Adirondack Poetry: "Beneath every stone hides a poem" The following bibliography was developed by SLU student Holly Brown ’14 during a summer fellowship in Special Collections, Owen D. Young Library, St. Lawrence University with library staff from special collections and digital collections… In her 1958 bibliography, Dorothy Plum took a broad geographic view of what the “Adirondack” region included. Upon consideration, we have narrowed our definition somewhat. For the purposes of this bibliography an Adirondack poem is • Set within the administrative boundary of the Park known as the “Blueline” • Does not include Lake Champlain • Does not include pre-19th century poetry of the Revolutionary and French and Indian Wars No bibliography is ever really complete, and we view this one as a work-in-progress. We welcome and invite additions, corrections and suggestions from readers, poets, and would-be scholars. Words from the Woods: The Great Adirondack Young People's Poetry Contest. Lake Placid, NY: Lake Placid Institute for the Arts and Humanities, 1996; 1999; 2005; 2007. W925 pam. "The Saranac Nightingale's Song." American Sportsman.2 (1873): 49. PER SK1 .R6. "Found Dead and Alone [Obituary, James O'Kane]." Northern Journal (1858). Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. The Poems of Thomas Bailey Aldrich. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1897. Alexander, Edward P. "Allen's Bear Fight Up in Keene." Hight Spots (1939): 38. SPEC F127.A2 A219 . Allen, Alice E. "To Mount Marcy." North Country Life 1.4 (1947): 50-51. PER F116 .N93 . Allen, Herbert C. jr. "A Cloud to Share." Cloud Splitter 23.4 (1960): 5. ---. "Modern Lumbering Needs." Ad-i-ron-dac 23.55 (1959)SPEC F127.A2 A223. ---. "Scenic Wilderness Area." Ad-i-ron-dac 23.55 (1959)SPEC F127.A2 A223. Amorose, Thomas. "Autumn." Blueline 10.1-2 (1989): 52. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Anderson, Scott Edward. "Fallow Field." Blueline 16 (1995): 84. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Appleton, Thomas Gold. Faded Leaves. Boston: Printed for the author, Roberts brothers, 1872. Arabella. "Ivy Isle; Lake of Luzerne, August 9th, 1871." Paradise found., 1871. Auringer, O. C. The Book of the Hills : New Poems and Ballads. Subscription edition ed. Troy N.Y.: Henry Stowell & Son, 1896. Bacheller, Irving. "Him an' Me..." Harpers Weekly 48.2503 (1904): 18-9. PER AP2 .H32. Bachman, Charles R. Blue Mountain Lake Poems. Adirondack Mountains, NY: Trafford Publishing, 2011. Bachmann, P. H. W. "Adirondacks." Ad-i-ron-dac 13.26 (1949)SPEC F127.A2 A223. ---. "Autumn Hills." Ad-i-ron-dac 13.94 (1949)SPEC F127.A2 A223 . ---. "On Saddleback Mountain." Ad-i-ron-dac 13.61 (1949)SPEC F127.A2 A223 . Bain, Alan F. "Mr. Adirondacks." Sup News 10.1:8 (1960). Baker, June Franklin. "After Finding a Photo of Kensett's Lake George, 1858 in the Paper." Blueline 12 (1991): 77. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Barker, Edna L. "Song for the ADK." Cloud Splitter 12.3 (1949): 1. Barnes, Almont. "Adirondacks, Poem." Field and Stream 4 (1899): 288-9. Bartow, Stuart. "Crows Disturb Sleep in City." Blueline 32 (2011): 50. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. ---. "FIshing on Fourth Lake/ I Get an Idea for/ A Haiku that Fails." Blueline 32 (2011): 52. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Batt, Linda. "Legacy." Blueline 32 (2011): 71. