Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC February 1982 Daily Egyptian 1982 2-24-1982 The aiD ly Egyptian, February 24, 1982 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_February1982 Volume 67, Issue 105 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, February 24, 1982." (Feb 1982). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1982 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in February 1982 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Daily 'Egyptian Wednesday, February 24, 1982-Vol. 67, No. 105 Southern Illinois University Plan says city must fund.,,- social. services By Belt BaadIlJ'llllt ~..lrograms are lunded IocaI social service programs at S&aff Wrker D~70~ the federal Community the same level, it would take a More funding sources for Deve opme1tnt woulBIOCd IE.... Grant property tax levy as great as $1 program. n: tran- Del' $100 assessed valuation, but Carbondale social service sferred to the states under f'f don't ."'_L. the programs Deed to be found at President Ronald Reagan's will stand;:." that =~ the local level, city ad- New Federalism propoll8.l. costs," be said. mini&trators told the City But the city is unsure whether Stalls told the c:ouncll that the Council MOIlday. the state would issue block repoI1 was still being reviewed A fiAal draft of the Car- grant funds and is expecting m by several consultants aod bondaJe HUIDIlD Services Plan further block ~nts from the ask..."Jd for any criticism of the =::m!~ ~::= f:; ~.:- 5.~te~flYernmeota ~'dG not Human Resources Director This ..... 'presume to ten you lear the~must ~-..- what to fund," Stalls told the ~ Stalls. Tbe council put ,--!th a ederal tion which counci1. hI ~.t sa,;' that there's Off further discussion 01. the pIaa restri..~ bow much it can spend tittle monev left for the until Marcll 8, OIl social _-.idS to oaiy 10 sngrams tlist we're opera ......, The pi..m ~UJ IOciaI pereent 01 the entire grant 8ncf they're diminishing." - een'!ec ~ for the next five awarded. Last year, Car- CarbOlltiale Mayor Hans years aDci IN'ts goals for funding bondale spent approximately 25 ~ said that this year was to sustain social Pf'OIP'lUDS. pen:eut of its grant on social an lDlportant one for the future ineludiog many not nm by the services. of C8rbondale's social service city. Thus, the major lu= programs '!be figures that tile plan source 01. Carbondale'. "It will Rt the pattern It\r the includes are ''not written in service programs will be direction that the council win be stone," Carbondale City restricted as long .. Car- taking," Fischer said. "All of us Manager CarroI1 Fry aaicI.. bondale continues to rect>ive at the eouncil table are going to The social service funding CDBG money, Comm',mity be faced with a different wav of Sunspo· ,- goals "would be ideal to ~ Development Director Don life." " ., • service·· programs with,' Monty told the eouucil. 2!~tty.. :_sai~d... tbefinancialPIan. showscon- ___ ._.-. Fry said, '1!ut the resources are Fry said, "We're getting .•. a w.... IU1IU va • ....,...... Wft'e '_0.1 VI --rays &e be c.aght dariag TIlesday'. wua tust not 'there and noI:ody is mandate from them that we straints the city will re facing if _tbft .Dd J·Ctluelble DaarIet, left. ..........8ft ia pUlie relat'-s. I!kely to get all that they want. ,. can't spend it for what 'ft sai.. it wants to contirme these ... <:arri H.ll, ......en ill fu&U. retailiag .... dMip. -_ , ~. -" eI the eity'. we'd speed It heretofore" &be km!l eatdriDt their lban.., &.wyer HaL 'I1Ieir..uha will .. &Mdai1lt .................vechildandhealth; • He said that in order to k~ ~~,at same 01. ~Wedneld8y" ~ cekIer _mpen...... r---:-~--~ __ ~-~""'--""'''''''''''''''''IIIIioIlII...... -... ·""~"""'''''''''':';'''';;''IiIi;;':'.;;.c-~~~_ ..................... - .. ,.• - ' ••. 1- Couldslarti1&May 'UnderIhee, williilDiS Recycling franchise OK'd stiIl insists Ile's innocent By ~.. BoIadaraM Although only newsprint would be requii'ed to ATLANTA (AP) - Wayne B. "I'm about as guilty as 100 SiaIf Writer be separated, Waste Not will pick up aU Williams angrily turned back are," Williams told biro. "J! recyclables separated from trash. attempts by prosecutors to you're guilty, then I'm gui~ty." Montbly pickups of recyclable materials in sbake bis story Tuesday. At cne point Williams said he Carbondale could begin by May 1, after the City Hank Dews, manager of Waste Not. was the lashing out at his accusers and could have been a .. ictim Cauocil infonnaDy approved an agreement s..."'e bidder on the franchise when bids were cIecIaring: "I'm innocent, and himself in the string of slayings with its recycling francbi!Iee. opmetI Jan. rI. that's all there is to it." of 28 young Atlanta blacks that .Waste Not Paper Recycling is to beIdn m other informal action, the council agreed "Did you experience any outraged the natioo. picking up newsprint and other m:yclables to raise the rental ::-ates at the Emma C. Hayes panic at any point during the "I'm 23 years old and I eouId along city trasb-bauling routes during the first cen~ by 10 pereeat. to $4.94 per ~ toot time you were killing these have been a victim ... Anyone in w.eek 01. May, according to the .