W.I.S.E. Newsletter Volume I Issue 5 SepOct 1999 Programs all day workshop on preparing for the W.I.S.E. research trip to Salt Lake City in by James K Jeffrey, programs chair January of 2000. Presentations will focus on Library Orientation, International Genealogi- Scottish and English Census cal Index, Understanding the Family History Research, featuring Ann Lisa Pearson. Library Catalog, and Major British Resources Saturday, 25 September 1999, 1:30 to 4 PM. and Indexes at the Library. $5.00 materials fee. It is imperative that you prepare before going Ann Lisa Pearson is a triple crown gal. She is to The Library in Salt Lake City. This is our president of W.I.S.E., Columbine Historical second orientation workshop. This is your and Genealogical Society and ISBGFH, the opportunity to get ready to go! International Society for British Genealogy and Family History. A frequent lecturer and Both events above are open to the public, instructor, Pearson attended the Institute for reservations are not required. Both will be Genealogy and Historical Research at Sam- held in the Lower Level Conference Center of ford University in Birmingham, Alabama this the Central Denver Public Library, 10 West summer to hone her skills in advanced re- Fourteenth Avenue Parkway. search methOdologies. She was program chair for the NGS Conference in the States "Rocky For additional information, please leave a Mountain Rendezvous" in 1998. She present- message at 303-640-6325. ed two lectures at the Federation of Genealog- ical Societies national conference in St. Louis in August. She will introduce us to nineteenth This issue includes: century Scottish and English Census records with tips on how to access, use and interpret Program: Scottish and English Census them. Research 1 Program: Salt Lake City Here We Come . 1 Salt Lake City Here We Come, From the president 2 featuring John Mears and others. Saturday, The BIG register 2 23 October 1999, 10:30 AM to 4:30 pm. Center for British Studies, UCBoulder . 3 No materials fee New books at the Denver Public Library . 3 Irish Vital Records at Ancestry 4 John Mears is the Director of the Denver LDS Classes begin in September 4 Temple Data Entry Program. A frequent guest GENUKI receives praise 4 lecturer at W.I.S.E., Mears will lead off this BIG register form 5 2 WIS.E. Newsletter Vol I No 5 SepOct 1999 From the President: to attendees. The vendors are always eager for you to view what they have to offer, and we will tell you about the one who specializes in British The summer is almost over and I hope that you publications. have had a very rewarding time doing research on your families. This has been a very warm summer, In the coming months we will be soliciting ideas but that doesn't keep genealogists at home. We for future programs, so please let us know what is find many places to do our research; some being of interest to you. Perhaps more general subjects in air-conditioned facilities. are needed to help more people. New committees are being formed and you can help, too. New serv- As I write this, Donna Porter and I are preparing ices will be offered only if people volunteer to to leave for St. Louis, Missouri for the Federation help. Your ideas are always welcome. of Genealogical Society's annual Conference. We will be sharing some of our experiences at the Mark your calendar: 1 April 2000, which is a conference with you in the coming months. If you Saturday, will be a special all-day program pre- have never attended a national conference, you sented by the New England Historic Genealogical will get a glimpse of the many offerings available Society of Boston. Staff lecturers will come to do the program and the subjects will be announced in W.I.S.E. Wales, Ireland, Scotland and England the near future. This is great as NEHGS has not Family History Society. Dedicated to research in been in Denver for over five years. Wales, Ireland, Scotland, England, Cornwall, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man. Attention September is Back to School time for us, also. We also directed to the emigration and immigration are offering sessions for beginning researchers on of these peoples as well as heraldry and one September 8 and 15 and beginning British re- name studies. search with the first lecture at our regular meeting, September 25, on Census Research. Don't miss Steering Committee them! For more information see page 4. President Anna Lisa Pearson See you on September 25! Vice president/Programs chair . James Jeffrey Recording secretary Paul Kilburn Ann Lisa Pearson Corresponding secretary . Sharon Boatwright Treasurer Donna J. Porter The BIG register Member Elizabeth Brown by Terence T Quirke, Jr., Ph.D., C.G. Member Terrence Quirke, Ph.D., C.G. Member George Forby The BIG (British Isles Genealogical) Register is published as a series of microfiche which list the