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. ---. "North Country Spring." Blueline 21 (2000): 51. SPEC F127.A2 B58. Baxter, James Phinney, and Isaac Jogues. "A.d. 1636." Magazine of American history with notes and queries 25 (1861): 77-84. Beauchemin, Joseph. Triad of My Literary Masterpieces. Publish America Inc, 2008. Bellamy, Joe David. "The Message." Blueline 2.2 (1981): 31. Bellows, Amy. "Boreas' Whisper." Blueline 1.2 (1980): 11. Bergamini, L. J. "Summer Wedding." Blueline 4.1 (1982): 13. Berger, Maxine. "Fall Colors." Blueline 18 (1997): 63. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Betters, Francis. Something's Fishy in the Adirondacks. 1st ed. Wilmington, N.Y.: Adirondack Sports Publications, 1985. SPEC PS3552.E82S6 1985. Beurmann, Maria A. In Celebration: Adirondack Visions. Hawk Resources, 2000. ---. Follow the Mind to another Place and Time-- :Poems of the Adirondack Mountains, Poems of Awareness. Rexford, NY: Hawk Resources, 1995. Bickers, Quarrier. "Early Winter in the Adirondacks." New York Central Lines Magazine 8.10:45 (1928). Bodah, Dan. "Mount Baker." Blueline 33 (2013): 77. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Brand, Alice G. "Calendars that Cross Time and Place but Cannot Erase what is Not there." Blueline 15 (1994): 57. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Brown, Andrea Carter. "Paradox." Blueline 16 (1995): 88. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Brown, Cornelia W. "The North Country." Stoddard's Northern Monthly 1.5 (1906): 10-11. SPEC F127.A2 S777 . Brown, W. Scott. "Sebille. A Pioneer Commerical Salesman in Essex County." New York State Forestry Association 2 (1915): 46-48. Bruce, Wallace. The Hudson. New York: Bryant Union, 1894. Bruchac, Joseph. Near the Mountains. Fredonia, NY: White Pine Press, 1987. SPEC PS3552.R794 N42 1987 c.2. ---. "Writing by Moonlight." Blueline 6.1 (1984): 11. ---. "Card Players and the Stars Above Paradox Lake." Blueline 4.1 (1982): 17. ---. "Mink/pottersville, n.y." Blueline 3.1 (1981): 36. ---. "The Sidehill Winder." Blueline 2.1 (1980): 24. ---. "Camping on the Mountain Top." Blueline 1.1 (1979): 9. ---. "Steady's Hawks." Blueline 1.1 (1979): 8. Bruchac, Joseph, and Joe David Bellamy. North Country :An Anthology of Contemporary Writing from the Adirondacks and the Upper Hudson Valley. 1st ed. Greenfield Center, N.Y.: The Greenfield Review Press, 1986. Bruhns, Walter C. An Adirondack Affair. Walter C. Bruhns, 1988. Brusgul, Raymond J. "Yellowhammer." Adirondack Peeks 4.2 (1968): 19. Buck, Lynn. "Adirondack Walking Stick." Blueline 21 (2000): 126. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Bugbee, Willis N. "The Lure of the North." North Country Life 9.3:7 (1955)PER F116 .N93 . Burdick, Neal. "Waiting for a Train at the Plattsburgh Amtrack Station." Blueline 22 (2001): 114. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Bushnell, Frances Louisa, Charles Dudley Warner, and De Vinne Press. Poems. De Vinne Press, 1900. Byrne, Margaret H. "For those Who Spoof, a New Porch Roof." Ad-i-ron-dac 21.112 (1957)SPEC F127.A2 A223. ---. "Adirondack Summer Song." Ad-i-ron-dac 18.73 (1954)SPEC F127.A2 A223. ---. "Minutes of the Meeting of the Board of Governors." Ad-i-ron-dac 17.61 (1953)SPEC F127.A2 A223. Calderón, Esthela,. Coyol Quebrado. Managua, Nicaragua: 400 Elefantes, 2012. SPEC PQ7519.3 .C25 C69 2012. Cameron, Gene. "Ballad of the Ancient Packbasket." NYS Conservationist 14.2:44 (1959)PER HC107.N7 N43. Carman, Bliss. An Open Letter from Bliss Carman. Boston: Small, Maynard, 1920. Celeste, Joe. "I Hate the Adirondacks!" Blueline 34 (2013): 79. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Chalmers, Stephen. The Gilding-Star and Other Poems. Saranac Lake, NY: Saranac Lake News Print, 1916. ---. "The Adirondack Girl." Field and Stream 20.408 (1915). Chura, David. "On Schroon River at 40." Blueline 20 (1999): 101. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Church, Bud. Sightings of the Eagle and Other Adirondack Poems. 1st ed. Middletown, CT: Young's Printing, 2002. C561. Clark, Ann. "Winter Heat." Blueline 30 (2009): 55. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Clark, Arthur B. "Joe's Bear." NYS Conservationist 14.2:38 (1959)PER HC107.N7 N43. Cleary, Michael. "Glens Falls: Twenty-Five Years Later." Blueline 4.2 (1983): 29. Clements, Arthur L. "Naming Creatures." Blueline 2.2 (1981): 22-3. Cobane, Orville N. "There Ain't no Road Up Marcy." Adirondac 27.50 (1963)SPEC F127.A2 A223. Cole, Anna Matthews. "Adirondack Journey." North Country Life 12.1:21 (1958)PER F116 .N93 . Collins, Alma Twiss. Hills -- My Hills. Elizabethtown, N.Y.: Elizabethtown Print. Co, 1941. Collins, Billy. "The Lanyard." The Trouble with Poetry and Other Poems. 1st ed. New York: Random House, 2005. 45. PS3553.O47478 T76 2005 . Comninos, Susan. "Upstate, April." Blueline 15 (1994): 38. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Comwell, George. Year of the Adirondack Moon: An Adirondack Book. New York, NY: Vantage Press, 1975. Cook, Marc. Vandyke-Brown Poems. New York: Lee and Shepard Publishers, 1883. Cook, Joseph. Lake George Poems. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1903?. Cornwell, George. Adirondack Summer: Observations in Poetic and Prose Form. 1st ed. New York: Vantage Press, 1964. SPEC PS595.A2C6 1964 c.2. Corrigan, Paul. "Elegy in March." Blueline 7.2 (1986): 48-9. ---. "Into the Woods." Blueline 7.1 (1985): 17. ---. "Two in an Old Canoe for Jan." Blueline 5.2 (1984): 16. ---. "During the Fall Turnover." Blueline 4.1 (1982): 39. ---. "The Poem as a Valuable Fur Bearing Animal." Blueline 4.1 (1982): 19. ---. "Dipping Smelt." Blueline 2.2 (1981): 7. ---. "The Camp of the Cold River Hermit (at the Adirondack Museum)." Blueline 1.1 (1979): 17. Coxe, A. Cleveland. Christian Ballads, and Poems with Corr. and a Preface to the English Ed. by the Author. Oxford: J.H. Parker, 1849. Coyne-DeGhett, Stephanie. "Bear Ends Her First Solitary Summer." Blueline 34 (2013): 80. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Crammond-Wickham, Jill. "Middle March in Ticondaroga." Blueline 27 (2006): 10. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Cranston, Pamela Lee. "Coming to Treeline." Blueline 21 (2000): 173. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Cranston, Pamela. Coming to Treeline :Adirondack Poems. Oakland, Calif.: St. Huberts Press, 2005. SPEC PS3603.R386C66 2005. Crapsey, Adelaide. (1915). Crapsey, Adelaide. Verse. New York: A. A. Knopf, 1922. SPEC PS3505.R277 V4 1915 . Creamer, Edward S. Adirondack Readings. Author's ed. Buffalo N.Y.: Charles Wells Moulton, 1893. Cummings, Peter. "Evergreens." Blueline 22 (2001): 20. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . ---. "A Sacred Place." Blueline 22 (2001): 20. SPEC F127.A2 B58 . Cummings, William A. E. "Verde." Stoddard's Northern Monthly 2 (1907): 361-65. Czapla, Cathy Young. "Champlain." Blueline 7.2 (1986): 33. Daivs, Todd. "Views from Mt. Arab." Blueline 29 (2008): 87. SPEC F127 .A2 B58. Davidson, Paul, and Dale Hobson. "Five Rivers Project." Blueline 20 (1999): 15.
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