' r-eturned ,to, the standing 'Offshore' immediately, ploratory." He said dISCUSSIOn I ('ease when Pathet Lao and their In the start, the Conference was -y:. ~arkar r o' , ,," immediate-'co~ent, ~d . Qenc~; raced toward the. beach. President Johnson personally of the coalmme dl5";lste " '. -. but the .-:; concerned. <L- , of Afro-ASIan Affairs w,ent mto.,. Viet Minh allies end their yiola- overwhelmed With "optimism.. _s~pa~h)' ~e - .- State police' arrested about- six the· '·peoples. struggle" m such I tions ·of the Geneva accords gua- The two sides'. "Indonesia and announced that Gene.ral Taylor, Teiephone Link ;A message' ot over I E" 4,''''''b]' h .Ch-a-'I·'r'··:::" governnient_was €xpeeted to r coal.mme-~cI.dentfr~m' '11~. ~S ,.~to. KAB1JL. IT une 23."":The Indian of ·the white assailants, wrestling countries and plans for a second . ranteemg Laos neutrality. Malaysia in the begiIining :ado, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs -of the Karkar ~ide!1t Ce~al' . S.Wl ,,-~ _ ;~;'., . ',,' a statemen.t dear:up,~_.the mate ~ two of them to- the .ground and' Staff 'would replace Mr.. Henry ;W.·th Pak.·stan HiS Excellency ,.':, ,c '. ,'': , ter.".," ,_ . IImster of'jLabOur'in message Afro-Asian conference. v.anced their 'proposals to the sum. o~ Turk~y·l~as·b~en.recel~:" ~ ... handcuff¥tg several ,other:s. CabOt Loelge, who js returning Gursel For .MIrza·Bedil _..' 7' .. 1'; he Mimster. of .Mines, and In.:­ The first Afro-:-Asian conference Souvanna. In his', statement. mit meetin,g 'to 'pave the road for" "Som~ sw:rouri~ea' symp~­ The .integratioI1Ist-s . remained was 'held in Baridung in'-1955. A rejected 'charges made . by a a 'peaceful settlem~nt of "the dis-' · home to. join .the "stop Gold- ed by HIs. Majesty the Kmg..Si., , " .' .", .' .. , __ .._coniu.sion ' _. dustnes hasi'expreSsed his, .messa~e~ ve ~ -i4.~A,::· General'Grivas~s :hles O\'er the recent explOSion' on .the-'beach about 45 minutes, preparatory meeting for staging a spokesman of the North Viet- pute., '. _ _ water" drive for the RepUblican Now 1,.-· Operation- milar hit 'been sent . KABuL;:,rune :;'Bedil" retum to Cyprus'. "_ ~inging ch~ntrn& .,MItpste~ ~nonu, follo_wing~ ~ ,.: Karkar cbal mine. and ...·Then the.y second conference was held in namese Foreign Affairs Ministry Malaysia demanded that Indo­ presidential nomination. by PnmeFoz:el~. fsmatFan~lJn Chair'iS'-bE!ulg established at ,the ..seve.ral days of, con- , , .' . r ' were 'ordered by state trooper:s to jakarta last April. The question on ,June 12 that his -request for nesian guerrillas should stop their Gene.ral Taylor, regarded as the KABUL, June 24.-Direet tele- and Miimster- _College'ofLetters.. Kabul Unjver-~ flicting repbr.ts--. , " ':", __." The local ~ranches of -UNlMAC ,leave.,They 'complied. still is unresolved as to whether American reconnaIssance photo- armed operations a'long the- Mal­ one' . of the most distinguished phone collllpunication-. between Cemal ArkIn of Turkey to .or. sity.· .'', .,.'; ,'.', A Um't-ed" '!'iatiops spl:lkesman d~a ASl'CO! also expressed their . As they, left. a Danish televis­ the Soviet Union would be per- graphic flights over Pathe1 Lao aysian borders:. Indonesia did not .. soldiers in modern U.S. history, is' Kabul and Rawalpindi through Mohammad You.silI.-. the J>riine , '. __ :, --.. ". ',__ " 'said the U.N. force half informa- '. :,' '. '. .' ," inci~ent iion Cameraman Paul Hanson of nutted'fo partiCipate as a full held territory' as we.ll as the agree' on the setting up oLmore head of a new team ready to inI- the channel system via- Kandahar Minister ana Minister of .F'.l?:eIgI]. -- ProfesSOr 'Mujadidi. 'Dean of ~e tion that General'Gri~ v,oas'iJl ~'-"" .': '. __ . ',' 'sympath,y oyei ,the' 'and Copelihage,~, haw .donated Af. 7,000 an.d· Ai. was hIt 10 t.i!e face member. ::presence of American military' Uian a few. border posts to· inspect, going to Saigon at the head of a and Quetta was opened yesterday Affairs.
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