~. rented. victims?" Assistant District Atlanta eould bav'! t.een. I'm 5 perceIIt of Waste Not's incrADe from selling A plan for al1oc:ating $254,541 in Dlinois motor Attorney Jack Mallard asked not so sure it's ;)Ver y-1t," be the material will be paid to the city in return, fuel tax funds for various maintenance supplies the 23-y,-..r-old murder said. and tbf: firm w.illleave wet newsprint, wbicb is also was endorsed by the eouncil. defeadant at 0Ile point during UDr".::cyclable, with the .city'. public works The council also agreed DOt to give in-state the afternoon cross- Williams a:so said tbat departmenL' . bidders an advantage in contract proc~ examination. policemen tbrMteoed him;' that Resic!~ts wOUid be required, according to a after a legal report from ElizabetbByrnes. "Sir, I haven't killed eyewitnesses made up stories JII'OP'Jiied city "trash ordinance," to separate assistant city attorney, advocated DO change in anyone," Williams replied. and that he feared for his life newsprint from olhe!' trash and bundle iL policy. "Isn't it true you killed after being questioned last them 1" Mallard asked. spring in the series of slayings. Pleas of 'Don't close IlS dowlJ,' heard at Bowen Center hearing . By Cbristopber ltade Rep. Bruce Richmond, D-58th emploYeet. parents of ban­ S&aff WrUer District, state Sen. Gene Johns. dicapPed ehildreo and many D-59th District; Marsha Ed- others '"iho claim it would do Ii. an emotion-packed evening wards, representing state immeasurable harm to the of testimory before a legislative Senate President Philip Rock's ehildren and young adults who committee, the overwhelming office; and Kurt DeWeese, live at Bowen. message delivered by a score of I'~presenting Madigan's See BOWEN, Page .1 people connected with the A.L. Detnocratie leadership staff. BoWen Developmental Ce!tter Gov. James Tbompsoo an­ was: For the sake of our DOUllCed last Friday be hopes to (jus ehildreo, don't close us down. shut dmm the center by July 1 • More than 450per!OIl!Ipacked' and move the patients to Anna 'Bode the auditorium of Malan Junior Mental Health and, Dev~ High in Harrisburg Tuefday to mental Center. Ki! said his plead for the center's survival decision was "a hard choice" before a task force committee but that the state mental bealth convened by House Majority system must be CODSOlidated Staff Plloto ., CbrIstopiaer Kade Leader Michael Madigan. "because we have only so much The committee was chaired money to spend." by state Rep. James Rea, D- Nevertheless, the proposed SIIar.a Boyd (at ,edhlla>, aapertDtea.at ., the SdIoaI ,... tile 59th pistrict, and also iDcluded 'dosure bas greatly upset HeariDglmpaired Ia Marioa. ."...,. tile ..... c.&w's clcmDg. Wews GR.oundup,-- Commodities fraud said Cellhouse on deadlock at Pontiac PONTIAC, m. (AP) - A confrontation involving 90 to 100 prisoners prompted officials to place the south cellhouse at the Pontiac Correctional Center on deadlock TuesdaY. Depart· to top $200 million ment of Corrections spokesman Nic Howell said. An inmate was stabbed during the fighting, which broke out between two groups of pt"soners, and was reported in good WASHINGTON (AP) - Del., the subcommitter extended beyond this year when condition Tuesday afternoon at the prison hospital, Howell Congressional investigators chairman, said thousands of its current term expires. said. said Tuesday that commodities Americans bave been vic­ Johnson, Roth and other The fighting started at about 9:40 a.m. during a rec~tional fraud has grown into a $200 timized _ "by con artists critics of the CFTC want period in the south yard and authorities are uncertalD what million-a-year ''floating crap operating under the ~se of Congress to repeal a 1978 law sparked the incident, HoweD said. game" that easily eludes the legitimate commodity in­ that pre-empted state federal agency responsible for vestment fmns." authorities from policing r.astro supports Jlex;can peace plan policing the industry. Roth, opening three days of commodity fraud, giving the The Senate Permanent hearings, said the CFTC. which CFTC exclusive authority. MEXICO CITY (AP) - Fic'.el Castro has endorsed .:: Subcommittee on In­ was created in 1975, "has t-.m Mexican peace plan for Central America that calls for talks vestigations heard testimony S~iou5'yl)utgunned by its Under the proposals, the between Cuba and the United Stlltes.
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