Newsletter Staff surname interests of people throughout the English-speaking world. The Denver Public Li- Editor Jane Ohl brary (DPL) holds the previous edition (1994). As Wales editor Elizabeth Brown the title implies, the areas of interest covered are Ireland editor . Terrence Quirke, Ph.D., C.G. the British Isles—similar to the areas of interest of Scotland editor Paul Kilburn the W.I.S.E Society. England editor George Forby continued on page 4 Composer John Chandler Clement SepOct 1999 W.I.S.E. Newsletter Vol I No 5 3 Center for British Studies, The Center welcomes outside users of the research materials for either brief periods or summer and University of Colorado at sabbatical stays and are happy to help find hous- Boulder ing in Boulder. The British Studies Room at Norlin Library contains microfilm readers/printers by James K. Jeffrey and a computer for use by people working with the collections. The Center for British Studies at the UCBoulder promotes research and teaching in all aspects of For further information about the Center and the British life, culture, and history. The Center, the British Studies collections at the University of only one of its kind in the country, advocates an Colorado, contact: Center for British Studies, interdisciplinary approach to British Studies, C.B. 184, University of Colorado, Boulder, CO joining the humanities and performing arts, the 80309-0184 or phone 303-492-2723. social sciences, and the professional fields. Additional information will be found at: http://www.colorado.edu/libraries Within the University, the Center provides an /govpubs/british/ intellectual focus for faculty members and students at all levels. It plays a vital role within its geographical region, serving people at colleges New books at the Denver and universities throughout the Rocky Public Library Mountain/High Plains area. by James K Jeffrey The Center also brings members of the academic Dobson, David. Jacobites of Angus, 1689-1746. world into contact with individuals and Part One and Part Two. Baltimore, Maryland: organizations in the community who are interested Genealogical Publishing Company, 1997 in contemporary Britain or its heritage. G929.34126 D656jac The research activities of the Center are based Dobson, David. Scottish Quakers and Early upon the exceptional collections of British Studies America: 1650-1700. Baltimore, Maryland: materials held by the University of Colorado at Genealogical Publishing Company, 1998 Boulder Libraries. In addition to standard primary G289.6 D656sc and secondary works, journals, and British gov- acquired over the past cen- ernment documents, Gibson, Jeremy Sumner Wycherley. Probate purchasing tury, the libraries recently have been Jurisdictions: Where to Look for Wills. sets of original manu- microfilmed/microfiched Baltimore, Maryland: Genealogical Publishing personal scripts, early books and newspapers, and Company, 1998 papers from British archives. G929.1072041 G358pr 1998 Some of these materials are available nowhere Lewis, Marilyn. Ancestry of Elizabeth of York: else in North America. The holdings constitute the Wife of Henry Tudor and the Last Plantagenet finest research collection in British Studies within Queen of England: Through Twenty Genera- this region, and one of the finest in the country. tions. Arvada, Colorado: HT Communications. They are open to use by students and faculty 1999 G942.051 E43zLew 3 vols members at the University of Colorado, by visit- , ing academics, and by members of the commun- continued on next page ity. 4 W.I.S.E. Newsletter Vol I No 5 SepOct 1999 Irish vital records British Isles. GENUKI may be accessed at http://www.genuki.org.uk/ by James K Jeffrey Ancestry has announced the acquisition of Irish Vital BIG Register Records Database created by Dr. Lyman Platt. This continuedfrom page 2 data file currently contains 100,000 names from birth, This publication has a world-wide distribution and is of marriage death and burial records. the same ilk as the Genealogical Research Directory (GRD) except that one does not have to order all the It is the first major international data file for Ancestry. microfiche or a large book as for the GRD. In fact, the Platt announced that between 1851 and 1901, over fiche will be published county by county and/or three million people emigrated from Ireland with the country by country. This means that one does not have majority of them settling in the United States. to buy the whole set if one's interests pertain to just a small area. Ancestry may be accessed at http://www.ancestry.com Included in this newsletter is the registration form which may be photocopied. The initial fee from the Classes begin in September U.S. required for entering fifteen surnames is only from Ann Lisa Pearson, president US$2.00 (in dollar bills).
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